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Page 13

by Celia Styles

“Sure, mom. Of course. I know you really like him. You had a great vacation together, I take it?” Juliette asked, forcing herself to sound happy.

  “I’ll tell you tonight, but I can’t believe you haven’t met him. You know we met at that catering event you did for my law firm? He is a client of the company. But a completely different section, of course. You know I wouldn’t do anything like that!” Her mother took propriety very seriously. Juliette had never known her to tell a single lie. Not even a little white lie. She believed in truth and had raised her daughter to behave likewise. Of course, her mother wouldn’t do anything unethical. So, how had she raised a daughter who would sleep with her boss? Even if the boss was incredibly hot.

  “I know, I know. You told me before. He sounds great.” She was happy that her mother had finally started dating and was enjoying herself. Juliette knew that her mother had decided to focus on work and family when she was raising Juliette alone, but seeing her date had revealed how much her mother had chosen to set aside on Juliette’s behalf. “I’m really looking forward to it and am sorry it’s taken so long. Work has been good…” Juliette realized she couldn’t go on and lie to her mother. Even if her mother couldn’t tell, Juliette couldn’t make a bad situation worse.

  “What’s wrong, honey? Something’s wrong, I can tell in your voice. It’s all tight the way you get. Did something happen at work? Are you overtired? I know how independent you like to be, but it is okay to ask for help. You know I will try to help in any way I can.”

  “Mom, mom. Enough. It’s okay. Yeah, I’m working hard. I probably didn’t sleep well last night.” Juliette shook her head that she was using that one again. She had in fact slept well the night before. She’d taken a long bath and gone to bed early. Louis had asked that she leave a dinner that he could just set out since he was having a few people over for drinks. Ugh. That reminded her of his story about the girl the night before. She leaned her head back against the car seat and sighed. What had she been thinking?

  “Juliette, you are not telling me the truth, and I’m your mother. I can tell.”

  Why did no one think she was a good liar? She shook her head. That made no sense. Why wasn’t she a better liar?

  “It’s okay, mom. We’ll catch up later.”

  “We can. And, you can tell us both about work and what you’ve been doing. He was so impressed with your food. He mentioned that he might want you to cater an event for his summer office party, if you think you have the time. I know this private chef thing is a great opportunity, but don’t close doors yet.”

  “I won’t, mom.” Juliette tried not to think about the fact that she might have ruined this job and possibly even her career. She might need a lot more than one summer office party if she wasn’t going to be working for Louis anymore. Her heart pulled at the thought. She liked being around him. She would miss him. She sighed.

  “Well, I’m not trying to worry too much but clearly we have to have a proper catch up. Something is going on.” Her mother hesitated. “Do you want me to cancel the date with Martin?”

  Even though the last thing Juliette wanted was to put on her best face to meet her mother’s new boyfriend, Juliette knew that her mother deserved this time to be excited about her own life. “Don’t even think about it, mom. If I don’t meet Martin now, who knows when I will!”

  “Okay, well, be careful. We’ll have to have tea this weekend. Are you headed to the butcher now?”

  “Yes, mom,” Juliette was exasperated. It was annoying that her mother knew her schedule. Next thing, her mother would tell her to look both ways.

  “Don’t get annoyed with me. You’re the one who has always loved a routine. You are in a mood. Cheer up. Look both ways. When you’re distracted that’s when accidents happen.”

  Juliette smiled. “And, you are so predictable. But I promise I will be careful. Love you!”

  “Love you, too.”

  Juliette looked at the phone in her hand and sighed. She really didn’t know what to think. Her mother was so happy and that was good news. But, her mother would be appalled at Juliette’s behavior. Sleeping with your boss or a man in any supervisory position was a big no-no for her mother. Juliette had been lectured on it as soon as she got her first job. At sixteen! As if Juliette was going to sleep with Old Man Carrozzo who ran the Italian sandwich shop down the street from her high school, and whose wife personally made the mozzarella for the shop. But, the point remained and Juliette’s mother had instilled values that she had clean forgotten this morning. She leaned back against the head rest and sighed.

