Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 17

by Owen Oakley

  “She will remain here!” Demetri says. Although Cairo is a strong Alpha, he can’t go against The Lord of Ardam. Whatever he says go.

  Cairo’s jaw tic through clenched teeth, stepping forward closing off the distance with Demetri. They were both tall statues, but Cairo had a good half a foot on Demetri.

  “Fine,” he replies. “And if she even hints, she’s being mistreated in any way, I will kill you. You know my kind Demetri. Since you keep insisting that we are such an aggressive race. Never mind you being the Lord or some all-powerful mage. I will kill you. You do not understand what aggression looks like, try it and see what will happen.”

  I shudder at the intensity of Cairo’s voice and to my surprise Demetri doesn’t say a word. I often wonder if there is a history between the two. Another piece of information that I’ll store away for later.

  Cairo turns back to me to wrap me in a hug. I stand on my tip tops and place a kiss on his cheek. “Stay safe,” he whispers against my ear and in a blink of an eye he was gone.

  He wasn’t the only one who took their leave when my view came back, Roman and Aiden was no longer there I was only left with a smug Demetri.

  “You may have one of the most powerful Alphas in this realm on your side, but the rest are seeing you for what you are,” Demetri says to me. I hate this man! Who adds insult to injury, other than a coward? “Destruction.”

  I want to yell and tell him he was wrong that I wasn’t destruction or anything else he thought of me, but he disappears before the words could form.

  Just earlier these men were worried about my safety, thought I was dead and one confession that I’m bonded to an Alpha and everyone loses their minds.

  Feathers catch my eye and I see Foxtrot cuddled around a bowl of popcorn.

  Whoa! I’m happy ‘The Lord’ had popcorn on head otherwise this wouldn’t be as enjoyable.

  “Are you serious right now? You’re making jokes after that disaster of a show!?”

  What can I say I have no shame, he shrugs his shoulders, but I like this Cairo!

  “Why, because he’s attractive, and he’s an alpha with lots of power?”

  That’s your thing not mine. If you haven’t noticed each man that’s pining after you is chalk-full of power, ancient power at that, but no not the power. He cares about you regardless of the bond.

  For once he didn’t have to tell me that for me to see it on my own.

  Cairo’s last words will prove to be difficult in this place.

  More than a few weeks pass, and Traci’s lessons are the very thing I need to get my mind off of our shit show. Since the fiasco, everywhere I went I was chaperoned, if it wasn’t one of the guys who ignored me but keep a watchful eye while I’m doing whatever, then it was a soldier.

  I didn’t fret, not even when they limited my contact with Cairo to one hour a day and spelled my suite so I couldn’t leave after hours, and no one could enter, except them, as if they did though.

  That’s why I’ve worked my ass off with Traci learning everything that I can and after explaining the situation, my first spell was a simple glamour.

  I labor nonstop until I perfect it. When Cairo and I had our lunch date I glamour us both and had a soldier spending countless hours searching for us.

  However, they couldn’t tell Demetri they lost us. I don’t even want to know what he would’ve done to the poor guy. We used our time wisely though. I learned that making myself a portal to where I want requires a memory or visual of that place.

  So, Cairo portals me to his place and I portal him to my suite. Don’t underestimate a demigoddess. Traci is a true sister for helping me defy ‘The Lord’.

  Now Cairo can come and go as he pleases. He’s even spent the night a few times. Hot bubble baths and wonderful secure sleep. No, we haven’t done anything, yet, but it’s damn hard not to.

  He promises to take things slow, but honestly, I don’t want to. Cairo is ancient just like the rest, so they believe in courting, except Roman. At the thought of the man I sigh.

  “Are you focusing Sabine,” Traci’s voice pulls me from my lustful thoughts.

  I nod. “Yes I am. I’m just a little tired that’s all.” To prove my point, I release a huge yawn that only makes her giggle.

  Traci gives me a knowing look. We were alone in the forest which was cleared out for my sessions. Her eyes dart to the tree where Roman causally leaned against and she whispered, “Tell Cairo to let you get your rest,” and then she smiled.

