Book Read Free

Learning Curve

Page 13

by Andi Jaxon

  “Looks like you guys are enjoying yourselves.” Ben’s head jerks, his eyes holding fear and uncertainty. Putting my bag down with his backpack on the chair, I come around to where he’s sitting, lean down, and kiss him. Only meaning for it to be a brushing of lips, but when his hand holds onto the back of my neck, I give in and kiss him the way I want to. The logical part of my brain says it’s rude to kiss him like this in front of his friend, but the man kissing his lover part of my brain says, “do it anyway.”

  I force myself to back off, to end the kiss with a soft brush of lips, Ben’s whimper of disappointment going straight to my groin.

  “Fuck that was hot.” Kristen’s comment makes me chuckle.

  “Sorry about that,” I say, shrugging a shoulder.

  “I’m not,” Ben pipes up, all of us smiling at the outburst.

  “Ben, come with me for a second?” Reaching for his hand, he’s quick to intertwine our fingers and follow along behind me into the bedroom.

  Once the door is closed behind us, he drops my hand and starts picking at his nails. “I’m sorry, I lost track of time. I’ll get the living room cleaned up the way you like it.” The worry in his voice cuts through the haze of lust from just a moment ago.

  “Hey,” I say, pulling him closer to me with my hands on his hips. “It’s fine. You’re having a good time with your best friend who you haven’t seen in a while. I’m not mad. It makes me happy to see you comfortable and enjoying yourself.” My lips brush against his, physically showing him I’m not upset. “I’ll help you get everything cleaned up later.”

  Ben smiles up at me and wraps his arms around my neck. “Are you just trying to sweet talk me, so I’ll suck your dick again?”

  I throw my head back and laugh, that was definitely not what I was expecting. I love that he’s joking and flirting with me. “Maybe.”

  He smiles back at me, lifting onto his toes to kiss me again, slow and sensual this time. Sliding lips and dancing tongues, soft sighs. “If you want to, you can come watch the movie with us.”

  “I would love to, let me get changed and I’ll be right there.”

  Turning to head back to the living room, I stop him with a hand on his shoulder. “I liked when she called me your boyfriend.”


  “Yeah, I did.”

  “I liked it too,” he admits.

  “Good.” I smile at him and kiss him again. “That’s good, because I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

  “I want everyone to know too.” His voice is quiet, cheeks turning pink. He buries his face in my chest, hugging me hard. “I’ll go to Thanksgiving dinner at your parents’ house.”

  I wrap my arms around him, knowing how hard it is for him, grateful for his trust in me to protect him.

  Kristen had to meet up with her family, though she wasn’t very enthused about it, but promised to stop by again before she flies back to California. The door closes behind her and Ben gets a lost puppy look on his face. I have a feeling she made a lot of the decisions for him, took control of situations so he wouldn’t have to stand up for himself, so he feels lost without her.

  Pulling him into my chest with my arm around his shoulders, I lead him to the bedroom so I can get changed. His clothes are folded and stacked on the bed. I like his stuff being in here.

  “Did you have a good time with Kristen?” I ask, unbuttoning my shirt and smirking when Ben’s eyes follow the movement.

  “Uh, yeah.” He’s watching me as I change, the black of his eyes becoming endless as lust covers his gaze.

  “I’ll clear out some drawer space for your clothes tonight, feel free to hang up whatever you need to.” Walking toward Ben, he backs into the dresser, which is exactly where I’m heading. Laying my hands on either side of him, I cage him against it and lean into his space. “I would much rather have you for dinner, but dessert will just have to do.”

  His breath catches, and his hands rub up my abdomen, chest, and wrap around my neck. Pressing my body against his, I growl and bite at his plump lower lip before sucking it into my mouth. My cock is hard, the zipper of my pants indenting the flesh while I thrust against the man wrapped around me. My balls are heavy and ache from being denied release earlier. It’s not long before I’m desperate, the need to cum shutting down logic. Moving my hands from the dresser to my pants, I free my erection and fist myself to relieve some pressure.

