Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 18

by Owen Oakley

  “On what grounds?” Aiden had been so quiet I had forgotten he was next to me. The woman shrugs her slim shoulders, unmoving.

  “Does it matter? Lord Tor is the Lord to all realms except this one, but that doesn’t mean if there is a situation that threatens us all we should take it or get into a pissing contest about who should protect who,” she answers in a matter-of-fact type way.

  She was already on my hate list.

  “Cut the crap Cyena! The false Lord is after the nymph from the prophecy. Threat? How right you are, but don’t pretend that you are taking an interest in my peoples’ well-being.” I cough to cover the laugh that was bubbling inside at the phrase ‘false Lord’, Demetri sure as hell had a way with phrasing things and sometimes, they were funny. He shoots me a pointed look and I recover.

  But nothing about this situation is amusing, in fact this is very bad.

  Sabine, Sabine!

  I look around not because I was confused at the voice calling my name but trying to find Foxtrot in the room. For him to be inside my head he had to be somewhere nearby.

  “Foxtrot, where are you? Are you okay?” I ask my eyes still darting around the room in search of my familiar. I had turned a deaf ear to the intense conversation around us. There was so much alarm in Foxtrot’s voice, my heart squeezed at the thought he may be in danger.

  Silence and it niggled at me even more than the frantic shout of my name.


  Sorry, I’m fine. I’m in the ether. How was that even possible for us to communicate while he was there? I pushed that aside and focused on what he was trying to tell me. Cairo had me reach you. Tor’s army is trying to breach the realm. The meeting is a diversion they know that the nymph from the prophecy is here somewhere in Ardam.

  Shit this was not good at all. However, I appreciate him not saying they were looking for me I guess you can’t be too safe even in our heads.

  Sabine, did you hear me? Warn the Lord before it’s too late.

  “How in the hell do I do that?” Until this point, I thought it was a diplomatic approach.

  I clear my throat to get someone’s attention, but the conversation had already taken a turn for the worse.

  “No! I don’t care how many realms he’s taken over; he doesn’t own this one.”

  I clear my throat once again and nothing, no one was paying me any attention.

  “You leave us no choice,” Cyena shouts, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. So much for warning them, but this has to end before Tor’s enforcements arrive. Daring a glance at the vampire he was no longer looking at me, but a flicker of unease settled across his face.

  That’s odd. I didn’t think on it longer than a second before magic was flying back and forward across the room.

  Cyena freezes Ardam’s soldiers, they managed a few steps with arms raised before they were magically turned into stone. Cyena’s magic was a mixture of white with powerful bursts that Demetri deflected but had difficulty returning.

  I couldn’t sit by and watch them battle and not do anything. With unexpected ease, I drop the glamour that suppress my magic and joined the fray.

  At first, I think our odds are good, four against two but then the room starts to tremble and rumble. How could I have missed the three tank sized men behind Cyena and the vamp? Realms! They were built like mountains; the jagged edges must appropriate.

  They couldn’t be misidentified, these were shifters and by the wild, predatory gleam in their eyes; we were about to find out what dangerous shifters they were.

  Now summoning my magic was as easy as breathing, blocking the dark stuff was the real challenge, but I did it. Even though these were bad people my goal was to injure not kill.

  Focusing on the fight I speak a spell and conjure a blast of wind that knocks Cyena and the vamp back against the wall, except for the shifters, they remain solid as rocks.

  My smile soon fades as the room fill with the sound of bones cracking and lengthening. I take a step back and collide with Aiden.

  He stills me with both hands on my shoulders as we watch the scene unfold.

  I would have hit them while they shifted, but that would have been a coward move. What was the alternative? This? Waiting to find out what creature they’d become. Screw this, it was us or them, and I choose them.

  I closed my eyes and my magic circle inside my chest after I mumbled a few ancient words I’m sure I’ve never learned. My body glowed. Hmm, well, that’s new. Believe me I wasn’t the only one who took notice.

