The Edge of it All

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The Edge of it All Page 31

by Jessica Grayson

  Al'aneo claps Rowan on the shoulder. "I have already arranged for the High Clans to meet with us as soon as we land. I'm certain you will represent your people well. Hopefully it will not take long to reach a formal agreement between our two races. Especially now with the threat of war from the First Prime of A'kaina in response to his brother's death."

  Soran looks to Al'aneo. "The sooner, the better. Together, we can search for the missing Terrans and for their home world. Their people must be warned about the dangers that they face."

  I shake my head. "I suppose it's a mixed blessing of sorts that we do not know where Terra is. When the A'kai searched Gwen and Aria's minds, they found out the name of our planet, but not its location because we don't even know it ourselves."

  Tr'lani nods. "At least with Talel's death, perhaps it will take the A'kai longer to make the connection that his beloved knew of your world."

  I swallow against the knot of worry in the pit of my stomach. I hope she is right.

  Soran and Caryn embrace Rowan warmly, and I do the same. Before he pulls away, I whisper in his ear. "Promise me you will tell Tr'lani how you feel about her before you return to Mosaura."

  Despite his usual carefree demeanor, his uncertainty shows in his eyes. "You are certain it is something she would wish to hear?"

  I give him a warm smile. "Yes, I believe so."

  He nods and I notice her eyes follow him as he goes to speak with her brother.

  Turning, I find Abby and Grex standing off to the side.

  I give Abby a warm hug. "Are you sure I can't talk you into staying here?"

  She gives me a hesitant look as she places her hand over her belly. "I'm sorry, Liana. I wish we could, but Grex and I want to raise our baby somewhere that she won't be judged so harshly for being different." Her eyes drift to Soran and his mother. "I know not all Mosaurans are speciest, but so many of them still are."

  Although I wish I could convince her otherwise, I know she is right. "We'll try to visit as soon as we can. I'll miss you, Abby."

  "I'll miss you too." Tears fill her eyes as she looks between Soran and me. "I'll never be able to repay you for saving us." Grex wraps a protective arm around her waist. Her hand settles over her pregnant belly, and his tail curls around it as if cradling their unborn daughter. "All of us."

  With a final embrace, she and Grex step onto the transport with Al'aneo, Tr'lani, and Rowan. With a heavy heart, we watch them leave.

  Chapter 44


  For the past three weeks, Gwen, Aria, and I have taken turns searching the archived star charts for our system. They usually stay up late, studying the ancient maps because they still have nightmares. We all do. But the difference between them and me is that I have Soran.

  He whispers soothing words of comfort into my ear as he wraps his solid arms around me, always reminding me of where I am and that I'm safe when I wake from a bad dream.

  So, when I wake up this morning with his arms wrapped tightly around me as he stares at me with a worried look on his face, I reach across to gently run my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. "What's wrong?" I whisper.

  His eyes search mine. "Are you well?"

  "I feel all right. Why?"

  He shakes his head softly before gently pressing his forehead to mine. "I have a strange impulse to shift into draken form, as if I need to protect you from something, but I...I do not know what." He runs his hand roughly through his hair as he huffs out a frustrated breath. "I don't understand why I feel this way. I always experience this urge when you wake from a nightmare. It's instinctual. But this...this is different. It's stronger somehow."

  I snuggle into his chest. "Well, I feel fine, Soran. You don't have to worry about me."

  He doesn't answer. Instead, he skims the tip of his nose from my temple and down my cheek before nuzzling my neck. Pressing a line of tender kisses down my body, I moan lightly as his strong hands gently caress my skin. Placing his hand on my inner thigh, he gently parts my legs and moves his delicious ridged tongue between my folds. "Your scent...your taste," he whispers between strokes of his tongue. "It's intoxicating. So much stronger than it normally is.”

  He goes still.

  Confused, I look down as he brings his face up even with my lower abdomen. His nostrils flare as he scents me, and I laugh softly as a short puff of air tickles my sensitive skin.

  Sitting up on my elbows, I smile and stare down at him. "What are you doing?"

  His brows crease into a deep frown as he presses the side of his face against my stomach. I wriggle just enough to get his attention. "Soran?"

  When he lifts his gaze to mine, his eyes are bright with tears. "You are with child," he whispers in amazement.

  Shocked, I stare at him in disbelief. "Are you sure?"

  He nods and quickly moves up my body. Pressing his lips to mine, he wraps one arm tightly around me, placing his other palm over my lower abdomen. "We are going to have a fledgling. That's why I feel so protective of you. Usually, this instinct is strong when we are nesting—guarding our egg. But you are Terran, and our child grows inside you."

  His expression changes as he gives me a solemn vow. "I will not leave your side for even a moment while you are gravid."

  My head jerks back in surprise. "What? Why?"

  "In my species, the males are the ones that guard the eggs."

  "But..." I give him an incredulous look, motioning to the area around us. "We don't have an egg."

  "Exactly," he grins. “Our child grows inside you. So, you”—he possessively pulls me closer against him—“will not leave my sight while you carry our fledgling."