  After a few moments she realized, she had to get moving. Looking at the time, she knew that she would be late to get her box of vegetables from the farmer’s market, and that was on the way to the butcher, who would undoubtedly be grumpy now because he would claim that she kept him waiting. She had once tried to point out that he wasn’t going anywhere, but she’d learned not to argue with him. Not if she wanted the best meat in town. She’d ordered lamb and she knew her packet would still be there for her, but he would definitely make a big fuss even though she was a regular and good customer. Why did it seem like this beautiful spring day had made everything more complicated? She had to hurry! Somehow she had to get everything done for Louis, get home, get showered and changed, and get to dinner by six. She put the key in the ignition and tried to focus on the task at hand.


  Chapter 4

  Juliette got home at five o’clock. She’d gone to the farmer’s market, picked up the meat, and dropped everything off at Louis’ apartment. She’d walked into the kitchen and gotten dizzy remembering his half-naked body this morning, knowing what she did now. She wondered how she was going to see him again. Just being in his apartment made her think about the way he had touched her. She found herself closing her eyes and holding her breath as she thought about his hands holding her breasts. They felt full and heavy. She touched herself briefly to calm the desire, but it only inflamed her more. If he were in front of her, she was confident that she would be utterly unable to speak coherently. He looked at her with such tenderness. She knew he must be like that with everyone, but his hazel eyes had unlocked a part of her. If he wanted her, there was nothing she wouldn’t do.

  He made her desire as she had no known it was possible. If he looked at her and whispered her name as he had this morning, she’d rip her clothes off and rub her naked body against his skin. She’d beg him to play with her, to finger the feathery folds in that way that made her melt. Standing in the kitchen, feeling how wet she was with the mere thought of him, she was sure that she would do anything with him. It had taken her longer than usual to organize the food and prep for the next day, because she kept closing her eyes and imagining him coming up behind her and nibbling her ear, sliding his hand down her pants, until finally he would plunge into her. She wanted him to ride her from behind until he exploded all over her.

  She’d never had such thoughts before. She didn’t know what to do.

  The thoughts wouldn’t die down. She’d driven home in a daze. She turned on the shower, and went into her bedroom to undress. Lying on her bed, she reached down to touch herself. She was slick and her fingers slid along her slit. She moaned. It wasn’t enough. She wanted his hardness inside her. She wanted, no, she needed him to give her the feeling from lunch. He brought such intense awareness to her tightness and then had brought her to an amazing release, as if her entire self had been unleashed. She kept circling her clit. She lifted her knees and her hips pressed up against her finger wanting to grasp what wasn’t there. Her skin was burning. Her nipples were so hard it hurt. With a cry, she gave up. It wasn’t working. She needed him, his cock. She lay there panting, then got up and took a very cold shower.

  She decided to wear a mid-calf length skirt with a striped, wrap-around blouse. The pastel pink skirt and matching shirt had been a gift from her mother. She put on a pair of heels and glancing at herself in the mirror before she left, she had to admit that she
looked nice. She had good legs, and the outfit accentuated her curvy shape. She grabbed a scarf hanging by the door and got into the car, feeling calmer with the thought that she was seeing her mother who always made her feel good no matter what was going on.

  Good luck had her favorite songs on the radio as she drove. She arrived at the restaurant a few minutes late, but feeling good and ready to meet this new man in her mother’s life. The hostess recognized her, and ushered her to the table where her mother and Martin were already seated.

  “Honey! You look wonderful!” Her mother was radiant.

  “Gloria, she looks just like you!” Martin was staring at the mother and daughter with a warm smile.

  “She’s my girl!” Her mother was beaming at Martin. His face shone with love at her.

