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Captivating His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 1

by Briers, M L




  Copyright © 2013 by M.L Briers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents














  “Fair’s fair and I’m peckish.” Nathan had the kind of self righteous smirk on his face that only a vampire could pull off. It came from centuries of errors in judgement and mistakes that they had lived to tell the tale from, only because it was harder to kill a vampire than most people assumed. But Jasmine knew every single way to kill a vampire, and right at that very moment in time she was mentally sorting through which one she should use on him.

  “I’m not a damn buffet, Nathan. It’s not like you’re going to drop dead of hunger this minute is it?” She dismissed the smirk, and then the pout, but there was something about those damn puppy dog eyes that she couldn’t quite say no too. “And even if you did, you’d be back.”

  “Just a taste…?” Nathan was already behind her before she could even think to give him an answer. With arms of velvety steel that wrapped around her body as he eased her back against his hard chest and even harder erection. She felt the stirrings of arousal inside her. There was nothing more exciting than being fed on by a vampire, nothing more sensual, and yet it still irked her that he would pull this now when she was in the middle of searching the grimoire’s for that illusive spell.

  “Can’t you just wait?” Jasmine almost zapped him just for the sheer satisfaction it would afford her. They had a deal, blood for blood. Vampire blood was the most potent within spell work and he gave it without question or reservation whenever she asked, the only thing he wanted in return was that she let him feed when he wanted it. At first it had been a one off feeding, but gradually over time, he preferred to take little and often as opposed to all at once.

  “You know how impatient I can be…” He ran just one finger down over the bare skin of her arm and felt her press her back into him. “And how grumpy I can get if I’m hungry…” he brushed the hair away from her neck and pressed his lips to her warn skin and she responded, “and how much you enjoy it.” He teased over her vein with his tongue and she sighed in response. His fangs elongated and he positioned them over her vein…

  The pounding on the front door caused Jasmine to snap out of it instantly. Realising that he had used his influence on her she gasped in a breath and yanked herself out of his embrace.

  “You…” She accused. Turning on her heels she glared at him with the anger that caused his enthusiasm to fade fast. Raising his brows and holding his palms out in front of him in surrender, he couldn’t keep the amusement from his face as he grinned wildly.

  “Now, Jazz. Don’t go getting all zap happy on me…” He teased and watched her tap an irritated foot against the wood of the floor.

  “And what did I tell you about doing that to me, Nathan?” Jasmine folded her arms over her chest and pinned him in place with her glare.

  “That you secretly love it.” He shot back and her eyes flared in anger. “Ok, ok. Calm thyself woman, I wasn’t going to seduce you, just have a little taste…”

  “I’ll give you a little taste of something, but it won’t be my blood, it’ll be your own.” Jasmine assured him and he took a step towards her, trying to sooth her.

  “Jazz, where’s your sense of humour?”

  “In those damn grimoire’s with my missing spell…”

  The sound of the pounding on the front door made her throw up her hands in exasperation as she motioned for him to answer it.

  “Why do I have to get the damn door?” He pouted and she rolled her eyes.

  “It’s your house.”

  “It’s our house, we both live here. Besides, it’s for you.” He shot back and she frowned.

  “Who is it?”

  “Smells like trouble.” He grinned and watched her roll her eyes on a groan.

  “I can hear the two of you. Will one of you open the damn door? I’m not in training to be a woodpecker…”

  Nathan pulled the door open and Suzanna breezed past him. “No really come on in.” He bit out on a wave of sarcasm, as he tossed the door closed and strolled in after her. Perching his backside on the low unit, he folded his arms over his chest and showed only mild interest in what the woman wanted.

  “I’m glad you’re both here together.” Suzanne gushed dramatically and Nathan snorted.

  “Really, I thought the Fae council had severe reservations about our cohabiting.” He sneered and watched the woman swallow her pride, it amused him.

  “I’m not here to discuss that, Nathan…” She dismissed his sarcasm, but he didn’t let it go.

  “How convenient for you, Suzanne.” He countered and his eyes flicked to where jasmine was making a cutting sign across her throat with her hand, and he raised one lone brow and relented. “So why are you here?” He offered with a slightly bored tone to his voice.

  “We’ve had the Alpha from the highlands pack make contact, he needs our help…”

  “Our?” Nathan looked for clarity. He knew that she wouldn’t be here if it was a simple request for the Fae. There was more.

  “Your help actually, Nathan.” She looked a little more downtrodden now than she had when she breezed past him at the door, and he preferred her this way, as opposed to all of her council airs and graces.

  “Do tell.” He bit out with sarcastic enthusiasm for her sudden come down in the world and saw the colour touch her cheeks as she quickly flicked her eyes from him to Jasmine and back again.

  “It seems the Alpha’s sister has been in some kind of accident, her wounds are severe and she’s not expected to last the night. You’re her only hope.” Suzanne dropped her eyes and waited for his response. The Fae council were only too happy to condemn the relationship that Nathan and Jasmine had entered into, mainly because his blood meant that Jasmine was able to practice some very powerful magic, but they were only too happy to come running to him when they needed his help.

