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Imminent Danger (A Counterstrike Novel Book 3)

Page 23

by Jannine Gallant

  “Don’t say crap like that to me. You’re a pain in my ass. You know that, right?”

  “We all need a hobby. Thanks.”

  He set his phone down, slid the card back into the envelope, and put it into a plastic bag, using the paper towel to avoid leaving prints. After finding a mailer, he addressed it, ready to drop at the post office on their way out of town. Finished with the task, he turned to face the eggs on the stove.

  “Not happening.” He dumped them in the trash and ate a second scone. Then a third while he reheated his coffee in the microwave.

  He’d just finished gulping down the shot of caffeine when Arden appeared. Her eyes were red-rimmed from crying, and all he wanted to do was hold her. But the firm set of her lips told him she needed space more than a hug.

  “I’ll go pack and be right back. If you see Bernice, tell her we’ll be gone for at least a couple of days.”


  They left the house shortly afterward with the dogs riding in the backseat. At the post office, he sent the envelope express mail then got on the highway heading north. Traffic wasn’t bad for a Monday morning, and by the time they’d crossed the state line leaving Massachusetts behind, some of his tension had eased.

  “Why would he send that card? I don’t understand the point.” Arden’s voice held no hint of tears, only anger.

  He turned down the radio and glanced her way. “Thanos is a sadistic bastard, and he wants to mess with me, lure me into making a careless move.”

  “Will you? You didn’t say much when you read it, but I could tell how furious you were. If I hadn’t been in the room, you probably would have smashed something.”

  “I was tempted.” He hesitated. “I’ll let him think he’s provoked me into stupidity. But I intend to turn this around on him. Make no mistake, I will kill him.” His tone was neutral.

  She rubbed her arms and shivered. “Good. Good!”

  Reaching over, he laid a hand on her knee and squeezed. “I know he’s dredged up all the pain again, but we’ll get through this and move on.”

  “For the second time. Not that I ever really healed.”

  “All I want is for you to be at peace. And happy. A tall order, but I’m going to do my damnedest to make sure you have the life you deserve.”

  “Thank you for not giving up on me.” She turned in her seat to face him. “I haven’t made it easy. I had a lot to work through, but recently, I’ve realized a few things.”

  “Such as?”

  “Why Counterstrike is so important to you. Being able to tell the Saxes we were bringing their son home was honestly one of the most fulfilling moments of my life.”

  “The kidnapping wasn’t very well thought out. The cops would have found Connor if we hadn’t. There was literally no threat since she didn’t even have a weapon, although we didn’t know that going in. What I’m saying is the situation was atypical for us.”

  “Maybe so, but that didn’t make the parents any less grateful.”

  “No. To them, their son’s safety was all that mattered. Still, you saw only the positive side of an operation. They usually aren’t so smooth.”

  She didn’t respond right away as they drove through pastureland dotted with grazing dairy cows. A long aluminum barn in the distance reflected the morning sunlight.

  “Why are you telling me this when I’m trying to accept what you do, despite the danger?”

  “Because I don’t want to mislead you in any way. I want to be straight-up truthful going forward. We need full honesty to make this work. No holding back.”

  “When you target Thanos, will you tell me everything? Even if it scares me silly?”

  “Yes, although I don’t like the idea of making you worry.”

  She rested her hands across her lap and stared out the window for a long moment. “There’s something I want to talk to you about, but this wasn’t the setting I’d envisioned.”

  His grip on the wheel tightened, wondering what new complication she intended to throw his way. Better to hear it now than wait and wonder, he supposed. “If you have a problem, share it. We’re alone and have nothing but time.”

  “Not a problem. Just the opposite. I—” When his phone rang, she broke off. “You’d better get that. It’s probably important.”

  He pulled his cell from his pocket and glanced at the display. “It’s Luna. You’re right. She wouldn’t call without a good reason.” He swiped to connect and put it on speaker. “Do you have something?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve been running a new program I created, searching for common credit card purchases in places we know Thanos has been on specific days.”

  “He may simply use cash.”

  “Always having cash on hand is a pain in the ass, and I haven’t seen consistent withdrawals from any of his bank accounts, at least not from the ones I know about. He’s a careful man, and setting up a fake identity wouldn’t be that difficult.”

  Brody stared straight ahead, his heart beating a little faster. “What did you find?”

  “A card used infrequently but in the right locations. The account owner, one Dennis Tester, has no substantial credit history, so he may have activated the identity fairly recently.”

  “Same initials as Demetri Thanos. Smug asshole thinks he’s too smart to get caught.”

  “I imagine he has quite a God complex,” Luna answered. “Charges on the card are for low amounts, purchases like food and gas, nothing that would raise any serious scrutiny. But a transaction or two has turned up in nearly every location we can tie Thanos to, including a fast food place near the motel in Virginia where we rescued Amy Jennings, a grocery store in Whitetail Crossing prior to the incident at Arden’s cabin last March, and a gas purchase outside Marblehead yesterday.”

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “He could still be in town, waiting to make a move, or he—”

  “Is out of luck since we’re halfway to Vermont, but I hate to waste an opportunity.”