  Juliette was a little stunned. She’d never seen her mother so happy. And, the feeling was clearly mutual. Until that moment, Juliette hadn’t realized what had been missing from their lives all these years. When her father died, she’d never thought about what her mother lost. She’d never seen love like this, had never thought it a possibility. For herself, or for her mother. Seeing Martin care so much about her mother showed Juliette a passion that she now understood was what she also wanted. Life could be so magnificent if you were in love. Love could change everything.

  They sat down and ordered drinks from the server.

  “My son will be here in a few minutes. He’s running a little late at work,” Martin explained.

  “Oh! I didn’t know,” Juliette said, turning to her mother.

  “Gloria, probably forgot to mention it. We are so excited,” Martin replied.

  “So, what does he do?” Juliette asked.

  “He’s a sports agent,” Martin replied.

  “That’s funny, I work for a sports agent,” Juliette said, taking a sip of the wine that had arrived.

  “Here he is!” Martin stood to greet his son. Juliette turned and there was Louis. Louis in the same suit he’d worn that morning, the same suit that she had pulled from his body at lunch. Louis.

  “Louis, this is Gloria and Juliette. I’ve mentioned…Is everything okay?”

  Juliette had blanched. Her quiet evening had just gotten turned upside down. Louis? Louis was Martin’s son? Martin who was dating her mother?

  “Oh, I bet you two met at the same event where we did!” Juliette’s mother suggested. “You were there weren’t you, Louis?”

  Louis was smiling. “Yes, yes, I was. Why don’t we sit down, Father.”

  “Indeed, we were just having drinks, but now that we are all here,” Martin looked at Gloria and reached out for her hand, “we can share our news.”

  Gloria was blushing and suddenly with horror Juliette understood that they were going to get married. She didn’t just do it with her boss. She had sex with her step-brother.

  “We got married!” Martin said.

  “Isn’t it wonderful?” Gloria exclaimed.

  “You mean, you are planning on it?” Juliette added, forcing herself to breathe.

  “We are ready for the Champagne now, please,” Martin ordered from the server, who came by to check on them.

  “No, we already did,” Gloria said with a smile.

  Louis looked stunned. Juliette thought she might faint.

  “When?” She squeaked.

  “When we were in Hawaii,” Martin replied.

  The server returned with the bottle of champagne that had been set aside for this occasion, and started to pour glasses for each of them.

  “I know it seems sudden,” Gloria began, “but we’ve just known from the get-go that this was special.” They looked at each other with such love, that both Juliette and Louis turned away as if to give them privacy.

  “We’re very happy,” Martin added, trying to temper the evident excitement in his voice. “I knew I wanted to marry your mother, Juliette, after our first date, but I couldn’t believe that it could be that easy. We started talking about it in Hawaii and the right decision for us just seemed to take the moment.”

  “We’ve both been such planners, all our lives,” Gloria continued. “To be filled with such joy…why wait?” She looked over at her daughter whose face betrayed her shock at the situation. “I know you should have been there, honey, but, I’d hoped you would understand.” She gazed at her daughter’s face, seeing there none of the joy she had hoped to find.

  “Congratulations to both of you,” Louis said, raising his glass and distracting Gloria and Martin from further scrutiny of Juliette. “This is an exciting and unexpected occasion, but you both deserve the love that is so evident. I’m very happy that you have made my father this happy, Gloria. Congratulations”

  Juliette managed to raise her glass and smile. She was happy for her mother. She was.

  “Juliette, do you have any words?” Louis asked.

  “You’re my step-brother?!” She sputtered.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Well now, that’s true. You’ve got an older brother now,” Martin chuckled.

  “Remember honey, how you wanted an older brother when you were younger because you loved that TV show so much? Oh what was it called….? He was such a good brother too. Always watching out for his younger sister, and making sure her dates didn’t take advantage. What was that called?” Gloria turned to Martin and the two of them started to rattle through television shows trying to come up with names.

  “I’m your brother, now,” Louis said, and tipped his glass towards her as if to toast.

