Home > Other > STEPBROTHER COLLECTION - 7 FORBIDDEN ROMANCE SHORT STORIES: Stepbrother Romance Stories Bundle > Page 5

by Celia Styles

  “I have some things to do but I will see you next week right?”

  “Yes. I will see you next week.”

  “Ok.” He gave me a little peck on the mouth and walked away.

  I sat there and stared into space sipping her drink. After I finished I went to the bathroom and came back out to the bar and thought about what had just happened. It had been the best orgasm I had ever had in my life and I definitely wanted more.

  “Hey beautiful. You been having fun?”

  I turned to see Jeremy standing there smiling. “Yes actually I have.”

  “Good. You ready to go? It’s almost 3 am and it’s going to take us an hour or so to get home.”

  “Yeah I’m ready.”

  The next week went by slower than the week before. I felt myself wanting the weekend to hurry and get here and then I felt myself wanting to wait. Was this all I wanted? Sex? I saw myself as the type of person who wanted a family and could actually settle down soon. After the past two weeks however, I realized that I still had a lot of life to live and I didn’t know if I was really ready for all that. Maybe I just needed to have a little bit of fun first before trying to find something permanent. What was the saying? I wanted Mr. Right Now not Mr. Right. Usually the saying went the other way around but I wanted to play the field so you would say. Not that I wanted to go around and sleep with every man I see. I didn’t really want to be labeled as a slut which was sexist. I wanted to be like every hot blooded American did at my age. Free to be young and reckless and enjoy life. You only had one right? Why not live it to the fullest. I knew my mother would be calling soon to set up lunch. I heard it through the grapevine that Cole was home. He had spent the last couple months scoring a big client in Italy. Now he would be returning home in time for the holidays. I just needed to keep my thoughts my own and my thighs tightly closed. I needed to keep my mind away from trying to throw him to the ground and fucking his brains out. Hopefully G was going to help me with that.

  I smiled as I thought of him. My life had changed so much since I met him that night in the club. I suddenly felt myself getting excited about the weekends. This was something that had never happened to me before. I had been a loner before the club and spent most of my weekends sitting on the couch and watching reruns while ordering out and devouring a pint of ice cream. Now I had something more to look forward to. I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped as I heard my phone ring.

  “Rachel are you there?”

  “Yeah mom. I’m here.”

  “Oh good. I am so glad I caught you. You know that Cole is in town and your stepdad wanted to get together and grill out. Can you come over tomorrow for a cook out?”

  “Yeah. What time?” I knew that although tomorrow was Saturday, I had plenty of time before we went out that night. My parents normally grilled on the weekends and we ate around 4 so it gave me hours to hang out and then get ready.

  “Well Cole wanted to do it a little later so how about 6?”

  “Ok.” I would just hang out for a little and then fake a headache or something I told myself. Besides that, I didn’t know how long I could be around Cole before my panties would need to be changed. One look from him and I was done for.

  “Oh yes and don’t forget to wear your bathing suit. We opened the pool.”

  “Ok mom.” I needed to see if I could find a one piece. Then smiling I decided to be daring. I had a new bikini that I hadn’t worn yet and a sarong that laid on my waist. The new belly ring I had on would match the blue in the suit perfectly as well. Nodding I went to the closet and pulled what I needed for the next day out. I knew that mom would want me there early. No matter what time she said, I was always prepared to be there a few hours earlier and help out in the kitchen. It was something I was obligated for although it was never said out loud.

  That night I slept like a baby as I envisioned G above me and how he had felt while he moved inside of me. It was one of the most amazing experiences I had ever had. I was a little worried that I didn’t even know the man though. I mean he could be an axe murderer or something. Shaking it off my mind switched to Cole of its own will. That night I had dreams of Cole and G both. They were great to say the least. I woke up feeling refreshed and happy as I looked at myself in the mirror. I decided to go for a run and then a shower. By the time I was out of the shower and dressed it was close to 1 in the afternoon. Stepping from the house I slipped into my car and made my way across town. There was a shop that was known for their wine selection a few miles from my parents and that was my destination.

  I pulled into my parents’ house an hour later and smiled at my mom. Handing her the wine and hugging her close I then hugged my stepfather. He was a great man and had taken care of me and my mother for a long time. He had met my mother when I was starting high school. I had instantly liked him. It wasn’t because of how he treated me. Rather it was how my mother seemed to glow around him. He treated her like a queen and quickly adapted me as his princess. Cole on the other hand was anything but a brother. When I first saw him, I instantly fell for him. He just had that aura around him that pulled me in. He was like a female magnet that had a pull for beautiful women and money. He could have any woman he wanted and I had seen numerous pictures of him with this model or this movie star and always knew that he would end up with some gorgeous woman who fit into his perfect little world. Shaking my head I followed my mother into the kitchen and sitting down my bag, quickly helped her to fix the rest of the food. She was slicing watermelon and cantaloupe as I prepared a taco salad. Ray, my stepfather walked back out to the pool. I heard talking and instantly knew that Cole must already be here as well.

