Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 15

by Owen Oakley

  Yeap, that’s going to be the talk of the realm. Draw in a lot of attention too.

  Shit I hadn’t even thought about that. What if it draws Tor’s attention? Make him come here looking for me. This is bad, terrible.

  If Demetri had a theory, I missed it. I think it’s time for me to wake up. I move a little before I open my eyes which turns out to be a chore. My eyelids feel heavy, maybe because I slept so long, either way I curse under my breath when my eyes adjust. The guys all take a sharp inhale. What the hell?

  My vision had some serious vampire enhancements. I guess this is how Bella felt after she woke up a vampire. Amazing.

  I let my eyes dart around the room taking in things humans could never see.

  Foxtrot’s mouth opens in shock.

  “Oh God what’s wrong?” They all stare at me with widened eyes. I knew something was wrong from the moment I woke up.

  Foxtrot gives a low chuckle.

  If you wanted that foursome to come true you just may get it.


  Get a mirror.

  “Hand me a mirror.” I demand to no one in particular. When they continue to stare with heated gazes. I jump over Roman and sprint towards Demetri’s bathroom.

  Before I get to cover enough space, Roman appears in front of me.

  “Sabine stop. You need to lie back down. You’re still weak and had a very traumatic experience.”

  “I’ve been out for a week. I feel fine,” I lie. It was a miracle I got this far. Fear of the unknown was enough to muscle through without giving a second thought to the pain. “Get out of my way,” I tell him with my hands clenched in fists.

  He grabs my hands and I realize I don’t have my gloves on. “No!” Before I can stop him, he was holding my bare hands against his cheek and nothing happens.

  I stare down at our hands in confusion. He gives me his signature smirk. “Seems like you’re cured.” Why’s there so much excitement in his voice?

  A throat clears from behind causing us to drop our hands.

  “You’re stunning Sabine.”

  I scowl at them all. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Within the second Demetri presents a mirror in front of me he conjures out of the air.

  I take a deep breath and flip the mirror over and bring it to my face. Holy shit!

  The awakening made more than just a few changes. My once hazel eyes were now a brilliant emerald green that shone bright against my bronze skin. I already missed my French mocha complexion, but this is who I am.

  My face contour to perfection. I rub it to make sure there was no makeup. No, it’s my color now. No beauty products needed.

  “Welcome to a world of perfection,” Aiden says. “Not that you weren’t perfect before,” he adds.

  Demetri and Roman both roll their eyes. A girl could always use flattery, it’s not like they’re handing them out daily. I tear my gaze away from Aiden and back to the mirror, tilting my head. “Oh My God!”

  Aiden and Roman both groan behind me, digging into their pockets. They each hand something over to Demetri and I give them a curious look.

  “We made a bet on what you would freak out most about. Roman said your skin, I said your vision, and Demetri said your ears.”

  “Happy to see you put your time to good use while I was fighting for my life,” I drawl. It was melodramatic, but I didn’t care.

  He was right though; my ears will take a lot of time to get used to. I look again at the pointed ears that match Aiden’s, only mine had diamond studs at the points. I growl when I see my hair.

  “You didn’t wager that I’d be upset about my hair? Because I have to tell you I’m pissed about it,” I tell them with a frown. It wasn’t the chocolate color with highlights that did it; I never wanted to cut my hair. Now it was shoulder length with tight curls.

  “Relax,” Roman encourages in a smooth voice coming up behind me caressing my shoulders. He takes a curl and pull. I watch as the curl elongates out all the way to my waist and spring back into place.

  I release a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

  I smile. My new look was an extreme makeover in the best of way though. I said I wanted to reinvent myself. Guess there’s no better place to start.

  Sabine, you have mail in the ether do you want me to fetch it.

  “Yes, please.” It must have been bad if Foxtrot was being nice and helpful. Better milk it’s for what it’s worth, because after I’m healed, he’ll be back to his spunky self.

