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The Last Danann (Titanian Chronicles, #2)

Page 27

by Victoria Saccenti

  “Ha!” Talaith laughed when she landed feet down in a tight squat. Her thigh muscles burned with the effort. She didn’t care. At last, she was standing. But with the changed position, circulation rushed through her limbs, and a wild attack of pins and needles hit. Resting her back against the wall, she laughed, waiting for the numbness to end.

  As it turned out, all the pushing, rolling, and straining had warmed her up, and her thoughts turned to Kailen. He must be worried sick not knowing where she was. Hell, she didn’t know her location either. Her captor hadn’t traveled via the usual means. Which didn’t afford her an opportunity to get any sort of bearings. The cell had no windows, only a barred door that led to an ominously dark, endless hallway. Illumination was a soft glow with no specific origin, a weird effect that managed to light the barren interior where she’d been dumped.

  Unfortunately, the warmth she’d gained was quickly seeping out her bare toes. Shifting side to side helped. Shuffling to the door and back was another warming possibility. As she began the laborious process, the familiar crackling of a portal stopped her. Fearful of who could be coming, she pressed her back to the wall holding her breath. The portal expanded; air displaced outward…

  Kailen and Eachann walked out. A deep breath escaped her lungs, her legs gave way, and she slowly slid to the floor.

  “Talaith!” Kailen knelt at her side. “Talk to me. Are you hurt? What did they do to you?” he asked as he inspected her for injuries.

  Scanning the cell, Eachann followed several feet behind.

  Kailen kissed her forehead, then shoved a hand in his pocket. “Gods, sweetheart, you’re all bloody and so pale. I’m sorry it took me so long. I’ll take care of the fire magic in a moment.” He pulled out a smooth red stone between his fingers and showed it to her.

  “But… How did you find me?”

  “Yes. I want to know too. How did you break through the block?”

  The angry voice was unfamiliar. She stiffened, her gaze darting over Kailen’s shoulder. Behind him, Temu scowled.

  “Watch out,” she warned.

  When Kailen turned, the ifrit flicked a finger and split into three. She searched for Eachann. The place where he’d stood was empty.

  Sword in hand, Kailen gyrated on a knee and fired an arc of laser beams. The three ifrits spread throughout the cell, avoiding Kailen’s fire. Their bodies flared into fireballs, ejecting, as they expanded, a continuous round of flaming missiles at Kailen. Most hit the walls, and one bounced strangely off his shoulder.

  So, the ifrit was a lousy shot. She still wanted her magic to help. “Free my hands.”

  Appearing out of nowhere, Idrás snarled, “No, he won’t. He’s outnumbered.” The demon twisted a clawed hand. Grasping handfuls of air, he turned them into dark masses and hurled them outward. A sudden gust of wind blew through the cell, sideswiping the air attack. The demon’s shoulders slammed against the barred door. She understood. Eachann had been biding his time.

  “You can’t win, vampire,” Idrás threatened when he caught his footing.

  Disembodied laughter reverberated in response. Although Eachann’s force remained invisible, it didn’t stop whirling. His wind picked up speed, and the renewed gust herded all three of Temu’s forms into a corner. The original ifrit groaned and lost some brilliance when he slapped the icy wall.

  Temu recovered quickly, standing legs apart and fists on hips. Fire shot out of his eyes and mouth as he yelled, “No more games.” He split into six.

  Eachann’s hands were now full.

  “Hurry, take these off,” she whispered.

  As Kailen stretched to hold the ruby over her bindings, Idrás sent a roiling stream of superheated air between them. She reared at the singeing sensation. While five Temus engaged Eachann’s wind, a sixth saw Idrás maneuver. He followed it up with a flame attack of his own, maintaining the separation between her and Kailen.

  To her complete horror, Kailen, in the midst of a volley of fire shards, zigzagged in her direction and slid on his knees, reaching her side. Extending his fingers, he summoned a protective aura over her, then held the ruby over the bindings.

  “Kailen, where’s your cover? Protect yourself.”

  “Anna’s shield is still working,” he whispered.

