Home > Other > STEPBROTHER COLLECTION - 7 FORBIDDEN ROMANCE SHORT STORIES: Stepbrother Romance Stories Bundle > Page 4

by Celia Styles

  Jeremy was talking to a blonde that had introduced herself as Sherry and he had turned away from me. There was a commotion over on the side and I got up to walk towards whatever it was when I felt a strong hand on my arm. “Don’t wander off too much. I want to keep my eye on you.”

  “I will be fine Jer. You go and enjoy yourself.” I nodded in the direction of the blonde with a smile. “I can handle myself. Got my spray in my bag.” My smile grew as I patted the small handbag that was in my hand.

  “Ok. Just be careful and don’t leave.”

  “I won’t leave.”

  Slowly I made my way over to the side of the large room to see what the commotion was about. As I got closer, I saw full well what everyone was gathering around for. A woman was strapped to huge wooden X that was positioned up on a platform of some kind. Her wrists were bound by shackles and her ankles as well. She didn’t have anything on except a small sequin skirt that came to the top of her thigh. It was completely see through though so nothing was left to the imagination. She had on a black mask that went around her eyes. There was a man standing beside her that ran his hand down her side. The man also wore a mask that hid his face. I realized as I glanced through the crowd that there were many people that wore masks. I assumed maybe it was because they didn’t want people to know who they really were. Someone suddenly walked up close behind me and I felt their presence as the heat radiated off their body. The man on stage walked over and picked up a wand of some sort. As he pushed a button the wand glowed and you could hear a small buzzing sound that was suddenly coming from it.

  “You remember your safe word?” I heard the man say. I knew I should walk away but there was no way I could. I felt like my feet were suddenly glued to the floor and I couldn’t move as I watched what was going on.

  “Yes. It is rose.” The woman responded. I had heard of a safe word. It is what the submissive would say to stop whatever was going on for whatever reason and everything halted.

  “Good.” The man nodded and walked towards the woman. She was trembling and it was visible to the audience. There was suddenly a crowd around the display and I felt as the person behind me moved in even closer.

  “This is your first time isn’t it?” The deep voice whispered into my ear. I nodded and went to turn around but there were suddenly hands on my shoulders keeping me so that I faced the attraction in front of us at the moment. “No don’t turn around. Just watch.” I felt myself nod again without even knowing it and I felt the anticipation roll from the other woman’s body into my own as I continued to watch the woman. I watched her eyes expecting to find fear but that was the last thing I saw. All I could see was intensity and excitement. I felt as each of my breaths became pants as expectancy set in throughout my body making me tremble slightly. The shudder crept its way through my body at a quiver. I felt myself stiffen as I felt the hands slip from my shoulders to slowly trace down my arms. One large hand slipped in through the top of my shirt to rub circles around my nipple with his palm as the other pulled me back against him. What was I doing? I didn’t even know who was behind me. The problem was that I was so turned on that I didn’t even care at that point. I didn’t need to see his face. I felt his hardened penis pressing into my back. He lightly pinched my nipple still whispering into my ear. “You like it. I feel your breathing quickening as he gets closer to her. The wand will send electric pulses through her body. It can be dangerous for someone who doesn’t know what they are doing but this is Becky and Don’s 6th show and he is very good at what he does. See how she looks at him with need. She wants it and he will give her what she needs. Tell me, are you wet yet?”

