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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 25

by Owen Oakley

  His pace slowed, and I acted as if I hadn’t noticed. “Sabine you can’t avoid this forever,” he pauses. “You can’t avoid me.” His voice was gentle, with a tinge of hurt. I never intended to push him away, but I can only deal with things as they come and all of it came at me with such force and it’s overwhelming. “Say something, anything.” I don’t, I can’t, not right now at least. “Listen, I don’t care if you have five mates or seventy-five it doesn’t change how I feel about you or how I’ve felt about you since day one. I need you to understand that.” He stops me and cup my cheeks between his massive hands.

  I need to hear that, but, “What about Cairo?” Roman snarls, releasing my face as though I hurt him. His face went hard and with it the forest went quiet. I shivered under his gaze.

  “What about him?” Just as I open my mouth, he silences me. “Is that what has you worried? Cairo’s feelings?” It may have come out as a question, but it was an accusation. “If Cairo has a problem with this than screw him!” I drop a knowing glare his way, because he knows it doesn’t work that way.

  “It’s not that simple,” I tell him, finding my voice again. “You heard what she said, I need you all on board and that includes Cairo. Throw in the equation that Demetrius and I are nowhere near mate status,” I chuckle, “then we have more problems than we can imagine.” He groans, drawing me closer to him and I lay my head against his chest. His heartbeat like a soothing lullaby.

  “We’ll figure this out. Demetrius will come around. I snort. “And if he doesn’t, we’ll find another way. There’s always another way. There has to be.” Not sure who he was trying to convince, but he fail, and I appreciate the sentiment of it.

  “Come on,” I say dragging him along after he pressed a kiss to my temple. “Fox!” I whisper yell. He was far too quiet, and that worried me. He should have been back by now and had a dozen sarcastic things to add to our conversation.

  A cloud parted from the moon, illuminating a pathway in the forest. It was almost romantic and beautiful with the fireflies scattered around giving bits of light here and there and a slight mist at our feet.

  But something felt ominous and very wrong. Roman must have sensed it too, he grabbed my arm, and I was being shield by his body. A twig snapped and my head swirled in the sound’s direction, and I begin calling on my magic.

  Roman had shifted, his arms, both became a mountain of muscles. It looked weird, and they didn’t match his manly form. Unease trickled down my spine. Tsk, tsk, tsk. The sound was coming from every direction; followed by an eerie silence. Roman’s body tensed in front of me and when I stepped aside, I froze with my mouth agape and eyes going round.

  My knees threaten to buckle before I locked the into place. A tall form about my height but not as tall as Roman stood across from us, staring. It had horns like a ram, a furry body; it’s upper part male, but his lower half was all goat. I swallowed hard. Running as many outcomes that wouldn’t end in another fight or death.

  It didn’t appear deadly but those are the main things that are deadliest.

  Our pointy ears match except where mine were diligent and small, his were large and disproportionate. Even though I couldn’t see his eyes I knew they were grey with a black rectangular pupil.

  I grabbed Roman’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as we approached the creature. The closer we got the more of a smile I could make out. He took a long sip from a golden goblet with embedded rubies along the rim.

  He tossed it to the side his eyes never wavering from ours. They were hard to take in, but I refused to cower under his scrutiny. The stench of wine filled the air along with a loud belch from the creature that tossed my curls ever so. My nose wrinkled at the smell. Roman’s face was hard as stone.

  “My name is Wryx,” the creature says with a slight head bow. Oh, now he wants to be polite after doing something as rude as belching, give me a break. Roman and I remain unmoving.

  “If you ever want to see the hybrid again, you’ll answer two riddles and complete a task.” I growled at the creature as Roman gave my hand a gentle tug to settle me. I dialed my anger back before it could get away from me.

  It’d be easy to just unleash the poison within and kill this entire damn forest for even thinking about taking someone I love and care about. Oh, and for the ‘hybrid’ remark. It wasn’t the time though.

  I sigh along with a quick nod.