  “It won’t last.” Idrás sent a bigger flame missile. This one struck Kailen midback. The smell of burning clothes hit her nose. He jerked in pain, but stubbornly kept the stone in place. The fire magic binding her hands crackled and began to dissipate.

  “Yes! Almost there,” she urged.

  Finally, with her bindings releasing, he rolled on his back and went on the offensive. Aiming the sword between his legs, he fired laser shot after laser shot. Idrás flicked from space to space, making himself a moving target. But Temu, who was occupied fighting Eachann’s counterattack, couldn’t defend all his forms. One after the other burst in a red dust cloud.

  “No!” Idrás exclaimed, his face contorted.

  He clawed another handful of air at the same time that her bindings sparkled off. Talaith summoned her defensive magic forth and opened her palms. Her lightning bolt sawed through the air. To her dismay, it bounced harmlessly an inch away from the demon. He’d dropped a protective shield around himself.

  Eachann’s wind lifted two ifrits, their flames scattering aimlessly, held them up as steady targets, and Kailen executed. From the safety of his cover, the demon’s scream threatened to shatter her eardrums.

  Two ifrits remained. One must have realized Idrás was protected because he ran behind the demon to hide from Kailen’s laser beams. Eachann materialized, raised a gust of wind that swept around Idrás and captured Temu. The hiding ifrit took to the air in a whirl, hit the ceiling, then bounced to the ground. Disregarding the flaming body, Eachann immobilized the thrashing ifrit with a knee to the chest and bit down on his neck, feeding off its fire energy. Once he finished draining the ifrit, he kicked him aside.

  The last remaining Temu, a copy, evidently, faded into nothingness when its creator stopped fighting.

  Idrás begged, “Stop, please, stop! Go. Leave. Get away from here!” Weeping, he dropped his shield, picked up the inert ifrit, and strode out through the bars in the door and into the endless hallway.

  Breathing hard, Kailen returned to her. “Gods, when I saw you go after Idrás, I feared for your life. We were all so exposed to their magic.”

  “Why didn’t you protect yourself? You only shielded me.” She cupped his cheek.

  “I tried to tell you, Anna protected me before we left, and I had to keep the gem in place. You will always come first.” He held the ruby over her ankles, moving it side to side. “As soon as these bindings are gone, we’re out of here.”

  “You’re hurt. I saw it.” She slipped a hand around his shoulder.

  He flinched away. “It’s nothing, a stór. Some rest, and I’ll be back to normal.”

  “Hello, lass.” Eachann nodded. “I am happy to see you fairly intact. Shall I call the portal, Kailen?”

  “Please. Talaith is freezing and needs care. Besides, this dimension gives me the creeps. We don’t know what other surprises Idrás may have for us.”

  Eachann waved his hand, and the portal opened with a thunderous crack. Lifting her in his strong arms, Kailen brought her to the circle, next to the vampire. He whispered, “Iguaçu,” and the cell was gone.


  To Kailen’s utmost relief, the portal opened in Ramiro’s Iguaçu grounds. Holding Talaith, he stepped out of the circle. Eachann exited at his side. A crowd had gathered at the doorstep of the hacienda, waiting for their return.

  “Please, friend.” He spoke to Eachann. “You were there. Can you deal with everyone? Talaith needs attention, and I don’t have the head or the patience to answer questions.”

  “Aye. I will handle it.”

  “Thanks, and if Anna hasn’t left, would you thank her and give her this?” He opened his fist. He’d been holding the cabochon ruby si
nce Talaith’s bindings came undone.

  Eachann joined the anxious group of Titanians and others while Kailen escaped with Talaith. He moved quickly, yet with a light step, mindful of her condition. Once inside the room, he sat her at the edge of the bed.

  “I’ll be right back.” He walked to the tub and turned on the faucet, dumping in a good amount of bath salts he found in a decorative glass jar. As the water reached the temperature he wanted, he searched for first aid items. The jaguars thought of everything. The medicine cabinet was fully stocked. He picked up peroxide, gauze, and ointment, set the items aside, checked the water, and turned it off.

  When he returned to the bedroom, Talaith was unbuttoning her pj’s. Her expression was sad, thoughtful, and distant.

  “What is it, love? Are you in pain?” He knelt before her and kissed her fingers.