  “What is it?” Demetri asks after Foxtrot disappear. He must have noticed my stare while I was communicating with him. Something I would have to work on.

  “I have mail,” I tell him. All three exchange weird glances with each other.

  “What?” They each avoid making eye contact with me. Well that doesn’t seem suspicious at all.

  Mail’s here! Foxtrot land on the bed with tons of gifts and envelopes. My eyes widen in shock.

  “Where are you going?” I ask before he disappears again.

  To get more of your mail.

  “More?! How much more?”

  He sighs, rolling his eyes to the top of his head attempting to remember the load.

  Maybe three more trips.

  “No!” I hiss in my head. “Just get it later.”

  He doesn’t hesitate to flop back on the bed looking rather exhausted from the trip.

  Roman approaches with Aiden and Demetri right beside him. One of them let out a low whistle.

  This is embarrassing.

  I’ll say! Total fan club shit.

  “Who sent these?”


  I blush. Thank God for this bronzed skin because now no one can see me blush but that didn’t prevent my traitor tattoo from blooming and this time a multitude of butterflies swarm us.

  Demetri look as though he could go through a wall.

  “Who sent you these gifts?” It was supposed to be a question but coming from Demetri it was more a demand of information.

  I pick up the royal blue box I remember from before the ceremony. I trace over the beautiful pendent with my finger, enjoying how the material feel on my bare hand. Cairo’s gift.

  “Cairo.” All three stiffen at the mention of the alpha centaur’s name. See? Dick measuring contest.

  Here’s the most recent letter.

  “Thanks.” I grab it and sit down on the edge of the bed. After reading the first line my heart stops.


  I am concerned about you. I came by the manor to see you every day for the past few days, but “The Lord” wouldn’t allow me to enter and refused to give me a proper update. He said you were still asleep, and that was over five days ago. I need peace of mind that you are unharmed and well. Please contact and inform me that you’re okay.



  I gripped the letter in my hands so tight I wrinkle it. How dare they prevent someone from seeing me? They allowed Cairo to worry while they flock around me with their peace of mind. As I peer from the letter my body hums with power and heat.

  They each took a step back. I close my eyes and rein in the urge to unleash whatever’s been locked away inside of me for the past twenty-five years.

  “Why. Did. You. Do. That?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  No one spoke for a while, just as I was about to make them speak Aiden piped up. “He’s an alpha of a very aggressive species.”

  “I could barely subdue him after he saw that you were hurt during the ceremony, we can’t have that behavior and as —”

  Before Demetri could finish with what I recognize would be the word ‘Lord’, I walk right in his face so fast I was a blur of movement.

  “Shit!” I hear Roman say somewhere to the side of us, but I couldn’t be for sure because my focus was on the prick standing before me.

  “You don’t have the right to decide who can and cannot come see me!”

  “Like hell I don’t,” he snaps stepping
into my space more. “This is my manor and you are still a mere guest here and what I say goes.” I take a step back looking at him.

  A guest? How dumb was I to believe that this man would ever see me as anything more or even an equal? I out rank him in social class and in power, and yet he still acts as though I’m the mortal he kidnapped back in NOLA.

  My jaw clench, his room no matter how big stifle my presence. I imagine being back in my suite, picturing the soft feminine colors with my king-sized bed and duvet comforter and within a blink of an eye I was there.

  I take one step then another and a wide crooked grin graze my lips.

  Leveled up bitches!


  I’m here. That was rough. Now I see why you call him an asshole. I don’t any more scratches from him. I smile at his loyalty. It took him a while, but it warms my heart.

  “Need you to send a message.”

  To Cairo? I nod.

  “Dinner at eight I’ll be ready. Pick me up at the Lord’s manor.” My smile widens, giving Foxtrot a knowing fashion.

  Screw “The Lord?”

  “Why Fox? You read my mind.”


