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by Celia Styles

  He was about to beat her in front of an open window.

  What if someone called the police?

  A shiver of fear ran the length of her spine even as her clit swelled painfully between her legs.

  He didn’t start with a whip or clips.

  He started with a paddle.

  She cried out against the gag as he smacked her hard on the ass, just like a teacher might have once done an errant student. He ran his hand over the sore spot, only to hit her again in that same place. The impact was lessened slightly by the silky material of her panties. He apparently figured that out because he next moved it out of the way, pressing the material into her ass crack to get it out of his way, inadvertently creating a pressure against her clit that only added to the pleasure of his abuse.

  Another smack, another caress.

  He seemed perfectly happy to concentrate on this one ass check for as long as she could stand the pain.

  Another smack and another in quick succession. A caress, then a smack.

  She grunted against her gag each time.

  She alternated between closing her eyes to deprive her mind of visual stimuli and opening them, searching the window for proof that one of her neighbors had noticed what was happening feet from their quiet afternoon.

  Her ass grew numb, the new smacks losing some of their impact. It was about then when he moved to the other side, shoving that expanse of panty material into her ass crack so that the pressure on her clit increased. And then he took his time, smacking and caressing, smacking again that side of her ass.

  She pressed her hips back each time his hand moved in for the caress, wanting him to touch other places. But he was focused on his cause, refusing to be distracted.

  As that check grew numb, he began to smack the back of her thighs, a sting that caused her to jerk against her restraints. Then he lifted her feet, smacking them until the nerves in the ball of her foot were almost too numb to hold her upright.

  Then there was a pause as he went in search of another tool of torture. When he came around her, his eyes dancing with anticipation, she knew she was in trouble. He held up a set of scissor style nipple clamps with a chain connecting them. Allison grunted as he fastened first one, then the other, not bothering to remove her bra, but hooking them over the thin material. And then he tugged at the chain, sending her on a momentary trip of darkness as the pain—so painful—darkened her consciousness momentarily.

  He kissed her throat, the first real gesture of affection he had shown her this afternoon. She sighed, as confused by the gesture as she was grateful for it.

  Then he was gone and she was standing there, her ass and feet aching, her nipples in a continuous state of hurt. A car passed by the front of the house, slowing to pull into a nearby driveway. A child’s laughter floated to them on the warm afternoon breeze, another dog walker crossing on the other side of the street. It was such an ordinary day…but there was nothing ordinary about what Remington was doing to her body and her mind.

  And she wanted it. She wanted so much more.

  He appeared in front of her with something in his hand that looked kind of like an old fashioned feather duster, but this was made of strips of braided leather instead of feathers. He touched it to her face, the smell of leather and oil almost as exciting as the warm sandalwood scent of Remington’s cologne. Then he used it to create a trail down her throat, her chest, her belly, pressing it between her legs until the solidness of its long handle pressed up against her clit. She moved her hips forward, seeking release for the ache that only seemed to be growing and expanding deep in her belly.

  But he couldn’t allow her that satisfaction. Not yet.

  He pulled the flogger away and immediately smacked her across the belly, leaving a few bright red lines across her pale skin. He studied them, like an art patron studying an artist’s painting. And then he hit her again, several times in quick succession, causing her to cry out as the pain reverberated throughout her body.

  It was almost too much. Her safe word was on her lips, but she didn’t speak it. She saw the pleasure in his eyes, the pride as his eyes met hers, and she knew she couldn’t show him any weakness.

  And she would be rewarded when it was over.

  He moved around her body, beating her with slow, deliberate movements. Control. She could feel the control in his movements, his actions. It was good that one of them was still in control because she was definitely losing it. He had yet to touch her cunt, but she was so close…she could feel the tingle that always came just before the explosion…she moved her hips, ground the material of her panties against her clit…but then her very movements made the material work its way loose and she cried out, more with frustration than the pain of his flogger.

  “Do you like it, slave?” he asked her in a breathless voice. “Do you like when I beat you?”

  “Yes, sir,” she grunted against that infernal gag.

  He grunted, too, his voice hoarse in his excitement. He dropped the flogger and pressed himself up against her, his arms coming around her waist to pull her back against his erection. She pressed her hips back, ground her ass into his cock, so beyond any rational thought. All she could think about was release, how amazing it would feel to have his finger against her clit, his cock buried in her cunt. It no longer mattered who he was, what they were to each other. All she could think about was her need.

  He unbuckled the gag from the back of her head and pulled it free of her mouth. Her jaw ached from being stretched open for so long, but the air felt amazing as she took in gulp after gulp of fresh air into her lungs.

  “Tell me what you want,” he hissed against her ear.

  “You,” she immediately answered.

  “You have me. What else do you want?”

  “Your cock.”

  She’d never used such a word aloud before. She’d read it, written it, even used it in the privacy of her fantasies. But she’d never spoken it aloud.

  But her filter was no longer functioning.

  “I want your cock inside of me. I want you to make me cum over and over again.”

