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Be My December

Page 35

by Rachel Brookes

  I allowed myself to float to an alternative world, a world where none of this was happening, where it was just Ky and me in our cocoon that couldn’t be reached. Where laughter was the only thing I heard, freshly baked muffins from the diner was the only thing I smelled, and Ky’s kiss was the only thing I tasted.

  “Get the fuck off her!”

  Time froze and the world stopped and tilted on its axes the moment I heard Ky’s panicked voice fill the room.

  Jeremy pulled away with a snicker, and I took the moment of reprieve to collect a deep gasp of much needed air.

  “Ky?” I whispered hesitantly, not believing what I was hearing. My head fell to the side in the direction of his voice. My body was quickly overcome with weakness due to over twenty-four hours with no food or water, the simple movement was torturous. Chris stood beside the bed holding out my phone and that was when I saw Ky’s beautiful face filling the screen. “Ky!” I shouted as loud as my dehydrated throat would allow.

  “Eden, baby, hang on. I will find you.”

  “You are a fucking weak prick Crawford. What’s this? The second time you’ve allowed me to get my hands on her. You aren’t worthy of this pussy,” Jeremy spat toward the phone. My eyes were transfixed on Ky. The pain etched over his face was excruciating to witness as he listened to Jeremy’s taunts. This would be killing him. He blamed himself for the first time and now this. I didn’t know if he would get past this.

  Ever since I arrived his protection of me had been paramount. Ky had been the reason I was the person I was today. He had unleashed the fighter within me. He’d encouraged me to be the girl who refused to be the victim. He’d motivated me to find my voice, and now I refused to remain silent. Now it felt like I had to protect him. I had to give him his voice back, and I had to return everything he gave me.

  I mustered every bit of strength I had before I spoke. “Ky owns me Jeremy. I give myself to Ky and Ky only.”

  Jeremy growled like a wild animal and ripped me by my aching shoulder until I was sitting up against the wooden headboard. I screamed at the stabbing pain that seared through my body.

  He snatched my phone from Chris who had remained silent as his cousin completely lost it. “See this little bitch,” Jeremy jeered as he thrust the camera into my face. I closed my eyes and looked away. I didn’t want Ky seeing me like this. “She is mine Crawford. See these tits. They are mine. See this sweet delicious pussy. That is mine. She put me away for four fucking years so now it’s my time for payback.” As he spat his taunts, his hands ran over my breasts, squeezing them merciless and then he cupped my core roughly. “Answer this Crawford; do you want to watch me fuck her because I am going to fuck her right now? Your fucking choice!”

  I felt a piece of me die inside as it hit me what was going to happen. Ky couldn’t see this. He would never come back from witnessing it. This was my moment to protect him as the risk of my safety. I had to grow the balls that I didn’t have four years ago. I had to play the game.

  “Jeremy, don’t share it with anyone. It was just you and me the first time so it should be just me and you this time. Do you really want to share me with Ky or Chris?” I swallowed the vomit that sat precariously in my throat, I just hoped like hell it worked. I looked at him with pleading eyes and pushed my body forward so my chest was against his in an act of submission.

  My pleas weren’t for me; they were entirely and without hesitation for Ky.

  “Eden! What the fuck are you doing? No! Fucking no! Get away from her asshole.” I heard Ky’s anger spearing through the phone still held near my face, but my gaze didn’t fall from Jeremy.

  Evilness spread over Jeremy’s face, and I knew I had him. It had somehow worked.

  “Goodbye Crawford. I’m going to fuck my girl.”

  It was official. I was going to kill a man with my bare hands.

  I paced my apartment crossing every inch of the living room with demanding steps, all the while twitching and fuming like a mad man. Anger seethed within me, piercing my very core with murderous thoughts and ways that I would eliminate Jeremy Davis forever. My reaction to the call was immediate, desperate, and frantic. My eyes had witnessed images of Eden that I knew would be tattooed in my memories for life. They would be the knife in my heart that would continue to taunt me for the rest of my living years and into my death. Seeing Jeremy’s hands and mouth on her body was like putting acid on open wounds. My girl was hurting, fuck she was more than my girl, she was my world. And now she was locked away, facing the evil of a ruthless maniac head on. I felt completely and utterly useless.