  “Did you know about this?” She asked, lowering her voice and leaning towards him. She could just barely smell his cologne and she closed her eyes at the effect it had on her. Her heart started to beat a little faster.

  “Not a clue,” he said. “Drink up. I guess we’ll have a lot to discuss later.”

  “You’re kidding me,” she hissed.

  “Aren’t you stopping by later? I thought we had discussed that at lunch?” He replied smoothly.

  “Wait, do you two really know each other?” Gloria looked away from Martin to stare at them with astonishment. “That would be amazing!”

  “Juliette works for me.”

  “Not anymore I don’t!” She spat, outraged and confused at the events of the day.

  He looked hurt. “Why not?”

  Her jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?”

  Martin and Gloria glanced at each other with concern. “Well, I do think you are overreacting a little bit. You can still work for him. It isn’t nepotism if you got the job before all this happened.”

  “Honey,” Gloria turned to face her daughter. “You can’t be so independent that you quit a job just because now you’re related. That’s silly. You must be the man who has been working my Juliette so hard,” she said turning to face Louis.

  “Her cooking is so good. I can’t help it. I want her around all the time,” Louis said with a smile. “I wish I could ride her harder, but I know art can’t be forced,” he teased.

  “Louis!” Juliette cried.

  “As her mother, I’m going to have to warn you, she seems awfully tired to me. You be nice, especially now that you are her brother,” Gloria said, but with an indulgent smile.

  “Excuse me, for a moment,” Juliette said and rose to leave the table.

  “I will as well,” Louis said, standing to accompany her.

  She looked confused.

  “It’s this way,” he said, and guided her by the elbow towards the lounge area where the restrooms were. The warmth of his hand on her body made her tingle. The skin beneath her blouse remembered those hands on her and she felt her chest tighten with desire. She tried to stop thinking about it, but she couldn’t see where she was going as thoughts jumbled around her brain.

  When she looked up, they were standing at the bar. The room was dimly lit and wood paneled. Louis ordered a scotch, then asked her what she wanted but she shook her head.

  “Make that two,” he said to the bartender, handing him a credit card

  “I don’t want…” She started but he silenced her with a long, lingering kiss, pulling her to him tightly as if he would never let her go.

  The bartender placed their drinks on the bar, with the bill for Louis to sign, and left them alone.

  “Yes, you do. You want this,” Louis whispered, as he pulled away from her. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you left. And more since I saw you sitting there.”

  “You’re my brother. This is wrong!” Juliette moaned.

  “Stepbrother makes it less wrong, don’t you think? And, we didn’t know today. Though, Juliette,” he tipped her face to look at him, “even if I had known, as I do now, I would still want to do this.” He pulled her face towards him and kissed her again. She felt herself weaken. All the thoughts of the day had been about feeling him again and here he was holding her and kissing her and all she wanted was more. She melted into him and started kissing him back, feeling her hands pressed against his hard chest, feeling his hands roaming down her back and cupping her ass, the sharp intake of breath as he realized that she wasn’t wearing underwear.

  “Come with me,” he commanded. “We’ll be right back,” he called out to the bartender who glanced up as they walked away from untouched drinks.

  Louis walked her out of the restaurant and around to the back, by the parking lot. She didn’t resist. A small grove of trees hid a secluded spot against the back wall of the building.

  “How did you know about this place?” She asked, shocked to find herself in the back of the parking lot.

  “I used to work here as a teenager,” he replied, moving towards her.

  “No,” she said, trying to steal herself against her own desire.

  He lifted in an eyebrow. “You don’t wan’t to?” She didn’t respond. He pushed her against the wall and said, “Raise your skirt.”

  Her eyes widened with surprise, but without questioning her actions she leaned over to pull the hem of her skirt. She raised to her hips and then stopped.

  “You do this with all the girls, don’t you?” She asserted. “How many others have stood here with you? Do you care?” Her voice broke even as she stood there holding her skirt, helplessly wanting him.


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