  I loved Traci; she was living up to an amazing big sister I always wanted. “We haven’t done anything, just talked.” I ensure her, but her face showed she didn’t believe me.

  I roll my eyes and tell her to run the spell attack again. My sessions are always brutal because of my seven gifts and we have to go over everything about all of them including my poisonous one, only not today since Roman was present.

  That has proved rather tricky because I always have someone hanging around, so we save those for private lessons in my room or her shop. I’m getting better with the control and calling it forth when necessary but I’m afraid I feel it now more than ever.

  I grew dependent on the constant barrier and now I can call it forth at a whim or more when my emotions go haywire. I learned the hot sensation when I’m angry or upset, it’s my poisonous touch trying to come out to play and that makes me twice as dangerous when I had it contained.

  When we finished my lesson, we’re both drenched in sweat, but there’s not a wavy lock of Traci’s hair out of place and neither is mine. God, I love this life and to think I was without it all those years.

  “What do you have planned for the rest of your evening?” Traci asks giving me a hip bump. I laugh and look around with narrowed eyes at Roman who was lagging behind.

  “Think I will take a hot bubble bath and then get some rest.” I waggle my brows because Roman couldn’t see, but she got the gist.

  “Enjoy your ‘alone time’ and I’ll see you in the morning.” She kissed me on the lips, a hint of woodsy taste lingered and by the time it had disappeared, so was she. Roman took her place beside me with an arched brow and a smile. I suppress an eye roll.

  At first, it took me back by Traci’s affection, but I discovered that all Nymphs kiss on the mouth and it doesn’t bother me in the least bit, so this asshole can fuck off.

  We continue to walk in silence when Roman stops. He was staring at me and I was too tired and hungry to get into anything with him.

  He reaches for my arm and I back away. “We need to talk,” he says with pleading hands, as though I will run and scream bloody murder.

  I shrug. “Okay, so talk then.” Roman tuck a fallen lock of his hair behind his ear and jab his hands in his pocket. I’m shocked that he’s wearing something as causal as pants and a loose button shirt. He smells and look amazing though.

  The sun captured his skin just right, and it glistened. My gaze dropped to his plush lips, and I have heard nothing he’s said.

  “What I’m trying to say is I’m sorry Sabine. This thing has been going on too long. I’ve missed seeing you and being around you.” I laugh before I could catch myself.

  “You can’t be serious? I guess I’m the cause for all this.” He steps back like I burned him with something hot.

  “Sabine you withheld information from us.”

  “So, have you, all of you, but I let it go, but as soon as I do it, no one has a stopping point. Punish her!” I lift my arm in the air like I’m charging into battle and Roman tries to hold in his laughter. “I didn’t deserve you and Aiden ganging up on me. Demetri, yeah sure I expect him to be an asshole, but not you two.” He tries to reach for me, but I don’t let him, after all I’m not finished, and it won’t be that easy. “In fact, this was caused by three powerful people with a jealousy issue,” I finish.

  Roman drops his head with his hand cupped over his forehead. Ah ha! Bingo! Guilty as charged.

  “I’ll admit I was jealous. I thought we might,” he stoppe
d, letting the words linger. “I don’t know what I thought but all I know is I saw you with him, his hands on you and you didn’t stop it. You liked him touching you. I wanted to get you back even if I didn’t agree with Demetri. I wanted you to feel how you and Cairo made me feel.”

  How can I stay mad at him? I may have been reckless with my inconsideration, but it doesn’t excuse the fact he hurt me because he could, and I couldn’t do anything about it. But I get it and it has to be water under the bridge because otherwise it will continue to go around in a circle like a never-ending cycle.

  I step into him and shower him with a hug we’ve both been starving for over weeks now. He grips me around my waist and pull me even closer.

  He towers me just like Cairo and I love every moment of it. I’ve wanted to be in his arms for a while now. A frown pulls at my lips that it took this long.

  “Let’s go home,” I tell him holding his gaze. His thumb trace my bottom lip and I give him a playful nip.

