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eyond Desire Collection

Page 109

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  The pain lining his face touches that raw part of me that’s been aching for Dad ever since he passed six months ago. Seth is clearly still grieving and it breaks my heart. Slowly, I step up to him and cup his cheek.

  Recognition replaces the agony in his deep-green gaze. And all I want to do is take care of him. To do my best to keep that haunted look from his eyes.

  I don’t know where Jax and Mike have gone, but it makes little difference. My only concern is Seth. I lace my hand in his again and gently lead him upstairs. The room we’d stayed in the night before has a light shining under the door, so I bypass it for the next room. As soon as we walk in, I know this is Seth’s room. Seth’s and his mate’s. I freeze and the breath leaves me as my lungs constrict. No wonder he never brings anyone here. The walls are white, but there’s color everywhere else. The poppy pillows, the floral nightstands, the bright yellow lamps. I’d bet my last dollar his mate decorated this room.

  “This way,” Seth says and leads me to the master bathroom. Relief washes through me. White tile everywhere. No traces of the ghost that still haunts him.

  Seth stops in the middle of the room and stares down at me. I can’t quite read his expression. He’s intense, but not with desire. Just emotion.

  “You’re cold,” he says.

  “So are you.” I am cold, but I’m far more worried about what’s going on with him than my own comfort.

  “Shower.” He reaches over and turns the taps on, letting the water heat up. But he doesn’t move. He just keeps standing there watching me. The depth of sadness radiating off him caresses me, sinks into me, and makes me want to take care of him.

  With my fingers trembling, I reach up and work my way through the buttons on his shirt. My fingers start to regain some of their feeling as I fumble through the task.

  I want to strip my own clothes off and jump in the shower, letting the heat drive away the effects of the storm. But taking care of Seth is more important. I want to see that light in his eyes again. Hear the laughter in his voice. Somehow find a way to show him he can love again. Once the buttons are undone, I push his shirt over his shoulders and then tug the white tee over his head.

  To my surprise, he places his hands on my hips and runs them up along my sides, taking my sweater with his motion. A second later, I’m topless, standing only in my bra and black pants.

  There’s nothing romantic or erotic about either of us undressing the other, just a tender understanding of one human being needing another. We finish stripping each other and then Seth tugs me into the blissful, hot stream.

  I stand in front of him, my back to his chest with his arms wrapped around me. We stay there until the cold is driven from our bodies, if not our hearts. We don’t speak. Not even when Seth gently washes my body with shower gel, and then I do the same for him.

  Once clean, he stares at me, his eyes soft with tenderness and vulnerability. I stare back, lost in the moment until the water turns tepid. Releasing me, he turns the knobs to off. I hadn’t been self-conscious before, but I am now. I don’t know why, but the fact that we’d taken care of each other seemed almost more intimate than what we’d shared the night before. Almost. Wrapping my arms around my chest, I turn away from Seth, hoping he’ll disappear into the other room long enough for me to find a towel.

  “Here,” he says and gently wraps a bath sheet around me.

  I clutch the ends together and send him a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

  The sweet look on his face melts away all my apprehension, and the tension eases from my shoulders. “You’re welcome,” he says softly. “I’ll find you a robe.”

  Then he’s gone, and all I can think about is the way he’d been watching me. Cadan has never looked at me that way, as if I were someone to be cherished. The closest he’s ever come is while we’re singing and have that magical connection. But I’m certain it has everything to do with the way the music makes him feel, not the way I make him feel.

  While waiting for Seth, I towel-dry my hair and then wrap my body back up in the towel. The house is quiet, eerily quiet. Where are Jax and Mike? A knock sounds on the door.


  “I’ve got a robe and some socks for you,” Seth says from the bedroom.

  I open the door and smile at him. He’s wearing straight-legged sweats and a black T-shirt. No socks. I stare at his feet. “Your toes are going to get cold.”

  He doesn’t say anything, and when I look up, he’s gazing at me, his brows drawn together with indecision. Handing me the robe and socks, he says, “I can’t sleep with socks on.”