  It was like he was just waiting for her command. His hand moved frantically between their bodies as he struggled to undo the fly of his pants. It seemed like it took a lifetime even though it couldn’t have been longer than seconds. But then he was free and he was ripping her panties away, his cock finding her cunt with almost no guidance from either of them, as though it had a mind of its own. And then he was inside of her, buried quickly up to his balls, the groan that escaped his lips like the music she imagined would accompany an angel’s rise into heaven.

  He grasped her chin, tugging her head back so that he could bury his tongue in her mouth, tasting everything she had to offer. He gripped her hip with his other hand, a finger finding its way to her clit, setting off fireworks as she finally got everything she had wanted. Her first orgasm took the power out of her knees, but he held her up with his hands, his cock, rocking against her as though he didn’t even notice the agony that was her ultimate pleasure.

  As the waves lessened, she pressed back into him, aching to touch despite the fact that her arms were still suspended over her head, her ankles still shackled feet apart. He buried his head against her shoulder, his breaths washing over her skin even as he began to tug at the clips that still tortured her nipples. Something at the window caught Allison’s attention and it was only then that she remembered they had the potential of a neighborhood full of witnesses. And it did appear they had finally caught someone’s attention, an old man she recognized who lived three houses down from her. He must have been out for his afternoon walk, but he was no longer moving, glued as he was to the sidewalk in front of her house. And when he saw that he had caught her eye, he smiled and offered a clandestine thumbs up.

  It was then that her second orgasm surged through her body. She cried out as she again ground her body back against Remington. It was clearly the last straw for him as he bit down on her shoulder as his cock s
welled inside of her and his balls let loose, filling her with pulse after pulse of his cum.

  It was a long while as they stood there, his body draped over hers, trying to recover their composure. She moaned in protest when he slowly pulled away, allowing his still semi erect cock to slide from her body. He fixed his pants and went to the window, pulling the drapes closed again. Then he came to her and gently removed the nipple clamps—the pain sending one last thrill through her exhausted cunt—and then her ankle restraints, finally lowering her arms as he released those restraints, as well. He rubbed her upper arms for a moment, encouraging the return of blood flow to her aching muscles. And then he lifted her and carefully carried her upstairs where he fixed them both a luxurious bath.

  As they lay there in the warm water together, he lazily washing her with a soft cloth, her thoughts began to return with all the questions that had stormed through her mind when he first grabbed her as she came through the door.

  “Why did you do this?” she finally asked. “Why did you set me up with the fake Master… why did you send me to that party?”

  “It started as a joke. I obviously had no idea who you were when we started to talk in that chat room, but when I saw your email address and realized it was you, I thought I would put a little scare in you, humiliate you. I thought you would stop responding to my emails when you realized how demanding this lifestyle could be.”

  “But I didn’t go away.”

  He ran his cloth slowly over her still hurting nipples. “I was impressed with how long you stuck with it, how obedient you were. I began to think that maybe you were better fit to this lifestyle than I gave you credit for.”

  “Is that why the party?”

  “I didn’t intend to reveal myself to you. But…damn, you were such a turn on. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “And this?”

  “You challenged me. It started as a way to show you I wasn’t a coward. But now…”


  He dropped his cloth and grasped her breast with his bare hand as he buried his lips against her neck for a long second. She could feel his growing erection and was actually surprised to find herself responding to his touch.

  “Dad did say we should find a way to get along…”

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  By Celia Styles

  This was going to kill me to say the least. I looked over at my best friend Jeremy and smiled slightly. Ok. I could do this. It was just a club anyway. What did it matter what kind it was. There would be music and people and thank goodness alcohol. I took a deep breath and turned in his direction.

  “So how do I look?”

  “You mean that? Oh no baby girl. You are not going to a club with me in jeans and a tank top. Uh huh. No way and no how.”

  “Well then what do I wear?”

  “What about that leather skirt you bought last year?”

  “You mean the one I bought for my costume. Come on Jer. That thing is tight as hell and short.”

  “Exactly honey and you have the body for it. Come on. Go put it on.” He leaned back against the door and crossed his arms. I just stood there looking at him until his eyebrows rose and he cocked his head to one side. I knew that Jeremy was stubborn as hell. Damn him and his arrogance.

  “Fine. But I don’t know if it will fit. And I don’t have a shirt to go with it.”

  “Let me handle that honey. Just go on and put them things on.”

  My hair ran down my back in one straight dark curtain. I had straightened it out for the event. What was the event? My new job. After weeks of searching I landed a job and not just any job but as an executive assistant to one of the largest companies in the city. My step brother Cole would be so proud of me. My mind drifted to Cole. He had been 21 when our parents got married and I had only been 16. I had the biggest crush ever on him. He didn’t know. Or at least I didn’t think he did. For years, I had the worst crush on him. Cole Hunter used to be my best friend. We did everything together. Bike rides in the park, fishing and of course the theme parks almost every weekend. We had become thick in those first years. Now though I couldn’t even be in the same room with him without my pulse racing. One of his cocky half grins and I was done for. My face would turn beat read and my panties would melt. I would be done for and I could see me throwing myself at him asking him to do all the things I shouldn’t be asking a step brother for. But boy did I want them. And just at the mention of his name too.