  The living room was abuzz with frantic energy. My ears ached from the constant noise. Douglas was shouting orders to the police officers and the calls were being traced. Mom and Eden’s mom huddled together on the couch, quietly sobbing from what they had both witnessed, and Dad and Mike were in quiet conversation in the kitchen.

  Jeremy Davis was a dead man fucking walking.

  My gorgeous, courageous, strong girl was fighting him. She was fighting the fuckwit that had taken her. The sheer determination on her face and her clear desire to survive hit me so deep that it had knocked the air from my lungs and twisted my heart.

  “Ky, get over here,” Dad bellowed from the kitchen. I hurried toward him and noticed that Douglas had joined them along with a man in his early forties who held paperwork in his hands.

  Douglas turned his large frame toward me and leaned back on the kitchen island, his arms crossed over his chest. “We know where she is. The motherfucker isn’t a smart man, and we were able to trace her cell phone and know the exact location she is.”

  “We have to go now,” I demanded and stormed out of the kitchen in search of my keys. Hearing that they knew where Eden was like music to my fucking ears. They didn’t follow me. “What are you waiting for? We know where she is!”

  I couldn’t understand why they were standing around looking at me like I had completely lost my mind.

  “Ky, we have to ensure that the premises is secure. If we barge in guns pulled and he isn’t there this whole thing will be useless. He could be watching and what do you think would happen then? He will take off with her, and he will not make contact again,” Douglas said, trying to calm my erratic behavior.

  “He has my girlfriend. He has my life in his fucking hands, and we have to wait for confirmation,” I breathed out in frustration. I roughly ran my hands through my hair and gritted my teeth. “He has my life.”

  My dad’s hand fell to my shoulder, and he gave me a slight nod. A nod that I knew meant that I should listen to what Douglas was saying.

  I couldn’t stay there. I needed to get away from all of them. How could they just stand there when Eden was going through…Fuck I didn’t even want to imagine what was happening to her.

  “Ky would you come and sit with me?” Anna Rivers’ soft voice fell to my ears halting my escape. I turned to look at Eden’s mom, and my heart broke all over again.

  Without another thought I slipped onto the couch beside her, and her hand grabbed mine tightly and her head fell to my shoulder. Her characteristics were so similar to Eden’s and my throat tightened under the realization.

  I needed her back.

  I had failed her yet again.

  “I need my baby girl back. I need to see her happy. I need to see you two together.” Anna sobbed against my shoulder. “Bring my baby girl home Ky.”

  “We are heading off. We will call through when we have word.” Douglas’ voice shattered the moment with Anna.

  I shot up from the couch and stormed toward him. We came face to face. His face was concrete steel and his eyes almost black while his chest was covered by an intimidating bullet proof vest.

  “Don’t even begin to think that I am not coming with you. That is my girlfriend he has, and I will die fighting if you try and stop me.”

  “You are a persistent prick aren’t you?” Douglas’ voice was just as intimidating as his stature.

  Minutes passed as we e
ntered a vortex of glares, neither of us willing to budge. Douglas knew the extent of my reasons to be there. He had been the one who had worked on the case four years ago. He had been the one who I would harass for information on Jeremy, and he was the one who I gave my statement to that helped in Jeremy’s conviction.

  “Suit him up,” Douglas growled. “I want him in a vest. God only fucking knows what kind of ammo this fuckwit has in that room. We go in ready guys. Take no chances. Our aim is simple; get Eden safely out of that room.”


  Twenty minutes later two sleek black SUVs pulled up to the curb out front of Hotel De Luca. I remained silent through the entire trip as Douglas rattled off instructions to his team and informed them of the procedure that would come into effect. It was simple. Safety. Distraction. Surprise. But I only had one thing on my mind—getting Eden safely into my arms and away from Jeremy.