  The vamp stood, shaking off his daze where Cyena was still out cold. I had no idea the blast of wind was that strong.

  He stared at me with those, unnatural eyes filled with awe.

  When Cyena got up and took in the scene she growled, her gaze flickering to the shifters. “Get them! Now!”

  Engrossed by my new abilities, we miss the fact the three mountain men had now turned into a bear, lion and wolf. I could see the lion and wolf, but the humongous bear threw me for a loop I wasn’t prepared for.

  Okay. So, this changes things a bit. Before I could hurl over the powerful orb I conjured, Roman’s bones cracked, clothes ripped from his person, and his body grew taller than what he already was, until I could no longer recognize him.

  His head morphs double its size. His thighs were thick as wood; eyes black as night, with curved horns bulged from his forehead. My eyes widen at the sight before me.

  He turned to face me and with a deep exhale, fire came from his pierced nostrils.

  Holy realms! He’s a Minotaur!

  “Stay back!” Aiden and Demetri tried to block his line of view to me, but he’d already seen me, not to mention I was ready to lose my shit. I didn’t need their protection. I was more powerful than them all combined.

  Roman sense movement from the corner of his eye. The bear was galloping towards me. It was weird because I could hear his thoughts and feelings.

  One of my many gifts I wish I didn’t have at this moment. The intensity from them even Roman, rage, power, and some uncertainty.

  The clearest of all possessiveness. I hear a voice say to the other “together,” that’s when I realize the wolf and lion had Roman cornered and would attack.

  I stepped forward the urge to protect him, but strong arms ceased me and when I saw that it was Demetri, I shrugged him away.

  Roman would die if all three attacked him. My concern however was misplaced. With a running start Roman met the big bear head on and tackled him to the floor, both exchanging bites and rolling on the floor.

  A scream ripped through my throat as the wolf latched onto Roman’s side and the lion sent two long gashes to his hip, while the bear gained his footing to mull his face.

  It was taking everything in Aiden and Demetri to restrain me.

  I almost vomited from the blood spurring from Roman’s injuries.

  “Do something!” I yell looking at both men preventing me from helping him.

  “He doesn’t need help,” Aiden assured me with his ever-soothing voice. Were they blind? Rome would die right in front of us.

  I was done with this shit. I threw both arms to the side taking the guys along with them. I rushed forward ignoring to the protest for me to stop and stay away but I couldn’t; I was so close.

  Only a few more feet and that’s when it happened. Roman opened his mouth turning his head at each shifter. The bear, wolf and lion howled and roared in agony. Even the smallest bit of flame consumed their bodies until only three piles of ashes were before us.

  Ethereal. He possessed Hell’s flames.


  H ell’s flame that’s a huge freaking deal. Next level even. I knew incubus were demons, but I wasn’t sure how that worked with Minotaur. Not to mention I didn’t understand why he didn’t tell me weeks ago when we were discussing it. Why the secrecy?

  After recovering from my shock of Roman’s possession of Hell’s flame, my suspicions were correct.

  Although Roman wasn’t de
ad— yet— he was gravely injured and more frightening I discovered that his Minotaur form wouldn’t heal quickly nor would it until after he’d shift back, and he was too weak to do either.

  I narrowed my eyes at Aiden and Demetri who stood to the side of us, looking on. Worse than that, the nameless vampire and Cyena escaped. Fuck!

  This couldn’t be happening. “This is your fault!” I growl. “Had you let me intervene Roman wouldn’t be hurt.”

  Aiden remained quiet, while Demetri frowned. “You need to get away from him Sabine.” I stood to advance on him with fisted hands. Roman lay unconscious, and he’s having a jealousy attack.

  “You can’t be serious? Are you still upset about us kissing?” Aiden’s head spun in our direction and the fury and rage he had was clear.

  Instead of him acting on it or saying something he knew would piss me off, he said, “Sabine, Roman is still in his Minotaur form and right now it isn’t safe for you.”

  I blink at him. “Why not?” As though someone says it’s not safe standing next to an eight-foot tall bull with scary muscles upon muscles needed questioning.