  One of Ben’s hands slides down to cup my balls gently, and I groan into his mouth. I take a step back, my blood on fire as I tell Ben to kneel, my tone leaving no room for argument. Immediately, he’s on his knees, looking up at me with anticipation. Licking his lips, his eyes drop to my cock, which is level with his mouth. “Open.”

  The need to be in his mouth, pushing the limits of his gag reflex, has my language cut to one-word commands. Ben’s mouth opens, and he leans forward, enveloping the purple head with wet heat. My hand drops away as his takes over, working in tandem with his mouth to create a rotating, hot suction.

  My eyelids want to close, but I refuse to give in, I need to watch every second of Ben pleasuring me. His eyes are on mine, molten, driven to insanity by the power he has over me. My balls draw up tight, the tingle at my spine intensifies, and my hand reaches for his hair. “I’m gonna cum.” Those three words are the only warning he gets, approximately half a second before hot jets shoot down his throat. The power of my orgasm has me leaning a hand against the dresser, knees wobbling when Ben’s strokes become lazy and his other hand cups my balls.

  My eyes finally win over and close, as I tremble and try to keep my knees from giving out. “Fuck.”

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, ever been a part of.” Awe softens his voice and makes me chuckle.

  “I’m happy to be your plaything again, anytime. That was amazing. Thank you.”

  Ben stands, puts my half hard dick back into my pants, then zips and buttons me. I’m still leaning against the dresser, afraid my legs won’t hold my weight. He kisses my breastbone, licks one nipple and bites the other, sucks his way up my neck, before ravaging my mouth. Blood once again heads to my groin, and heat fires my veins. Standing up straight, I tangle both hands in his hair, pulling him up against me. “You’re playing a dangerous game. I haven’t missed family dinner in years, but I will, just to fuck you into oblivion.”

  He chuckles, licking his lower lip. “Are you sure you can get it up again? It’s pretty quick for a man your age.”

  My eyes widen in shock. “Did you just crack an age joke? Are you saying I can’t keep up with your twenty-year-old sex drive? It will be my pleasure to prove you wrong.” My voice is rough like I’ve smoked a pack a day all my life.

  Goosebumps erupt over Ben’s skin, and a shaky breath leaves him, telling me just how much he likes it when I get a little alpha. Never in my life have I wanted to dominate or control anyone, but I’m finding this a huge turn on right now. I want to prove myself to him. I want to show him he can trust me, that I won’t ever hurt him. I’m so grateful he’s chosen to explore his sexuality with me, and I’m beyond honored.

  “When do you need to leave?” Ben’s voice brings my attention back to the present. Glancing at the clock, I mutter under my breath and grab a t-shirt from the drawer.

  Pulling it over my head, I kiss him again, shove my arms through the holes, and tuck it in. “I need to head out. Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can tell my family I can’t come tonight.”

  Ben shakes his head. “No, I’ll be fine. I’m going to do some homework. My calculus teacher is really riding me hard.”

  With a wink and a knowing smirk, I cross to him again. “Oh, you have no idea how much harder I could ride you.” Using my grip on his hips, I spin him to face the mirror and grind against his ass.

  His face and neck flush, and I can’t hold back the laugh bubbling in my chest. “God, you’re fun to fuck with. So easily riled up.” I take a step back, then head out of the room. If I’m going to make it on time, I need
to get going. I pull on a jacket, a beanie, and slide my feet into my shoes by the front door. Ben has watched me get ready, I’m not used to it, but it doesn’t bother me either. Once I’m ready to go, my wallet, phone, and keys in hand, he approaches me, leaning in for a kiss. This kiss is soft, content, and full of promise.

  “Drive safe.”

  I smile at him. “Always. I’ll text you when I’m on my way back. Call or text me if you need help with your homework, or you get bored.”

  Ben rolls his eyes at me. “I lived by myself for five years. I’ll be fine for a few hours.” Opening the door, he pushes me out and closes the door behind me.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  BEN -

  It’s weird to be here when Alister isn’t, since I’m basically a guest here. Before getting into my homework, I decided to clean up Kristen and my mess. It’s not fair to make Alister clean up when he wasn’t involved in making the mess to begin with. Grabbing the trash can and recycling from the kitchen, I set about putting the room to rights.