  “Alright put that in the fridge to get cold and let’s go outside. I am sure you want to get in the water. Cole said he would rather wait until you get here to go in.” I smiled although every nerve ending in my body stood on edge. What would he say? Just keep it cool. I told myself this over and over and listened intently to the words scrambling through my brain. Act like everything is fine. He will never know how you feel about him.

  “There she is. Hey there. Haven’t seen you in a while.” I stepped outside only to be gathered into a pair of arms. The scent that wafted to my nose almost made me moan out loud. It was Cole’s scent. It was something I had smelled every day. It also reminded me of G for some reason. Shaking it off, I hugged him back. When he stepped back and looked at me, I saw the twinkle that was suddenly in his eye. “Look at you. Woohoo dad. You better get your gun ready.”

  “I’ve had it ready for a while but she seems to take care of her own just fine.”

  “That reminds me. A buddy of mine said he saw you last weekend.” Cole’s voice seemed deeper all of a sudden. It was different than it had been before. Something must be wrong with me. Maybe it was just the worry of seeing him again and ruining my bathing suit bottoms. I didn’t know but I shook it off as fast as I could and turned to walk the rest of the way to the pool and removed the wrapper I had on.

  “Really? Where did he see me?” I turned to look at my mom and smiled.

  “At a club he goes to frequently.”

  My head snapped around to his. There was a smile on his face and his eyes bore into my own. Did he know what kind of club it was? I knew from the grin he gave me that he knew exactly what kind of club it was. ”Oh. I went to a new one last week with Jeremy. Must have been there.” I turned back around thinking the conversation was over until his next words hit me.

  “Yeah. That’s funny. He said you seemed to know people there. He said that you looked to be having a good time.”

  You can do this. Play it off. “Oh yeah. I did have fun.” I turned back to him with a smile and there was a knowing look in his eyes. Did Cole get into stuff like that too? Oh dear lord in heaven, if I thought of Cole doing the things to me that G did I was going to lose it right then and there. Then I thought of something else. I thought of Cole doing that to other women and I saw red. I didn’t want him to touch other women or have anything t
o do with them. I didn’t know where the possessiveness came from but I felt it deep in the pit of my stomach.

  “Hmmmm. I’m sure.” I turned back to look at him. Suddenly I realized both of our parents were gone. He looked at me with a dark expression and made his way to my side. “You need to be careful there.”

  My chin rose of its own accord. “I can handle myself.”

  “I’m sure. But I am telling you to be careful. That is not the place you go playing around with people you don’t know.”

  “How do you know so much about it?”

  There it was. That sexy little grin that made thighs fall apart. “You know how I know.”

  I turned and quickly dove into the water. I suddenly seemed to feel too warm. I needed to cool off and get as far from him as I could. Diving under the water I came up to find him only an arm’s length away from me. Smiling he dove under the water and I soon felt his hands on my waist as he picked me up to throw me into the air. I came up laughing and swam from him splashing. The process repeated itself over and over. I knew my mind was playing tricks on me when I felt his hands lingering in certain places and it almost felt like a caress against my skin.

  We ate shortly after and putting my plan to work I feigned a headache. After giving hugs all around, I made my way out to my car to drive home.

  “Rachel!” Turning I saw Cole running in my direction. Oh dear lord in heaven. What now? As he made his way to me he hugged me tight to him.

  “I wanted to tell you goodbye little one.” I didn’t mistake how he pulled me to him and how his hand dipped down to caress my ass before standing up and kissing me lightly on the cheek. I watched him walk back to my parents’ house and felt the hammering of my own heartbeat in my chest as I made my way home to get ready.

  As we walked into the club I looked around. How awkward would it be if Cole saw me? I didn’t know if it was for him or G that I dressed the way I did tonight. I wore a pair of black leather shorts I had bought the day before that came to just the bottom of my ass. If I bent over you would see half my ass. I also had on a strapless red brazier with black lace and ties. I paired the outfit with my knee high black boots and left my hair curly and laying against my back. My makeup was again done smoky and I smiled as we made our way in. This was beginning to be my routine. As soon as we were at the bar the bartender came up to me. Laying three shot glasses down, he filled them with tequila and then handed me a margarita.

  “G said to give you this and tell you to take the shots then drink all of the margarita. He said you are going to need it tonight.” The man winked at me as he walked away. Looking at Jeremy I watched him shrug and then turned my attention back to the shots. I began taking the shots pausing for a few seconds in between each one. When I was done with the shots and most of the drink the bartender then handed me a card. “Room 8. It’s at the end of the hall upstairs. Last room on the right. Finish that drink first though.” He nodded towards my almost empty glass and nodding I gulped the rest of the contents down. I smiled at Jeremy before making my way to the stairs. I felt someone behind me and turning I realized it was Jeremy. He helped me into the room and then left whistling. I felt the alcohol start to kick in then as I sat on the bed staring at the wall. The door opened and without looking up I heard someone say.

  “Yes sir. Let us know if you need anything else sir.”