  She gave him a tentative smile. “My knees and elbows sting. It’s not bad. Tomorrow, though, every muscle is going to pay me back for what I put them through. Standing with ankles and hands tied wasn’t easy.”

  “It’s closer to impossible, a stór. You had nothing to work with or use to lean on. I don’t know how you did it.”

  “Desperation. Fear of hypothermia was a powerful motivator.” Finished with the buttons, she dropped her arms at her sides.

  Kailen finished undressing her, then slid the pj’s down her shoulders. He curled the garment into a ball and tossed it aside, then grabbed the side seam of her panties and, with a firm tug, tore them in two. Gently, he pulled them out from between her legs.

  Her surprise was adorable. He chuckled. “Correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t think you’ll ever wish to see these again.” He held up the mangled piece for her inspection.

  “Never.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Thought so.” Cradling her in his arms, he returned to the bathroom. “Your bath awaits, my lady.” He placed her bum at the edge of the tub, then held out a steadying hand as she turned and submerged into the pleasantly steaming water.

  She sighed when she surfaced. “Mmm, this is heavenly.”

  “Exactly what you need. You were so cold.”

  Amused, he watched as she gently submerged and surfaced, enjoying the restoring heat, her aching, tired muscles craved. The third time up, she stretched, leaning her neck on the edge of the tub. He placed a rolled towel beneath her head as a pillow.

  “Do you think Khnurn has a chance?” Her pensive look returned.

  “I figured that was bothering you. He’s foremost in our minds, and we intend to get him out. I promise. We have plans in the works. While you were gone, unexpected matters developed. First, you need to rest. You can’t help him if you’re not one hundred percent.”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  Kailen dipped the washcloth in the water. Taking his time, he paid attention to her bruised temple and lacerated forehead, scraped knees and elbows. He removed dirt and dried blood, then concentrated on her forearms, feet, and toes. All the body parts that had struggled the most to stand. He continued, ensuring every inch of her was treated and cleansed, any debris and ugly remnant of her captivity drowned in the hot water.

  Soon, the bath cooled. He turned on the handheld shower, then rinsed her with a gentle stream. Wrapping her in an oversized plush towel, he carried her back to the bed, where he proceeded to recheck for additional injuries that might have escaped his attention. Satisfied none had, he took the ointment from the bathroom and dabbed her wounds.

  Talaith’s intent gaze followed his every move. Her brows gathered into a single line, a gesture he didn’t understand. “Thank the gods, I don’t have to draw on my Danann healing magic. It’s all superficial,” he offered as explanation.

  “I want your hands on me.” Her cheeks turned pink, almost as bright as the rest of her skin, still hot from the water. “Touch me. Remind me I’m alive, safe with you.”

  Kailen tilted his head, reading her expression. How could he deny her any wish or need when she was his world? He’d cared for her, his heart overflowing with tenderness while at the same time breaking with compassion. He’d not thought of intimacy or carnal pleasure. Her need and healing filled his mind. But now, with her words the floodgates opened.

  Taking a deep breath, Kailen discarded his clothes. Nothing but skin to skin and flesh joining flesh would do. He slipped in at her side and, propping himself up, brushed his lips against hers. A soft, gentle caress. A tease, actually. Then he paused above her, taking her in, his hungry gaze devouring every beautiful line and curve. His mouth descended on hers again. She parted her lips in invitation, perhaps seeking a faster, fuller invasion. But he held back. Today, they would both burn in a slow fire.

  He ran his fingertips down the middle of her chest. Her nipples hardened, and she arched greedily toward his touch. Cupping a breast with his palm, he licked the tip and blew softly over it. When tiny bumps appeared, he took the areola into his mouth, relearning the alluring texture with soft, delicious pulls. Heady arousal surged, and his sex stirred. For the moment, he contained the need to penetrate her.

  Sighing, she tangled her fingers around his hair. Her hold was anxious, and he looked up. Talaith trembled, her eyes widened. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He kissed her quivering belly. “Nothing at all. Stretch your arms over your head, keep them there, and breathe. I want you open to me and calm. Enjoy what I give you.”


