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Tate (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 6)

Page 19

by Maryann Jordan

  “The main highway isn’t too bad,” the driver called back. “ETA is about forty minutes.”

  The paramedic cleaned Tate's shoulder, checked his blood pressure and temperature, and called ahead to the ER, letting them know what to expect. Looking at Tate, he said, “There’s not a plastic surgeon on staff now, but the ER doctor should be able to stitch you up without too much of a scar.”

  At the scowl Tate aimed toward the paramedic, Nora could not contain the giggle that slipped out.

  “Do I look like I give a fuck about a scar?”

  The paramedic’s brow crinkled, and she shook her head, laughing. “No, I don’t reckon you do.”

  As soon as she was finished with Tate, Nora maneuvered around so she could slide onto the gurney with him. Curled up on her side, she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arm across his abdomen. Just like laying on the floor hours earlier, she realized anywhere felt comfortable as long as she was with Tate.


  Tate looked out of the ambulance’s back doors and rolled his eyes. Billy must have called Caroline because she and Thomas as well as his parents were at the hospital waiting when the ambulance arrived. Nora scrambled out first, and they rushed to her, enveloping her in their hugs. He refused to be wheeled in, and as he climbed down from the back of the ambulance, his family added him into their embrace.

  Nora, looking both exhausted and elated, snapped into nurse mode and said, “We need to let him get in. He has an injury.”

  Growling her name, he shot a glare her way, but she shrugged it off. Finally, the hospital staff sent his family back into the waiting room while he and Nora were taken to ER bays. It didn’t take long for Nora to be given a clean bill of health and to find her way into his room. The doctor had already numbed his arm and was working on stitching the wound. Nora walked to the other side of the bed, hitched her hip onto the mattress, and sat next to him.

  “Everything okay?” he asked her.

  She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Everything’s good. They told me to eat and rest, two things I already knew needed to be done.”

  Her gaze dropped, but he felt like there was more. This time, he squeezed her hand and she brought her gaze back to him. “Anything more?”

  “They made sure that I had the number for a crisis counselor. Everything happened so fast, but they said that memories, nightmares, all kinds of things can hit me later. They wanted to make sure I had the number, even if I think I don’t need it now.”

  “I want you to use that number anytime you think you need it,” he said. He ducked his head slightly so that he could move closer and continue to hold her gaze. “Promise me.”

  She glanced from his face to his shoulder and back to his face and grinned. “I’ll promise to use the number if I need it if you promise to hold still. I don’t think Dr. Jernigan appreciates his patient moving around so much.”

  Grinning, Tate said, “Okay, okay, I’ll hold still.”

  It did not take long for the doctor to finish stitching Tate’s shoulder. With the paperwork complete, they were both discharged and walked into the waiting room.

  Susan hurried over to Nora and patted her cheek. “Oh, sweetheart, we’ve been so frantic. But I knew with Tate going to get you, he’d bring you back to us.”

  Tate had shifted over to his dad and said, “Hell, Dad, you just got discharged yesterday and here you are again.”

  Frank said, “Don’t worry. Your mom’s been fretting over me and looking after me. Now, let’s get ready to go home. Caroline and Thomas went to get the kids and head back to the ranch. We’ll have a good meal and you guys can rest.”

  “My car is still here in the parking lot,” Nora said. “I think I’m going to head home, and I’ll see you—”

  “You’re not going home by yourself,” Tate declared.

  “Honey, you should go home with your parents and—”

  “Yes, and you’re coming, too. I’m not letting you go back to your apartment alone right now.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re not letting me?”

  “Nora, this is not the time to argue about semantics. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone right now. Please, I’ll drive your car, and we’ll go back to the ranch. Eat a good meal, rest up, and prove to Mom and Dad that we’re doing okay. Plus, Dad probably needs a nurse to keep an eye on him right now anyway.”

  Pursing her lips, she shook her head. “That’s emotional blackmail.”