  “Why me?” Nathan asked, his eyes flicked back to Jasmine as she rolled her eyes and tipped her head to one side, her hands going to her hips. Berating him without words.

  “Honestly. You’re the closest to the pack that we know of…” Suzanne begrudgingly admitted. Goddess knows she would have preferred to have gone to anyone other than him.

  “Wow, stroke my ego some more sweetheart, you’re so good at it.” He nearly laughed out loud when Jasmine indicted a noose around her neck and hung her tongue out of the side of her mouth.

  “Will you do it?” Suzanne tipped her nose up in the air a little more, and her back became a little straighter as she swallowed her pride even further.

  Nathan couldn’t help having just one more dig at her. It was just too easy, too satisfying. “What’s the magic word?” He gave her a wry look and Jasmine was about to drop on the floor and play dead when Suzanne relented.

  “Please.” She said it as though she had a mouthful of worms.

  “I’d love to help out the Fae council. You need only ask and I’m at your service.” He savoured the moment and it showed on his face. Ja
smine on the other hand still wanted to grasp the desk in front of her and head butt it with a vengeance.

  “They have requested that a Fae accompanies you…” Suzanne started and Nathan’s eyebrows shot up on his head, comically so in Jasmine’s opinion and she couldn’t help but point a finger and silently laugh at his misfortune.

  “You!” Nathan spat in disbelief and Suzanne snapped her head back on her neck as if he had actually reached out and slapped her.

  “Goddess no!” She exclaimed in horror, just the thought of it made her blood run cold. She had no more love for vampires than she did for leeches and viewed them in much the same way. She managed to pull herself together and turned on her heels towards Jasmine. “Jasmine can accompany you, as you two are already…” She swallowed before the next word, and that amused Nathan. “Friendly.” Her voice seemed to hitch slightly and she swallowed again.

  “Me...?” Jasmine spat out in disbelief.

  “Yes.” Suzanne seemed to enjoy her answer.

  “On Lycan territory?”

  “That’s where Lycans tend to live.” Nathan answered with an air of amusement and Jasmine ignored the impulse to zap him.

  “Yes.” Suzanne confirmed and Jasmine bit down on her inner lip.

  “I can’t. Busy. Sorry.” She was making it up as she went along and they all knew it.

  “There’s no-one else that…” She flicked her gaze towards Nathan and cleared her throat. “Can do it.” Suzanne gave her a poignant look and Jasmine got the gist, no-one else who trusted a vampire to be alone with them long enough to do it.

  “She’s worried she’ll meet her dream-wolf…” Nathan offered by way of an explanation to Suzanne, and just too really rile up Jasmine. The amusement flickered in his eyes as Jasmine sent him a death glare.

  “Dream-wolf?” Suzanne raised her brows in the hope of an explanation and Jasmine bit down on the urge to use one of those ways to kill a vampire, probably the most torturous.

  “He’s just messing with you, ignore him. I do.” Jasmine offered with a sneer towards Nathan that made him wide eyed and grinning like an idiot.

  “Well, I’m glad that’s settled. So you’ll both leave right away?” Suzanne urged as she started for the door. She really didn’t want to be in the room with Nathan any longer than she had too.

  “Well, Jasmine needs to go pee-pee first, wouldn’t want her to get caught short on the road…” Nathan offered and Suzanne just raised her chin and placed a strained smile on her face.

  “Thank you.” She called over her shoulder as she scurried out of the front door and slammed it behind her, as Nathan grinned wildly at Jasmine.

  “And I need a snack for the road.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and watched his lunch roll her eyes.

  “Hurry up then, but no sex.” Jasmine groaned out with a wistful look down at the grimoire’s. They would have to wait, but what was one more day when someone’s life was on the line.

  Nathan was behind her in a heartbeat. His arms wrapped around her and locked her back into place, and she felt his breath against her neck a moment before he sunk his fangs into her vein and her whole body responded to the gentle pull he gave against her blood.

  “Don’t let him scent me.” Jasmine hissed from the passenger seat of Nathan’s car, as the first Lycan they came across on pack land waved them down.

  “Where’s your sense of adventure.” Nathan shot back with mock enthusiasm and a dollop of sarcasm, and Jasmine rolled her eyes.

  “Nathan, so help me…” She bit out between clenched teeth. He was enjoying her angst just a little too much.

  “Don’t you want to meet Mr Right?” Nathan teased as he pressed the button and the window rolled down with a gentle hum. The Lycan didn’t need to get too close, he scented the air and took in Nathan’s unmistakable scent and waved him on. “Nice talking to you.” He mocked. There weren’t many Lycans that wanted to get too close to a vampire and the guard must have been one of them.

  “No. I don’t. I’m Fae, not Vampire or Lycan. I don’t pine for my one true mate. That’s your damn domain, not mine.” She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. The further they drove into pack territory the further she squished down in her seat. A sense of foreboding smacked her in the forehead like a wet sponge.