  I suddenly felt the moisture in my panties and nodded again. My body felt like it was caught up in flames. The man drifted his hand to rest at the bottom of my skirt from behind as I felt his hand start to caress my ass. “Open your legs and let me see. No don’t turn around keep watching. He is playing with her breasts first. He is switching back and forth. First the wand’s electricity and then the heat of his mouth and back again. The nipples are very responsive and have intense feeling in them. She how she is moaning? She likes it.” She opened her legs farther apart as she felt his hand ease between her lips teasing the entrance. I felt a shudder course through my body as I watched the woman in front of me. He slowly eased his hand to my clit, the other never letting up on my breasts. Slowly making them pucker with light pinches and pulls. I looked down to see my breasts were completely out of my shirt and I was standing with my feet wide apart. Watching I saw the man’s hand caress and pinch my breasts and I couldn’t help but moan deeply when I felt him sink a finger inside me and slowly moving it in and out of my body. The woman on stage was writhing back and forth begging for release. I felt the tension gather up inside me as I continued to watch the woman. The man had brought the wand between her legs. As he held her lips apart he lightly touched her clit with the wand. The woman was trembling and asking for permission to come. I felt two fingers inside me and then three. Holding my breath I couldn’t help but wiggle a little. I began to move against the man behind me wanting more. “Shhh my pet it will come soon enough. He will let her orgasm when he is deep inside her. Just watch. She is loving this.”

  “Oh god.” I heard the words and realized they came from my own lips as his other hand came down to the front of my skirt pushing it up so that he could play with my clit while his other hand picked up the pace inside me. I felt his mouth at my neck as he nibbled and kissed before sucking my earlobe between his lips. I watched the man on stage open his pants and step up to the woman. He pushed the entrance of her pussy with his swollen penis. Slowly at first his penis eased inside her. Then he began to move faster and faster until he began to fuck her harder and harder. It was too much. I felt my body quiver again and needed to orgasm. I leaned my head back and shuddered, biting my lip to keep from screaming with the orgasm that was just given to me by a stranger. I suddenly heard the woman’s yell in the background as she finally climaxed. The man behind me held my body still for a minute so that I could get my bearings. “Be here next Friday night at 10:00. I will have them hold a booth. I can’t be with you tonight like I want, but you will have my undivided attention next weekend. And don’t try to find me my pet. I will find you.” The presence was suddenly gone from behind me. I turned around but there was no one there, just the crowd that was starting to scatter. I looked back to the stage to see the man release the woman and pick her up in his arms. He looked down and kissed her gently before walking off the stage.

  “They are married. Have been for 8 years. They make a good couple don’t they.” I turned at Jeremy’s voice and saw the smile on his face.

  “Yes they do. How long have you been here?”

  “Oh, just a couple minutes. I was upstairs. You ok. Did the show get to you? You look a little flushed.”

  “No just a little bit but maybe we should leave.”

  “Ok. I had my fun already so we can go if you want. I wanted you to have a little fun though. You know Steve’s still an option if you want.”

  “No.” I quickly told him about what had happened a little while before and watched as the smile spread across his face.

  “Well it looks like we have plans next weekend then don’t we sister.” I looked up at him and smiled before nodding my head without thought. I was tired of playing it safe and wanted to find out more about this man.

  “Looks like we do.” I wanted my adventure.

  The week went the same as the week before and I felt the anticipation building inside me as Friday got closer. What did the man look like? I didn’t know but knew by his voice in my ear that he had to be sexy as hell. Although it had been a mere whisper the whole time it held a dark gruff sound. It was deep and methodical and I felt myself dreaming of it quite often throughout the week even at work.

  I stood in front of the full length mirror and looked myself up and then down. I couldn’t believe I was going to wear lingerie out. But I had seen multiple women walking
around with less on. I knew I had a fairly decent body and made sure to accent every curve. I heard a loud knock on my door and knew that Jeremy was there. Knowing he would be honest I opened the door for him. He walked in rambling about stupid drivers without really looking at me and then turned to talk to again. I slowly placed my hands on my hips as he looked me over twice.

  “Um Rachel. If you go in looking like that then every man in the place will be panting after you. Jesus woman you want me to end up fighting tonight don’t you?” The words were serious but there was a smile across his face as he regarded me again. I suddenly felt nervous and a little self-conscious with Jeremy looking at me like he was.

  “Maybe you are right. I’ll go change.”

