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VAMPIRE ROMANCE: A Witchy Girl (A Vampire In Disguise Book 2, Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Fantasy Dark Demon Romance)

Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  “No-one familiar. Let’s go,” he said to Yarra, as they crossed the street.

  The hub was packed today with people, some holding their luggage. The bus depot offered a discounted service straight to an airport twenty miles away, which suited the couple just fine.

  “Wait, let’s go into the store,” Avice suggested, while they waited for the bus.

  Yarra followed him in. There was a different cashier in from last night, but just like the other, she was hooked on to the show on her four-inch portable television.

  “What happened there?” Avice asked innocently as he placed his soda on the counter and surveyed the damage

  The cashier barely looked up from the screen and answered nonchalantly. “Oh, some asshole tried to rob this place last night. Fired a shot through the glass.”

  “Was he caught?” Yarra asked, mocking fear.

  “Nawww, he was pinned underneath the bookrack,” she pointed at the now upturned rack Avice had pushed on their attacker. “But he came to at some point and escaped before the cops got here.”

  Avice nodded and paid for the drink. So their attacker had managed to flee the scene. He was not surprised. The man was a vampire, and could have easily killed the cops if he wanted to, but that went against the code of the Keepers of the Blades. His lips were curled slightly in deep thought, and he held Yarra’s hands as they walked out of the store.

  “He might still be somewhere around here,” Yarra said, through the corner of her lips quietly.

  The bus depot was packed, and the denseness of its people contributed to quite the hullaballoo. Clinging to a different backpack that Nainoru had given them, Avice still kept looking around despite no familiar scent reaching him. No harm in being wary. His hand gave Yarra’s a small, comforting squeeze.

  “Any visions?”

  Yarra nodded and leant against him for support. Taking a deep breath like she always did, she closed her eyes. Her mind was clear today, effaced by all the fatigue from the harrowing experiences of last night and the rest that had followed.

  The images came flooding into her mind as they often did. Multiple images of multiple situations coursing through her mind like photographs flitting around a sealed but windy room. Yarra struggled to pinpoint her vision to something more recent. Some were of her walking by the coastal area, others were of her talking to people that she did not know. There was even a vision of her, much older than she currently was, making love to a man who wasn’t Avice. She had learned that there were many possibilities, and these images did not necessarily mandate her future. And so she forced that one in particular out of her mind.

  After searching for what seemed like minutes, she found a vision of the two of them taking a bus ride to the airport. As an observer, she saw it from a third point of view, standing in the bus’s aisle. She saw her future self and Avice seated at the rear of the bus, cuddling with each other and looking as relaxed as it was possible for them to be in their current situation. Looking around, none of the other passengers seemed to rouse her suspicion.

  She was about to exit the vision when the bus stopped in a terrible lurch. Seeing that she was merely standing out of space-time of this event, Yarra was unaffected by the bus’s sudden inertia. The Yarra and Avice in the vision however, were thrown forward slightly. Some even groaned in pain, having hit their forehead on the leather seats in front of them.

  All of the passengers on the bus muttered in annoyance, while some tried to peer out of the window.

  Yarra walked to the front of the bus. Seeing as how she was unaffected by the tangible things in the vision as always, she walked right through the windscreen and landed softly on the floor. She was not surprised to see the reason for their sudden stop. Three people stood in front of the bus. One of them was the pony-tailed guy who had attacked them. The other two were members of the Keepers of the Blade who had once been appointed to ensure her security during their war with the Bloodlust vampires.

  The pony-tailed man had a large sword in his hand. His other two companions, both men in their early forties and physically fit, each carrying a large flail.

  “We know you are in there!” The pony-tailed man shouted at the bus. Of course, they could not see Yarra who was there discerning the future.

  Deciding that she had seen enough, Yarra exited the vision.

  When she was back in the bus depot, Avice held on to her body, just in case she flinched and fell from the fleeting disorientation of viewing a vision then going back to reality.

  “Well?” he asked.

  Yarra massaged her temples. “If we take this bus…,” she pointed to the one now coming into the depot, “…we will be ambushed by three vampires. One of them is the guy from last night. The two others were part of my security team back at university.”

  Avice scratched his chin, a habit he often had when he considering a situation. “Mark and Domlen. Those two meatheads are probably in the area too.”

  “You aren’t considering actually going on the bus, are you?” Yarra asked in surprise. “They might have others nearby.”

  “It is a risk we are going to have to take, baby,” he said.

  Hearing the word ‘baby’ made her start. She had not thought about their love-making session last night, until now. Instinctively, her hand went to her belly, touching it, trying to feel any signs of the life forming within her fecund body. She had not told Avice about her vision, not that detail of it. Now was probably not a good time. They had a mission to do first, to get to the airport.

