Games of the Heart
Page 15
Her phone rang, but tonight Bob Marley’s voice wasn’t soothing or tranquil. It was carefree and buoyant and the lyrics mocked her. Everything wasn’t going to be all right. She’d lost the executive manager position, a plaid-wearing community director had rejected her and her best friend was one triple latte away from a nervous breakdown. Sage had officially hit rock bottom and it was a very lonely place. Clearing her mind of Marshall and his kisses, she grabbed her cell phone.
“A blocked number,” she said aloud, deciding whether or not to answer. She wouldn’t be surprised if it was Tangela calling from the county jail, because if her best friend ever caught Warrick stepping out on her, there’d be hell to pay. But it wasn’t Tangela. It was Marshall, sounding John Legend sexy and surprisingly contrite.
“Where are you?”
“That’s none of your business.” He’d rejected her, but had the nerve to act like a concerned boyfriend. Screw him and his questions. “It’s nine o’clock, shouldn’t you be ironing your socks?”
“Can we talk?”
“About what?”
“About what an ass I am. About how much I miss you.”
If his voice was any smoother, it would be silk. His words caressed her ears like a kiss, but Sage wasn’t ready to let him off the hook just yet. “You should have thought about that before you kicked me out.”
“I didn’t kick you out. You left.”
“Because you didn’t want me.”
“That’s impossible. I want you.” He added, “I’ll always want you.”
His declaration inveigled a smile from her lips.
“I made you something.”
“Keep it. I’m not interested.”
“Does that mean you don’t want to see me?”
He sounded so vulnerable, so remorseful, so sweet. Marshall was trouble and he was playing games; but instead of turning him down, she asked where he was taking her. “It better be somewhere nice. You owe me.”
“We’ll go wherever you want.”
Leaping off the bed, she whipped off her robe and rushed over to the closet. “How long will it take you to get here?”
“I’m pulling into the parking lot as we speak.”
“You’re here, at the Luxe? I mean, at the Four Seasons hotel,” she corrected, selecting a belted turtleneck dress and tan suede boots. “Sounds like someone’s anxious to see me.”
“Got that right! I was going to ask the desk clerk for your room number, but figured I should call first and make sure it’s okay.” He paused. “We’re okay, right?”
“That depends on what you bought me.”
Marshall laughed. “Can I come up?”
“I don’t know about you, but I could really use an Orgasm. Let’s meet in the lounge,” she suggested. Whipping the silk scarf off her head, she kicked off her slippers and flew into the bathroom like a bat out of hell. Her secret was safe. Now all she had to do was make it across town in the next fifteen minutes.
At midnight, Sage and Marshall stepped off the elevator onto the tenth floor.
“You didn’t have to escort me to my suite,” she said, feeling uncharacteristically shy. The hallway was lit with horn-shaped lights that illuminated framed paintings and pastel-blue walls. It was intended to evoke feelings of calm, but Sage was nervous. Marshall had been playful and affectionate in the lounge, and if she wasn’t careful, he’d charm his way into her bed. “It’s a short walk from the elevator to my suite.”
“I know, but you’re special to me and I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to you.”
“I’m not in a witness-protection program,” she joked, giving him a playful nudge. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl.”
“I’m glad I came by. Did you have a good time?”
“You know I did. I always have fun when we’re together. And those pie tarts you baked were delicious.” Stopping outside room 1037, she retrieved her key card and clutched it in her damp palm. Checking into the hotel, while Marshall waited for her in the bar, had taken some expert maneuvering, but she’d rather be out another two hundred dollars than have him find out she was staying in a hideous one-star motel in the hood.
“I’ll see you on Tuesday. Call if you need me to bring anything to the party.”
“Khari’s going to go berserk when he sees everyone.” Marshall swept his hands over her shoulders, caressing them lightly. “I couldn’t have pulled it off without you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” she cautioned. “A lot can happen between now and then. But you’re right, Khari’s going to love it.”