  W hatever the awakening did to me, also leveled Foxtrot. I sent him to make sure Cairo wasn’t going through any unnecessary torture when the most amazing thing happened. Everything that Fox could see and hear, I could too. Demigoddess status keeps getting better and better. I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to get ready. Maybe because it’s my first real date and I want to impress him or maybe because I’m used to spending a lot of time with makeup whenever I did go out. But the awakening took care of that though.

  Foxtrot popped up on top of the sink in the bathroom where I was getting ready.

  Sabine you have to hurry. It’s getting crazy down there.

  “Fox, I can see and hear everything.”

  What’s taking you so long? He catches a glimpse of what I’m wearing and then laughs. You’re trying to piss them off, huh? As you know it’s already a war zone and if you come down there wearing that? All three of them will lose it. Especially Demetri.

  “Good. I’m sick of the bipolar ‘Lord.’ He’s been hot and cold since I’ve been here. A girl can only take so much,” I tell Fox, running a coat of lip gloss over my lips. “What do you think? How Do I Look?”

  Like a bomb that will denote as soon as it steps off the elevator.

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  The closer the elevator got to the ground floor, the more commotion and raised voices I could hear. I’m talking shouts and feet scuffling across the marble floor. The only one my heart goes out to is Cairo he doesn’t deserve the animosity, and as soon as I was down, we would be out of here. That’s what they deserve for treating me as a “guest.”

  The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, causing heads to whip towards me.

  Aiden was in the middle of Cairo on one side and Demetri and Roman on the other. This was an all-out shit show.

  Told you!

  I groaned, choosing to ignore my familiar even if he was right.

  I smoothed out my violet body con lacy gown with black accents that hugged every inch of me and left nothing to the imagination. The plunging V stopped just above my navel and the back open into a heart shaped design.

  “Oh, hell no!” Three voices huff in unison. My strut never waver as I make my way over to Cairo.

  “How in the hell are they matching to the very shade of Violet?” I hear Roman whisper to Aiden and Demetri.

  Demetri ignores the question, too busy snarling and barring his teeth as I make it to my date, but Cairo is supposed to be the aggressive one. Sure.

  Cairo slide his hands to my waist, and I melt into his embrace. I caress his arms all the way up to his cheek, his stubble a soft prick against my hands. The smallest things that are often taken for granted; I’ve always appreciated the most because I never had them, and I plan on making up for lost times.

  I take a step back and admire Cairo’s attire. Nailed it. I shoot my familiar a cheeky grin, along with a wink. It wouldn’t have gone this well if I weren’t able to see through Fox’s vision. I have every confidence that he wouldn’t be able to describe the shade of purple we both sported.

  He wore a black three-piece suit with a violet shirt underneath. He’s beautiful and the heat in his eyes let me know he thinks the same of me.

  His gaze land on my neck where his gift is on full display, causing my hand to move to it.

  The sound of footsteps closes behind us, reminding me we’re in a very hostile situation.

  “Ready?” Cairo holds out his arm in an invitation for me to take it. I don’t miss a beat as I snake mine around his and we move towards the door.

  “Don’t wait up,” I call out to the guys over my shoulder without turning around. I refuse to let their scowls and disapproving glares ruin my night.

  “If it’s too late, she can stay in my guest room at my mansion. I’ll take great care of her,” Cairo adds with a smirk.

  Bravo to the Centaur! Okay, we will do well together. Pettiness is always fun with a partner.

  “Four, three, two—” Cairo shoots me a curious glance, right before a shattering noise echoes through the hallway.

  I bite back a smile, but Cairo throws his head back with full on guffaw that sounds like it came from the pit of his soul.

  It’s something satisfying in this moment.

  The restaurant he chose had to be the fanciest I’d ever seen in this world or my previous one. Elegant. No wonder he asked me to dress in formal wear. Some men even wore tuxes. I still gawked at some of the more distinguished supes. Like leprechauns, goblins, and shifters who preferred their animal forms. This world was very new to me, but I must admit I was adjusting well to everything.

