The Love Plan

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The Love Plan Page 7

by Erica Marselas

  Never thought Meadow Lexington would be this desperate.

  I've been trying to shake it off the last couple days but fuck it if that hasn't worked. They don't belong together, and I stand by that.

  Then, last night, to add fuel to my already tempered fire, Meadow and I were having this moment in the kitchen. I've always been possessive of my time with Meadow. I've always been the one to protect her and take care of her. Then along comes Julian when I had everything under control.

  What the fuck am I going to do when she doesn't need me anymore?

  By the time she got off the phone with him, I no longer felt like working on our speeches. Plus, how hard will it be to tell my Aunt and Uncle how lucky they are they survived thirty-five years together, even after the tragic death of their son.

  Yeah, I got it covered.

  Instead, I spent the evening working out my aggression on my weight set, while Meadow drank her forty-dollar wine in two gulps watching some reality show garbage. She looked like she had been crying again and I felt like shit for not trying to comfort her over the issue at work, but she had Julian.

  Now, the next morning, I have a throbbing headache, and Julian has sent me an email wanting to see me in his office to discuss a new account.

  “Of course. Anything for you, Meadow…” Julian laughs and leans back in his chair. His head pops up, finally spotting me in the doorway and he waves me in. “Hey, I got to go, Dex just walked in but I'll see you tonight. Bye.”

  He ends the call as I plop into the tan seat in front of his mahogany desk, irritated and pissed off more than I was this morning. I cross my arms over my chest and my ankle at my knee trying to reign it in, but I'm hanging on by a proverbial thread.

  “I'm glad you're here. I needed to talk to you about the Morrison account.”

  “What are you doing with Meadow?” I snap, not mincing words and getting down to what I need to know. What’s been bugging me for days.

  “What do you mean what am I doing with Meadow? I like her. What’s the problem?”

  “Till when?”

  “What do you mean, till when?”

  “Till you dump her for some other two-legged bimbo?”

  “Wow, Dex.” He pushes his chair back and crosses his arms, matching my position. “Is that how you think I see Meadow? As some Bimbo? Is that how you see her?”

  “I didn’t say that,” I bark, and my fists clench at my side. How fucking dare he put words in my mouth.

  “Sure sounded like it.”

  “Listen,” I take a steady breath, “Meadow is my best friend and I see you go through women like they are disposable. She doesn't deserve that.”

  “That’s not true. Sure, I have one night stands here and there. But I don’t use women, Dex. You see whatever the fuck you want. Do you talk this shit about Steve? When he has Meadow help him pick up women at the bar?”

  “Steve didn’t ask her out,” I hiss.

  “And if he did, would you be this bent out?”

  Yes. I would have punched Steve out a lot sooner. But Steve knows better.


  “Fine. I dated a lot. But I figured you knew me. God. Or is it because you just want Meadow for yourself? Is that it? If you can't have her, no one can?”

  “No. I just happen to know what’s best for her.”

  He snorts and rubs his nose. “And you don’t think someone like me is? Someone you’ve known for three years. Someone who gave you a job right out of college to help him start his own architectural firm? Who put you under his wing?”

  “That’s another thing. You're like four years older than her.”

  “Oh, now you have more excuses. And a lame one at that.”

  “Listen, I don’t think you and Meadow are good for each other.”

  “Well, why don’t you let me and Meadow figure that out? Right now, we’re just having fun.”

  I cringe. Having fun? Visions of him—of his hands all over my Meadow in bed…her underneath of him…moaning…


  “Fun?” I snap and slam my hand on the desk. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  Julian rises to his feet, his face reddens, and he slams his fist onto his desk. “You know what, Dex, I’ve had fucking enough, get the hell out of my office.”

  “Not till you tell me what you mean by fun. I have the right to know.”

  “Actually, you don’t. If Meadow wants to tell you, she will. But as for right now, what goes on between Meadow and me stays between Meadow and me. Now leave my office before I do something I might regret.”

  “Like what?” I challenge the motherfucker. He wouldn't do anything.

  “Like fire your ass for being insubordinate.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me right now,” he hisses. “I’ve let it go up to this point because I get you love Meadow and for some reason, you can’t admit you’re acting more like a jealous asshole than maybe her friend. And you’re also forgetting that you’re my employee. You’re seconds the fuck away from knocking me out. Now I want you out of my face and I’ll email you about the Morrison account.”

  I get to the door and stop leaning my head on the frame. “Jules,” I mutter.


  I turn back to him watching him shuffle through the papers, no longer seeming affected by the fight. “Me and Meadow have just been through hell and back. It’s not you…”

  It is you—but I won’t say any more on that.

  “I know man. I’m not going to hurt her. But maybe you need to look in the mirror and see what it is that you want.”

  “Right.” I close my eyes and know I need to separate my work and personal life before everything blows up in my face. “I'm sorry. I won't...can we just…” I struggle with the words not wanting to say them, “…pretend I wasn't being a dick moments ago?”

