Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1 Page 27

by Owen Oakley

  Fox fluttered around next to Sabine, who only swatted him away as she continued to talk.

  Mission accomplished she now had everyone’s attention with either interest or desire and with some a little of both.

  Sabine’s words sunk in and her rant sounded distant in the room filled with racing heartbeats and smug expressions. However, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, yet.

  No one noticed me blending in with the wall, ambling, surveying the crowd. Sabine was sprouting more nonsense that I ignore, when a Neman grabs my attention.

  He isn’t in his lion form, but you could always recognize them. Flashy, tanned skin tone, good looks; he’s what Sabine or any human would consider the surfer type.

  Didn’t know why he was in this place; his kind had the affinity to light. Unless he passed for bad or was born with a touch of darkness.

  I would have overlooked him but his interest in Sabine was too genuine, that and him hauling ass to get out of there.

  I don’t have to tell Sabine to follow because she was running right beside me. Unsure how she consumed a whole bottle of Fae wine and keeping stride with me. I suppose I should be grateful she hadn’t vomited or passed out.

  No one stopped to stare at two people chasing after another, they’ve seen worst.

  The Neman weaved down one ally after the other, most were a tight fit for me and him, but I don’t let it slow me. Fox flew above us giving directions to Sabine who relayed them to me within seconds of having to change directions.

  I smile as we reach a dead end, while the Neman look around confused. I’d have to thank Sabine later for the illusion that ceased the chase.

  The next part would be hell, but something tells me Sabine would enjoy this way more than I would. The things an incubus does for his mate.


  S ure, my plan isn’t the most ideal, to announce to the entire dark realm; I’m the dark Nymph who Tor wants, and then factor in I was looking for the Keeper. Risky, but we were out of options. My balance was off. Fae wine was by far the most potent alcohol I’ve ever had.

  A veil of illusion covered us from prying eyes, as far as everyone else was concerned they only saw a brick wall. Anyone who tried to approach would have the urge to turn away.

  The alley was damp and dirty, cobwebs hung in thick sheets.

  Roman paced a few steps, running his hands through his hair. “What’s wrong?” I ask, noticing the worry and tension etched across his face.

  “Just don’t judge me for what happens next, okay?”

  He didn’t give me time to reply before a shimmer of red mist latched onto the shifter. The man transformed from pissed off to his hands rubbing down the planes of Roman’s chest. My mouth falls open and I no longer need the spell I would give myself to sober up. Roman shoots me a look that was apologetic.

  As I was taking in the man for the first time, and holy hell was he hot. Almost as hot as Roman and watching them exchange caresses was doing strange things to my libido.

  I hear Fox chuckle in my head, sensing the change in me.

  Now aren’t you happy you fell for him on your own? I was speechless. Fox was right. Roman had the ability to use magic on me. He had before but still it had been nothing to this effect.

  He cared enough about me not to manipulate me with magic even though he possessed the skills with little effort.

  But then I wondered how many times he had done this for information or to get his way. I look back at them, Roman was asking him questions and promises of affection if he answered.

  Roman was far too good at this.

  Well duh he’s an incubus for realm’s sake. What did you expect?

  I roll my eyes at Fox regardless if his words were true. Roman came over to us with the man in tow gazing at the back of his head and running his fingers down Roman’s arm.

  “You can drop the spell now,” I say with way too much bitterness in my voice. Roman rub the back of his neck hesitant.

  “About that… The spell I cast will take a while to fade.” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. “But the good news is he told me everything. Your father’s location was difficult to extract from him, but he told me. He also told me he was on his way to warn Christopher.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion. “Warn him, why?”

  “He told me Christopher knew you were coming but didn’t know when and he wanted to give him time to prepare for your arrival,” Roman said in such a way that suggested he didn’t believe him either.

  “Okay so ditch him so we can go.” He bit his bottom lip with a slight sigh. “What now?” I ask. Irritation was getting the best of me.

  “We can’t, not yet. He has to show us the way.” I groan slapping my palm against my forehead.

  “Just ask him!”

  “And get lost, um no. He’s coming with us to make sure we get there. I also don’t trust him to wonder about by himself with a powerful devotion spell on him for another incubi to take advantage of him. I’m not a fan, but I don’t want to place him in harm’s way from my spell.”

  He was being thoughtful while I acted selfish and jealous. I drop my head. “Lead the way,” I instruct, with my arm stretched before us.

  We fall in a single line, not bothering to speak. Night was settling and it wouldn’t be a good idea to be on the streets in a place like this. We stop short of an area with at least a dozen huts scattered around made of stones. They looked cozy, small chimneys with smoke steaming out into the air.

  Burning wood floated through the air and if I closed my eyes, this place felt homey. A few small creatures with a variety of horns, thick skin and tails ran around on the rocky foundation where grass should have been.

  I assume they’re children. Their laughter trail after them while they chased each other.

  Just beyond the huts was a charming and modern home.

  Light spilled out from various windows and the setting sun sparkled against the silver and blue exterior.

  I closed my eyes and let the familiar feeling cocoon me. The soft wind bounced my curls with whispers that sound like a welcome home.