  “Come on girl. If you’re going to take all night then we mine as well wait until tomorrow.”

  I looked at myself in the mirror. The skirt was tight. Real tight and real short. It stuck to me like a second skin and dipped low. Thankfully I had on low rise panties. They were black and thankfully couldn’t be seen. I didn’t however know what shirt I was going to wear. I made my way back to the living room in my bra and skirt. I was surprised to feel how comfortable they were. As I came into the bedroom again he held out the silver shirt to me. It was light silver but not the sparkly kind. More of a dull color. It was however small and I used it to work out in because I had outgrown it.

  “Jer. I work out in this. It’s too small. It shows most of my stomach and my boobs almost pop out.”

  “I know.” He grinned.

  “So I can’t wear it.”

  “Just put it on. And those strappy black stilettos too.” Sighing I did as he asked and sat on the bed. I was glad I had my toes done just a few days before. When I was done, I stood and held my hands out to my sides. “Well? How ridiculous do I look?”

  “Not ridiculous at all.” He came up behind me and put his arms on my shoulders. Turning me, he faced me towards the long full length mirror I had on my bedroom wall. “Look at you. Honey you look amazing.”

  “Really Jer?”

  “Yes ma’am. They are going to be eating you up tonight honey.”

  “I don’t know. You know what happened last time.” I was referring to the last time he had taken me to a club that was like the one we were going to tonight. I had been so shocked I remembered looking around in fear all night. I hadn’t even known what BDSM was then. Now however, I was more aware. I knew what some of it was but I was ill prepared to do it myself. I know of it but had never experienced it. Kind of like being a bridesmaid but never a bride. That was my destiny.

  “You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into last time. This time you do.”

  Giving in, I followed him out to his car. We drove for thirty minutes before we were in the city and then an additional 15 in the city until we came to a large brick building. I could hear the music inside the car from the building and smiled. I mentally shook myself and told myself over and over that I needed this. I needed to let loose and just enjoy myself for once. I needed to have fun. This was the night that things were going to change. As if reading my thoughts I heard Jeremy’s chuckle and then his words shocked me.

  “Hey maybe you’ll even get lucky tonight. You know that wouldn’t be bad right?”

  “Yeah I know.”

  “It relieves stress honey.”

  “Yeah. You have a good reason for everything. Even kinky ass sex.” He shrugged before getting out of the car but there was a smile on his face. Jeremy was my oldest friend.

  He waited by the car for me to get out.

  “It is ok Rachel. Just enjoy yourself and stop thinking of how people will look at you. Everyone here is the same and nobody will judge you.”

  “Ok. I will be fine. But I can’t promise you on how long I will stay.”

  “Now if you will stop trembling.”

  I smiled at him as we walked up to the huge man standing at the door. He was a dark chocolate color and completely bald. Built, he was huge but his face lit up when he saw us. “Jere
my hey man. It’s been a little while.”

  “Hey Steve. Yeah I decided to bring my friend. She started a new job and looking for some fun.” He turned to look at me and I knew my face was flaming. As Steve looked me over with a smile I felt the blush spread to my chest as well.

  “Well hello beautiful. If someone hasn’t snatched her up in a couple hours then I would be glad to help you out. Unfortunately I’m stuck on this damn door right now.” He picked up my hand and I felt the softness of his goatee against my hand as he kissed my knuckles, lingering longer than what would have been appropriate. I couldn’t help but laugh at the raised eyebrows and look he was giving me.

  “Thanks Steve. If nothing happens by then I will come find you. Deal?”

  “Yes ma’am. But don’t worry. I will find you.” I nodded as he let go of my hand and then walked through the door with Jeremy.

  The lights were dim but somehow I seemed to be able to see the bar right away. If I was going to do this then I knew I definitely needed a few drinks first. Looking around I saw the people passing by me. Many of them glanced my way and some of the glances lingered longer than others. There were half naked people everywhere and I began to feel a little better about my choice of clothing. Women sat on men’s laps and at their feet. I even found a few women who had men kneeling before them. I took a deep breath and told myself I could do this. I mean I liked sex. I knew however that I wasn’t that experienced with only having two partners in my life, but my life has always been focused on my schooling and career. I did however like and enjoy everything that I had experienced. No matter how little it may have been. I definitely wouldn’t call myself a prude by far.

  “Hey baby girl we have all night. Slow down on the drinks.” Jeremy voice broke into my thoughts and I looked down to realize that I had sucked the first drink completely dry. Sitting it down, I nodded at the bartender for another.

  “Well if I am going to do this then I need some alcohol.”

  Jeremy looked me over with a frown. “You know you don’t have to I just think you would enjoy it if you tried. With the right person that is.” I had always thought that Jeremy had a crush on me but he was like my brother so I brushed it off as I sat back and looked through the crowd. I felt like Jeremy was more of a brother to me than my own brother. Step brother that is. He was the person I didn’t want to see as a brother.


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