Sage wanted to ask him to stay. If it wasn’t for his stupid rules, she’d invite him inside, fix him a drink and ride him until the break of dawn. Purging her thoughts, she ignored the gleam in his eyes and his knowing smile. It didn’t matter how handsome he looked or how delicious he smelled or that he’d made her laugh for the last two hours. There’d be no mattress marathon tonight. Everything she owned was back at the Luxe Motel. Sure, she could replace her deodorant and toothbrush, but the last time she checked, they weren’t selling diaphrams at the local convenience store. “Good night, Marshall.”
“So that’s it. You’re not going to invite me inside?”
Fortifying her will, she dug her heels into the carpet. She desired Marshall in ways he couldn’t even imagine, but if he could play hard to get, so could she. “It’s almost midnight.”
Sage took her time answering the question. “And we both know what’ll happen if you come inside this late.” This wasn’t the Disneyland theme park and she didn’t believe in fairy tales. It was time they stop skirting around the issue and put their cards on the table. “I don’t understand your decision, but I respect it. I want you to stay, but I don’t want to cause a rift between you and Khari. You’re teaching him what it means to be a man and it’s important to you to set the right example. You said so yourself.”
“Khari’s spending the night at Oakley’s.”
Sage frowned. “How’d that happen?”
“He asked and I said yes.”
“Was that before or after you spoke to Oakley’s parents?”
Marshall stroked a hand over his chin. “I had to make sure they’d be adequately supervised.” He added, “You don’t know these families like I do.”
“Did you hear what you just said? Supervised? They’re not four-year-olds!” Sage shook her head at him as if she was scolding a child. “Marshall, it’s time you cut the cord. You’ve coddled Khari long enough.”
His eyes were dark, cold stones. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ve got to loosen up. Cut Khari some slack. He’ll never learn to think for himself if you’re always telling him what to do. He’s a bright, well-rounded kid who’s never given you any trouble. Trust him to do the right thing.”
“I’m trying.”
“Well, that’s a start.” Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned over and pecked his cheek. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe we can do lunch or something.”
He captured her waist. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I can see that,” she teased, lifting her eyebrows. Sage didn’t need a Breathalyzer test to know Marshall had ordered one too many beers. Loaded up on booze and ignorant of their surroundings, he lowered his mouth, pressing his lips against the slope of her ear. He hit the sweet spot on her neck and her eyes lulled shut. The right thing to do was to send him on his way. But Sage didn’t want to do the right thing. She wanted to do him. “I think you’re a little buzzed.”
“I’m not drunk. Sometimes I just lose my head when I’m around beautiful women.” Lavishing kisses on her lips and cheeks, he swept her up into his waiting arms. “The only way I’m leaving here tonight is if you come with me. Sage, one way or another, this is going to happen. I’ve been wanting you since the moment I saw you and I’m tired of waiting.”
“Marshall, I want you too, but—”
“You can’t fake chem
istry,” he told her, pressing her against the door. “This thing between us is very real and I don’t want to run from it anymore. It’s about living in the moment. Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?”
Aroused by his persuasive words, the width of his grin and his soothing touch, she circled her hands around his neck. Every kiss, every smile and every embrace had led them to this moment, and when he took the key card out of her hand, slipped it inside the slot and strode confidently into her suite, she followed, images of slow, sensuous lovemaking flooding her mind.
Chapter 17
Sage and Marshall lay in front of the fireplace, kissing. Desire hovered over the living room, smothering them with its thick, intoxicating perfume. The wine, the music and the outside city lights shining through the balcony doors heightened their growing passion.
Marshall swept her hair off her shoulders. His mouth was sweet, soft, pleasing. He pressed his lips against the slope of her neck and she moaned with pleasure. Sage had a strong sense of her own feminine power and sensuality, but Marshall’s kisses turned her inside out. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his touch, she pitched her head back, words spilling from her lips between jagged breaths. Tracing his fingers along her back, in a loose zigzag pattern, he teased her earlobe with his tongue. “You like that?”
“Love it.”
“Want more?”