  Demetri rolled his eyes before closing them. I thought he may have been counting down to keep his cool.

  “If he wakes up and sees you here, he’ll attack you.” After I stare at him dumbfounded, he continues, with a sigh. “Minotaurs are ancient warriors just like Centaurs.” He gave me a pointed look. Oh, give me a break. “Their sole purpose is to destroy those with power and those that are not familiar to them. Threat posers. You saw what he did to those shifters. That very well can be you.”

  My response was on the tip of my tongue when a very large and beefy paw grabbed my ankle, knocking me off balance.

  I fall to the floor hard, wincing as I grip my side. My head makes a sickening crack against the marble. I’m dazed with spots in my vision. I don’t know which hurt more my ankle that was being squeezed and squeezed and squeezed until it snapped or my head.

  I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. Aiden is trying to pry Roman’s hand away, but it was to no avail. Man, he was strong.

  After a quick glance, I notice his eyes were black as voids.

  “Roman it’s me! Sabine!” Tears trickle down my cheeks from the agony.

  When this was over, how much would Roman remember?

  “Aiden hurry! I can’t do this until you and Sabine are away from him!”

  “I’m trying,” Aiden yells. A floating mid-sized boulder materialized before us, Demetri controlling its weight, ready to knock it into Roman.

  “No! Stop!” I hiss. Demetri was only feeding more of his power into it. I had to act fast because I had the strongest sense, he would throw it in our direction whether we were ready or not.

  There was no choice but to throw myself over Roman— as though I could cover much— my body begin to glow. I closed my eyes and thought about his room draped in red and black décor. The same floor plan as my own, with a king-sized bed neatly made because he rarely slept in it.

  A tingle washed over my skin and when I opened my eyes, we were sprawled out over the bed that was now small because of this huge Minotaur.

  I panted for air, it was the first time I ever teleported with another person and I felt like I ran a 10K through fire. To my relief I notice he’s passed out again, and I free my ankle away from his grasp.

  “Fox! Fox!” I yell out, aware of how frantic my voice becomes with each passing word. Only it was more desperation mixed with the pain of a broken ankle.

  I would heal but nothing to aid the pain. Foxtrot appeared after I hobble my way to settle on the leather chaise lounge.

  My head settled back on the chair as I got my thoughts together. I couldn’t do this alone. My chest heaved even after I rested a bit.

  Sabine you’re hurt! What happened? Fox ask as he flapped his wings in the air wearing a horrified expression. It had taken some getting used to, the concern he shows me now and it only seem to deepen our bond.

  I hike my thumb towards the heavy Minotaur on the bed. Fox’s eyes grow large and making him fly by my side.

  “Get Traci. Bring her back here now,” I say. Foxtrot hesitates as he continues to eye Roman and I was certain it was his first encounter with a Minotaur. It made me revisit the conversation downstairs about him being dangerous… dangerous for me.

  I can’t leave you alone with him Sabine! The more time he waste the more danger Roman was in, we could lose him. I heaved a long sigh, unable to argue with him about a simple command.

  “You will, now go get Traci before it’s too late, he doesn’t have much time Fox. Hurry!”

  The sound of my voice breaks in frustration and a hard glare gets him moving.

  He disappears and I just pray he can find Traci and soon. My heart thunders at the thought of losing him. He was protecting me while we stood by doing nothing.

  Yeah, he destroyed the shifters but at what cost? Teamwork isn’t popular here among them, that much is clear.

  The thought riled my anger back towards Demetri. I was stronger and shouldn’t have let them subdue me in the beginning. With everything going on we didn’t need a civil war on our hands besides the war that awaited us with Tor.

  Three quick knocks sounded at the door. I leaned forward not sure if I wanted to open it. It’s Traci, Foxtrot says appearing by my side.

  I nod and flick my hand to the door to unlock it. I forgot she wouldn’t be able to portal her way into the room.