  She knew that Avice was confident about tackling the three men by himself. She had seen him ward off the Bloodlust vampires during their war, and he had proven himself time and time again to be more than just an able fighter. There were rumors prior to their escape that Alicia Selleck was going to choose him to be her successor.

  “I need to tell my mother that although we are running, we aren’t afraid.” Avice admitted. “But I can’t do it without you.”

  Yarra nodded weakly. She had no choice then, but to acquiesce. The bus made its way to the waiting area, where people pushed one another to get in, to try and pick the ‘best’ seats. True to her prediction, when Avice and she got on, there were two empty seats at the end of the bus. Gulping, she knew then that what she had seen in her head would come true. Avice hoisted his backpack up into the overhead compartment. Sitting at the back at least gave them an advantage of doing things that the others in the front couldn’t see.

  He took the time and opportunity to remove two small blades from the side pockets of his bag, which he deftly inserted into the inner folds of his jacket.

  “If your prediction does come true…,” he began.

  “Not ‘if’ Avice.” Yarra corrected him. “When it comes true…”

  “Right. When it comes true, I want you to stay in the bus. Don’t risk coming out. They might try to take you hostage.”

  She nodded and leant against his shoulder once he had sat down properly. How many more battles would they have to go through before it was finally over? Subconsciously, her hand ran to her flat stomach once more, and gave it a slight squeeze. Though she could not feel it yet, she knew that a small life, the product of the love between her and Avice, was slowly but surely forming within her.

  The bus made its way out of the depot and an announcement came that they would be reaching within half an hour or so. As the bus progressed, Yarra’s apprehension grew. She stole a glance to Avice, who seemed to have his gaze fixated outside the bus. Occasionally, his skin would turn the palest of whites, and he would sniff at the air, reverting back to his usual human form when he did not want to risk any passengers screaming in fright at his pallor.

  Just when Yarra thought that perhaps she had been wrong, the bus suddenly made a sharp lurch forward, the brakes squelching horribly and the screeching mechanical sound cutting through the air. It came to a thunderous stop as some of the passengers screamed in fright.

  “What’s the big idea!?” a passenger shouted
at the bus driver.

  Yarra and Avice knew.

  “Stay in here,” Avice said, standing up.

  Yarra nodded as she watched him make his way towards the front of the bus. Another battle was about to begin…



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  Amelia Wilson




  Chapter-1 Michael

  Chapter-2 Michael

  Chapter-3 Sharon

  Chapter-4 Sharon

  Chapter-5 Michael

  Chapter-6 Sharon

  Chapter-7 Sharon

  Chapter-8 Michael

  Chapter-9 Sharon

  Chapter-10 Sharon

  Chapter-11 Sharon

  Chapter-12 Michael

  Chapter-13 Sharon

  Chapter-14 Sharon

  Chapter-15 Michael

  Chapter-16 Sharon

  Chapter-17 Michael

  Copyright  2016 by Amelia Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. The recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.


  Hi. I am Sharon Esther, and my new life starts in this new town. Damster High, my new university, is the dream of every studious person. I have heard about this college so much, but the hell did I know, I would have to endure being with this… person, Michael Starton. He’s a douchebag;an utter stuck up senior but I couldn’t help myself being attracted to him. But,I have a boyfriend now. I don’t know what his intentions are, but I feel so connected to him, like this is what is destined to be. How will I survive this, when he might just want to get in my pants?

  Chapter-1 Michael

  “No, I have not done anything to regret, My Lord. She was just a toddler! How can I be so merciless?” The angel asked in a calm voice.

  “Methius, your duty was to bring her soul to heaven, toddler or not. You are not a baby who we have to teach the karma of the soul, which decides how long the man will be staying on earth. That is not within your rank to make such a judgement.” The Lord answered in an authoritative tone.

  “I do not want to be in such a cruel duty as in your Lord’s! There are many souls upon earth whose bodies are old and sickly, and in pain. The Great Lord ignores them. They are praying for us to release them from the pain, yet we are taking away the souls of those whose bodies are young and have not yet seen anything of life. I refuse to serve you.” The angel shouted rebelliously.

  Methius could not contain his anger. That day, he’d had to bring the soul from a child’s body. The girl had been so small, walking with her mother on the graveled path, smiling beautifully. He always hated the duty of bringing souls to heaven, when it was those whose bodies were young. He knew the consequences of refusing to abide by the Great Lord’s guidelines but now, he couldn’t care less.

