Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 26

by Owen Oakley

  “The goblet belongs to us. Our most precious artifact and you took it!”

  I glare at Wryx who at least the decency had to lower his head and glance at his hooves. Setting aside the anger and getting focused. I had to be quick about my next move.

  “A deal is a deal Wryx! Where is Fox? You asked us to retrieve the goblet and we have!”

  Still nothing and with that something shattered deep inside my chest. This was my domain no matter how scary and terrifying it was, I was in my natural element. Darkness blurred my vision and every evil thought I could conjure entered my mind.

  Death and pain. I had the strongest desire to destroy everything. It repulsed and thrilled me at the same time. Roman shot me a wary glance his lips in a thin line with worry in his eyes. These creatures should bow to me, their goddess, not disobey. The things I command of them; they should do without protest.

  A deep roar from the pit of my stomach escaped my mouth and birds flew from trees and the soil lifted to the skies.

  Tree roots up heave themselves and I made use of them, while standing in the center of it all.

  Wryx was on the move, but he doesn’t get over two feet before the roots restrain him, wrapping around his legs clean up to his shoulders. He howl and pull against them to no avail.

  There was no use the more he strain against them, the tighter they became. The faeries scream and yell at once their pleas. I ignore them all.

  One by one they fly in varies of directions except the way they intended.

  Chaos was being created left and right and it all streamed from me. My dark side had taken over, feeding on the fear and disruption of nature.

  “Sabine, stop! You’re hurting them!” I don’t care! I told them to bring me Fox, and all they cared about was a fucking goblet.

  The thought only made more dark power ripple through me more. My magic replace the cool night breeze with unbreathable air. Everyone grabbed their throats, eyes wide with horror. Roman fell to his knees hard.

  Everything around me died, if it was living it died and I absorbed its savory essence. Trees turned a sickly pale gray, and the fluids dried, leaving a husk.

  Sabine, it’s okay. I’m okay!

  Fox’s voice floated in my head and only his tone could bring me back to myself. I called in the darkness as fast as I could, pulling in the black mist that had covered the grounds waist high.

  There was no room for regret at this point. But nothing could prepare me for the disaster in front of me. Everything was destroyed and unconscious creatures— or so I hope they were— were sprawled everywhere.

  Mist fill my eyes as Fox landed on my shoulders. I screamed when I saw Roman lay on the ground, unmoving. My legs couldn’t carry me fast enough to get to his side.

  “Are they dead?” I ask but my eyes never leave Roman.

  “No,” the older faerie replies as he lands on Roman’s chest. Irritation prickle at me and I want to swat him away, but the only blame goes to myself.

  I was shocked to see he wasn’t among the unconscious fray.

  “Just sleeping. When you’re dark as we are,” he gesture to his people, “your powers don’t affect us the same way. Sure, you could kill us without hesitation, but you didn’t want to kill us, did you demigoddess?”

  Great, just great, now he knows! But no, I didn’t want to kill them.

  “We’ve waited a long time for you,” he continues as he bowed. “This one however, is near death,” he gesture at Roman and I lose it.

  My breath hitches in my throat along with a flood of tears. I killed him. I’m a monster. “But he’s an incubus and Minotaur, it doesn’t get any darker than that,” I state between sobs, hating that I had to say Roman was bad in any way was sickening.

  “Yes, but I’m afraid that’s what happens when someone is tethered, or otherwise blood bonded to a light mage.”

  “What?” I scream, and the faerie wince covering his ears.

  Calm down.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down Fox! Why didn’t they tell me this? Especially Roman!”

  The older Faerie’s widen eyes dart from me to Fox who was at my side. “Impressive! You have a familiar?” He asks bouncing around Roman’s chest giddy by the discovery.

  I brush away the creature and place my attention back on Roman. Okay enough, time for him to wake the hell up. I’ve done it before I’d do it again.