  “Of course,” I choke out because I wouldn’t expect nothing less from a Satyr.



  I ’m going against everything I’ve been taught as the Lord of this Realm. An urgent note was delivered shortly after Sabine and Roman left. Had it been any other time I wouldn’t have given it a second thought and would’ve discarded it. However, the timing was too close for my liking.

  The note stated that I should come alone to the forest boulder. Ever since I created it for Sabine’s awakening more and more creatures have put it to good use. I smiled remembering Sabine’s face when she arrived at her awakening. I watched her at a distance. She was pacing, a nervous wreck. She also played at being semi-impressed but the glint in her eyes was undeniable.

  The sun was beginning to dip, and the torches began to flicker to life. Magic powered them, just like everything else, and they wouldn’t fully blaze until it was completely dark. Another creation that I took pride in especially when it rewarded me with such beautiful appreciation from Sabine. Sadness haunted me; there was so much I wanted to tell her, but she insisted that we waited until she returned.

  Honestly, I couldn’t wait; that woman blessed me with both desire and frustrations. It was a far time I told her how I feel. The thought of her and Roman being alone was a punch to my gut.

  He was my bonded blood brother and yet I envied him with the jealousy that consumed me. From the moment she stepped into this world it has always been Roman. Even before Cairo.

  Cairo, another reminder that Sabine’s affection was divided in pieces, and given to yet another man. Then there was Aiden, I’m certain she has feelings for him as well.

  I sighed trying not to let my thoughts discourage me from what I would tell her once she returned.

  A stronger flicker of flame caught my attention, and I realized my thoughts had captured me and now it was later than before. My fist balled beside me and I placed my magic on standby. Either the person was running late, or this was an ambush. For realm’s sake I hope it’s the former and for their benefit; then again let it be the latter. A large shadow lingered by the tree unmoving, definitely not a man form. My nose tilted on the wind as a breeze rushed by.

  Wolf, strong, an alpha or maybe a beta. That would require more power and so I allowed free range to my endless reserves to fill the center of my chest.

  The air carried crackles of bones, a sound I had grown familiar with over the centuries when Roman shifted. A nude man came striding forward into the light and I instantly dropped my magic. Adrian.

  He had no modesty about himself, well neither do most shifters, nymphs, and sexually feed beings. Roman was only convinced fifty years ago to start wearing clothing.

  I dip my head in respect to the Alpha, and he bowed from his waist in return. “I presume you’re the one who sent the note?” I ask cocking my brow.

  “I am. This needed to be done in person. There’s no one to trust. Divisions have been created along with alliances among the Centaurs, Nymphs, and Wolves.”

  I whistle low to myself. That’s quite the battalion they’ve formed. Especially when Centaurs and Wolves don’t play well together. It’s an animal thing. That and they are both territorial as hell.

  “Why should I care what orders do with their time or relationships? As long as they’re not plotting treason or plans to do this realm or the next harm, I don’t govern or limit anyone. I’m not that kind of Lord.”

  The alpha cross his arms over his chest and I just give him a bored expression. My time could be used better than this and had I known beforehand there would be
no discussion.

  “So, if that’s all, you’ve wasted both of our time,” I say before turning to walk away.

  “I thought you of all people would want to know who the dark Nymph is.” Hints of bemusement played in his voice, stopping me in my tracks.

  This could just be hearsay, nothing solid and it most definitely had to be proven. Warmth ran through my legs and before Adrian could blink, run, or scream I had him around his neck, squeezing the life from him. Which was no easy feat. The man was a foot taller than me and weighed that of a tank. His hands clawed at mine, but I shoved them aside, pressing down harder.

  “Make no mistakes. Your next words, choose carefully because they may very well be your last.” After his tawny skin begin to darken, I released him.

  He crumbled to the ground taking lung full of air. The moment passed, and my patience was slipping yet again. “Speak.” I command.

  Adrian picks himself up from the dirt and steps back. I roll my eyes; the tantrum was over all I want now are answers.

  “It’s Sabine.” Except for that one.