  “I will. Thank you. We are fine for now.” I knew that voice looking up at the mystery man my mouth fell open.


  “Surprised little one?”

  “Yes. You are G? But how?”

  “Well as you remember my full name is Cole Gregory. I couldn’t necessarily go around in here with my real name now could I.”

  “But it has been you the whole time?”

  His eyes were intense as they stared at me. “I have wanted you since you were 16 and started flaunting around in front of me. Tell me are you disappointed it is me?”

  I couldn’t speak. All I could do is shake my head at his question.

  “Good. Because now that I have had you, I can’t let you go.”

  I felt my head shake again in agreement with his assumption.

  “Good again. Now take off your clothes and get on the bed.”

  Slowly I rose to do his bidding.

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  By Celia Styles

  Meena’s footsteps rang out on the cobblestones as she walked towards the end of the narrow lane. She walked hurriedly past the rows of houses on both sides, cocking her head left and right as she went, trying to read the house numbers. As she approached the dead end, a big brick-work house stood in front of her, sealing the lane off. She took out the piece of paper on which she had scribbled the address and took a quick look, matching it with the house number etched on the mailbox. She nodded to herself, slipping the little note back into her handbag. Before proceeding any further she looked around, inspecting the neighborhood and the house in question. The building in front of her was a two story house, mostly made of brick and stone. It had Venetian blinds on all its windows and a big verandah on the second floor. It stood out from the rest of the houses in its unique design. Being an art student, Meena’s eyes immediately picked up the wrought iron ivy design motif on all the railings and grills of the house. The use of intricate brick work gave the house a classic old look. The shape of the creepers covering the front wall of the house however, was unusual – looking almost like a brooding face. “Beautiful but weird,” Meena thought to herself. Quickly remembering why she had come there, she swung open the small waist-height metal gate and went in. A couple of treads in, and few steps up, led her to the front door. She rang the bell and waited. Remembering why she had come here in the first place made the wait even more awkward. This was the house of Jett Fisher. Semi-recluse artist. Prodigy of the underground art world. She had coaxed the address out of a friend and classmate of hers who had unintentionally mentioned that she knew Jett Fisher. After that, it took Meena three weeks to convince her friend to give her the address. It appeared Mr. Fisher didn’t like being disturbed, hated company and was somewhat secretive in nature. Some called him a weirdo and psycho. However, people like Meena who had been lucky to see some of his works knew only too well the sheer talent that lay in those fingers which made those strokes and the genius in the mind that conceived them. He was the master and creator of the ‘Paradox’ technique. Not something that one would hear from the mouths of professors in esteemed art colleges – it was an underground art movement, more visceral and raw than the conventional methods. Everything in his paintings were based on opposites. The colors. The subject. And the composition. People who liked his paintings loved them, and those who didn’t abhorred them – it was that kind of art. Meena was obviously of the first kind; a very passionate first kind - and it was her sheer love and admiration of Jett Fisher’s work which led her to his front door that day. She knew there were little chances that she would be let in and she was even more scared to think about her actual purpose of coming here.

  Buzz. The door buzzer rang, jolting Meena out of her thoughts. She pushed the door open and went in. That was easy.

  Inside the house, Meena immediately picked up the scent of cigarette smoke. This guy Fisher must smoke tons. The ground floor had a living room and some kind of a den on the right. A wooden staircase led to the upper floor and behind the staircase there was a corridor which led to some other part of the house. Just like in the exterior, the use of wood, iron and stone was prominent. There was no one around anywhere. Meena already felt like a thief who had broken in. She called out,


  No answer.

  “Uh… I was looking for Mr. Fisher. Mr. Jett Fisher. Hello?”

the hell had buzzed me in? There must be somebody here.

  The dull thud of footsteps made their way to Meena’s ears. It was coming from the floor above. Meena looked at the staircase in front of her. Well if I’ve come this far….

  As Meena went up the staircase, the view of the floor above slowly opened up and Meena realized the plan here was entirely different. This floor had one big central area, it was the biggest and main room. The walls were made of exposed brick and the big windows on its side allowed sunlight to pour in by the gallon. The floor was strewn with carpets and rugs of various sizes and in some places the underlying oak–laden wooden floor was visible. It was a beautiful room. As Meena looked around she could see numerous –maybe hundreds – of complete and incomplete painting kept along the side of the walls. Some were up on make-shift stands and some just propped up against the brick wall. There were so many, that some were kept on top of each other in stacks. The whole place smelled of paint and turpentine. From two far corners of this big central room, two small doors led to visibly smaller ante-rooms. From where she stood Meena could make out that even those rooms contained paintings, rolled canvases and various other art stuff. The sheer amount of art work almost camouflaged the man who was standing in the far left corner of the room. He stood where the sunlight streamed in brightest from the large window behind. Partially hidden behind the easel, his rapid movements around the canvas was what had alerted Meena to his presence. The source of the footsteps. Meena took a deep breath and walked towards the center of the room. Her heels made intermittent muffled and loud clicking noises as it traveled over the carpets and then over the wooden floor.


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