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eyond Desire Collection

Page 188

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  She sighed softly and tried to pull his hand closer to the small knot of nerves that begged to be touched. He didn’t budge. It was as though he was determined to punish her for her silence.


  No response, although the heat coming off his body was like molten lava.

  Okay, if that was the game he wanted to play… She let his hand go and touched herself instead, feeling her panties wet with desire. His eyes flared in surprise.

  Holding his gaze, she stroked the crease between her legs until the flesh tingled and pulsed with warm pleasure. He stared at her, seemingly unable to tear his gaze away. Masturbating in front of him felt incredibly liberating—taking her own pleasure the way she wanted—yet also incredibly erotic and hot and so different from doing it alone and hurriedly at night, intent only on getting off.

  No, this was a tease, a dare. Look at me, lover. Watch and see how I’m giving myself pleasure.

  Given that he wasn’t shy about using his greater physical strength, it was important to reestablish the boundaries, declare with action that she could be alone again and still be content. That she didn’t need him.

  She touched a breast, cupped it, while her other hand slipped under her panties.

  Ethan practically tore her underwear off, clearly wanting to see everything laid bare, and something shifted in him as he watched her rubbing her slick, swollen clit. The tension coiled and mounted. She flicked her hard nipple, arching her back. She pushed two fingers inside herself, while rubbing the nub between her legs.

  His hot gaze was unbelievably erotic, but her two fingers—which used to be enough—weren’t. He unbuckled his pants and pulled himself out, thicker and longer than her digits, and she licked her lips, feeling a sea-change building inside herself as well. Staring at his nakedness, she didn’t want her fingers. She wanted him inside her.

  “Ethan…” she whispered.

  He ignored her—or maybe he was too focused to have heard. He stroked his cock, his long strong fingers moving deftly up and down.

  She undulated her hips, silently beckoning him. She’d wanted to show him he couldn’t manipulate her with his body, that she didn’t necessarily need him to pleasure herself. But instead, she was needier than ever before, wanting him inside her more than ever before. No matter how hard and furiously she pumped her fingers in and out, no matter how fast she rubbed her clit, the soul-shattering climax she wanted remained elusive.

  His breathing roughened as his hand moved up and down faster. No. She didn’t want him to come without her. She might not believe she had the right to ask about Lisa. She might know that everything would end one day soon. But until then, this beautiful man belonged to her.

  “Ethan, please!” She flung her hands away from her quivering body and gripped his wrist.

  “Weren’t you going to finish yourself?” Despite the low tone, his voice was razor sharp, dangerous.

  “I want you. Do you understand? Until we’re through with each other, your body is mine.”

  “And you’re mine,” he ground out. “Don’t ever forget it. You are mine.” He plunged into her in one thrust, violent enough to lift her completely off the counter.

  “Yes!” Was she was screaming to acknowledge his ownership of her body or to exult in the fullness between her legs that only he could create? Maybe it was a little bit of both.

  He put on a condom, gripped her hips and took her with a kind of mindless savagery she hadn’t thought him capable of. Every minute was a symphony of excitement, the delicious slick friction driving her further and further toward an incredible height.

  The climax blew through her so forcefully her back felt like it would snap. She sobbed his name, but he wasn’t through. He kept pounding into her, his rhythm relentless, not giving her a chance to catch her breath. Another wave hit her, sending her even higher. She was no longer in control of her body, yet she wasn’t afraid. Instead, she felt fulfilled, loved and safe.

  At her third climax, he came, his guttural cry intensifying her pleasure until even the soles of her feet tingled.

  When her breathing evened again, Kerri wrapped her arms around him, burying her tear-stained face in the crook of his neck. She couldn’t help but think that despite the pleasure she’d received, she’d given away too much of herself.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ethan left for the office the next day, even though it was Sunday. Apparently it was okay for him to work weekends. Hypocrite, she thought fondly.

  Then again, he couldn’t always work out of his study. Many of the documents he needed were confidential and couldn’t be removed from the office building.