  “Oh.” I clutch the robe to my chest. “I’ll only be a minute, then I’ll get out of your way.”

  He frowns. “Out of my way?”

  “So you can get some sleep.” I slip the robe on and turn away from him to pull the towel off. Once the robe is cinched, I hand him the towel. “I’ll go find the guest room or the couch. Thanks for letting us stay. It’s ugly out there.”

  I’m almost to the door when his hand wraps around my wrist, stopping me. My pulse skips a beat, and I take a moment to collect myself. What is it about this guy? His very presence turns my insides into all kinds of crazy.

  “Stay,” he says.

  “Uh…” Is he propositioning me? There’s no denying I’m attracted to him, but having a repeat of the night before seems like a bad idea. Especially after the way I’d found him earlier.

  “To just sleep,” he says. “Nothing else. I promise.”

  I glance at his king-sized bed and raise an eyebrow. “You’re sure?”

  He nods and tugs me to the bed. “I’d really like you to stay.”

  “Okay.” Nervous anticipation zings through me. How would we spend the whole night together in the bed with me only wearing a robe and not end up sleeping together? It seems impossible, but I can’t stop myself from climbing in the bed.

  Seth crawls in after me and rolls onto his side, tucking me close. His arm slips around my waist, and he rests his hand between the folds of the robe, on my bare stomach.

  I sigh, instantly warm and comfortable in his bed. In his arms.

  “Good night, Lucy,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Night, Seth.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Out on the street with the rain pounding away at me, I’d been right back there with E that night. The pain and anguish ripped through my gut as if I were experiencing the accident all over again. This wasn’t the first time I’d had a flashback so intense, but it’s the first time in a very long time.

  Then suddenly, Lucy had been there, a beacon in the sea of my anguish. And she’d brought me home, brought me back to myself by just being there. The way she’d let me hold her in the shower and then again in my bed had restored something vital in me. I’d barely even been a walking shell of a person since the accident. But now a small trace of acceptance starts to take up residence in my gut. I’ll never get over losing E. I know this down to my core. I only hope I can learn to live with it. And last night, in Lucy’s sure arms, something broke loose. For the first time in months, I felt like I could breathe. To just relax with someone else. I can’t let her go.

  The predawn light filters through the blinds as light rain patters against the windows. Lucy’s soft body is still snuggled against mine. Her deep, rhythmic breathing, indicating she’s still sound asleep, is more comforting than I care to admit. I want her to stay. I don’t want to know what the day will bring. I’d rather stay right here with her warmth keeping the darkness away.

  I lie next to her, taking in her silky dark locks splayed across my pillow, and force myself to not run my fingers through her hair. They twitch with the urge, but I don’t want to do anything to wake her.

  The minutes tick by as I watch her and I pray the moment never ends. I’m content, a state of being that is so wholly foreign I almost panic. I don’t deserve this. But then Lucy shifts and rolls over to face me. Her eyes are hooded, heavy with sleep. Sultry. My gaze shif
ts to her lips, and my mind turns off. I want her.

  She chuckles and sweeps her hair to the side, tucking the strands behind one ear. “Well, good morning.”

  I smile. “The best.”

  We stare at each other, not moving. My body goes taut with desire. And it has little to do with the fact the robe she fell asleep in is gaping open to reveal the creamy slope of her breasts. Though that doesn’t hurt. No. It’s the easy intimacy. And the way she puts me at peace by just being present.

  “I’ll be right back.” She scoots to the edge of the mattress and swings her legs out of the bed. A shiver visibly shakes her. When she cinches the robe closed, the fabric stretches across her round ass and I consciously hold back a groan. Damn.

  After a few minutes of the water running, I can’t help myself. I have to be near her. Padding into the bathroom, I grin, catching her brushing her teeth with a bit of toothpaste and her finger. “You know, that extra toothbrush is still in the other bathroom.”