  He looks back up at me, unexpectedly, and rolls his eyes. “Fine. Sit down.”

  The rest of the meeting goes off without a hitch as we discuss the Morrison contract. I'll give it to Julian; he always had a way of brushing shit off and moving on. While I, on the other hand, might have been still stewing, wondering if I could set him up to maybe look like he's screwing around on Meadow.

  Not that I would, I still have some morals, but it made the meeting easier and I figured the thought was better than breaking his face.

  When I make it back to my office, I grab my phone and text Meadow, seeing if I convince her to hang out with me tonight.

  Wanna hang out tonight?

  We didn't finish those speeches

  and I got you a brand new bottle

  of Château Coutet 2013 with

  your name on it.

  Since you drank the other

  one in under a minute.

  I haven't got it yet. But I will after my lunch break.

  Meow: Awww Thank you.

  You didn't have to do that though.

  I would have been fine with some

  Barefoot. And I can't tonight.

  I already made plans.

  Can we maybe hang out tomorrow?

  Yeah, tomorrow.

  Meow: You're not mad,

  are you?

  Of course not.

  I have a lot to do anyways.

  I'll probably just work late instead.

  Meow: Alright.

  4Evr&evr you know that right?

  I sigh and rake my hands through my hair wondering why she would ever question that.

  Forever and Ever.

  No doubt.

  I, Dexter Greene, am alone on a Friday night. It's fucking pathetic. I wonder if I should take Steve's advice and go out and pick up a random girl and fuck her to forget this sad state.

  Hey, wanna grab some

  beers at Mike's Tavern?

  Steve: Shit Man, I actually have

  a date with that hottie

  waitress from the other day.

  What the fuck? When did Steve start dating? First, Ju
lian takes my girl to make relationship strides, and now Steve is showing off?


  Didn’t think you bought them dinner first.

  I backspace and delete that. I've acted like a dick enough today to my friends and don't know how Steve would take that. Instead, I take the simple route.

  Oh, awesome man.

  Have fun.

  Steve: Shit you know I will.

  If you want, I can see

  if she has a friend?

  My finger hovers over the Y key, knowing it's probably what I need to get rid of whatever is bugging me with Meadow. But the thought leaves an uneasy feeling in my stomach and I pass.

  No. I'm good.

  I'll see you later, man.

  I throw my phone to my bed, then myself. I debate calling Mel to see if she wants to hang out, but more than likely she'll just rag on me.

  Maybe Julian is right, and I need to figure out what the fuck is going on with me.

  I rest my hands under my head and look to the ceiling, my mind drifting to the first night we moved into this house.

  We had recently graduated from college. Julian had hired me right on as a junior architect, Meadow had gotten a full-time position at Hanson Event Planners, and along with some financial help from our parents, we were able to buy this house. We had bought some new bedroom furniture and, well, mine arrived on time and Meadow's didn't. So, I let her sleep in my bed that night.

  Meadow comes bouncing into my bed in a pair of blue flannel pajama pants and an oversized blue t-shirt. In her arms is her dog, Pickles.

  “I still can't believe they forgot my furniture.” She rolls her eyes and sits the imitation Taco Bell Dog onto my bed on my left. The little bastard nips at my leg and I shove him away. He then makes himself comfortable on an extra pillow by my feet. I’m sure he's waiting for me to sleep to make his next attack.

  Out of all the dogs at the pound, I picked the one that liked the taste of my blood.

  “Well, hopefully, they'll have it right tomorrow or I'll be getting your money back.”

  She pulls back the covers and scoots herself into my side, resting her head in the crook of my shoulder.

  “Do you have to sleep right on top of me?” I groan, but I don't mind.

  “Yeah. You’re so warm, and it’ll only be till I fall asleep. You know I'll roll over and my feet will be in your ribs in no time.”

  I chuckle, having no doubt about that. The girl wiggles like crazy in her sleep.



  “It's a good thing you don't have a girlfriend right now.”

  “Why is that?” She lifts her leg, and her bent knee runs along my semi-erect crotch. My hands fly down and push her away. “I can't help that.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Meadow!” I grit between my teeth, narrowing my eyes. What does she expect? I've been like this for as long as I remember when she would sleep in my bed. Sometimes I could control it, other times, especially in the morning, well, forget it. My dick has a mind of its own and there's no denying that Meadow is sorta attractive, and my dick might be a little attracted.

  “What? I'm only messing with you.” She falls into a fit of giggles, rolling away from me. It gives me a chance to grab a free pillow and place it over my junk.

  “I’ll make you sleep on the floor if you don't cut that shit out.”

  “No, I'm good. Thanks.”

  “But I really should make the dog.”

  Pickles growls at me, baring his little teeth.

  “No, he loves you.” She scratches under his chin, making him settle.

  “He hates me.”

  “All lies. You saved his little dog life from the shelter. You need to be nicer. He thinks it's like a game to hate you, but I saw him licking your face yesterday.”