  He could tell she was yielding, and he grinned. “Whatever it takes, sweetheart.”

  They all left the hospital, Susan driving Frank in their vehicle and Tate driving Nora’s little SUV. As they pulled out of the parking lot, she looked at him and said, “You know, you’re not always going to get your way.”

  He chuckled and said, “I’ve known you since we were little.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He reached over with his free hand and wrapped his fingers around hers, giving a little squeeze. “It means I know you’re a woman of your own mind, strong and independent by yourself. But babe, I want to do everything I can to take care of you.”

  He glanced to the side and could see thoughts working behind her eyes, but she remained silent. She’s wondering what the fuck I mean by that. He had a lot more that he wanted to say to her, but the time wasn’t right. Not when she was emotional and exhausted. He only had a couple of days before he needed to report back to LSI and planned on making the most of his time left with her. And when I go back, she’ll know exactly the place I want to have in her life.

  Each movement felt like her limbs were made of cement. They had made it to the ranch, where Caroline and Susan quickly served a hearty meal of beef stew and homemade biscuits, topped off with Susan’s apple pie.

  Before eating, Nora checked on Frank, assured by him that he felt fine, but not long after the meal, he and Susan settled in the den so that he could rest in his recliner and watch TV. Thomas headed outside to check on the stock, and Caroline headed into the den with her parents.

  Now, with a full belly, she forced her body to stand and moved toward Tate. He opened his arms as she approached, and she encircled his waist with her arms and placed her head on his chest. So tired she was uncertain she could make the drive to her apartment, she wanted to complain that this was the reason she should have gone directly home.

  Determined to keep the fatigue-bitch hidden, she said, “I need to leave. This was nice, Tate, but I’m really tired.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  It was shocking—and a little stinging—that he was no longer fighting her but seemed ready for her to leave after having strong-armed her into coming. Deciding he must be ready to crash as well, she nodded and stepped back.

  He took her hand and led her toward the front of the house but detoured before they got to the door. Turning at the bottom of the staircase, he began the ascent, his fingers still linked with hers. Her feet stumbled to a halt, and he looked down when her hand jerked in his.

  “Where are you going?”


  “Then where are you leading me?”

  “To my bed.”

  Eyes wide, she sucked in a quick breath, her gaze jerking around to see if anyone was listening. “Tate,” she hissed, “I can’t get in bed with you here!”

  “Why not? We slept together last night.”

  She jumped up onto the stair-step right above him and placed her hand over his mouth. “Shhh, your parents might hear.”

  “Baph,” he muttered through her hand. Sticking his tongue out to lick her palm, she dropped her hand quickly, her eyes bugging out at him.

  “Jeez, are you twelve?”

  Laughing, he pulled her close to him and kissed her lightly. She stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the hazel that held her captive. She watched as the humor faded, replaced with concern.

  “I’ve been on missions all over the world, Nora, and when it comes to difficulty level, this one was easy
. But from the moment they took you until the moment I got you back into my arms, my heart didn’t stop pounding, my emotions didn’t stop grinding, and my rage wasn’t close to quelling. Right now, I don’t want you to go back to your apartment alone. I’d worry about you making that drive as tired as you are. And if you’re determined to go back, then I’ll drive you there. But honest to fuck, sweetheart, right now, I want to tuck you in bed and lay down beside you. I want to know that you’re here, safe with me. Nothing else, just sleep. The peaceful sleep that comes from knowing the other half of my heart is pressed close to me.”

  His words moved through her and tears filled her eyes as she brought her hands back up to cup his jaws. Drawing in a ragged breath, she nodded. “Okay,” she whispered, loving the way her one-word agreement brought a smile to his face.

  He took her hand in his again, linked fingers, and led her upstairs and into the bedroom. She saw his duffel bag tossed into the corner and the en suite bathroom through an open door. The queen-size bed looked inviting, but so did the bathroom.

  “Bath first or nap?”