  She was dressed in old black jeans and comfortable t-shirt. The TV didn’t have anything interesting, and she was bored. No, that wasn’t true. She was brooding about Lisa, and what Catherine had said.

  Ethan knew more about Kerri than anybody else. Was he in this because he wanted to fix things for her in an attempt to redeem himself for the “fuckup” Catherine had kept mentioning?

  And what was this “fuckup” anyway? Did it even matter when Kerri was in it for the short haul?

  “Argh!” Kerri half-growled at herself. It wasn’t like her to worry about things she’d already told herself weren’t important.

  Except they were. They were about Ethan, and she wanted to know.

  Okay, enough is enough. She needed a distraction. Maybe a visit to Natalie’s would be just the thing.

  Mind if I come over? she texted Natalie.

  The answer came after a moment. Mi casa es tu casa.

  Kerri left the penthouse with a small purse and drove the BMW out of the underground parking garage. Almost immediately, three black SUVs appeared in the rearview mirror.

  Hmm. If she were the imaginative type, she might’ve thought they were some kind of bad guys. Maybe kidnappers. She snorted at the silly notion. Why would anyone want to kidnap her? Who would pay the ransom?


  No, that was a stupid idea. Why would he do that for a short-term fling?

  Her phone rang, and she frowned. It was Justin.

  “Good thing I caught you.” His voice was tight, his words fast and clipped. “Where are you?”

  “On the road at the moment. Why?”

  “Barron fired my PIs. He decided they were incompetent.”

  “Not surprising. Nobody’s competent enough for him, and you didn’t hire the best.”

  “That’s not the point. Barron decided to get involved. Got it? He’s going to locate you himself.”

  She flexed her suddenly clammy palms, and took a deep breath. “Are you sure?”


  “But he’s so busy.”

  “Not busy enough, apparently.”

  She cursed. “You’ve gotta be kidding. What could he possibly want from me?”

  “Kerri, you know he doesn’t explain himself. I just found out that my PIs were fired this morning when I got a note from them.”

  “Tell him he can’t fire them.” A headache started, little hammers pounding at her temples. She pushed the rising panic back into its proper place. Only cool, logical thinking could help her figure out what to do. “You hired them.”

  “Riiight. He’s Barron frickin’ Sterling, and he can fire whoever he wants.” Justin lowered his voice. “Look, I know you don’t want to see him. But you can’t run forever. You already gave up your job at Goldreich to avoid him. What more do you want to sacrifice?”

  Kerri found that she didn’t have an answer.

  “Hey, I’ve got a meeting. Just wanted to warn you. Think about it.” Justin hung up.

  As she drove through Arlington the SUVs stayed in her rearview mirror. Maybe everyone was just going in the same direction. Or maybe they were Barron’s goons.

  Could he have found her this fast?

  If so, why send someone instead of coming himself? He’d said he wanted to see her, and that probably hadn’t changed. He couldn’t possibly expect to intimidate he
r by sending some men after her. What would he threaten her with? He couldn’t withhold affection when he’d never given it in the first place. Money? She had enough to be comfortable on her own. Sabotage her attempts to get jobs? She had a great résumé, and he couldn’t block her from earning a living. She’d sue the bastard.

  She pulled her car into the underground parking lot of Natalie’s glitzy high-rise. The black SUVs followed. As she climbed out of her car, the SUVs’ doors opened and several men in black hopped out. Crisp suits, dark sunglasses and earpieces marked them as bodyguards.

  What. The. Hell.

  One of them walked up to Kerri. “Miss Wilson?”

  Must not panic. Must not freak out. She arched an eyebrow. “Who are you?”

  “Your security detail.”


  He inclined his head. “Mr. Sterling sent us.”

  Oh god. Barron had found her already. “Why?”

  The man frowned. “I believe the idea is to keep you safe, ma’am.”

  No. She resisted the urge to run her clammy hands over her denim-clad thighs. This wasn’t about keeping her safe. This was about demonstrating who had the power in the relationship—him.