  Magic swirl in my chest and around me, my aura color now of green and gold floating around, as I placed one hand on Roman’s chest and felt a paw on my shoulder where Fox was now perched. I needed the boost, for everything that I absorbed, I put back out in dark magic.

  Who knew that using the dark was exhausting.

  Our magic merged, enchanting the spell. My arm glowed, magic coming in waves leaping into Roman’s body. The old faerie scrambled to get away almost getting hit in the crossfire.

  Roman’s chest got darker, and I was able make out the faint movement in his limbs.

  No one spoke we just waited until something happened or didn’t. I stared at the sky, having lost all sense of time.

  Warmth settle around my neck from Fox’s body and it was a calmness I still carved the moment I stopped using the black. His purrs were even and consistent and just the distraction away from the thoughts of Roman not waking up.

  This could be my biggest screw up since being in these magical realms. How could I forgive myself with his blood on my hands or Demetri?

  Then the panic grows more, how would Roman’s death affect Demetri? Would he die or lose his power? Shit!

  I sit on my bottom getting comfortable as I blow a stray curl out of my face. I just want to go home and boy if that didn’t have so much meaning.

  What seem to be an eternity later Roman’s eyes slowly open taking a huge gasp for air as he jerks forward. I brace him so he wouldn’t move. When he doesn’t embrace me back, I pull away. The look on his face cuts me deeper than any knife could.

  “I’m sick of dying,” he mumbles so low I almost miss it. The faerie stares in disbelief wearing a look of awe and fright.

  “Master Tor will be pleased with the prize he’s getting.” What the hell? The old creature smile sends goosebumps over my skin. Before I could retort his comment, Roman back hands it into a bed of ashes.

  The urge to chastise Roman was difficult to control. I wasn’t a fan of the dark creature but that was not the answer. Since Roman has had a rough night, a pass was in order.

  “How do we get to Eilien?” I ask. The faerie sits up and brush himself off, shooting daggers towards Roman. “The quickest route possible,” I add.

  He flutter towards a small twig and sit down which is a perfect fit for his size. “Had you announced yourself as the dark Nymph and demigoddess of your kind you could’ve been there hours ago,” he drawls, his tone not helping the situation.

  Roman pushes himself up headed for the creature but I stop him. It was pointless and so was disputing the accusation laid before us.

  “Fine. Show it to us now.” The small creature close his beady eyes doing whatever necessary to get us to Eilien.

  One thing I wasn’t going to allow a pass on was the information brought to my attention while Roman was near death. He was doing everything in his power to avoid me, suddenly the ground and sky had become the most fascinating thing ever.

  “So,” I state and completely grabbing his attention. “What the hell is up with this blood bond you share with Demetri?” Fox’s chuckle echo in my head. Only it wasn’t funny. Roman sigh and spread his arms out and letting them fall to his side.

  “Explain. Now.”



  H ow in the hell did I die again? On top of everything else, I must explain to Sabine about the fucking blood bond which did not go well. I hate reliving that bullshit! It’s nothing more than a constant reminder that I was indebted to someone. Grateful as I was for Demetri saving my life, the shit was horrible for us both. My soul tied to a person for the rest of your life
isn’t my idea of fun.

  We may die separate deaths, but I would never be able go against Demetri as if I would, anyway. My soul would never be mine, nor his. But now that we know Sabine is the dark Nymph, if Demetri were to find out he can compel me to go against her.

  After I told Sabine this, she freaked out. Fox and she have been communicating through their mental link.

  She had become withdrawn from me, blaming herself for the incident that happened.

  I wanted to be there for her, but I have no clue how. Times like these I wish Cairo was here.

  My jaws clench together at the thought, but it’s true. He was better at situations like this than me.

  Now it made sense for her to have multiple mates.

  There wasn’t room for one to be there for every aspect in her life, because there are certain things, we weren’t good at.

  We each served a purpose in her life and the common one was to help her get rid of Tor, until then everyone and the realms were in danger.