  “Absolutely not. You are gorgeous. You will have him eating from the palm of your hand.” He took my hand and nudged me with a hip to make a full circle in front of him. Slowly I spun around for him and laughed. I was wearing a baby doll top that was white and completely sequin except two small circles around my nipples. It flared open with just one button between my breasts and was made so that it hung open wide. I had the panties to match which were nothing but a couple of strings and a small triangle in the front. The top lay down over my ass but everything could be seen. The back of the shirt reached right below my cheeks. I had on white stilettos that had a strap that came up around my ankles. I had pulled my hair up on the top of my head in a long straight ponytail. My makeup was light tonight in all pinks and I had worn clear lip gloss tonight as well.

  I heard the breath leave Jeremy and took the coat he offered. “You know you look like the angel in every man’s fantasy.” I smiled at him as we got in his car and headed for the club. I had chosen the white on purpose when I had went to the store earlier in the week. The club was dark and most people wore black and dark red. I wanted to stand out and knew I would in this. There was no reason my mystery man couldn’t find me tonight.

  Steve was again at the door and smiled at me when we walked to the door. He helped to remove my coat and handed it to the girl behind the counter. “Holy mother of god.” He said as I gave him my coat. I felt my cheeks burn at his stare.

  “Hello Steve.”

  “Damn. Why did you go and have to pair up with him. Now you are off limits to us all.”


  “Oh nothing just have a nice night angel.” He was biting his bottom lip like a little kid and I smiled and walked into the club.

  A man walked up to us from the bar where he was sitting nursing a drink. I knew it was only 5 minutes to ten o’clock and that my mystery man was probably already there.

  “Ms. Rachel?”


  “Please follow me. G will be with you soon.”

  “Hold on. The man she is meeting with is G?”

  “Yes sir.”

  I instantly felt alarm run through my body at his tone and turned to look at him. As I looked at the wide eyed look Jeremy was giving me and the strange man I froze. “What’s wrong Jer? This isn’t a good idea is it?”

  Jeremy started to laugh and smiled at me broadly. “Oh no. This is excellent. I trust G completely. You will be taken care of Rachel.” He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “In every way.” As he stood back up I saw the twinkle in his eye and listened as he whistled to the tune playing in the background as he walked away. What did I get myself into? And why did I suddenly feel like there was something nobody was telling me?

  I was led to a booth and brought a drink. My eyes slowly covered the room back and forth when I saw someone walking towards me from a back hallway. The man looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t really tell from the dark mask that covered 70% of his face. It was his eyes that stood out though. They were deep in color and the dark blue depths held mine. There was so much intensity shining from them I heard myself suck in a deep breath at once. He was wearing nothing but a pair of low rise dark jeans. I looked at his chest which was broad and built and then my eyes travelled back up to his face. I watched as he made his way to me. Finally he stood in front of my table and began to speak.

  “Hello little one.”


  He held out his hand as he said. “I am G.”

  I took his hand and shook it. “Rachel.”

  “Well Rachel I have to agree with Steve. You do look like an angel tonight. And ravishing I might add. Would you like to see what a real experience in a club is like? Come with me.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  He smiled patiently. “You already know you can trust me or you wouldn’t have let me touch you before. There would of course be a safe word given. You will pick something that you will remember no matter what. If you wish me to stop all you have to do is say the word and everything stops immediately. Do you understand?” At her nod he went on. “I can bring your body to a height of pleasure which you have never experienced before you just have to admit that you want it. Do you want it little angel?”

  I nodded without thinking. He stood and held out his hand. Tentatively I put my hand into his as he helped me out of the booth. I stood as his gaze traveled up and then back down my body. He led me to a dark hallway that had doors on each sides of the hallway. There were large windows and some of them had curtains that were shut while others had the curtains completely open. Inside you could see the couples engaged in play. There were women and men in handcuffs, strapped to crosses and one even had a woman suspended in air. None of the people who were restrained had clothing on but most that were administering the deeds did. He slowly led me to a door and using a key he removed from his pocket he slid it inside the door to open it and held it open for me to walk through. I walked through and instantly my eyes were drawn to the huge bed in the middle of the room. There were cuffs hanging around in all different places and a large dresser to one side. I walked farther into the room and turned around. I stood there and watched as he came in further to grab me around the waist and bring me flush against him. I felt the contours of his body against mine and could feel the heat from his body sink into my own. It seared my skin with anticipation and excitement. Looking down at me for a second I then felt his lips on mine. He devoured my lips making it hard to breathe as he invaded my mouth with his tongue and I wanted more. When he broke it off I looked up out of breath. I was suddenly panting.