  “As I started to say, he could have been gassing up to leave the area. Thanos, or at least that credit card, has been in Marblehead on more than one occasion, so he obviously knows where you live.”

  Brody gripped the wheel a little tighter. “This is frustrating as hell.”

  “You’re right, but I’ll keep a close watch for new charges and let you know the minute he makes a move. There are purchases in various other locations that could be tied to crimes we know nothing about. However, he doesn’t seem to use it on his home turf in New York. Maybe he has a different identity he uses there.”

  “He may have several. Thanks, Luna.”

  “You’re welcome. It won’t be easy, but try to relax a little over the next couple of days. You could use some downtime.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He disconnected and glanced over at Arden, who sat quietly, her gaze on the road ahead. “We’re making progress. Putting together the pieces. Each one brings us a little closer to nailing the sadistic bastard.”

  “I don’t know how to move on with my life, knowing he’s out there. Preying on innocents. Torturing us by dredging up all the anguish we felt losing River—not that it ever goes away completely.”

  “He won’t be free much longer. My plan was to lure him to me and set a trap, but maybe this credit card will let us find him first.” He reached over and covered the hand she clenched and unclenched in her lap. “Luna was right. We both need to take a breather. I can’t let myself go off half-cocked, running on anger and adrenaline. Smart, methodical, patient work will win this battle.”

  They didn’t talk much for the remainder of the drive, both immersed in their own thoughts. It wasn’t until they pulled up in front of her cabin that he remembered the interrupted conversation. He turned off the engine and faced her. “I’m sorry. You wanted to tell me something before Luna called.”

  “It can wait. I want to check on my bees and chickens and rabbits.” She had to raise her voice to be heard over the excited yips from t
he dogs.


  He opened the car door and stepped out, then moved the seat forward so the dogs could escape. Tails wagging, they ran straight toward the lake.

  “I guess they’re happy to be home.”

  “They love it here.” Arden shut her door and smiled at him over the top of the car. “So do I. This place has been healing for me.”

  “Then I’ll pay to string a damn phone line out here or put a booster on a cell tower. Whatever it takes to make communication more reliable. I like it here, too.” He let his gaze wander over the thick forest and the calm waters of the lake. “Spending time in your little corner of Vermont could become a habit.”

  “I hope so.” She dug her keys out of her purse and tossed them to him. “Make yourself at home. Ellie and the girls left a few hours ago. Right now, I plan to tend to my critters.”

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your critters. The chickens look happy enough.”

  A few of them were roaming around the large pen near the shed, pecking at the corn scattered on the ground.

  “They don’t care who feeds them, as long as they get fed, but my bunnies probably missed me.”

  “What’s not to miss.” He studied the sway of her ass in a pair of tight jeans as she walked away. After a moment, he grabbed their bags out of the car and headed up the path to the front door.

  The cabin looked much as they’d left it. A stack of packages sat on one end of the kitchen table, ready to be mailed, and a note about orders that still needed to be filled was stuck to the refrigerator door with a magnet. He took their bags to the bedroom, then paused to rub Henry’s ears when the cat stretched out on the couch in a patch of sunshine and meowed at him.

  He had made a couple of tuna sandwiches on rye and added pickle spears to the plates when Arden came inside. Turning with a bag of chips in his hand, he smiled. “Lunch is ready.”

  “You’re awesome.” She stooped to scoop up Henry when he jumped down from the couch and ran to her. Carrying the cat, she stood on her toes to kiss him. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. I’m starving. Let’s eat.”

  “You’re always hungry, but right now, so am I.” She sat opposite him with the cat on her lap and chatted about what a great job her nieces had done with the bees.

  He didn’t say much, simply let her talk as the tension seemed to drain out of her. She was in her comfort zone, removed from the constant reminders of what she’d lost. What we’ve both lost. Not only their son but their marriage. When she pushed away her empty plate, he reached over and laid his hand on her arm, determined to fix what was broken.

  “Tell me what was on your mind earlier.”

  She looked him straight in the eyes. “Okay, but let’s sit on the couch. My news will be something of a shock.”

  His stomach lurched, but he did as she suggested and followed her to the other room. Once they were seated, he gripped both her hands in his. “No more stalling, Arden. Whatever this is, we’ll face it together.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Arden took a moment to compose herself. Her emotions were a jumbled mess. Excitement over the new life inside her. Fear that Thanos still posed a threat to both her and her unborn child. Wrenching sadness that River had been frightened when he died. Rage that one of the monsters who’d taken him was still alive. Anguish, knowing she’d failed to keep her son safe, and worry that she wouldn’t be able to protect this baby any better.

  On top of everything, she was still almost afraid to believe she was pregnant. Even though the test claimed to be ninety-nine percent accurate and she had all the early symptoms, from missed periods to nausea to fatigue to tender breasts. The only thing she didn’t doubt for a moment was how thrilled Brody would be.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” His grip on her hands tightened. “Are you sick? Except for today, you’ve barely been eating, and you look drawn out. I thought it was simply stress, but—”

  “I’m not sick. Not the way you mean. I’ve been a little nauseous, but that’ll go away soon if this time is anything like the last.” She tugged on his left hand and pressed it to her still-flat stomach. “I’m pregnant, Brody. We’re having a baby.”