  “But, if he turns up you’re not going to say no to a little Lycan lovin’ right?” His amusement at her predicament irked her to the point where she would quite easily tell him to shove it, get out of the car, and walk all the way home. The only trouble was they were deep within Lycan land, how many wolves would she encounter on the way back, and what if one of them was her mate? The faceless shifter she had been dreaming about for too long now.

  “I can’t bloody say no. That’s the point.” She shot back as they drew closer to the settlement. Numerous wooden constructs nestled within the heart of the woods, the perfect setting for their beasts to feel at home.

  “A quick fix for the little princess and then we’re out of here. Just stay close so your scent mixes with mine.” Nathan felt her anxiety and he didn’t much like it. They might not have been fated mates, but they were together and she had been a part of his life for a long time before that. They knew each other well, and it was a comfortable relationship that they shared. If he was to lose her to her fated mate he would miss what they had, but the thought of her being truly happy, something that he could never really give her, would make the pain of losing her much easier.

  “Can’t I just stay in the car?” She grumbled, eyeing the reception party that awaited them on the other side of the glass and metal security blanket. Four Lycan males waiting to walk the big bad vampire into their midst. Four to one, still not perfect odds, especially when Nathan was the vampire.

  “Sure. But don’t blame me if someone gets eaten.” Nathan tossed her a roll off his shoulder and she groaned, dropping her head forward and pulling on her resolve to get this over with.

  “Fine.” She hissed into the darkness of the car as she cut him a dark glare and he grinned at her.

  “That’s the spirit, and no getting angry and zapping anyone. You’re supposed to be here as my calming companion, not the other way around.” He popped his door and flooded the car with artificial light. Catching sight of her worried expression it made him hesitated for a moment and he reached out and gave her hand a light soothing brush. The worry lines in her forehead automatically easing.

  “I’m not promising anything.” She pouted again, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that touched his lips.

  A moment later he was pulling her door open and reaching in to peel her from the passenger seat, knowing that she wasn’t about to get out of her own accord.

  Jasmine watched the four men walk towards them. The tension within their bodies was more than evident, and she knew it wasn’t the fate of one of their own that had them so on edge, but the vampire within their midst.

  “How’s she doing?” Jasmine asked. It was an icebreaker and that was what she was here for, the smooth transition of getting them in and out without complications.

  One of the four giants stepped closer to them than the others. Perhaps the alpha she surmised, as he narrowed dark eyes on the back of Nathan’s head as he spoke to her.

  “She’s getting weaker by the hour. We thought you’d be here sooner.” His deep tone held the trace of a growl and she didn’t much care for it.

  “I’m a vampire, not bloody superman.” Nathan offered as he guided Jasmine around the car door with the simple touch of his hand on hers, and slammed the door shut, cutting off her escape hatch.

  “Be nice.” Jasmine whispered, even though she knew that the Lycans could hear her.

  “That my sweet, works both ways. I’m doing them the favour.” Nathan tossed back. His eyes showed his playfulness as he gazed down at her and the Lycan cleared his throat.

  “You’re right. I apologise. Tensions have been running high here since the incident. We’re grateful you’re here.” Brock shu
ffled his feet in the dirt. The stance of the men behind him seemed to change, became less posturing, and some of the tension left Jasmines nerves, but not her body.

  “We understand.” She said as much to the Lycan as to Nathan, who gave her a small shrug of compliance. Men! Especially these men. Lycans and vampires were always a powder keg of testosterone waiting to go off, and although she could still sense the unease in the air between them, it had lessened.

  “I’m Brock, I’m Wade’s Beta. Let me show you to where Sky is.” He offered as Nathan turned her with him, pressing her hip against his as he circled her waist with his hand to show them that she was already claimed.

  Nathan and Jasmine fell into step with the Beta as they walked towards the house, brightly lit against the darkness of the woods around them. The three other Lycan males dropped in behind them.

  “So Wade is your Alpha and Sky is his sister?” Jasmine asked relaxing slightly within herself. She wasn’t picking up any kind of vibe from these men, and that to her was the best news she’s had all day, it meant that none of them was her mate.

  “Yeah, Wade’s still out there on the hunt, he sent us back to…” Brock looked a little unsure of how to phrase it.

  “Make sure I didn’t eat anyone?” Nathan offered with a good natured smirk and Brock pressed an easy smile to his lips. With a small chuckle he nodded his head.

  “Something like that. Wade’s on his way back now.” Brock confirmed.

  “Hunt for what?” Jasmine asked on a frown and Brock shot her a look of confusion.

  “The council didn’t tell you what happened?”

  “Nope, we were just asked to come and help the Alpha’s sister.” Nathan informed him and she saw the frown on the Beta’s face, and wondered at it.

  “She was attacked by a rogue. Tore her up pretty good.” The strain in Brock’s face was twofold, he was concerned for his pack sister, but he was also eager to go and rip a rogue to shreds.

  Jasmine could sense the unrest in the whole group of them, even Nathan had tensed against her side. His eyes automatically scouring the darkness around them as his hand tightened around Jasmine waist. He was in full blown protection mode.


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