  This place wasn’t so bad. The excitement that drove me to this place subsided and reality set in; I was about to meet my father.

  I squeezed my eyes tighter together and my stomach did a flop and I swallowed the vomit raising in the back of my throat.

  What if he doesn’t like me? The shifter said he wanted to prepare for me, but what if it was a lie? My life was full of enough disappointments, it wasn’t in me to cope with another.

  A hand touch my shoulders, and I jump. Roman stood beside me like the rock he was along with Fox by my feet. The shifter was gone. Roman must have sent him on his way while lost in my thought. “Ready?” Roman ask in a soothing tone.

  I nod, not trusting my voice to betray me. There was a wrap-around porch that made me think of an old eighteenth hundred Victorian home. Impressive for a realm that wasn’t filled with humans. The door awaited me as we climbed the stairs.

  Courage finds me and I knock once followed by two more in succession. There was no movement at first just the sound of the evening ending. My body remained unmoving and eyes fixed on the door, until the knob twisted and the last thing, I feel is a sharp pain in my skull and a bright white light.

  Darkness surrounds me seconds later.


  W ell, that was not the greeting I was hoping for or expecting. A hug, or kiss maybe, awkwardness, definitely. But when I open my eyes, I did not expect being tied up in my dad’s living room. The man in question back was to me, while stroking the fire. As he turn around to face me my eyes bugged out of my head. This man, my dad, look nothing like me. He was handsome with bright blue eyes, short brown hair, and tall, like tall enough to touch the room’s high ceiling. This had to be some mistake.

  Children were supposed to resemble their parents, if not all. And I saw nothing of myself in the man staring back at me.

  His full pink lips tipped into a smile that ma
de him even more appealing. I disregard his physical distractions and remind myself that he knocked me out and tied me up.

  Roman and Fox were tied, both still semi conscious.

  “Sabine,” my name rolling off his tongue like a purr. Gross this was my dad and yet he was being flirtatious, and I wasn’t repulsed by it.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  My dad’s smile only widened as if he reading the dirty thoughts swirling around in my head. “It’s an honor to meet you.” The grimace I had been wearing since I awaken only deepens.

  After pulling against the restraints I discover there was no rope or wires holding me. A spell and like with any spell there’s a counter. I store that information away while working out a plan.

  Roman stir next to me followed by Fox who groan.

  They must have felt like their head was splitting like I did when I first came to.

  It would past just as mine did. Neither of them looked worse for wear. I give a subtle shake of my head for him not to communicate. My father was a sorcerer and if these magic bounds he had on us was any sign of his powers, there was no telling what else he’s capable of.

  “Not what I was expecting from my father,” I comment. He laugh placing his hands behind his back.

  “I’m not your father Sabine, and if it helps any, your reputation proceeds you, but that’s the understatement of the century. There’s no way I’d risk it, especially after your little mishap in the forest early.” His admission makes me stop twisting my hands around and openly gape at him.

  “You’re not my father?” I ask confused. I was just like any other girl, wanting to know her father.

  Now he’s saying he isn’t. This was the disappointment I wanted to avoid. If he wasn’t my father, then who was?

  “I don’t understand. We have the same last name,” I argue a little too whiny for my liking.

  He sigh pinching the bridge of his nose. “I knew it was a mistake giving you my last name, but most sires do. Call me old fashioned and a wee bit conceited,” he answers. “I wanted everyone to know you were of me.” With each passing word that comes from his mouth the more confused I become and judging by Fox’s and Roman’s expressions I wasn’t alone.

  “And my mother?” I ask, still plotting how to undo my magical restraints. I just needed to keep him talking. His face lit up at the mention of my mom.

  “Now her title is appropriate, although untrue. We both took pieces of ourselves to create you. Mona never carried you in her womb.”

  So, I’m a science project. “But I will say she’d be delighted to hear that word from your lips,” he says in such a way that made my cheeks flush. I’m happy to know I wasn’t thinking impure thoughts about my father.

  “She always wanted children but like most Goddess and Gods they aren’t fortunate unless mating with a human,” he says as if it were disgusting and a crime against nature.

  “Let me go.” Christopher’s finger tick back and forward at me. Worth a try. “I, we,” I correct, “didn’t come here for this. Tor thinks the prophecy is true. He wants me to help him merge the realms, to create chaos.” My words were coming out quickly and breathless. He should have placed a pillow under my ass so it wouldn’t fall asleep.

  The glossy hardwood floor was merciless and with my hands behind my back it made for an uncomfortable seat.

  “But isn’t it true?” His head tilt with a gleam in his eye and mischief in his voice. “Just look at what you did in the forest. How the dark faeries succumb to you with an utter of your name and witness to your powers.”

  “Christopher, we need the key,” I say with an uncontrolled sigh. His face was inches away from mine now, crouched in front of me.

  Roman release a primal grunt that didn’t surprise him. My body reacts to his presence, so close to mine. I was a part of him and as crazy as it sound, I want to know more about this man.

  Why did Mona and he create me? Where was she? “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were Mona’s true daughter. You look so much like her it hurts to be near you.” Okay, I take it Mona and he were a thing.