  He simply stared at her as the disbelief in his eyes was slowly replaced by joy. When he teared up, she did, too.

  “How far along?”

  “Over two months. I conceived in March.”

  After a moment of sheer awe, he pulled her into his arms and rested his cheek against her hair. “I can’t believe it. The doctor said we wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again.”

  “No, he said the chances were extremely slim. I took a test, and it was positive. I need to make an appointment to see an OBGYN, but I’m certain I’m pregnant. For the last few days, I’ve been trying to convince myself it isn’t just a dream.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” His voice cracked. “I’m so happy, there aren’t any words. You said you’ve been sick.” He pulled back and studied her. “Can I do anything to help?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Not really hungry, but I’ve been making myself eat and take vitamins. I know the drill, even if it’s been years since the last time I was pregnant.”

  “A baby.” His whole face lit up with wonder, and he tightened his hold on her. “You’re moving back in with me. Right away. And we’re getting remarried. I’m all in on this.”

  She took a few breaths and forced herself to remain calm. “I know you are, but do you hear yourself?”

  “What do you mean?” He sounded genuinely confused.

  “You don’t get to railroad me or decide what’s best. I have a mind of my own and know how to use it. We make decisions together going forward. You don’t say jump, and I don’t ask how high.”

  “Well, of course not, but—”

  “We’ve talked about this. About what went wrong the last time. I love you, and I want to be with you. That doesn’t mean I’m going to turn my life over to your care and guidance like a mindless ninny. It means working things out, including coming to terms with Counterstrike. I’m trying my best to accept what you do. I’m not all the way there yet.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want.” He cradled her face in his hands. “You say the word. I love you, and I’ll love our baby. I can give up anything else in my life, but not you or our child.”

  “I would never ask you to. But this is about both of us being happy. And safe. I don’t want to live my life in fear, either for myself and our baby, or for you.”

  “Thanos won’t be a factor much longer. I promise you that.”

  “He isn’t the only consideration. I know the world is full of danger we can’t control, but your wealth and career choice put a target on your back.”

  “Your average criminal doesn’t associate Brody Grant with Counterstrike. We’ve been careful to keep our private lives separate from our alter egos. Thanos’s intimate knowledge of who we are and where we live is an exception since he obviously recognized me from River’s abduction. For the last several years, I’ve remained out of the public eye with little to no media attention. As a U.S. Senator, my father is the face of the Grant Foundation, and our shipyards are run by the board of directors. I stay in the background.”

  He covered her belly with his palm, the warmth seeping through her shirt to soothe some of her anxiety.

  “I’ll never stop blaming myself for River’s death. That’s a soul-eating regret I live with each and every day.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Brody.” Even as she spoke, she knew he wouldn’t listen. He’d always shouldered the guilt, the same way she had. “Just like it wasn’t my fault our son was grabbed in the park. Blaming ourselves only makes the pain worse.”

  He pressed his hand more firmly against her middle. “My family will never be an easy mark again. You can count on that. As for me, I have too much to live for to let some asshole cut my future short.”

  “I want to believe that. I need to believe it.”
/>   “Do you trust me?”

  She leaned against him, absorbing his strength. “Of course.”

  “Then let go of your fears and focus on the amazing gift we’ve been given.”

  “He or she truly is a gift. That unexpected present you find on Christmas morning, the one you didn’t dare hope for but wanted more than anything.” She covered his hand with her own. “Our baby will be born during the holidays. A true Christmas miracle.”

  Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her. She kissed him back, aware the moment the almost reverent gesture turned sensual. He laid her against the cushions and slid down next to her. Propping one foot against the coffee table to keep from tumbling off, he strung kisses along her jaw and down the side of her neck.

  “We need more room.” The words came in short gasps as he worked one hand beneath her shirt and covered her breast to stroke the tip with his thumb. The exquisite pleasure elicited a sharp gasp.

  “Am I crushing you?”

  “No.” Her gaze went to the cat perched above them on the back of the couch, tail twitching and eyes narrowed. “But Henry looks like he might pounce at any moment. Maybe we should move to the bedroom.”

  A grin stretched his lips. “Excellent idea. I don’t need the damn cat supervising.”

  She giggled helplessly as he levered off the cushions, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom. After flinging back the quilt, he laid her on the cool sheet with her head resting against the pillows.

  Before she could move, he stopped her with a hand on her chest. “I’ve got this.”

  She didn’t argue, enjoying his take-charge attitude, at least in this moment. One by one, he tossed her shoes and kissed each bare foot before unzipping her jeans. With a little effort, he shimmied the denim down her legs and dropped her pants on the floor. Once he’d worked her shirt over her head, he paused to simply look at her. The adoration in his eyes nearly made her cry.

  “You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to see your stomach round with our baby.”

  “Last time, I felt like an awkward moose during the final months. Or maybe a penguin since all I could do was waddle.”


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