“Grab a condom,” she urged, tugging at his belt. “I have some in my purse.”
“Slow down, baby. There’s no rush. We have all night.”
Marshall rolled on top of her and kissed her with such intensity, the room spun around her. Needing more of her, he unzipped her dress and tossed it onto the couch. The hot-pink bra and matching thong panties were nothing but scraps of fabric, but he liked the vibrant color against her brown skin. Twirling her hair between his fingers, he gazed lovingly at her, hoping she knew how much he cared about her. He wanted to know her deeply, intimately, the way a man should know a woman, and nothing mattered more than pleasing her. Grabbing a cushion off the couch and slipping it under her hips, he kissed from her navel to her thighs. His eyes took in her full lips, thick curves and long, sexy legs. Marshall ached for her. He had the erection to prove it. But he curbed his desire, and lowered his mouth between her legs.
Sage sucked in a breath. Lifting her head up off the cushion, she stared down at Marshall. No, she hadn’t imagined him kissing her there. Most women had to beg, plead and cajole their partners into having oral sex. No one had ever volunteered before, and she’d never had the pleasure of being loved like this. For most men, foreplay was a means to an end. Give me what I want so you can get what you want. But Marshall was methodical, concise, absolute. He kissed from her ears to her toes and repeated the pattern until she was begging for him to be inside her.
Marshall sprayed light kisses down her waist, along the inside of her thighs and the back of her knees. His tongue licked the outer rim of her lips, before slipping inside. Her feelings for him were so deep, so intense, they scared her. Euphoria set in as his tongue pulsed inside her, moving in slow, intimate circles, lingering in her walls. He was unusually attuned to her desires and anxious to please her. Sensitive to his touch, she squirmed beneath him, her voice swelling from a moan to a full-fledged scream.
Cupping his head, she opened her legs wide and guided him to her center. He stirred his tongue inside her, kissing, prodding, stroking. She was anxious to feel his strength, his width, his power, but she didn’t have the energy to move. She was caught in a trance. A sensuous, mind-numbing trance. He was loving her thoroughly, righteously, showing her just how beautiful true love could be. Her desire swelled, subduing her with its force. And when Marshall reached up and cupped her breasts possessively, she groaned so loud, the music faded into the background.
Sage had never known such pleasure. She’d had two orgasms and they hadn’t even made love yet. Marshall was a passionate, generous lover…but her mind boggled at the thought of them being more than lovers. She wasn’t a naive, love-seeking runaway anymore. This was just sex. Toe-curling, earth-shaking sex. Nothing more. They had agreed not to make any promises to each other, and that suited her fine. He wasn’t looking for a commitment and neither was she. She’d never, not for one second, thought this could be love. But when he gripped her waist and plunged his tongue inside her, lavishing her center with wet, slick kisses, she only had one feeling, one thought, one emotion. Love rained down on her like snowflakes, filling her heart, overwhelming her mind and leaving her breathless.
Marshall yanked off his jeans and rejoined Sage on the bed. She brushed her full, wet lips against the hollow of his throat and pushed him playfully back against the silk pillows. Stretched out on his back, he watched in silent appreciation as she unraveled the condom on his erection. Streaks of moonlight fell across her naked body, intensifying his arousal and his need.
The lambency of the stars made for a tranquil scene, but his heart was thumping. Running her hands up and down his shaft, Sage rubbed her dark, erect nipples against his mouth, teasing him. Sucking both, he stroked the curve of her butt, loving the feel of her supple flesh in his large hands. Lost in lust, he explored every inch of her, petting, fondling, stroking her core with tender, loving care.
Sage blew into his ears and Marshall closed his eyes. Feet firmly planted on the bed, she clutched his shoulders, and lowered herself slowly onto his lap. Marshall sucked in a gulp of air. She raised her hips, making circles so wide, and so quick, a groan tumbled out of his open mouth. Her parted lips lingered on his neck, then closed around his nipples. Marshall craved a slow seduction, and what Sage was doing with her tongue was sweet torture.