  “You must’ve read my mind,” she chuckled. Sighing, she said, “Honestly? If I get into the bathtub, I’ll fall asleep and never get out. But I feel disgustingly dirty and want to get out of these clothes. I think I’ll opt to take a shower.”

  “You got it, sweetheart.” He walked over to his duffel and pulled out a clean T-shirt. Turning around, he handed it to her. Kissing the top of her head, he said, “Put this on when you get out.”

  She wrapped her fingers around the soft cotton and instinctively lifted it to her nose and sniffed. It smelled like him, despite the fabric softener. She glanced toward the bathroom again, then looked up. “What about you?”

  “I’ll take a shower in the hall bathroom.” He must have caught her lifted brow because he chuckled and added, “If I get in that shower with you, I’m going to want to do a whole lot more than just get clean.”

  She felt the heat of blush cross her face and rolled her eyes. Hurrying into the bathroom, she closed the door and quickly took care of business. Turning on the water, she soon stepped under the spray and luxuriated in the feel of the warm water pounding her tense muscles. After washing her hair and scrubbing with shower gel, she stepped out onto the thick mat and dried quickly. When a knock on the door sounded, she pulled on Tate’s T-shirt, glad it hung to her mid-thighs. He stood in the open door, his hair wet, dressed in a clean T-shirt and drawstring flannel pants.

  “Caroline thought you could use these.” In his hands were a clean pair of panties and flannel pajama bottoms. “She’s a little bigger than you, but this will keep you warm.”

  Delighted, she turned and pulled on the panties and bottoms, glancing over her shoulder to see that he averted his eyes. They both brushed their teeth and she used lotion to moisturize. It was early afternoon, but when she walked back into the bedroom, he had pulled the curtains, blanketing the room in shadows.

  Suddenly hesitant, she stopped by the side of the bed. “This feels weird.”

  “It’s only weird if you make it that way, Nora.” He climbed into bed and jerked down the covers on the other side. Patting the mattress, he said, “Come on, sweetheart. We both need to rest.”

  No longer wanting to think about anything other than closing her eyes, she crawled into bed and curled up next to Tate on the soft sheets. He did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her and pull her in tightly to his chest. With the thick covers and his body heat, she was soon enveloped in warmth. If she had been more awake, she might have pondered the realization that she was in his bed, in his parents’ ranch house. She might have worried what that said about her or him or their relationship. She might have fretted over what the future would bring for them.

  Instead, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, safe in the knowledge that Tate would chase away any of her nightmares.

  And when she awoke, it took a moment to figure out where she was until she felt Tate’s arms still wrapped around her. Blinking, she glanced at the clock on the nightstand and was surprised to find they had slept soundly through the evening and all night.

  Waking in his embrace felt so right, but that was scary. How easy it would be to get used to this… and how devastating it would be to lose it again.


  Tate’s morning started out perfectly. He woke with Nora in his arms and his morning wood pressed against her ass. He battled back the desire to ease his aching cock by burying it in her warm body. She was beginning to stir, so he slid his hips away from hers. She rolled over, her gaze moving about his face before landing on his shoulder.

  “How did you sleep? Does your shoulder hurt?”

  “It’s a little stiff, that’s all. But as far as sleeping? With you tucked up close to me, I don’t think I moved all night.” She smiled and it struck him straight to the heart. Her sleep-tousled hair had dried naturally with waves. He reached out and rubbed his finger over her soft cheek before gliding his hand through her hair. Nora, waking up in my bed. There had been a time he wanted this every day and walked away from it. His noble notions now crumbled to dust, knowing he had been a fool.

  A knock on the door interrupted the moment, and she jumped out of bed, a blush painting her cheeks. He stalked over to the door and opened it, his mother standing just outside.

  “I’m so glad you two were able to rest! Clay is in the guesthouse and Levi called to say you can come to the station whenever you can get there. Breakfast is ready whenever you want to eat, but Caroline thought that Nora would need some clean clothes.”