  We ordered, and I was dying to get my hands on the Fae wine again. I left out the bit about my first experience and going overboard. Now that I knew its effect, I’d take it slower.

  The silence was unnerving and his lingering gaze.

  “I’m sorry about the guys,” I say, the only thing I can come up with.

  He waves away my apology. “Can’t say I wouldn’t be the same. Our first encounter was a lasting impression.”

  I try not to snort and fail. “What? Did me barreling into you do it for you?” He smiled and I’m thankful I’m sitting instead of standing. Because his smile alone was enough to steal the breath from my body. A beat pass and neither of us say anything. We both look at the different creatures that sit and eat or mill about. But where I look on in fascination, Cairo’s eyes seem solemn and filled with longing.

  “What’s it like to be a centaur?” He shift in his seat and I curse myself. If that’s not the rudest question to ask. “You don’t have to answer that. Just trying to make conversation. I’m not used to all of this.” I gesture around the restaurant and between us. He nods in understanding as he takes my hand and give it a gentle squeeze, it relaxes me. I take a sip of wine to ensure I ask nothing else inappropriate.

  “It’s intense,” he adds after a beat not allowing the moment to turn full on awkward. “Most people fear our true form because our origin reflects one of a warrior’s life. Battle and protectors. We’re powerful and well, being the Alpha only enhances that,” he says almost regretful.

  Now was my moment to reassure him as I let my thumb stroke his hand.

  “Is that why you concealed your form at my awakening?” He gave a solemn nod. That’s horrible, but I figured as much, and the guys’ comments only make me angrier. “Well, I love your true form,” I tell him as our eyes lock for a moment before he lean toward me closing the gap fairly quickly because of his height.

  My heart drummed inside my chest. My orchids bloomed while butterflies surround us along with the fluttery ones in my stomach.

  He didn’t seem deterred by what was happening nor did I because all I see is him.

  His lips gently brush against mine at first and without knowing what to do instinc
t took over and my tongue evades his mouth. Desperate and hungry. Twenty-plus years starved and longing of physical affection, cured by an awakening.

  It would be a memory I’d cherish. The way he smelled of earth and a hint horse, but I didn’t mind the least bit. Heat pooled between my thighs and I let my arms fall around his neck.

  Cairo maneuvered around the table without breaking our kiss and was beside me, pulling me in closer.

  He moaned against my lips matching my own at the very moment. I forced myself away from him, but he kept his hands tight around my waist.

  With our forehands pressed together and noses brushing I steal a peek, hoping no one saw us, but they didn’t.

  As if someone would tell an Alpha and Demigoddess to get a room. The thought makes me smile.

  Almost satisfied that there aren’t any onlooking spectators; I search for a waiter to refill our glasses until my gaze lands on a well-preserved gentleman who is staring right at us. His skin was pale like Aiden’s and he was a gorgeous specimen.

  I’ve seen him before in one of my dreams, not the latest, since the only dreams I’ve had were of the guys.

  He was the warrior who held a conversation with Tor.

  Tor. Immediately my hackles were raised. Cairo made circle patterns on my leg. It was soothing at first but now it was only a distraction from the familiar mystery man in the corner.

  I shake off the ill suspicion and bring my attention back to Cairo whose been calling my name. “Are you okay?” His brows furrowed. The presence of the man lingers but I find nothing but a vacant spot.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I give him a tight smile.

  Our food appears shortly after and we eat, and I try to enjoy the rest of the night.

  “I need to tell you something,” Cairo announces when we get to dessert. His serious tone send chills down my spine. Those words mean I won’t like what I’m about to learn. I push away my plate, my appetite leaving.

  “I’m bonded.” Ah hell. I’ve written and read enough fantasy novels to know what that meant but I’m curious to know how it works with Centaurs, every supe is different.


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