  Traci eased open the door sliding inside. She gave a subtle nod to someone before she closed it behind her. “Lock it.”

  It was no one except Demetri and Aiden standing out there and I couldn’t face them right now. Roman was my only concern. She took in the scene quirking a brow.

  “Well, that’s what his other half is.” Her tensed shoulder seemed to relax. “Can’t say I’m surprised,” She laid eyes on my condition. “Why haven’t you healed yourself or Roman?”

  I frowned. I couldn’t avoid it forever. “I will heal soon enough. Roman needs you to heal him, now.”

  She shook her head, making her red loose curls sway. Our stare off lasted a couple moments before she said, “you will heal yourself then Roman.” As I positioned my mouth to object, she silenced me with a glare. “Sabine, you’re a demigoddess for realm’s sake. You don’t need me, so stop using me as a crutch. There’s nothing I nor my spell books from this realm or the next can teach you anything you don’t already know.”

  I lowered my head still fighting the truth of my new life. “It’s time that you become the leader your people need. They’re waiting and so am I. Roman is half dead because you won’t accept this,” she says gesturing at me. “Heal yourself and heal him,” she continues.

  I closed my eyes, so I drew out the tears that were already on the edge of the dam. “I can’t!” She stepped closer until she sat on the foot of the lounge.

  “Then he dies.” I look up with tears blurring my eyes. It was clear Traci would not heal him.

  “Traci you don’t understand. My powers, this darkness and poison inside of me is hard for me to control. I almost lost it in front of all of them. The worse part? I wanted to; in complete honesty I would have enjoyed it. My skin itches for it to be released. I can’t control it.”

  To my surprise Traci gripped my bloody hands into hers. The warmth and tingle makes me feel calmer, sure of myself.

  “You can do this. Trust yourself, I do. The bad and the good lies within us all and you are no different, but your magic bends to your will and command. You control it not the other way around.”

  With a deep breath that seems to clear up the fogginess my head holds I reach down towards my ankle, and push magic from my palms into the bone.

  It glows so brightly Traci and I both have to look away. When the light dims, I feel better than ever, not just the broken bone but rejuvenated with raw energy and power. My eyes shift to Roman’s Minotaur were his breaths are so shallow I have to watch to see if he was breathing at all.r />
  Careful! Foxtrot, always next to me. I should have been cautious about being around this beast, but I knew in my heart Roman wouldn’t hurt me at least not intentionally. Even then I believed he didn’t want me to leave him that’s what prompt him to grab ahold of my ankle.

  I wrung my hands together getting on the only space on the bed I could find beside his body. Traci told me to trust my magic, but this was still new to me. I find her eyes, and she gives me an encouraging smile. I swallow audibly. I have to think both logically and magically in order for this to work. Regardless, his Minotaur body wouldn’t heal with such intensive damage but Roman could. I rest my hand on the center of his chest and his head moves slightly. I imagine Roman’s beautiful face, his physique and unique features in my mind.

  Once there, I summon my magic that swirl deep in my core until it radiates from my hand. The smell of a forest after a rainstorm fills the room, my nostrils flare as I push more magic into him. Sweat collects at my brow in concentration.

  The sound of bones snapping, and retracting bounce around the walls causing an echo. Shifting a powerful shifter shouldn’t be possible for someone else to do, but then I realize I’m not just anyone. I am a powerful demigoddess.

  Roman’s Minotaur fades away until all that is left is a bruised and bloodied Roman.

  Not waiting or wanting to lose momentum I work my way starting at his head injury down his body, healing him. Skin stitched itself back together right before my eyes.

  Roman went from pale to bronze and I could hear his pulse grow stronger and his spicy and cinnamon scent made me crave it as much as I needed air.

  Just like Cairo my feelings had grown stronger and my need to protect what was mine would become an addiction. After I healed him, I slump back, Traci catching me as she muttered a few words that would provide me with more energy.

  It appears even a demigoddesses have their limits. I squeeze Traci’s hands that were placed on my shoulders, grateful that she stayed to support me.


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