  Empty water bottles have the lids removed and tossed in the recycling, pizza boxes get broken down and thrown in the trash. It’s not long before most of the mess is gone, and a few bottles needing to be dumped out are lined up on the counter by the sink. I fold the blankets and put my shoes by the door where Alister keeps his and scan the room. It’s such a nice place, so I hate to dirty it up. Content with my cleaning job, I empty the last water bottles and decide to take the trash and recycling down.

  Snagging one of Alister’s sweaters, my key, and sliding my boots on, I grab the bags and head down to the main floor. The recycling and trash dumpsters are behind the building, but across the alleyway, so getting wet happens when it’s raining. Stepping out from under the awning, fat raindrops soak into the sweatshirt while I lift the trash dumpster lid and swing the bag in, doing the same with the recycling.

  Turning to head back inside, the back door is closed, and my key won’t open it. I sprint out of the alley and into two familiar faces I never wanted to see again, the damn thugs from my old neighborhood. What the hell are they doing here?

  “Well, well, well. Look who moved on up. How’s it going Benny boy?” The condescending tone puts me on edge, the smile full of malice turning my stomach to stone. I have to get out of here. If they corner me in the alley, I’m as good as dead. Keeping my mouth shut may help me, but it may make them angrier since I’m not rising to the bait. These two are volatile at best, stupid and violent at worst.

  Being a Thursday evening, the street isn’t busy, and the rush of people going home is over, leaving me very few options. I know I can’t fight them and win, my phone is upstairs, and the only door I can get to is locked.

  “North Face? How did you afford that?” short, fat thug asks, a sneer on his face.

  “Probably by taking it up the ass,” tall, fat thug says, both of them cracking up. “I heard you liked it. You selling yourself now?”

  I refuse to respond. It will only be worse if I do. Just wait for them to get bored and move on.

  “Hey!” tall one yells, startling a jump from me. “I asked you a fucking question, faggot.”

  Don’t respond. Don’t respond. Don’t respond.

  They both take a step closer, shutting down my escape routes. My eyes flick back and forth, looking for anything I can use as a weapon or a way to escape. Since I’m in a nice part of town, the street is mostly clear of debris, leaving me helpless.

  Damn thugs keep moving toward me, forcing me back into the darkened alley, lessening my chances of survival with every step. I’m halfway to the dumpsters when the back door opens, and a surprised woman stands there in a bathrobe, holding a bag of trash. Using the distraction to my advantage, I bolt for the door, running as fast as I can. Grabbing the lady’s hand, I pull her inside and slam the door shut just as my would-be attackers get close.

  Doubled over, breathing hard, I lean against the hallway for a moment before a delicate hand touches my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  My breathing is too labored to speak, so I nod yes and take a few more deep breathes. “Thank you. You may have just saved my life.”

  She looks panicked for a moment, her hand flying to her heart. “Do I need to call the police?”

  “No, they didn’t do anything besides threaten me. But I would wait to throw your trash out, because they may be waiting by the door.” She nods her head and follows me to the elevator. “I’m Clara, by the way. I live in 2B.”

  “I’m Ben, and I’m just staying with a friend for a few days in 3F.” She smiles at me as if my pathetic life hadn’t just flashed before my eyes. The elevator arrives, we select our floors, and the ride is silent. She waves when she gets off on her floor, and I lean back against the railing. The doors open on the third floor and I head back to the apartment, locking and deadbolting the door when I get inside. Finally, able to release the fear, I collapse on the floor in the entryway, hyperventilating.

  My heart is pounding painfully against my ribs, my breathing out of control, and my head is screaming. I curl into a ball which has always brought me comfort. With my arms wrapped tight around my knees, my breathing begins to slow. It takes a while to get my mind out of the fight or flight response, but the lingering scent of Alister is helping me calm.

  Eventually, I make it up off the floor and into the bedroom where his scent is the strongest. Laying on the bed, I pull his pillow to my chest and curl my body around it. I’m safe. I’m safe. I am safe…

  Hours later, I’m woken when Alister slides against my back, kissing my neck and rubbing my chest. I’m still curled around his pillow, inhaling his cologne while I slept.