  “Please,” I beg. He frees my face with a sad look in his eyes.

  “I can’t Sabine. As the keeper and as many other keepers we are sworn and bound by magic. Protectors for the things which we keep.”

  This trip was for nothing. No answers only life-threatening situations. My blood was boiling. A slight tap to my foot interrupts my thoughts.

  Fox’s tail brushed against Roman’s arm and Roman’s bare foot touched my skin. The flow of magic was a rush. At one moment I feared I’d take too much but Roman was charged from the shifter’s desires and lust, and Fox had his own unlimited resources.

  I never asked how but I trusted him, and he has yet to let me down.

  Their magic mixed and mingled with mine, swelling within the center of my chest. Roman’s made me feel like my body was on fire, his desire hitting me hard along with Christopher’s was disturbing.

  Christopher’s words echo in the distance as I tune everything out, my focus still on the counter spell. Heat push from my hands melting away the restraints and with one final snap I was free.

  Never breaking my momentum, I waste no time using the same spell I used on Demetri to silence him on Chris. He reeled back stunned his hands feeling to his mouth too late. Our mouths were the deadliest part on the body and for magic users that held true.

  If he uttered a word, then that would be a huge problem for us.

  While Christopher fought to get the situation under control; I rush to help Roman and Fox. Unlike me their hands were in front of them, well Roman’s were I honestly didn’t see a difference in Fox only he couldn’t move.

  It was easier breaking their restraints and the magic they continued to transfer to me was instrumental.

  “Thanks,” Roman was breathless, sagging back on his knees. We were running on nothing, and the sooner we got back to Ardam to regroup the better.

  I take in the room; it was quaint and thoughtfully decorated. A shade of calming sea green covered the walls, with a sundry of abstract paintings that would keep a person guessing. I sit down on the plush ivory sofa, letting my body sink into it, and relax a bit; no longer concerned about my “sire” since he’s not a threat, at the moment.

  Everything on my body ached. Several hours in my tub with lavender body wash was much needed.

  After I tire of Christopher’s panic expression over his missing mouth.

  My hand flicks in his direction,— it tapped me out—a single chair scrape the floor as it hit his knees forcing him to sit.

  Now it was his moment to feel helpless, only this time it paralyzed him from the neck down. Fox stifled a yawn, and I scratch his furry chin. “We’ll go home soon buddy.”

  You promise? I chuckle.

  To my shock Roman finds his way to the same sofa I’d just left, looking on with no objections. Maybe he trusts me more than I thought.

  After all the forest and bar scene didn’t give me such a good accreditation to lead a line of questioning. Christopher waits for me—let’s be real here, what else could he do?

  He wasn’t too happy about the turn of events, but I didn’t give a shit.

  “Here’s how this will go. I will ask you questions, you will answer them. If I get one hint that you’re trying to use magic—” I mimic zipping my lips, “and you’ll see my full powers on display and it will no longer be a tale you’ve heard, understand?” He nods, but I needed more. “Let’s test the theory.”

  My hand waves over his face and the urge for him to touch his visible mouth was there but hindered.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” he sneered.

  “Good, time to talk.”

  “You’re an ungrateful brat!” My shoulders slump in place. This was very saddening. My dark magic came to the surface when I call on it, small wisps of black smoke leapt from me around his neck.

  His head rocked from side to side until he tu
rned blue taking away his air. Now that I made my point, I released the smoke. Christopher panted, and I gave him a moment to catch his breath.

  “Where is the key to the realms? I know you can’t tell me,” I repeat waving my hand around through the utter bullshit he sprouted to me earlier.

  “At least give me something to go on.”

  He goes quiet for a beat and then a wide grin takes over his face. “You may have Mona’s looks and our powers combined but that temper of yours comes from the fiercest Gods themselves,” he says, his smile fading as quick as it came. “I hope your brother turned out better.”

  Whoa! Brother? He rambles off some other things, but it’s impossible to shake the word ‘brother.’

  “Stop! What do you mean brother?” Roman is at my side and I didn’t hear him get up. He was just as curious and stunned as I. The smugness dripped from Christopher to the point it made me sick.

  “Did you think you were the only creation for Mona and me? That you’re special? Sure, your brother and you are the best and most accomplished of our lineage but don’t dare think only you are special.”

  Had I not been so shocked about this knowledge about having a brother, I would have knocked that stupid look off his face, non-magical style.

  A brother?

  A small smile crept on my lips. A connection with someone would be something. The possibilities blossomed in my head; of a normal life again, well as normal as one can be for someone like me.

  On one hand there’s excitement to find out more about my brother but it frustrated another part of me. Every time Christopher opens his mouth it only brought about more questions than answers.

  My eyes narrow at him.

  “You didn’t know?” His eyes soften studying my confused expression. I cluck my tongue. His pity was not welcomed nor was there room for it. Would it help to tell him I grew up in foster care with nothing close to anyone who resembles family or home? I doubt it, what would be the point? I wonder if he had the same upbringing as I did. If so, I wasn’t allowing that to continue.


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