  My worries goes back to the previous incident and I wonder how long it would take the dark faerie to turn us in? It was yet another reason to do this and get the hell back to Ardam.

  We stroll down the mess of a street, bypassing any guards in front of the gates. The old faerie had a trick or two up his sleeves because he transported us into the city. Thank the realms because I didn’t have the energy to smooth talk our way inside.

  Time was beyond the essence; we had lost an entire day fucking around with a hag, sirens, faeries and a damn Satyr, who I would still love to strangle. I didn’t see his body when I woke up, that was no surprise he had escaped. Which thinking back on it I’m certain was all a set up to get Sabine to reveal her true nature. Mission accomplished.

  “Stay close,” I instruct them, when Sabine’s and Fox’s pace slow behind me. There wasn’t a plan anymore. With our disguises ruined, which our plan was rested on; it was over.

  We just need to find the keeper and do it without bringing attention to ourselves.

  Speaking of which; we were already drawing a lot of unusual stares from creatures. Never mind the filthy clothes that looked like we’d been involved in a fire, with smote covering our faces and other body parts; Sabine and I both radiated power and with Sabine the dark attracted the dark.

  This was a dark city with even darker creatures. It worried me.

  “Here should be fine.” I open the door to some run-down bar with broken windows and in desperate need of a paint job.

  Upon stepping inside the dim place, it was clear why the owner didn’t bother with an upgrade. The shady and unsavory characters scattered around appeared not to mind their environment or didn’t care.

  A vamp was working behind the bar. I suppress an eye roll. So, cliché. Everyone stop what they were doing to gawk at us.

  The loud chatter that greeted us at the door died down to mere whispers. I place my hand on the small of Sabine’s back urging her forward.

  Her smooth skin sent a thrill of longing and desire, making me realize I’d gone an entire day without feeding. With my exhaustion ramped up, I miss Sabine more than she knows.

  This goddamn place was screwing with us all. Sabine clears her throat snatching me away from my thoughts.

  No one had shied away from staring at us. I shift and my Minotaur horns appear; what the hell, I change my entire head to show them I wasn’t to be messed with, blowing fire from my nose to add a bit of flair.

  Conversations resume, louder than before. I lead us further inside, choosing to bypass the countertop were only two vacancies were. We need a place more private. A booth in the back corner was open.

  They designed the light fixture with three bulbs but only one was in working condition.

  Eilien worked so hard to make things more and more like the Earth realm but they didn’t have the means for the upkeep.

  This was Tor’s territory now, and he didn’t give a shit about this place as long as he controlled it and the ones inside, nothing else mattered.

  Sabine and Fox were still at it with their mental conversation and my annoyance level was increasing.

  “Care to share with the group,” I ask the two, my voice sounding deep and menacing, and otherwise unlike myself. They both stared, waiting for me to catch on and I did. The sound of bones snapping sounded. Pain surged through me, but as fast as it had come it was gone. I was accustomed to the pain of my shifting.

  With a pop of my neck from side to side, the tension falls away. Sebastien had become much a part of me as anything and whether I was in my man form or his, they both seemed to merge.

  “Better?” Fox nods but Sabine remain quiet. A waitress with wavy red hair, pouty full lips, and an hourglass figure saunter our way.

  Her smile was sultry, and she had been eye screwing me since I walked in. Succubus. The shot of lust that exuded from her was a sweet snack, an equivalent to a shot of espresso.

  “What can I get for you all?” Yeah, she was asking both of us, but her eyes never left mine. Sabine’s jaw tick. Her emerald green eyes shined brighter.

  “I’ll have a glass of wine,” Sabine tells her, waiting on the waitress to notice her and acknowledge her presence. No such luck.

  I couldn’t stop myself from smirking, enjoy watching Sabine get territorial and jealous. My arms spread across the booth’s seat giving her a good view of my chest.

  Even though I was covered with dirt, she knew promising temptation was underneath. Sabine’s gaze burned a hole into me. It was a bad idea to anger a woman who just killed me but, I lived for risks.