  After thanking his mom, he turned and walked toward Nora, handing her the clothes.

  “I can’t help but be embarrassed that your mom knows I spent the night in your bed.”

  Chuckling, he said, “Then we just need to keep doing it to get you over your embarrassment.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him but snatched the clothes from his hands. “Oh, this is perfect. A warm tunic sweater and leggings!” She walked over to the dresser and pulled off his T-shirt before slipping on her bra. He could have been a gentleman and turned away, but the sight of her smooth, naked back kept his gaze riveted on her. She donned the sweater and it hung below her ass. Mesmerized, he continued to stare as she slid the leggings up her legs. Turning around, she looked at him, then lifted her brow. “Are you seriously just going to stand there and watch me dress?”


  She laughed and threw his T-shirt toward his face. He snagged it with one hand, watching her smile light her face. Stalking toward her, he threaded his fingers through her hair at the back of her head and brought her closer to him. “You’re beautiful, babe.” Bending, he took her mouth in a gentle kiss, wishing he could take it wilder and hotter, but knew their day needed to begin.

  He assumed she was afraid that breakfast would be awkward, but Tate’s family acted as though it was the most natural thing in the world for her to have spent the night in his bed and be sitting at the table first thing in the morning. Her nerves visibly eased, and he watched with pleasure as she devoured her meal.

  Leaning back, she patted her stomach. “Wow, I was hungry.”

  “You didn’t eat a lot last night,” Susan commented, her gaze peering at both of them. “I’m glad to see you fill up this morning.”

  Hating to leave the cocoon of the ranch, Tate said. “We’ve got to go into town, babe.”

  Her gaze jerked up to his and he hated the specter of uncertainty that crossed her face. It was quickly replaced with a nod and they left the kitchen to grab their coats.

  The nice part of the morning was over as he drove one of the ranch trucks to the police station, following her car. Her feet stumbled slightly as they entered the small reception area filled with men and he was glad his arm was around her waist. Billy was there with the local sheriff. Levi was in their huddle, along with Clay. The conversations halted as they approached, and he breathed easier at the comforting smiles that were directed her

  Sitting next to her, he listened as she gave her statement, detailing what happened in the hospital room, the gun Bob held on her, forcing her along with them, hitting her, and the ride to the cabin in the back of the Jeep. His hands curled into fists, and at one point she reached over and placed her hand on his, giving a squeeze. Fuck, she’s trying to comfort me. The detectives, along with Levi, sat in on her interview, and once her statement was over, they expressed how well she had handled the ordeal. Billy assured her that the three men were in jail and would not be a threat to her anymore.

  Levi explained that the DEA and FBI had taken charge of the meth lab site and after evidence had been collected, it was being destroyed according to regulations. “I know you’re a nurse and were only at the cabin a short time, but keep in mind that the effects of being exposed to meth can linger. Be sure to seek treatment if you experience persistent cough, excess energy, dizziness, or blurry vision.” Looking up at Tate, he added, “You were actually in the lab for a few minutes, so the same goes for you.”

  As they stood to leave, Levi turned to Tate and asked for a moment of his time. Nora smiled and nodded, walking out into the hall with Billy.

  Tate gave Levi his attention, silently waiting to see what he needed to talk to him about. Levi looked down for a moment, rubbing his chin before lifting his head and steadily holding Tate’s gaze.

  “Can’t think of any reason to beat around the bush, so I’ll just come out and say it. I’d like to get more information about your employer. I’m not saying that I’m ready to leave the Bureau, but I’m more than a little interested.”

  Tate sighed in relief and grinned. “Shit, man. I was afraid something was going down with those assholes we brought in and afraid it would affect Nora.”

  Eyes wide, Levi shook his head quickly. “No, no. Everything with the investigation is fine. I will tell you that we’re looking into Mary and the hospital more to make sure there’s no one else who’s been leaking drugs. But this conversation is all about me.”


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