  “What is your safe word?”


  “Ok. Now take your clothes off and lay on the bed on your back.” I looked at the big bed and then looked at him. Turning away from him I began to walk toward the bed. My hands were shaking a little as I undid the one little button that held my top on. Slowly I pushed the thongs down my legs. When I was naked I climbed onto the bed and rolled to my back. I heard him step to the bed and felt the soft leather as he bound my wrists to the bed. I then felt as he folded my legs up so that my heels touched my ass and strapped them. The ropes went around the top of my front thigh around to my ankle. He then looped another rope through those ropes and attached it to a something at the bottom of the bed which spread my legs wide. I felt the cool air touch my skin. It felt amazing since I had been burning since his kill. I suddenly felt the rise in my cheeks as I blushed deeply, realizing how open I was to him at that point. I had never been this open to anyone. He slowly slid one finger from my shoulder and over to circle a nipple then trailed it down my stomach and eased between my legs. It was a soft touch like that of a feather and I felt my body tense in anticipation. I was shivering with desire and moaned loudly when I felt him rub against my clit. I watched as he bent over me to rest his head between my thighs. I felt his tongue as it swiped along my pussy causing me to moan deeply. “You are wet little one. And you taste so sweet.” He stood back up and I gasped as he showed me a huge blue dildo, then I felt him slide it against and then inside me. I felt the rubber inside me against my walls and moaned again with desire. It was an incredible sensation but was brought on even more with him doing it and the look deep in his eyes. He slowly withdrew
it and pushed it inside me again bending to nibble on a nipple before doing it again over and over slowly. I began moving back and forth on the bed looking for release when he picked up two things with long tassels hanging from them. He fingered my clit until I was crying out again looking for release and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt a pinch on my right nipple and then on my left. The pain ran straight to my clit and I couldn’t help it as I moaned again raising myself against the dildo inside me, trying to get it deeper inside me. I heard myself as I whimpered slightly when he withdrew it from my body and then I felt him spread my lips apart further. Being in the position I was in I knew I was already open to him. I felt the soft touch of strings against my body and saw that he held a small whip and ran it down my body. “Don’t come until I tell you that you can. Do you understand?” Unable to form any words at this point all I could do is nod as he ran it over my inside thigh and tapped it lightly with the strings. I gasped at the sting and was surprised when I actually enjoyed it and wanted more. I felt my juices start to seep from my body in need. He repeated the process to my other thigh before running the strings up my slit and through my lips that he still held open. I felt the air touch me as the strings left. He flicked the whip and I felt it against my clit sending a jolt of sensation through my pussy.

  “Oh god. Yes please.” I felt the light touch sing through my body as he repeated it. I knew if he did it again I was going to explode all over the bed.

  “You can come my sweet.” As he tapped me a third time I exploded and saw stars as I felt my juices flow. Before I knew it he was over top of me and easing inside me. I felt myself stretch to accommodate his large size and moaned again into his mouth as he kissed me deeply. He slammed inside me and quickly retreated before slamming into me again. Over and over he slammed powerfully inside me until I exploded for a second time. Finally there was a savage groan that tore from his throat as he released himself inside me. He eased out of me and as he stood I saw where our juices were mingling together on his penis. He untied me and rubbed the circulation back into my legs as he laid me down. In a deep voice he told me not to move and then he left the bed. He soon returned with a wet cloth and I looked at the wall in embarrassment as he cleaned my body. We quickly dressed and he hugged me to him kissing me deeply yet again. “Next week?” I smiled and nodded as he led me back to the bar and ordered us both a drink.


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