  “That was him trying to eat my face.” Okay, I do like the little shit of a dog. I have to bribe him with food for him to be nice to me. The second that dog was in Meadow’s arms he took over my job as her best friend and protector. The thing might be five pounds, but it'll rip through your skin.

  “No, he wasn't. They were kisses for feeding him your bacon.” She giggles, cuddling back into my side. “Do you think the people we marry will understand our best friend time?” Meadow ponders randomly, rubbing her hand up my chest.

  “If you mean lying in bed like this together, and you rubbing on my crotch...probably not,” I joke and she smacks me. Pickle stands on his little legs, barking at her, coming to my defense of her attack.

  “Wow, dog. You finally have my back?” I pet the top of his head and he settles back down in his spot.

  “Told you he loves you...and I didn’t mean like that. Like for twenty-something years we've seen each other every day. If we start like getting serious with someone, you know that will change, unless they understand because they are super awesome. Or we grow apart.”

  “Well, we will have to find some people that are super awesome.”

  She frowns. “I doubt I could find anyone else like Wes, unless it's…” she pauses and looks down at her hand laying on my chest, “you.” The word comes out above a whisper, but I hear it.

  “Let's not worry about that now and get some sleep. The rest of our stuff should be in tomorrow.”

  “It better be. Or the delivery guy is going to have my foot up his ass.”

  “I love you, Meadow.”

  “Love you too, Dex. Forever and Ever.”

  I wake suddenly, blinking as I adjust to the light from my lamp I never turned off. Looking at my watch it reads three a.m. and I realize I must've passed out daydreaming about the past.

  With the urge to pee, I roll out of bed to relieve myself. Once I'm done, I wonder if Meadow is home and decide to go check on her. When I get to the hallway, I find the house dark and quiet, which tells me she's home because I'm pretty sure I left all the downstairs lights on.

  When I get to her door, I put my ear against it and when I hear nothing, I crack the door open. I brace myself, worried about what I might find, but I need to know that she's home—and I hope alone.

  I can make out her soft breathing as I step into her room. The moonlight shines in from her picture window and illuminates over her bed, revealing that she's indeed alone.

  “Thank god,” I breathe.

  For a moment, I stand and watch her sleep. This was something I used to do for hours after Wes died, after she would finally cry herself to sleep. I found myself unable to sleep from the guilt, so I would watch her, counting her breaths, thankful I still had her. Though it had been thanks to me I cost her everything. If she ever knew what I did that night Wes died, she would hate me forever.

  The sheets crinkle as Meadow turns over, and she makes a little moan in her sleep. The sound makes my dick hard in an instant and I fucking curse at it for it always reacting to her at the wrong fucking time. I back out of her room, knowing I'll have to take care of this before I get back to sleep tonight.

  Yeah, I have a lot to fucking think about.

  Too bad everything leads to me still never being able to have her.

  Chapter Seven


  “Dexter,” Meadow’s voice whispers in my ear waking me from a heavy sleep.

  “Meadow?” I breathe, my eyes peel open to see her smiling face hovering above me. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I'm doing?” she giggles, and she plants a kiss to my lips, then across my cheek to my neck. “This is what you want, isn't it? What you keep thinking about doing to me when you masturbate every night?”

  Her hand traces down my chest as she sits up on my hips exposing her glorious, naked body to me. How have I never noticed how sexy she's become? How perfect and round her breasts are, or how soft her skin is? Or how overall perfect she is?

  “Fuck me, Dex. Make me yours.”

  “We shouldn't.” The words leave my lips as I grab her hips and flip her over on the mattress. She squeals, her hand gripping i
nto my hair and her legs wrap around my back.

  “We shouldn't, huh?” Her eyebrow quirks, with a cheeky grin.

  “No, but seeing as were both naked and you’re here…” Her beautiful green eyes light up and she bites the corner of her lip. Damn, that's fucking sexy. Why haven't I noticed how hot that is before? “Fuck.”

  I press my lips to hers, and slip my tongue between them, needing to taste her.

  She moans underneath me, her wet core wiggling against the tip of my dick. “Tell me how much you want this.”

  “I want you so bad.” Her hips thrust into me eagerly and she pulls my head back down to kiss me.

  Slowly, I sink into her, and her warmth wraps around my dick. It’s heaven. A tight, velvety heaven.

  “Oh, Dexter...Dexter…” she whispers my name. Then it’s followed by a light banging noise. It happens again and when I open my eyes, Meadow is gone and I'm on my back.

  The sun is pouring into my window and as I look around the room, I realize it has all been a fucking dream.

  “Dexter? You awake yet?” Meadow's voice echoes through the door and the handle jiggles.

  “Fuck!” I'm instantly alert and panicked grabbing for the sheets to cover my hard-on. “Yeah?”

  “Did you still want to go for that hike and work on our speeches?”

  “One second,” I yell and scramble off the bed to find a pair of my basketball shorts. I slip them on and make my way to my door. Opening it a crack, I hide my bottom half behind it, giving her a weak smile.

  “You okay?” she giggles at me which does nothing to help the granite hard dick I'm sporting.


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