  “I’m definitely ready for dessert,” Alister whispers in my ear, nipping at the lobe and sucking on it. I gasp in surprise, the electric shot shooting straight to my dick. I want to feel every inch of him against me, skin to skin. I need him. It wasn’t until right now that I realized exactly how much. Stretching out, my ass pushes against the bulge in his jeans, his appreciative groan reverberating down my spine.

  With my arm reaching behind me, I grab a fistful of his hair and arch into him. “Fuck me,” I groan out, his hand sliding inside my boxers. “Make me yours.”

  For only a second, Alister freezes, and then jumps into action, pulling at our clothes. “Off, pants off.” My pants and boxers easily slide off, bunching at the foot of the bed with my shirt quickly joining. Rolling toward him, I help Alister lose his clothes, eager hands making quick work of it. Reaching for the bedside table, the top drawer opens and closes quickly. My eyes meet his, and my breath catches in my throat.

  Alister climbs back on the bed and claims my lips, demanding entrance to my mouth. He’s owning me, possessing me, at this moment and I bask in it. To be needed this urgently is something I’ve never experienced, but I want more of it. With a hand on my hip, he rolls me so my back is to him once again. Chest to my back, his hand slides down my leg and pulls my knee to hook over his, spreading my thighs for him. Lube covered fingers slide against my hole, the anticipation of pleasure making me tense.

  “Relax babe. We’ll get to the good stuff in just a minute.” The growl of Alister’s voice has precum forming on my tip. I take a deep breath and relax, and one finger pushes into me, quickly followed by a second. Even the lazy pumps of his fingers have me ready to cum, aching to feel him inside me again.

  “Please,” I beg, my voice a whimper.

  Alister chuckles in my ear and adjusts the angle of our hips to line up his cock. “Do you want my cock?”


  His hardness pushes into me, a steady thrust until he’s fully seated, both of us groaning at the tight fit. “Don’t stop.” My body needs to be worn out, fucked hard. He doesn’t question me, just does what I asked. He gives me only a few slow thrusts before he picks up speed, his hips soon slapping against my ass over and over. My back arches, my dick aches, and my balls draw up tight, ready to explode. The orgasm is about to overtake me, my mind spinn
ing out of control, and my body tightening around Alister as he slams into me. The world goes white and silent when the orgasm hits, my arms flying out to find something to hold on to. Jets of cum shoot onto my stomach and the bed, forcing Alister to cum with me. His hips slapping against mine, forcing my body to take what he’s giving.

  My mind crashes back into my body, and I’m left gasping for air, sweaty, and trembling. Behind me, Alister is panting with his forehead against my shoulder. A smile tugs at my lips, I love that I do this to him, that he wants me this badly. This beautiful, perfect man wants me, the worthless, unlovable orphan.

  We lay in the bed for a few long moments, relearning how to breathe, with his arm slung over my waist. He presses soft kisses between my shoulder blades, the hair of his beard tickling my skin and raising goosebumps.

  “Let’s take a shower. You’re a mess.”

  “It’s your fault,” I grumble into the blankets.

  “I’ll accept the blame since it was fucking amazing.” He rolls away from me and walks to the bathroom to start the hot water. When he comes back to the bed, and I’m still laying in a pool of my own cum, he swats my ass and makes me jump. “Come on. We have to change the sheets too.”

  Forcing my body to move, I follow behind him, letting him blindly lead me into the unknown.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Thursday night dinner was exactly as I had expected, my mother cooking something delicious, my father and Alex watching some sports event on TV, and Alex ribbing me about Ben. Mom gave me a pass for not bringing him this week since he had been sick, but I was forced to promise he would join us next week. Hopefully, I can convince Ben to join us.

  Coming home to find Ben fast asleep, wrapped around my pillow, made my heart pound. He’s starting to feel safe here, at least subconsciously, and it couldn’t make me happier. When I slid onto the bed behind him, and he asked me to fuck him, to claim him, I was shocked, but all too happy to oblige. The more I’m around him, the more I can see how painful his past was. And the fact that he trusts me with his body is mind-blowing, I will do everything I can to never break his trust. He doesn’t give it often. I’m pretty sure Kristen is the only other person he trusts, and I’m happy to earn it. I want to earn it, to work for it.


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