  I jumped out of the car as adrenaline coursed through my veins. Douglas’ hand came down on top of my shoulder halting my movements. “We are going to get her out of here son. I am just as invested in this as you. The image of her in that hospital bed has stayed with me for years, and I want to put this motherfucker away.”

  The look in his eyes told me he had unfinished business with Jeremy Davis, a fact that made me smirk in fucking delight. Everything happened quickly around me. We moved into the foyer, the armed officers had their guns cocked and ready. The bystanders gasped at the sight before them. I ignored everything until my phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Eden’s name flashed on the screen. I halted and snapped my fingers toward Douglas to get his attention. His hand rose in the air, stopping the other officers from proceeding. He didn’t speak; he simply nodded the instruction to answer the call.

  “What?” I roared down the phone.

  Jeremy chuckled. “Is that really any way to speak to your oldest and dearest friend?”

  “You are a fucking asshole Jeremy.”

  “Do you really think you should be talking to me like that, especially when I have Eden in the palm of my hands? Say hi Eden.”

  My body froze as Eden’s scream filtered down the phone. Every single rational thought left my body, and I rushed down the hall toward the room I knew they were in. I felt hands on me trying to stop me, but I shrugged them off.

  My hand gripped onto the door handle, and I twisted. It popped open without force. Unlocked and enabling my entrance. The fucker really was an idiot.

  All hell broke loose the moment I ran into the room. I wasn’t thinking. I was irrational, and I had only one thing on my mind.

  Eden’s safety.

  My breathing faltered as my desperate eyes found exactly who I had come for. Laying on her back, Eden’s panties were shredded and barely holding against her body. My stomach churned within me. Her hair was a matted mess swimming around her anguish ridden face as she glared back at Jeremy who hovered over her like a stalking animal. My eyes took in every inch of her face; her cheek bruised black and her eyebrow cut and fresh blood was running from the new wound.

  Jeremy’s body twisted above Eden and turned toward me and the evilest of smirks graced his face.

  “About time you joined the party.” My first and only instinct was to rush toward Eden but the moment I moved, an arm crossed my chest and another around my neck crushing my windpipe. “You remember my cousin don’t you?”

  I gasped for air as Chris pushed harder on my source of air. I was momentarily paralyzed and my vision clouded and speckles of blackness appeared as unconsciousness came close.

  “Don’t make him pass out! I want him to watch this,” Jeremy spat.

  Chris shifted my body so I was facing the bed. Jeremy lifted his hand, and with all of his weight behind him, he began his attack on Eden. He was like a man possessed. He slapped her repeatedly across the face before ripping the red leather lace of her bra until her breasts were exposed to the room. Blood ran down her chin and her deep sobs filled the air. I didn’t even know if she knew I was here and my ability to speak was crushed. My anger roared to unhuman status when the rip of lace and satin hit the air as he tore her panties from her body and fumbled with his fly.

  Commotion sounded behind me and then the room became a war zone. Douglas and his crew burst in with their guns drawn. Through the chaos and shouting, Chris loosened his grip as shock hit him, and I shrugged out of his grasp and bolted toward the bed. I ripped Jeremy from her limp body by the back of his shirt. My attack startled him. Like he was weightless, I threw him across the room toward the doors of the closet. His back smashed brutally against the mirror and glass shattered to the floor below. Jeremy sprung to life, his eyes glaring at me with intent to kill. He stalked toward me and lunged.

  Every single nightmare, pain, regret, remorse, and year lost caused by Jeremy flooded my veins. My fist collided with his face as I pummeled him with every ounce of my anger. My knuckles ached. They smeared with blood, and I didn’t know whether it was mine or his.

  “I will kill you Crawford,” Jeremy roared from the floor as my foot kicked in his ribs.

  “Ky, fucking go and get your girl.” Douglas jerked me away, his hands falling to my arms and shaking me roughly to yank me from my trance. My eyes focused on him as my emotions were still fueled by anger. “Go and get your girl.” His voice finally registered. His expression was desperate.