  The old, incompetent PIs had warned her things would become more complicated for her if she didn’t agree to meet her grandfather in Hong Kong. One way or another, Barron always got what he wanted.

  But she’d never once imagined he’d send “bodyguards.” She studied the men. They looked respectable and clean-cut, like some kind of heroes ready to put their lives on the line for her, but she knew the truth. They’d follow her everywhere until she did what her grandfather wanted. She wouldn’t be able to pee in peace.

  “What does he want?” she asked the leader of the group.

  “It’s like I said, ma’am. To keep you safe.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “That’s it? No other instructions?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Fine. I’m going up to see my friend. It’s a private conversation, if you catch my drift.”

  “Don’t worry about us. You won’t even notice we’re around.”

  She looked at the three black SUVs with their complements of completely black-garbed men. “Riiight.”


  Kerri stepped inside Natalie’s penthouse and closed her eyes. Four of the men had followed her to the top floor, two of them insisting on taking up stations outside the elevator and two more outside Natalie’s door. She’d definitely noticed they were around and they would make a nuisance of themselves until Barron called them off.

  It infuriated her that none of them had done anything even remotely improper. If it came to a lawsuit, she wouldn’t even be able to claim harassment.

  “What’s wrong?” Natalie said. “Did something hap—something did happen. Okay, sit down. You look like you’re about to faint.” She led Kerri to a couch.

  “There are men outside,” Kerri said as she sat.

  Natalie glanced at the door. “What men?”

  “My ‘bodyguards.’”

  Natalie’s eyes widened. “Bodyguards?”

  “My grandfather sent them.”

  “You have a grandfather? Sorry, that’s silly. Of course you do. But…why would he send bodyguards? Do you have a stalker or something?”

  “No, no. Nothing like that. I think…they’re more like my keepers or something. So I don’t run again.”

  Natalie stared at her for a long moment, then went to the kitchen and brought out cappuccino and hot tea. “Okay, I think you need to start from the beginning.”

  Kerri sighed even as she gratefully took the coffee. The beginning. Easier said than done. “My grandfather is Barron Sterling.”


  “Barron Sterling. You know, Sterling & Wilson? Corporate raider back in the 80s, currently an investor and venture capitalist?”

  Natalie was staring at her again. “No way.”

  “Unfortunately, way.”

  Natalie swayed a little bit. “Okay, I need to sit down.” She took the seat next to Kerri. “Your grandfather is the Barron Sterling? Oh my god, Kerri. Holy shit. The man is like the richest guy in the world. How come you never said anything?”

  “We have some…issues.”

  “Like what? Wait, did he cut you out? Is that why you were always working so much?”

  Kerri shifted closer to Natalie. “No, more like the opposite. I was working so much because I had to pay off my college tuition. Barron footed the bill initially, but I didn’t want his money.” That might have given him some hold over her. I paid for your education, and you owe me with compound interest. It wasn’t that unimaginable. “So I sent him a cashier’s check for the full amount he paid plus interest. Prevailing market rate.”

  “That’s…” Natalie shook her head. “I want to say that’s crazy, but I totally understand where you’re coming from.”

  Yes, she would. She didn’t have such a great relationship with her family either. “He tracked me down in Hong Kong not too long ago. Said he wanted to meet, except I had nothing to say to him.”

  Understanding dawned in Natalie’s eyes. “So that’s why you left. You didn’t want to see him.”

  “Basically.” Kerri grimaced. “The health stuff was a factor too, but yeah. I couldn’t stand the idea of facing him.”

  “Did he say why he wanted to see you?”

  Kerri shook her head. “He never explains himself.”

  “But you must know him pretty well. He’s your grandfather.”

  “A grandfather who never had any time for me.” And one who had been too busy dealing with his own grief plus his daughter’s. A granddaughter whose birth had caused the deaths of his darling grandsons, not to mention his son-in-law, didn’t rank very high in his priorities.

