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The Lady Forfeits

Page 23

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Hush.’ Diana placed slender fingers against his beautifully sculptured lips. Lips that had kissed and explored parts of her body that still made her blush to think of. ‘I have told you that I love you, Gabriel, and I do.’ She gazed deeply into his eyes. ‘I love you. All of you. Now and for ever.’

  Gabriel’s arms tightened about her, only slightly reassured. ‘But you will only “perhaps” marry me?’

  A slight frown creased her brow. ‘I do not believe that either Caroline or I wish to be married without Elizabeth present.’

  ‘Of course.’ He finally relaxed, relieved by the obvious explanation. ‘Then Vaughn and I must find her as quickly as is possible.’

  ‘I am afraid you must, yes,’ she agreed.

  ‘Never be afraid to ask anything of me, Diana.’ His eyes glowed lovingly down at her. ‘Whatever I have, whatever I am, it all yours, and always will be.’

  No woman could possibly ask for more than that from the man that she loved and who loved her in return.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-8216-2


  Copyright © 2011 by Carole Mortimer

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  * The Notorious St. Claires

  † The Copeland Sisters




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