“How did I get so lucky?” he rasped. “You’re amazing, Sage Collins, truly amazing…”
“I’m the lucky one, Marshall.” And to prove it, she licked from his ear to his nipple.
Marshall had an infinite amount of self-control, but he didn’t know how much more of this he could take. He wanted their lovemaking to last forever, but his body was overheating and he couldn’t think straight. There was nothing like loving her, nothing like tasting her, nothing like being inside her.
Sage rocked back and forth, in and out, thrusting her pelvis forward, drawing him into her tight, slick core. Pressure mounted, tearing through him with incredible force, leaving him worn-out and scatterbrained. Sage rode him like a bull rider—hard, wild and fast. Cupping her cheeks in his palm, he kissed her tenderly as she came and collapsed onto his chest.
Limbs heavy with sleep, Marshall rolled onto his side, gathering the woman he loved into his arms. “Uh-huh,” she said, reclaiming her position and licking his ear. “There’ll be plenty of time to sleep later, baby. Now, hand me another condom.”
“Oh my God!” Ravaged by the intensity of her orgasm, Sage collapsed onto the bed, her hair a wild tangled mess, and her already-full lips swollen.
“You’re huffing and puffing like you’re about to give birth.” The thick darkness of the night swallowed them up, but there was no mistaking the humor in Marshall’s voice. “Are you okay?”
“Just peachy,” she answered breathlessly. “I could do the fifty-yard dash.”
It was a lie, but it earned her a laugh. “A foot race, huh?” he asked, staring at her with satisfaction in his eyes. “I’m not a doctor, but you’re in no position to go anywhere.”
Sage was lying comfortably on her back, and though it took all her strength, she rolled onto her side and propped a pillow behind her head. Sighing with contentment, she pushed a hand through her hair. Life was good. Better than it had ever been.
His body enveloped her and her mouth reached hungrily for his. The kiss was full of heat and love, and she melted under his touch. They were emotionally and physically connected now, and there was nothing better than being in his arms.
A hurricane of emotions whipped through her. She felt happy and guilty at the same time. On one hand, she was thrilled that they’d finally made love, but on the other hand, she
hated that this intimate, private moment was marred by lies and half-truths. It was time she take stock of where she was in life and where she wanted to go. One thing she knew for sure was that she loved Marshall. He was reasonable and understanding, but if he found out she’d been lying to him all these weeks, he’d…Spurning her thoughts, she curved her body into his, tightening her grip around his waist. Why ruin a perfectly good moment by worrying about the future? She could make things right tomorrow. Tonight, she just wanted to be with her man.
Outside, dawn bathed the sky in a bold stream of pastel colors. The sun crept over the horizon, promising warmth and sunshine. Unlike the Luxe Motel, the hotel was quiet and peaceful. Babies weren’t screaming. Radios weren’t blaring. And the air wasn’t saturated with the scent of fried chicken. They could lounge in bed for as long as they wanted, or get up and have breakfast at one of the trendy bistros along Twelfth Avenue. Marshall had to work in the afternoon, but maybe she could persuade him to call in sick. They’d finally made love, and she wasn’t prepared to let him go.
“What’s on your mind?”
The question caught her off guard, but she answered truthfully. “You.” Safe in his arms, she snuggled close, reflecting on how far they’d come. Had it only been six weeks ago that he’d run up on her walloping the school vending machine? “I’m wondering what I’d have to do to convince you to stay.”
“All you have to do is ask.”
“I’m having déjà vu,” she joked. “Isn’t that the same line you used on me that night at Champions?”
“It wasn’t a line,” he protested, trailing a finger down her shoulder. “I meant it. And I mean it now.”
Panic set in. This was wrong. Very, very wrong. How could she say she cared about him if she was living a lie? If they were ever going to have a chance at a relationship, she had to tell him the truth about who she was and where she’d come from. Sage started to speak, but stopped when Marshall told her he was going to be in L.A. next month. “I thought you guys were going camping for spring break?”