  His words were like fire wrapping around my heart. In the back of my mind I suspected it, but I never would have believed it to be true.

  “Cairo held a meeting with all the Nymphs, Centaurs, and Wolves. He asked us to stand with her, protect her. At which time my Beta took over!” He sneered.

  The venom practically clinging to each word. Now this all made sense. This wasn’t a gesture of curtesy or warning but one of revenge.

  But I couldn’t focus on that at the moment. “I chose not to follow, some of my pack left with me but the rest,” he paused, his voice filled with hurt and betrayal. “But most stayed with Lucas, who will be their new alpha.”

  Horrible as Adrian losing his pack may be that isn’t my concern nor my problem. Just moments ago, I couldn’t wait to tell Sabine I loved her, that I want to be with her no matter what, even after the seer told me my mate would be my undoing.

  Now? I shook my head attempting to alleviate the hurt and heartbreak I felt at the moment. Adrian had been watching me as I battled with myself. A look of sympathy in his eyes. “I’m sorry. What are you going to do?” He asks. I say nothing, as I let magic envelope me, teleporting me back to my manor.

  In my room I stare at the bed Sabine laid in after her awakening and the fear that I held inside. The memories of the first moment I met her, the defiance and sass she had that made her even sexier. Adrian’s words echoed in my head. ‘What are you going to do?’

  Mate or not, and because I love her, I have to protect her from herself and everyone else. Sabine has to die and only by hands.


  T he riddles were surprisingly human like. Roman grumbled the entire time and shot dirty looks at Wryx, and lucky for me they were fairly easy. It was the task that had us worried. Honestly, we would be fools to trust a Satyr, a drunken one I might add. But the sooner we completed it the faster we got to Eilien.

  Our task was to retrieve a valuable goblet and my mind drifted back to the goblet he discarded when we first met him. I sure as hell hope he didn’t toss it just so we could find it.

  I was reassured that it wasn’t, that the goblet he had paled in comparison to the one we were to find. I doubted it, the goblet was gold and had so many rubies I couldn’t count.

  “He said if we go towards the hills and into the cave, we’ll find it,” I say standing at the base of the hill. The hill ran all the way up and leveled out to what I guess would be the cave’s entrance.

  Everything in me screamed to turn back, but this was the only way we could get Fox back. I ping of guilt hit me. Had I been more adamant about Fox not coming he would be safe at the manor and not being kidnap by dangerous creatures.

  Roman groan as he took my hand to help me on the path. Ever the gentlemen, such a rare find in an incubus. “After what we went through in the Hag’s leer, I’d think it would be wise if we stirred clear of caves for a while, not head right back into one.” I say nothing with my lips purse together in a thin line.

  “If it were any other situation, I’d agree with you but its Fox. You know I won’t leave without him.”

  Great, walk or should I say swam out of one bad situation only to be thrown into another one.

  There’s no hesitation making our way inside the cave. The air is dry, almost too dry, like wind or rain hadn’t seen the inside of the cave in years.

  My nose fly up as an intoxicating fragrance fill my nostrils. A rich and savory flavor; enough to make a person drunk and become addicted.

  Roman sample the air next to me in small amounts. But I was too busy inhaling my fill of the aroma as my eyes roll to the back of my head.

  “Don’t!” Roman’s hand clamp over my mouth and nose. I struggle for the yummy air, better than anything I’ve ever experienced.

  His hand remain in place. I blink a few times and the high dissipates.

  “When I release you, breathe as little as possible,” he whispers against my face, his breath tickling my ear. I stare at him. “It’s faerie magic, the most potent kind there is. A few more deep inhales and you would’ve succumbed to them,” he answers my silent question.

  After reluctance he let me go and I replace his hand with that of my own, no longer trusting myself to breathe without his help.

  Roman nudge his head for me to follow him and I do. I don’t know much about faeries, but I know they are cute but also deadly and no one ever crossed them.

  Leave it to the Satyr to get us mixed up in his mess. A feud between his kind and theirs or just away to be mischievous; I’m willing to bet on the latter.

