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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 31

by Owen Oakley

  All I did was imagined what I wanted everything to look like and press my hand upon their bark and they did the rest. They intertwined with each other creating one and two bedrooms from medium-sized trees and three sometimes four bedrooms from the larger ones. All equipped with large living rooms and each person had their own bathroom I’m still uncertain how they work, but I didn’t question it. I was too busy in awe of everything created before me. The Wolves and Centaurs weren’t too enthusiastic about being in the air again which was funny seeing as how they lived on a boulder in the very skies for hundreds of years.

  But I respected their decisions. I allowed their Alphas Cairo and Lucas to envision what their homes should look like. The trees didn’t hesitate to make their lower halves into dens big enough to fit the large wolves and centaurs and no one felt uncomfortable with their accommodations which was my biggest fear.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were happier than being in Ardam.

  I had enough of being in the air myself, so I opted for my cottage, the same cottage from my dreams. It was in the center of the forest protected by everyone else. My land was an island also, call it an island within an island. A cute stone bridge arched to connect my land with the mainland and the river that surrounded mine was peaceful and serene.

  That didn’t stop me from sleeping over a few times a week with my Nymph sisters working on spells, enchantments and other important things.

  The biggest accomplishment of all was the integration of species. We had more Wolves being with Centaurs and Centaurs dating Nymphs everyone had someone. There was a lot of love on our island. I couldn’t help but wonder when it would all come crashing down on us.

  My decisions were never far without consequences, but we prepared as best we could. Our security was impenetrable; I cast a ward around the island filled with an illusion and other traps if anyone wondered too close. It warded humans off with repellants that made them sick and want to turn away.

  I knew who and what I am, but I couldn’t phantom not coming back to the Earth Realm. No one would suspect to come here especially Tor. That and I wanted to be close to Raylin, time was drawing near for me to go there and devise a plan.

  I stepped outside looking at the skies and I miss it, not just Ardam but Roman, Aiden and even Demetri. I sigh. I should be furious with him and I was but not to the extent it should have reached.

  Since that day Cairo hasn’t left my side, we’ve bonded, and I know bare his mate mark. The centaur’s mating process was more or less like Roman’s but a little less painful and very pleasurable. Cairo’s mark was on the opposite shoulder and it was smaller because he had fangs where Roman’s Minotaur teeth were large in diameter.

  My hand moves to Roman’s mark. I worry about him. I don’t know what happen after I disappeared only that he was full of rage running towards Demetri. I wish he was here with me, he and Aiden.

  It would take a lot for me to forgive Demetri and I don’t know what would happen if I had to face him. But I needed them all.

  Cairo was proof of that. We spent the first few months dissecting the letter Christopher left me and with many other intellectual Centaurs and Nymphs we figured it out. I wished it stayed a mystery because the truth wasn’t always pretty and this one? A nightmare, for me at least. Just more decisions added to the decisions I already have to make.

  A calm wave wash over me, followed by a citrus smell. Cairo and Traci were close by. Stepping out further into the opening I spot them walking both in a tense conversation.

  Cairo’s brows crumple, and he did not look happy at all. Traci however has had an immense glow about herself since I awaken her. I hate using the word ‘resurrect’ so awaken sounds more befitting.

  She wasn’t all too pleased about it but after a few weeks of me and my sisters pleading and getting her to see the bigger picture, she relented.

  The only downside to it was I passed along bits of my darkness to her, one part of me that would have difficulty forgiven Demetri for.

  Traci was just good. Her light shone so, and it killed me to see her struggle to balance her light and now darkness each day.

  I suppose it didn’t affect Roman that much because he was full of darkness minus the light that Demetri gave him. I only hope that I didn’t have to awaken anyone else.

  When Traci and Cairo reached me, they both did their bow which I begged them to stop doing but at this point I think it was amusing to them to see me uncomfortable and flustered.

  The sun was out bright and pretty and there were no clouds in sight. The way the light hit Cairo’s face making his tawny skin contour. He was in his Centaur’s form and that alone was a delicious sight.

  I couldn’t help but reach up and steal a kiss. The kiss lingered a moment longer than it should while company is present, but I was a Nymph for Realm’s sake. What modesty? He chuckled against my lips before sucking the bottom one and releasing it, causing me to shiver.

  Traci didn’t shy away she looked on with affectionate at us. She had her share of Wolves, Centaurs and even Nymphs since she’s been back. The girl got down, but we don’t judge, and we were all happy. But the moment was short lived, they were back wearing the serious and tense expressions they had earlier.

  “What is it?” I ask unable to withstand the suspense.

  Cairo looks away but Traci hold my gaze and my hands when I don’t stop fidgeting. I feared this day, these were my people and my job to protect them. They’d risk everything for me, and I couldn’t fail them, not now or ever.

  “Sabine, Roman and Aiden are here,” her voice betraying more behind those words.

  But this was good news they both were safe and here. I start past them, but Traci clench my hands tighter. “Demetri is with them.”

  I look over to Cairo. We had discussed this many nights in bed about what he would do if Demetri ever showed up.