  My mouth drops at his statement. If I really am pregnant. It could be months before our baby is born. He can't be serious about me not leaving his sight. Can he? Drawing in a deep breath, I can almost hear my father's voice in my mind. "One step at a time, Liana."

  I press a quick kiss to Soran's lips. "Let's go see the Healer so we can be sure we're actually pregnant, all right?"

  He nods. "All right. We need them to check that the child is healthy."

  I open my mouth to argue that we're not completely sure that there even is a baby, but he seems so certain of himself that I'll just wait until we speak to the Healer.

  As the Healer runs the scanner over my abdomen, tears fill my eyes when I see the baby's tiny little wings. I place my hand over my mouth, attempting to hold back the sob rising in my throat. "She's going to look just like her father." My voice quavers as I pull Soran to me, hugging him tightly.

  The Healer gasps, and my heart stops.

  "What's wrong?" Soran’s face is full of panic.

  Healer Krinan cocks his head slightly to the side in a questioning look. "Do Terrans possess the gift of foresight?" His piercing gaze meets mine. "How did you know your child was a female?"

  Now, the tears are freely flowing down my cheeks. Emotions lodge in my throat, and I'm unable to even answer him. My mother was the one with the gift, and she always told me I'd have a little girl first. As I picture her face, my heart breaks at the thought that she may never see her grandchild.

  The look of pure joy on Soran's face quickly chases away my sadness. He presses his mouth to mine, and I smile against his lips. "We're going to have a daughter," I whisper as he places his hand over mine, low on my abdomen.

  Healer Krinan clears his throat. "The scanner estimates that gestation will be eleven months."

  My head jerks up, and I blink several times in shock. "Eleven months?"

  His brow furrows. "How long is normal gestation for a Terran?"

  "Nine months."

  "Ah, I see," he says before turning his full attention to Soran with an intense look on his face. "Because there will be no egg, you must remain by your mate's side at all times, just as you would if you were guarding your nest."

  My mouth drifts open. "Wait, I don't think he needs to do that.”

  Ignoring me, he places a firm hand on Soran's shoulder and l
ooks him straight in the eye. "Your task will be difficult because you must guard not just an egg, but your mate as well because in your case...they are one and the same."

  As he listens closely to what the Healer is saying about not letting me out of his sight, Soran’s face is a mask of fierce determination. These people are insane. I'll go crazy if Soran is constantly hovering over me for the next eleven months.

  We're supposed to go to Aerilon soon. I'm looking forward to spending time with Tr'lani. Alone. If Soran keeps listening to what this Healer is telling him, that's definitely not going to happen.

  "Excuse me." I look to the Healer. "I'd like to speak with my mate alone for a moment."

  He bows his head. "Of course, Princess."

  Soran gives me a worried look. "What's wrong?"

  I take both of Soran’s hands in mine and meet his eyes evenly. "Okay, look. We're going to have to talk about this 'me not leaving your sight' situation."

  His expression turns serious. "Do not worry, my Ashaya, I will remain at your side at all times. I will be an ever-constant shadow hovering over you and attending to your every need; I will not fail you."

  His vow melts my heart. With a heavy sigh, I decide I'll let him hover for today since it means so much to him. We'll talk about it tomorrow.

  Chapter 45


  We leave tomorrow for Aerilon, and we'll be gone for two weeks. As I enter the archives, I find Gwen studying the star charts. "Are you sure you two don't want to come to Aerilon?" I ask.

  She gives me a pained smile. "'s safe here. After everything we went through, I'm not ready to go back out there.” Her voice grows thick with emotion "The Mosaurans have been so good to us. I'm...I'm just afraid to leave. The A'kai are still out there.”

  A broken sob escapes her throat, and I rush forward to embrace her as she breaks down in my arms. I know what she's afraid of, and I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I was afraid too. But I realize that I can't live in fear for the rest of my life. I know that Gwen and Aria know this as well, but they're not ready, and I can't push them.

  Their traumatic experiences are still very fresh in their minds. They haven't been free as long as I have. They were held by the A'kai much longer than I was, and I can only imagine how awful it must have been.

  They haven't told me everything yet about what they went through, and I understand, from experience, that it will take time before they are able to. The only other member of our crew that I know for certain is safe is Amanda. She is still on Garkolna.

  I sent word to her and heard back that she is well. But she is like Gwen and Aria. Afraid to leave the safety that she's found. Soran has promised we will travel there soon, but we have to get permission from the Garkol Council. They have a deep mistrust of the Mosaurans, and it may be a while before they allow us to visit their planet.

  Tharin, one of Soran's guards, walks in. He bows low as he greets me before turning to Gwen. "It has been several hours since you had anything to eat," he tells her softly. "I have prepared a meal for you. We can eat in your favorite part of the garden."

  She gives him a warm smile. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Tharin."

  I've noticed he's very protective of her. Ever since the day he escorted her and Aria from the A'kai, he's been an almost constant presence at her side. He looks at her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. I recognize that look because that's how Soran looks at me. But I wonder if Gwen realizes this.

  She turns to me. "I'll see you before you go?"

  "Yes. I'll be sure to come say goodbye."