  She spits and rinses then turns to me. “I didn’t want to wake Mike and Jax since I plan on climbing right back into that bed.” Her gaze runs the length of my body, pausing briefly on my chest. Then she raises one eyebrow. “Are you joining me?”

  This time my groan is audible, and her smile widens.

  She reaches out and strokes one finger over my abs. “See you in a minute.”

  I can’t keep my eyes off her as she saunters back into the bedroom, the silk robe showing every delicious curve. Sweet Jesus. Last night she’d been gentle, soft, and… solid. An anchor. My anchor. This morning, she’s sultry Lucy. The one I met at the club. The combination makes my chest ache with something between awe and fear.

  Standing at the sink, I press my hands to the marble and hang my head, taking a minute just to breathe. I have to let whatever is happening inside me go. She has a soul mate, and no matter how much I want her, she’s going to go back to him eventually. He’ll get his shit together one of these days, and she won’t be able to help herself.

  I should leave. Go down and make breakfast for everyone. Spending the morning loving her will only make it worse. I make up my mind to do just that, but when I reach for a towel after brushing my teeth, her discarded clothes catch my eye. The black lace bra I’d carefully stripped from her is lying on top of her sweater. The swell of her breasts is fresh in my mind and my fingers ache to touch her.

  Screw breakfast. I can’t leave her alone in my bed. Who am I kidding?

  “Hey,” she says, her eyes glinting with desire as I head back into the bedroom.

  I smile seductively, mentally peeling back the blankets covering her bare body.

  She laughs, a low, husky sound that makes me instantly hard. I could listen to her read a grocery list and die a happy man. “Jax calls that smile you’re wearing the panty-dropper.”

  “What?” I half-choke, half-laugh, then clear my throat. “Is that a trait shared by others, or only specific to me?”

  She smirks, then runs her pointed tongue over her bottom lip. “Hard to say. It’s the first time I’ve experienced such a phenomenon.”

  Holy fuck. She’s hot. I mentally calm myself before I throw the covers back and take her right here and now. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I run my fingers along her jawline, letting them trail softly down her neck.

  She takes in a sharp breath as I feather my thumb over her pulse.

  “I want to kiss you right here,” I say.

  She swallows. “I’m not stopping you.”

  The want on her face only makes me more determined to take my time. Watching her desire build is doing strange and wonderful things to both my mind and body. “In a moment,” I whisper and slide my hand down, dipping my fingers into her cleavage.

  Her chest rises as she arches into my touch.

  God, I want to take her breasts into my hands, clasp her taut peaks between my teeth, and tease her until she’s writhing beneath me.

  But that slow tremble taking over her body is too alluring.

  I take my time, exploring the satin feel of her skin as I slowly peel back the blankets.

  “Seth?” she breathes.

  “Hmm?” Cupping her hip with one hand, I slide down and press a kiss to her inner knee.

  She responds by spreading her legs, giving me full access. “I want you.”

  Satisfaction fills me to my core. I want this girl to want me. Want her to want only me. Shit. This is intense. I shouldn’t have these feelings. I don’t want them. But I can’t help myself. “You’ve got me,” I say and kiss my way up her inner thigh. I pause and gently blow against her sex.

  “Oh,” she moans and her hips rise slightly.

  I tilt my head up and smile in smug satisfaction. She wants me just as much as I want her. Her eyes flutter open, intense with need. She doesn’t say anything, just winds her fingers into my hair and applies the tiniest bit of pressure. Not a demand. A request. And I’m all too happy to oblige.

  Her sweet scent assaults me as I taste her, licking, sucking, teasing, using her moans of approval to unravel her secrets.

  “Seth,” she gasps and tightens her grip on my hair.

  I redouble my efforts, determined to coax her to climax with just my tongue. She bucks beneath me and I grasp her hips, stilling her, forcing her to give me complete control.

  Her cries grow louder, her entire body sparking like a live wire.

  “Take me,” she forces out. “I want you inside me.”