  He promised me he would do his best to not do anything bad but the fury in his eyes, and his rigid posture he was struggling to keep his composure.

  I paced, while Cairo and Traci awaited for what to do next. “How far are they?”

  “Close, fifteen maybe twenty minutes.” I nod and continue to pace.

  “How did they find us?” Cairo ask no one in particular. That was a good question but one better left unanswered until another time.

  I could play this several ways. Dignified, savage or gutter, —the ninth ward in me screamed yes —or a straight up power move.

  Fuck it.

  “I want a perimeter on them and close the circle the closer they get. Assemble everyone. They need to see and hear this.” Cairo nodded and galloped away. I watched as he disappeared and a few moments later Lucas started shouting orders to his Wolves.

  Fracturing bones filled the air, and I threw my head back to savor the moment. Okay, so I’m working on my dark side I never said I’d overcome it.

  It’s a part of me and nothing will ever change that.

  We wait, unmoving. Nymphs stood outside their homes, every wolf and centaur were in their forms ready for anything to happen.

  Thoughts, loud and clear echo in my head. Roman. He was nervous, along with chastising himself for bringing Demetri, and above all his desires spoke volume.

  I missed our telepathic conversations. Cairo wasn’t fond of it unless it was necessary, and in return I respected his privacy.

  The first person I saw was Aiden, and he was much bigger than I remembered. Still gorgeous as ever, those violet eyes never wavered from me.

  Roman fell in behind him, sporting a rugged beard and his man bun that made him appear dangerous and every bit of the incubi he was. My heart was about to explode, and I wanted to run into their arms, but I kept it together.

  Demetri tried to remain behind Roman until he moved to the other side of Aiden placing them in a triangle and Demetri was the point.

  For a while we all stood there, wolves would growl, but that was just their territorial side responding to three strangers in their

  “What business do you have here?” Cairo was the one to break the silence. My giddiness evaporated as the uncertainty of Cairo’s actions were setting in. Although we’ve discussed going easy, the stern expression on his face and the hate in his eyes were painting a different picture.

  “We’re here to see our mate,” Roman says his voice still as I remembered causing me to blush and my stomach to clench.

  Cairo laughed, but it wasn’t one of mirth but mockery towards them all.

  “Oh? The mate that you stood by and allowed to be beaten, or the mate that you beat, or maybe it’s the mate that you weren’t there for.” Cairo says addressing them. They all looked ashamed. I especially felt bad for Roman.

  “If you had done what she asked you to do and stay put, then maybe you would’ve been here for her when she needed you. Instead like always neither of you trusted her. You allowed prophecies and a person’s magic lead you to make unwise decisions. Decisions that I’m still uncertain shouldn’t go unpunished.” He looks back to me and I give him a subtle shake of my head and he sighs, shaking his head. The air was still the breezes we were fond of had vanished.

  Nature was reacting to the tension and animosity built between us and them. But it needed to end, we all needed to be on the same page to get through this and it would be a long journey ahead of us.

  Roman and Aiden scowl at Demetri and they muffled their whispers from us but when the wolves bristled and released a low growl, I suspected they heard everything.

  Demetri stepped forward wearing his usual air about himself, prideful and only a tad bit of arrogance that I was used to seeing. It didn’t change the fact that he still looked amazing.

  Like always his hair was styled; long in the front, tapered on the sides and short in the back. I thought I’d never see the day he’d be in jeans and a black t-shirt that clung around his muscled chest and arms.

  But here we were. He was always dressed to the nine in a three-piece suit; never wearing the same one twice. The causal look suited him better.

  I could since the hesitation and struggle he was having with himself, especially being scrutinized by so many individuals waiting for him to make the wrong move.

  “Do you know how much I’ve missed you? You look good enough to eat and I’ve been a starving man!” The words come through my mental channel and my head swing to Roman who was wearing a smirk. Heat pooled my lower extremities and I couldn’t help but bite down on my bottom lip. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him or that Cairo was all I needed.

  “You know I can hear you,” Cairo’s voice plunge its way in the space. I chuckle while Roman look on with a horrific expression, narrowing his eyes on my other mate. He cocked his brow to say, ‘and it doesn’t change my statement.’

  I left the two with their mental spout and turned my attention back to Demetri.

  “I can’t change what I did nor is there anything I can say or do to make up for my actions. All we can do is move forward.” That sure as hell doesn’t sound like an apology that is due me. “Understand I felt like what I was doing was right. Killing you would have been the answer and I’m still certain it is,” he says. Wrong answer.

  “What!?” Aiden and Roman shot in unison. The wolves had gotten into their attack stance growling something awful while the centaurs including Cairo pulled out a bow and arrow.

  Through the chaos descending upon him, Demetri held his resolve and continued. “You could have died an honorable death knowing that you would prevent Tor’s plan from going forth, without you there wouldn’t be a merging of the realms.” His tone was unwavering, and he believed that through my death everything would be better, that Voila Tor would give up, but oh how wrong he was.

  Enough was enough. Demetri had more issues than I could dream of and I was ignorant for thinking an apology would change his views or make things better. Time to try the truth.