  “Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.” His grin extends from ear to ear as I close them not knowing when or if we left the forest yet.

  His rough and calloused hands press against my eyes and a nudge from behind encouraging me to walk. I take small steps and I’m brought to a halt.

  He removes his hands, taking his warmth with him. “Open them,” Roman purrs in my ear.

  I open my eyes and I spin around in disbelief. The aroma alone replenish my tired muscles and I get a burst of energy. A greenhouse filled with exotic flowers and plants. I love it. I walk around to examine each plant and flower. They’re all beautiful and diligent.

  Calling forth my plant communication I touch a bluish-purple Hydrangea and their energy vibrate into my hand.

  Are you our owner? I beam. Shit it worked! I’ve only tried it on trees, and they don’t seem to have much to say or they’re shy.

  I get close to them and say, “I am, and I promise to take good care of you all.”

  “Sabine you’re amazing.” I turn to find Roman’s heated gaze on me, his eyes hooded and glowing with a hint of red. His magic curled around him.

  “And you did a sweet thing. Thank you. Now I don’t have to travel for refueling.” If I wanted to say something else Roman doesn’t allow me to finish. His lips slam into mine and we go at it like it’s our last day in this realm.

  My back arch as he send trails of kisses down my neck and alternate them with gentle bites. “Oh, Rome,” I moan against his ear and it causes him to groan even louder.

  My orchids bloomed and butterflies flutter around us, but we don’t stop, I can’t, I only want the man in front of me. His hands roam and grip every part of my body, a bruising feeling, only the good kind.

  The creaky sound of a door stills me and just over Rome’s shoulder stood Demetri. He has a smoldering look of lust and fury that he’s battling with himself. Rome continue to trail kisses down my body with his hand running up my shirt.

  When Rome notice I was no longer taking part he follows my gaze to the door and curse under his breath.

  “Demetri look I— ”

  He throws up his hand. “Save it. We have more pressing matters. Tor’s representatives have arrived.”

  “Well,” I say, trying to break this awkward moment. “No need to just stand here. Let’s go get better acquainted.”


  “I will not!” I block Demetri’s path, bringing us all to a sudden standstill. What he’s suggesting is daft. I’ve had enough of secrets— my own included— and lying to get by, this I would not go along with.

  “This is not optional Sabine, and it’s far from a game. You will do as you’re told and present yourself as a member of Ardam’s council and nothing more.” Demetri tells me.

  Rome wisely keeps his opinions to himself as he’s already in a traitor status with Demetri. I consider his words and the more I ponder the more I’m tired of his demanding, self-righteous, and entitled attitude. This isn’t a game, but I rather lay the cards out on the table as opposed to lying to a psychopath warlock, whose retaliation for lying would be more fatal than his gain.

  “No,” I say. “We lie now, it’ll be another lie, then another until that’s all we’ll know how to do. I am here! Get over it! I’m not the Nymph from the prophecy. I don’t want to partner with this man to bring destruction and join realms just to control them. That’s not me.”

  Demetri’s nostrils flare, because he knew I was telling the truth. We need to get in front of the situation to better control it. But what’s a simple opinion from a demigoddess compared to that of a mage?

  “Let’s say you’re not the Nymph from the prophecy which I doubt,” he adds. “You’re powerful, more powerful than your own mother the highest of gifts before you were only four and you have seven. Tor would want you for your gifts, if not anything else. If you do not go along with this, I will take it as a threat against this realm. I will do my due diligence to protect it and not even your alpha will be able to save you.”

  Why did everything have to divert back to Cairo and me? Was he that hung up on that situation? And was that a threat? That was a damned threat. The fiery sensation prickled at my skin the poison begging to get out. Before they unlocked my gifts, I never felt a sensation so intense. I lunged forward, Rome intercepting me before I could get to his brother.

  “Demetri just kill me now! Get it over with, since you believe I’m that bitch! Do it!” My words came out labored in between pants of anger.