  I just hope like hell we aren’t stealing something that doesn’t belong to him.

  The cave just like any other cave is dark. A flicker of flame burst to life and relief floods me. Roman held the flame in his fingertip but it was enough to see several feet in front of us.

  And there it set in the center glistening, the goblet; platinum and encrusted with diamonds. It was beautiful and too easy. Roman placed a finger to his mouth and signaled for me to use my magic to float the goblet to us.

  Okay, how hard could this be? Placing my hands to the goblet, I feel my magic and envision the goblet floating to my hands. I hadn’t had as much practice with Traci as I would have liked, but most of the things I did were through trial and error.

  Traci had more confidence in myself than I did. The goblet lifted, tilting on its way into the air.

  Roman’s hand rest on my shoulder along with more magic being surged into me. The goblet flies into my hands before I could blink.

  I look up to find Roman watching me, and he throw a sexy wink and smile my way. How did I ever get so lucky?

  We aren’t given a second more to bask in the shared moment before there was complete chaos descended upon us.

  Noises erupted all around and even more magic seeped into the air. “Let’s go, now!” No need to tell me twice. My legs carried me back through the cave and down the hill with Roman close behind.

  He sent blasts of magic mixed with flames over his shoulder, but it didn’t slow down what was happening. When I looked back, I trembled to my core.

  Why were we running from something so adorable? They were tiny, like Tinker-bell, but hundreds swarmed after us like buzzing angry bees.

  The whole scene was ludicrous. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, at least until one of them hurled a glitter ball at me. It soared through the air like a shooting star leaving a tail in its wake. It missed me and latched itself onto a tree, I watch as it sizzled its way through leaving a huge hole in the middle.

  Definitely cry.

  We came up on the path that led us to Wryx. He spots us, grinning from ear to ear when his gaze falls onto the goblet swinging in my hand.

  Roman and I skid to a halt a few feet from him. The faeries were rounding the corner and although we couldn’t see them, yet their constant chatter and the beat of their tiny wings was enough to send a sliver of anxiety down my s
pine. Roman snarled as we both prepared for a fight.

  Realization set in and wiped the trademark smug smirk off Wryx’s face. This was all his fault, the way I was suffering; tired, stomach growling like a wolf. I was ready to destroy everything in my path.

  “Quick! Throw me the goblet!” My grip tighten around the neck of the cup.

  “Hell no! Where is Fox?” Did he think I was a fool? I do his bidding and then he sells me down the river. Nah, uh. Not happening.

  “Give me the goblet first and then I’ll bring him to you.” I shook my head and threw the goblet to Roman who caught it with ease.

  By that time the faeries had arrived, and glittery balls and all the rest were least important. My patience had run out.

  “He has hell’s flames,” I tell no one in particular, pointing to Roman. Small gasps sounded through the group of tiny creatures. To prove my point, his hand ignited with a bright blue flame.

  The faeries paused, their tiny wings slowing with their huge eyes locked on Roman. Annoyance flickered in Wryx’s eyes, as he narrowed them at everyone.

  “Now that I have everyone’s attention. Wryx bring Fox to me now. We’ve already wasted too much time in this God forsaken place!”

  My chest was heaving now, and the cool night breeze did nothing for the heat my skin was flushed with. No one moved whether entranced by Roman’s fire or my threatening tone, I couldn’t be for sure.

  I nod to Roman and he began incinerating the goblet from the bottom up, engulfing it in blue and red flames.

  “Stop!” Both the faeries and Wryx roared in unison. Roman extinguish his flames and the sighs of their relief sounded among us.

  An elder faerie wearing a small coat flew forward to become eye level with me He was thicker than the rest and carried wisdom in his eyes.

  There were a few wrinkles in his face but not enough to give away his age or hardships he’s encountered. The little faerie didn’t look dangerous in fact he had such a sweet and calming presence about himself, but that was a part of their package. To lure in unsuspecting creatures and then pounce.


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