  I move forward and Cairo and Traci moved with me as though we were magnets. I spot an area where the sunlight was, the shade was making me cool.

  I call on my darkness and swirled my hands around in the air. Aiden looked on fascinated, while Roman kept his cocky grin in place. Demetri was the only someone who was scowling, and that was okay, he had so much to come to terms with. After I finished melding and manipulating my dark magic into a black and gold throne was placed in the area, I intended; I took a seat and sighed.

  “A means to an end is what you’re suggesting. So, do it,” I open my arms and halted Cairo with my other, who tried to take a step-in front of me. “I promise you that no harm will come to you after it’s done.”

  Cairo and the others wore a “speak for yourself” look. For a second, I could feel Demetri gather his magic but as quick as it began it subsided. He stared at his hands for a moment a quiet debate between himself.

  “He won’t do it Sabine,” Roman sends to me.

  “I know.”

  “He better not, for his sake,” Cairo adds. I watch as Roman’s shoulders tense.

  “Can we not have a moment alone in these connections?”

  “No,” came Cairo’s voice, and I quirk a brow at him.

  “Yes, I’ll show you how to access private links later.” Relief overtaking him. This was the most active I’ve ever seen Cairo in our mental link, and without a doubt it was because of Roman.

  “Now that you’ve made your decision. As you were everyone.” No one tarried as they resumed whatever they were doing before except a hand full of wolves, Cairo, Traci and me.

  I beckon for my mates to come closer. This conversation wasn’t a secret, but we still needed some privacy.

  Gathered around in a circle and being so close to them made warmth spread across my body.

  Roman didn’t waste time scooping me out of my seat and hugging me tight. I wanted to scream because I’d missed him so much. Aiden steps behind us, tapping Roman on the shoulder and he release me with a long groan. He ignore his friend and takes his place. Whatever Aiden had been doing to his body I was there for it. He now could give Roman a run for his money. I had a sneaky suspicion it was because of Demetri and what had transpired.

  After a beat he let me go with hesitation. I felt complete. The void in my chest was a dull aching pain that could only be filled with their presence, but I still needed Kieran to be complete. At some point he’d have to give up his sham and join us. It hurt my feelings I hadn’t heard from him since that day, but I didn’t want to put him in danger by seeking him out either.

  “So, what now?” Roman ask looking around the circle.

  “I still have to address Demetri,” I say. Everyone’s eyes fell on the man to my right. “Do you still believe that killing me is the best option?” I held up my hand to stop him before he lied just to save face. “It’s okay you can be honest.”

  He jabbed his hands into his pockets and looked me straight in the eyes. “I do,” he said with all the certainty in the world.

  Everyone’s defenses were back up, and I saw the wolves moving toward him, but it didn’t bother Demetri one bit. He didn’t back down from his stance on the matter.

  I sighed. “My death can open doors, but my resurrection can open and commend them all,” I said repeating what Chris had left me in his letter. I had memorized it in its entirety while we tried to process and figure out what everything meant.

  “Remember the heart of a Nymph can hold more than you can imagine and with everything at Tor’s disposal he can have it all without losing a thing,” I said to my mates, who looked stooped and confused. We all watched them careful, but they didn’t grasp the words, even after a few moments had passed.

  “I know where the key is.” They moved in closer, but the wolves didn’t let Demetri out of their sight.

  “Go on,” Demetri encouraged.

  “If you were successful in killing me, you would have merged the realms and my death would have been final with no way to stop Tor, but with my resurrection the realms would still be merged only Tor would have
a strong arm he thinks. A phoenix has healing properties from its tears and if strong enough can bring a person back from death.”

  Their mouths were agape, much like ours when we figured out Tor’s play and how this would go down. I guess it’s what made Cairo that much more protective over me.

  Demetri shook his head still confused. “What does that have to do with the key.”

  I take a deep breath in and then a slow exhale. “The heart of a Nymph holds more than you think,” I say again, this time letting the words settle. Demetri frowned and then his eyes widened.

  Roman look back and forth between our stare off. “What? What’s wrong?” He asks with nervousness in his tone.

  Demetri pinched the bridge of his nose and hiss. “They implanted the key in Sabine’s heart.”

  “That’s a sick fucking joke, and it’s not funny Demetri,” Roman stepped into him until they were face to face.

  I wave my hand around to get their attention. “It’s not a joke, and they did not implant the key there, my heart is the key.”

  Saying it aloud made it feel surreal. When we discussed this among Cairo and I, I could never use the words but now that I had— I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  Roman with his usual pacing and disheveled hair was mumbling to himself. Aiden’s eyes soften and had a forlorn look about himself.

  “Where do we go from here?” Roman stops pacing and ask with a strained voice.

  “We go find my brother, the Phoenix. Anyone up for a trip to Louisiana?”

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  Owen Oakley full-time writer, as well as screenwriter and filmmaker. Married with one son and resides in North Carolina. You can find Owen at to email, and on Facebook (Owen Oakley), Twitter (@iam_owen_oakley), and Instagram (@iam_owen_oakley). Please leave a review, she loves to hear what readers think.


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