  “Hey bitch, if you don’t stop ogling him, I will carve your eyes out of that skull of yours.”

  My head snap in Sabine’s direction. Such a violent streak. I had to get her out of here fast. This place was bringing out the ugly in her and it was scary as shit. The succubus recoil as she put her hands on her hips.

  “And who the fuck are you?” Before Sabine got that hope in her eye and gather her magic, or the succubus try to throw a spell that would only piss Sabine off more. I grab the waitress wrist.

  “Trust me, that’s not what you want darling,” I tell her darting my eyes over at Sabine, “she’ll have a glass of red wine and I’ll take a Whiskey sour.” She snatch her hand and walks away. Smart girl. A growl sound from next to me, and I chuckle.

  “What?” She asks with menace in her tone. I throw up both my hands in surrender.

  “Nothing. I thought for a second there you didn’t know I existed.” She huffed and her flustered face only made her look more beautiful. My smile widen, and she try to fight her own but fail.

  The tension that was weighing us down seem to vanish. She even moved closer to me, tucking herself under my arm. She felt so good even covered in ash and grime.

  “What’s the plan??” A good question which I don’t have any idea. Eilien was big and we couldn’t go around asking random people, “Oh hi, do you know where Christopher Amotte’s residence is?”

  Not happening. Our drinks arrive from a different waitress, less attractive and with fewer words. Sabine takes the wine bottle, not bothering to examine the label and pour herself a glass fill to the rim.

  I sit back and observe, only nursing my Whiskey sour that isn’t great. With each passing sip it becomes tarter.

  Lack of presentation and it taste like the vamp left out the sugar portion and poured far too much lemon juice and whiskey in. After my fourth and final sip my mouth puckers, and my eyes start watering.

  I must have taken too much in during that last sip. Before I could spit it back out, I was in a coughing fit along with a slight burn forming in my chest. Fox was curled up on the table staring at me showing his fangs.

  Whenever that happens it meant he was laughing. Sabine only confirms my suspicion when her snickers turn into full-on laughter followed by several pats to my back.

  “So, not funny,” I say between coughs, but then I laugh. Worries and troubles seem to be far away. A loud clutter followed by a demon
with red skin, horns and wings hurling a beat-up wooden chair across the back of some shapeshifter. I wasn’t sure which kind, but I was certain we’d find out soon.

  The two exchange punches, they packed some regular while others with magic. A card game with liquor was never a good combination no matter what realm you’re in.

  I tear my eyes away from the two, not surprised that no one had tried to intervene.

  “Does Fox have any suggestions?” I nudge towards the now sleeping familiar, who snored. Sabine shakes her head, pouring herself another glass of wine and I drag my hand over my face.

  The wine bottle wasn’t clear, but I notice the contents were almost empty. When had she consumed that much while I was sitting right to her? I take a sniff of the bottle, noticing that she couldn’t keep her head up and contain her fits of giggles.

  Fuck! Fae wine! Every time I see or think about this wine it made me curse Aiden.

  Only his people would make a wine potent enough to become drunk from after a few sips and if you consume the entire bottle? Good luck. We didn’t need this shit right now.

  “I have a plan. You just have to trust me.” I shift around in my seat with uncertainty. Pass her glossy eyes I see honesty and certainty with what she would do, and that I could get behind.

  I nod along with taking a deep breath. Sabine stagger to the top of our table, kicking Fox whose back arched along with a hiss before he saw what was happening.

  Good his furry ass needed to wake up to help me with Sabine.

  “Don’t focus on me,” she whispers. Whatever that meant. She had already drawn several individuals’ attention.

  “Ladies and gentlemen.” I snort at that, couldn’t help it. “My name is Sabine and I’m the dark Nymph you’ve all been waiting for!”

  What the entire fuck! Abort! I was on my feet before I could process the words that came out of her mouth.


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