  After she leaves with Tharin, I turn my attention to the star charts. Scrolling through them, I focus closely on the ancient V'loryn Empire. Vast and encompassing many systems and planets, it's proving exhausting trying to wade through it all. But, like Soran believes, I don't think it's just coincidence that my people look so similar to them, nor that their elf-like appearance is so heavily embedded in our ancient Terran mythology. Even their language is remarkably similar to the one spoken by the Ancient Celtic people. Surely, their race interacted with mine over many years for them to have heavily contaminated our culture to such a degree.

  Warm hands come to rest on my shoulders, and I instantly recognize them as Soran's. Leaning back against his chest, I practically melt in his arms as he begins to knead the muscles in my neck and shoulders. "I have something I must tell you."

  The tone of his voice gives me pause, and I tense as I turn to face him. "What is it?"

  "There are rumors of Terrans being held on one of the stations in the neutral zone between here and Aerilon. Al'aneo has offered to send two cruisers to meet us there."

  I shudder inwardly at the thought of my crewmates as slaves. As if sensing my distress Soran wraps his wings tightly around me in a comforting embrace. "We have to go, my love. If there's a chance my people are there, we have to find them."

  "We will." He turns me to face him and stares deep into my eyes. "But you must agree to stay on the ship while we take care of the slavers."

  By "take care," he means "execute." It's a death sentence to traffic slaves according to the laws of the Mosauran, Aerilon, and V'loryn Empires. After what I saw and everything I went through during my time as a slave, I'm not going to disagree with how they handle things.

  "But tonight, you must rest. We leave early in the morning for Aerilon."

  Chapter 46


  As we stare out the transport viewscreen to Mosaura, the curve of the planet glows brightly as we ascend from the surface. Soran slips his arms around me, and I lean back against his solid chest. A wistful smile curves my lips as my thoughts turn to my father, imagining what he would think if he were here with me now.

  I don't know what the future holds or if I'll ever see my family again. Zuran told me I would find them, and I choose to hold on to that hope.


  After three long days traveling at full speed in the Mosauran cruiser, we've finally arrived. Liana is hopeful we will find some of her crewmates here, and I wish the same. I can only imagine the fear of the people manning the bridge of this wretched station as they see two Aerilon and Mosauran cruisers approach.

  Sweeping my gaze over her form, I double-check that her blaster is firmly attached to her hip. Although she will not step foot on the station until we've taken care of the slavers, I want to make sure my mate is well prepared.

  Warriors line up in formation, battle-ready and eager to enforce the anti-slavery laws once we disembark.

  As Liana docks our lead Mosauran ship, a Zovian face appears in the viewscreen.

  With a harsh and frantic clicking of his mandibles, he demands she explain why we're here.

  She turns to the captain. "Broadcast on all feeds so the entire station can hear us."

  He dips his chin in a subtle nod as his hands fly across the control panel. After a moment, he turns back to her with a hint of a smile on his otherwise stoic face. We have to keep up appearances after all. Mosaurans are one of the most feared races in the quadrant, and it works in our favor if we encourage this belief.

  Dressed from head to toe in Mosauran battle armor, she looks every bit the warrior that she is as she stares into the viewscreen. My chest fills with pride. She will be an excellent mother to our fledgling.

  "I am Liana Garza of Terra and the Aerilon Clan Al'ani, Princess and Bondmate of Soran of House Mosaura. To the slaves that are held on this station, locked away in cages and kept in dark cargo bays...I was once as you are now. I survived because my will is stronger than the ones that tried to break me. A single light can defy the darkness of despair. This message is for you. There is hope in the darkness. Hold fast to the light. We are coming to free you."

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you loved this story as much as I loved writing it. If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review on Amazon (Please Click Here) and/or Goodreads. I would really appreciate i
t. Reviews are so very important. They are the lifeblood of Indie Authors. I cannot stress enough how important reviews are.

  I have great news! I have written Tr’lani and Rowan’s story and it is already available for pre-order. :-) (Click Here for Shape of the Wind). In their story, we’ll explore how Tr’lani was captured and what happened to her and Rowan when they crash landed after the glider blew up. We’ll get to go to Aerilon and explore that world and culture in a lot more detail. I think you’ll love it.

  If this is the first book by me that you’ve read, I have another series in the same shared universe. The V’loryn Series. It’s a Vampire Alien Romance series. It centers on Liana’s niece Elizabeth, who is now all grown up of course, and her V’loryn mate. The link to the first book is below if you’d like to check it out. (Click here to check out Lost in the Deep End).

  If you’ve already read that series, I have good news. The next V’loryn book is coming out in June and here is the preorder link. (Click Here to preorder Beneath a Different Sky)

  Want More?

  Links to all books and Preorders are listed below.

  V’loryn Series (Vampire Alien Romance)

  Lost in the Deep End

  The Thing We Choose

  Beneath a Different Sky

  Mosauran Series (Dragon Shifter Alien Romance)

  The Edge of it All

  Shape of the Wind

  For information about upcoming releases Like me on Facebook at Jessica Grayson or sign up for upcoming release alerts at my website:


  To my parents and my sister: Love never dies. I carry your love and your memory with me always.


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