  “Aren’t you still his heiress though?” Natalie asked.

  “Maybe, maybe not. He’s heavily involved with lots of charities. He’ll probably leave them all his money. Either way, I don’t care.”

  Natalie nodded. “You’ve got a great career. You’ll always be able to make your own path.”

  “Exactly. But right now I need to find a way to shake those damn guards. I really don’t want to draw attention to myself or have them announce to the world who sent them.” Ethan and his brothers knew she was Barron’s granddaughter, but not everyone from the Lloyds had believed Jacob’s drunken accusation. She’d rather not let them know for certain until she was ready to explain the situation, make sure they understood that she hadn’t done anything improper. She’d done everything in her power to help Ethan and the company, and it was important that she didn’t create any conflict within the Lloyds. “Ethan’s family owns The Lloyds Development.”

  Kerri could see Natalie get it. “You think Ethan’s going to think you’re untrustworthy or something?” she asked.

  “He won’t, but his family probably will. And they might say and do stupid, petty things to hurt him. I don’t care if people say nasty things about me, but I don’t want to give anyone a weapon to wield against Ethan.”

  “Why don’t you just see your grandfather? Ask him to call off his men?”

  “Hah. Change his course of action just because I asked him to? Doubtful.”

  “He must care about you to send people to find you.”

  “He probably sent them to upset me.”

  Natalie grimaced. “Is he that petty?”

  “No.” Kerri sighed. “I think he’s just unhappy about my leaving Hong Kong without seeing him, and he doesn’t care that what he’s doing might disrupt my life.”

  “Uh… That would qualify as petty.”

  Despite herself, Kerri laughed. “I guess it would, huh?”

  “So what are you going to do once you lose those men?”

  “Get the hell out of—” Kerri stopped. If she left, would that really mean she was free of Barron?

  Natalie let the silence stretch before saying, “You can’t avoid him forever. Not someone with that
kind of money to spend finding you.”

  Kerri couldn’t deny her friend was right. How long and how far could she run to avoid Barron?

  She’d given up her job. What more would she sacrifice, as Justin had put it? Would she have to give up seeing Natalie? How about Ethan? Could she just walk away from her entire life because of Barron?

  “You’re right,” she said. “But I want to be able to decide what to do without Barron’s men breathing down my neck. And a couple of them are standing right outside your door.”

  Natalie considered for a moment. “We have a fire exit. Down this way.” She took Kerri to the balcony and showed her a trapdoor. “You open this and climb down the ladder to the next level. And so on down to the ground.”

  Kerri pulled the trapdoor up and studied the escape. The ladder had wide steps and rubberized bars for a secure grip. The penthouse was on the fourteenth floor, but if she could lose the men it would be worth it. Then she shook her head. “Can’t. The BMW’s in the garage, and there’s probably four of them standing around it.”

  “Bet they aren’t watching my Audi.” Natalie held out some keys. “Plus, the windows are tinted.”

  Kerri’s wrapped her hand around them. “Thanks.”

  “What are friends for?” Natalie said with a wide grin. “Go before they notice something’s up. And hey, gimme your keys. I like BMWs.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kerri returned to Ethan’s place in the Audi. Sure enough, Barron’s men hadn’t noticed as she’d driven the fancy new car past them.

  She’d bought some time, but now had to find a more permanent solution. They’d come back to Ethan’s penthouse once they figured out she wasn’t at Natalie’s anymore. If they were smart—and Barron didn’t hire stupid people—they would leave a few men at Natalie’s place too, just to make sure.

  She’d already told Ethan about her family, and he’d believed they were estranged. But that might change if she told him her grandfather had sent three SUVs’ worth of men to “keep her safe.” Estranged families didn’t send bodyguards.

  She shook her head. No no no. Shouldn’t be thinking like that. Ethan wouldn’t doubt her story. But how would he react? He could be so single-minded in his desire to protect those he cared about. She didn’t want him to do anything rash and get hurt.


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