  “Very well then, Methius! I banish you to the land of the humans. You will have to serve four labors—“

  The sounds of the chirping of the birds came into my ear, and I awoke from my dream into the bright sunlight. I never understood why I had the same dream which abruptly cut off just in that particular scene, and I was also confused about the fact that that angel resembled me in too many ways to be a hallucination – every single time. I slowly sat up and chuckled to myself. Thinking about me, THE Michael Starton to be an angel and you will no doubt laugh too. I am the worst person alive in my college (probably); I use offensive language, I don’t remember how many girls cried because of me, I do drugs and pick up fights. There’s no way I can be an angel, and yet God – if he even exists - makes me see this same dream over and over and over again.

  Even if by chance I end up in heaven, the people there will throw me back into the hell’s fire the second they take a closer look at what I’ve done.

  I stretched and let it go since I had to get ready for college. The fuckers wouldn’t spare me if I am late on the first day of my second semester. I took a quick bath and some basic breakfast of a banana and a packet of milk. I dressed myself up in my favorite jeans and a black t-shirt. What? Guys can also have favorites regarding what they wear! I don’t like to look like some messy old hag. I am very organized.

  I quickly locked my front door as I ran down the stairs, jingling my car keys. With the typical wealthy parents that I had, they had spoilt me with all of the luxuries in life. I drove an expensive Lamborghini about which most of the guys my age, could only dream about, and I had my house.

  As I parked in front of my college, Damster High, I could see several new faces. Coming out of my car, I was met with a few awestruck faces of the other boys, which was probably because of my expensive car. The murmurs among the girls didn’t go unnoticed too as I walked by them. I know I am hot girls.’ You don’t have to discuss that so much’, I secretly smirked at myself.

  “Man, where were you? Rather, who were you with? We are second semester people here, and we have to fulfill the ritual. How can you be late?” Tim asked, as he walked over to me with Hans and Lee behind him. They were my partners in crime.

  “I wasn’t with anyone. I took a day off from my big night chores. Come on; I am not that late to get THAT look from you. Let’s go and find the freshers.” I said, ignoring the daggers that Tim was shooting with his eyes at the back of my head. We walked into the cafeteria together.

  Lee took on the duty of informing the new people of our arrangement as he climbed onto the table in the middle. He shouted to everyone to pay attention to him and just like that, every face turned to look at him including the students in our semester.

  “I want each and every fresher to come forward,” The freshers came around the table obediently. “We have a ritual of assigning some easy tasks to the new boys and girls. You people are to complete these tasks before moving towards your classes. And any new student seen to leave this place without performing something for us is going to be punished. Our classmates will decide the punishment for them. So I want the senior guys and girls to keep an eye on these people and bring the other new ones here as well.” Lee said, with amusement in his voice.

  Some of the guys smirked at this while worried murmurs erupted from the girls.

  The new people had horrified faces at the mention of doing tasks. We didn’t do fully fledged ragging, but small jobs were given for them to perform all the same.

  “So, let’s start with you then, nerd,” Tim said as we took up the seats around the table that Lee was previously standing upon. This was going to be amusing.

  Chapter-2 Michael

  Tim had pointed out to a nerdy-looking guy with big, round glasses which would put even the glasses Harry Potter wore, to shame. His pants were worn too high, and his glasses were perched too low, and it looked so funny. He had come forward slowly with his eyes big and fearful. Hans finally decided to speak up.

  “I want you to be our waiter for as long as we stay here. You can only leave when we say so. Is that clear?” When the boy nodded his head, Hans continued, “Now, go bring plain milk coffees for us with biscuits. Don’t try to run,” he added, while the poor boy went to tend to the business. Wasn’t a very hard task, was it?

  “Now, pretty girl with brown curls, come here,” I pointed out to a gi
rl standing in the middle of the crowd with her friends. She probably thought she was going to be spared, but sweetheart, that is not going to happen. As she came forward, Lee gestured to another guy to come forward at the same time.

  “How about this dude does strip dancing while this girl sings for us?” Tim asked.

  “Now that’s a marvelous idea,” Hans commented from beside us. The nerdy guy had brought in our order and took his place in front of the crowd, ready to be called on again.

  The look on the guy’s face, which we had asked to do strip dancing was so precious, I couldn’t keep from laughing. He looked like he was going to cry when we asked him to start dancing. The girl had a horrible voice and the guy really couldn’t dance and don't even know how to strip properly. Had he never had hot passionate moments? If he hadn’t, then I can understand his lack of stripping speed. Just as everyone was laughing at their misery, two new figures entered the cafeteria. Two girls to be exact and one of them caught my eye. She walked in with her friend like she didn’t give a fuck. Her friend, on the other hand, looked like she was about to faint. The girl who caught my eye was dark and wavy-haired with a small, lovely frame just the way I liked. She was wearing a small yet classy type of dress which didn’t reveal much yet looked sexy, and might I add, cute. She didn’t even give a glance towards us as she walked straight up to the cafeteria. In the meantime, her friend was whispering something to her.


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