  “Don’t fucking move. Jeremy Davis you are under arrest for the kidnapping and assault of Eden Rivers.” Douglas’ threat faded behind me as I rushed toward Eden who looked on with wide eyes.

  “She is mine, and you are not taking her from me,” Jeremy cried.

  I scrambled onto the bed, ripping the shirt off my back and covering Eden’s naked and trembling body. With desperate hands, I softly untied her bloodied and bruised wrists that were still bound behind her back. The moment the blood rushed through, she groaned in pain and her eyes flooded with tears.

  “Baby, look at me,” I soothed, desperate to draw her attention away from the scene unfolding before her, but she seemed to be locked in a spell. “Eden, baby. Please, I need you to look at me,” I begged as tears flooded my cheeks. Finally after what seemed like eternity her blue eyes found mine. Having me sitting before her finally registered and relief flooded her battered yet still beautiful face. I cupped her cheek and with a soft movement my thumb swiped away her tears as we stared, drinking each other in and sitting in silence. I had no clue what was happening behind us. I didn’t care what was happening. I had Eden back. She was here, and she was alive.

  Two ear splitting shots rang out behind me, momentarily stealing my ability to hear. Eden’s blood curdling scream shook me back into action. My arms curled under her body and I pulled her against my chest, sheltering her from the atrocity that was happening in the room. The smell of blood tainted the air and a painful groan and a gurgling sounded from the floor beside the bed where I was sitting with Eden.

  “I said don’t fucking move,” Douglas roared behind us. I shifted my gaze. Jeremy lay in a pool of deep red colored blood seeping from his chest and Chris hunched over him with a wound to his head. Neither of them moving. A gun was in Jeremy’s hand and a knife in Chris’.

  “Ky,” Eden’s said softly from her hiding place against my chest. Her voice sounded so distant, so foreign, so empty. “Ky, I…I can’t hang on any longer.”


  I hated hospitals.

  I didn’t know whether it was the overwhelming smell, the promise of pain that hung in the air, or the uncertain balance between life and death.

  But right now I wouldn’t be anywhere else.

  The nurses had let me stay beside Eden without question. Even if they tried to force me out there was no way in hell I’d leave her.

  It had now been twenty-four hours since I had seen the crystal clear blue of her eyes. I prayed every minute that she would open her eyes, squeeze my hand, do anything. But she remained still, looking like an angel against the crisp white sheets of the hospi
tal bed as her hair fanned out beneath her.

  Once we arrived at the hospital Eden had been rushed through to be examined by the doctor; that had been the only time I had been away from her. I had paced in front of the closed doors and waited. My parents, Eden’s parents, Ashlyn, and Josh had tried to get me to leave and shower, but I refused. I was not letting Eden out of my sight. Never fucking again.

  Douglas had turned up at the hospital two hours after we first arrived. He entered wearing a dark tailored suit, with his gun holstered back on his belt and a deep scowl on his face. I had known him my whole life, and he still intimidated the fuck out of me. To be honest I felt sorry for the people he interrogated.

  He sat at the edge of Eden’s bed as she lay sleeping and flicked through her medical information before he informed me of what actually had gone down at the hotel. Douglas had made the call that Jeremy had the intent to harm his officers attending the scene as well as me and Eden with the knife he had pulled on me and a gun he had concealed in a suitcase hidden under the bed. The moment Jeremy had moved towards us with the gun, Douglas fired his weapon without question. In his words, ‘he saw a direct threat to our lives and he wasn’t taking any chances’.

  His final words before he left the room were simple and clear and would be forever burned into my memories. “I did what needed to be done to give you two the life you deserve. A life without fear. It’s the least I could do. Don’t ask questions.”

  I slowly attempted to open my eyes but the throbbing in my left eye caused me to groan in sheer agony. My senses were overcome by the intrusive smell of disinfectant. My eyes finally pried opened, and I struggled to gain focus. Everything around me was hazy. My brain switched on and went into overdrive. My eye hurt, a metallic taste still lingered on my tongue, and my body felt broken.


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