  Holy fuck. I want that, too. But I can’t bring myself to pull away until after she comes completely apart. I pulse my tongue against her faster.

  Her cries turn into high-pitched gasps as her body goes taut and then stills beneath me. Deep personal satisfaction fills me, and while her limbs go limp, I gently kiss my way up and over her left hip. She stirs beneath me, and I continue my exploration until I have one of her nipples right where I want it, clasped lightly between my teeth. Wrapping her legs around me, she lets out another gasp and grinds into my ever-hardening erection.

  “Now,” she demands, pushing at my sweats, lowering them as far as she can reach. I want to resist, drag this moment out for as long as possible, but when her small hand slips over my cock, I lose all sense of self-control and grab a condom from the nightstand.

  “Now?” I ask to confirm. Or was I trying to buy a little time?

  She grabs the condom from my hands, rips it open with practiced skill, and then rolls the latex on me.

  “Now,” she orders and tilts her hips up, pressing herself against me.

  I could so bury myself into her heat and take her fast and hard. It seems to be what she’s demanding. But I have other plans. I pull back slightly and position myself right at her opening, gently teasing.

  Her nails bite into my shoulders and she lets out a strangled growl. “Seth, dammit, you’re driving me insane.”

  I can’t help the smug smile that claims my lips. I’d gladly drive her insane for the rest of the day, if only I could hold out that long. But the way her tongue dances wickedly over my chest and the shocking darts of delicious pain from her nails raking over my back have me pressing into her, slowly, inch by inch, her heat driving me out of my fucking mind.

  “Oh, God,” she says and gasps as I bury myself deep inside her and still, waiting for her to adjust to my intrusion. And then when she rocks her hips, I pull out just as slowly, torturing myself. My body shakes with the effort to hold myself back, and when I meet her brilliant blue eyes, full of so much lust, I let myself go and thrust hard and fast, watching as her eyes close from the intense pleasure.

  The way she arches her body into mine, so completely lost in the moment, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Something breaks free inside me. An overwhelming urge to make her mine, to bind my soul to hers, takes over. To somehow, through our physical joining, make a connection that’s impossible to break.

  Her eyes open, and our gazes lock as I once again thrust deep, making her gasp.

  “More,” she
says breathily. “Much more.”

  Those words are all I need to hear. In one swift movement, I grasp her wrists and hold them over her head, pausing just long enough for her acceptance.

  Though she doesn’t speak, the way her body quivers in anticipation and her legs tighten around my waist, I know she’s as into this as I am. I bend my head to hers and whisper, “Today, you belong to no one but me.”

  I pull back and stare into her wide eyes. She nods once and then our bodies begin to move in unison, matching each other’s every thrust in raw, unabashed need. It’s not just sex anymore. She’s in my heart now. I’m sure of it. And right now, even though I know it will be my undoing, my heart is bursting with the joy of it.

  “Lucy.” I groan and quicken my pace, slamming into her.

  “Seth,” she answers on a shortened breath and lets out a cry of pleasure. Her body spasms as she tightens around me. “Now. Come with me.”

  I thrust one more time, deep inside her as she shudders beneath me, and finally lose myself in her.

  Chapter Twenty One


  I lie spent in Seth’s arms, my limbs languid with the aftermath of incredible sex. But I know that no matter how much I want to tell myself what we did means nothing, my heart says otherwise.

  Today you belong to no one but me.

  His words keep running through my head. At the time, it had been sexy as hell. But now it’s terrifying. Had he actually meant anything by it? Or was he just caught up in the moment? Sex makes people say crazy things. Especially hot, mind-blowing sex.

  And holy freakin’ cow, had it been mind-blowing. I never thought sex could be better with anyone than it was with Cadan. With him, sex had been almost magical, but it all revolved around a release of our connection. A way to purge some of the intense emotions that lingered after we’d put on a show. My attraction to him was only that intense if we’d been working together. But with Seth? Damn. All we needed was each other and boom. Instant sparks.

  Why was that?


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