  “Why do you resist me?” He kept his tone patient, soft. “Do as I say, sweetheart.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she did as she was told. Now he could move at will. Straddling her hips, he descended, leaving a trail of kisses and tiny bites along the way to the juncture of her thighs. He dropped his forehead to her stomach, inhaling her distinctive intoxicating aroma. The scent of the female who’d given him another chance at happiness and had enslaved his heart until the end of days. He touched her, ravenous palms fully stretched, taking in the silky sensation through his fingertips into his soul, then he licked her naturally sweet flesh in a futile effort to satisfy his hunger.

  On he moved to his goal. She panted as her rebellious arms fought to connect with him. He understood her need, but was adamant to hold this pace. In the end, her satisfaction would be as perfect as his. Her pelvis jerked. He pressed a calming palm over her belly, then nudged an exquisite leg aside to make room for his shoulders. He settled in between, his gestures smooth and seamless, one endless caress.

  He’d come at last to the core, the source of her warmth and his home. Keeping her legs apart to fill his want, he explored within delicate folds, tasting thoroughly. He lapped every bit of moisture, the unique essence that made Talaith. His tongue insisted at her excited nub, brought the stimulation higher. When her delicious arousal trickled into his mouth, he knew she was close to the peak. He couldn’t delay either of them anymore.

  Moving back up, Kailen enfolded her as if fearing some evil magic would wrest her away again, or she would disappear without a trace. She moaned, and he showered kisses on her head, her eyes, her cheeks, her lips…

  “Hold me,” he pleaded. “I need you too.”

  “Oh, Kailen.” She dropped her trembling arms and clung to him. Her intensity and desire matched his. He held her for long moments, feeling, breathing, taking her sweet essence into his soul. He then rolled on his back and she ended on top, straddling his waist. A magnificent goddess rose before him. Her flowing platinum hair, ivory skin, firm breasts, and magnetic eyes took his breath away.

  He managed to speak. “Bring me into you, love. Bury me deep within you.”

  Talaith looked down as he lined his erection up to assist her. Following his cue, she descended on him. The lush heat of her core surrounded him in mindless, dizzying pleasure.

  “Gods,” he whispered at the height of completion.

  She’d obviously enjoyed the slow pace, because she impaled and lifted herself, keeping the same agonizing rhythm he’d used. Only when she spasmed around his sex did
he buck up with urgency.

  “Yes. I want this,” she rasped.

  Digging into her hips, he pushed her, urged her upward to the winding summit where her internal contractions fluttered into a glorious climax that triggered his. After the last joint spasm was spent, she collapsed on his chest exhausted and once more connected to life.

  Night had fallen by the time they left their room. Talaith had napped in his arms and had awakened much recovered. She was ready to catch up with the other guests. Her curiosity had been piqued when he told her Gisela was taken and about Alain’s appeal to the council. Seeing the monster, as she called him, up close was a potent lure.

  Powerful spotlights illuminated every segment of the grounds. Magic had created a new luminous canopy that hovered above the entire compound. Guards were posted at every corner they passed. The werejaguars were leaving nothing to chance. Ramiro wouldn’t endure another surprise attack on a guest on his property.

  Inside the main building, voices guided them to a spacious sitting room at the end of the hallway. One side was open to an interior patio with a fountain in the center. The rest of the high-ceilinged room maintained the same theme of light-colored tile floors, sofas, and bronze and crystal chandeliers.

  Holding on to Talaith’s hand, Kailen stood at the threshold, studying the mood and counting heads. The crowd was smaller. Two deceitful supernaturals were gone and one had been abducted. The only da Cruz present was Ramiro. His wife and offspring had opted to stay away.

  Ramiro, a brandy snifter in hand, conversed with Fritiof apart from everyone else. Maya, Zuberi, Eachann, and Bromm were together. Gustaf, Soren, and Lord Aten crowded Alain in a corner. Lord Aten’s imposing security guards stood on either side of the room.

  Kailen smiled at the staring faces, trying to dismiss the overwhelming sensation of having no clothes on.

  Maya, always intuitive, rushed to them. “Talaith, we’re so relieved you’re back. What a horrible experience. Kailen was going out of his mind.” She threw her arms around the sorceress.


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