  I close my mouth, panting from my nostrils and chest heaving fast I felt like I ran a mile and it felt amazing. My hands itched to release the dark poison coursing through them.

  “No one is killing anyone. Everyone just calm down.” Rome forever the peacemaker but for how long? It was only a matter of time before Demetri and I went toe to toe and nothing could intercede it.

  Footsteps echoed, drawing my attention to the end of the hall. Aiden came forward with widened eyes and a vacant expression. I hadn’t seen or spoken to him since last week’s circus act. This entire thing was snowballing out of control. Problems weren’t being resolved nor lessened just adding more to the shit we were already trying to settle.

  “What’s going on?” He asks confused at the hostile display in front of him. I snatch myself away from Rome, so I won’t touch him and leak any poison that could hurt him.

  “Just in time. Aiden, I need you to perform a glamour on Sabine.” I take a threatening step forward.

  “If you come near me, I will hurt you.” To prove my point, I conjure up two daggers and spin them in my palms and drop my arms by my side. I know it was wrong to go after Aiden, he was clueless, but I guess I wasn’t over the betrayal I felt when he too threw me under the bus for Demetri.

  Demetri didn’t hesitate to jump in defense. He made a few hand marks in the air, that shimmered glittery blue that resembled Chinese, and a dark blue orb formed in his hands. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Makes no difference to me but you will not put my realm in jeopardy for your selfish need for attention.”

  I ignored the latter part of his statement and concentrate on my next move. As enticing as throwing both of my daggers into his chest or placing my poisonous touch on him is, I have more to consider. One reaction would cause a chain of reactions to follow. I cared about Cairo and he already clarified that he would wage a war if something happens to me.

  Releasing my daggers as they disappeared so did Demetri’s orb. I nod my head to Aiden for him to cast the glamour.

  I was now Tess a six-hundred-year-old witch who looked to be in her late thirties. Straight red hair, pale skin, and just for good measure a wart close to my now hooked nose. Whatever. Let’s get this bull shit over with, but he has to know that this was far from over between us.

  As we walked into the dining area, because it had the most seats and space, I stiffened. My would-be attacker sat at the table next to the platinum pixie haired woman.

  Demetri watched me looking for a reaction, but I g
ave the son of a bitch nothing, even if I was scared out of my wits. Familiarity tugged at my insides towards these two.

  I wondered if the vampire who attacked me knew who I was already, but then again, the glamour turned me into another person. He had laser focus on me from the moment we enter the room. If he didn’t know, it sure as hell felt like it.

  He was a beautiful man, most vampires were, even by Hollywood standards, but they didn’t do the likeness justification. Yes, they have pale skin, but not the kind where it looked like the movies. They’re skin was a translucent eggshell white.

  The vamp was tall, sharp crisp facial features, with shoulder length cold black hair that made his skin much more alluring than it should’ve been. A lean body and silver eyes, almost hypnotizing. I shake off the trance from staring at him.

  We all sit in our usual spots. I notice Ardam’s soldiers lined along the wall where servers stood. Over the time I’ve lived here I never seen them as much as I have over the last week after the attack and having them there was only an added annoying relief.

  The room was deadly quiet, and I shift around in my seat, ready for this to be over already.

  “So good of you to join us,” the platinum pixie haired woman drawls. I wonder what she was, my best guess would be between Fae and fairies. It was hard to tell with her porcelain skin pointed ears and petite shape. She was beautiful in every aspect the look that screamed model status.

  Demetri nods in her direction. “And who is this?” The woman ask with a quirked brow. She would notice me I was the only off factor in the room.

  “My apologizes let me introduce Tess, a revered witch and newest member to our council.” He said it with such certainty, hell even I had believed it. “Should we get down to busy or would you like to continue to question my council members?”

  The woman studies him for a moment before saying, “Fine. We need to search this entire realm and eliminate our suspicions of certain… threats. And while we’re at it, we’ll test every Nymph in this realm.” She says the last world while looking around at us as though she would find what she was in search of at the table. “Tor’s orders.” My blood goes cold, unsure of what testing a Nymph entails.


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