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Sin Bin (Denver Rebels Book 3)

Page 19

by Maureen Smith

  Good Lord. When did she become such a horndog?

  Logan crossed the kitchen to the breakfast bar, where he picked up two packages. “I ordered our AncestryDNA kits.”

  “No way,” Meadow protested. “I thought we agreed to wait until I got a job so I could pay for mine.”

  “I never agreed to that.”

  “Yes, you did!”

  “No, I didn’t.” He handed her the package addressed to her. “Let’s do this.”

  She realized there was no point in arguing with him. So she followed him into the living room and joined him on the couch, where they read the instructions before preparing their DNA kits. Spitting into the test tube totally grossed her out, so it took her longer than Logan to complete the task.

  He grinned, watching her struggle. “C’mon, princess. Get more saliva in there.”

  “This is so nasty,” she complained. “Why do they need so much spit for a DNA sample? Ew.”

  Logan laughed. “Doesn’t bother me. Hockey players are expert spitters.”

  She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Yuck.”

  He laughed again. “You used to make that face all the time when we were kids. Everything grossed you out. Wuss.”

  “Be quiet.” She finished spitting and sealed up her test tube.

  “Finally,” Logan groused teasingly. “God, you’re slow, Jupiter. Is there anything you do at a normal pace?”

  She smiled sweetly. “I don’t know about normal, but I can show you to the door at a pretty accelerated pace.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Touché!”

  As they packaged up their DNA samples, she shot him a playful grin. “I bet your results are gonna come back 99.5 percent European.”

  “Nah,” he guffawed. “I’m more ethnically diverse than that.”

  She snorted. “You wish, white boy.”


  “Uh-huh. We’ll see.” She smiled. “I’ve decided to order an additional DNA test from African Ancestry to see which tribes I’m from.”

  “Hey, that’s cool,” Logan said warmly. “Can’t wait to see your results.”

  “Me, too.” She sniffed. “At least their test only requires a cheek swab.”

  Logan laughed. “Wuss.”

  When he went outside to put their packages in the mailbox, she snuck off to the bathroom to gargle mouthwash. She had just made it back to the kitchen when he returned. He had a lollipop in his mouth, his head bent as he texted on his phone.

  It was Friday and he was a renowned party animal. He probably had plans tonight. Plans that involved bunnies and booze and reckless debauchery.

  She gnawed at her lip, suddenly feeling like a nerdy teenage girl who’d just completed a class project with the hunky captain of the football team. Now that they were done, he would be hightailing it out of there to meet up with his girlfriend—a beautiful, popular cheerleader with perfect hair and big boobs.

  Trying to tamp down the pang of insecurity that welled inside her, Meadow said casually, “I was thinking about watching a movie.”

  “Yeah?” Logan said without glancing up from his phone. “Which one?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you can help me decide.” She hesitated. “You’re welcome to stay and watch it with me, if you don’t have any plans.”

  He looked up at her. “Oh, did you think I was going anywhere?”

  She gave him a shy smile as her foolish heart went pitter-patter.

  He smiled back before lowering his head to resume his texting. When he finished, he tucked the phone into his back pocket and asked her, “So what’re you in the mood for?”

  “Umm…” She leaned forward against the counter, resting her elbows on the island’s granite surface. “I can’t decide.”

  “Horror, sci-fi, action, comedy?” Logan removed the lollipop from his mouth, gesturing with it as he talked. It was cherry. Or strawberry. She wanted to suck his tongue, take a taste test.

  “How about Leaving Las Vegas?” she suggested half jokingly.

  He laughed. “Nah. Too old and lame.”

  “And depressing, from what I’ve heard.”

  He chuckled and stuck the lollipop back into his mouth. She watched his full lips close around the red ball as if in slow motion. She’d never envied a piece of candy as much as she envied this one. The way Logan was sucking on it made her warm and moist in places she didn’t want to feel warm and moist.

  She must have been staring pretty intently because he smiled around the stick.

  “My bad. You want one?”

  She blinked dazedly. “Hmm? What?”

  “I’ve got more lollipops in the truck. Want one?”

  “Um. No, thanks.” The only thing she wanted was his mouth between her legs.

  She shoved the inappropriate thought away and returned to the matter at hand. “Why don’t you suggest a movie?”

  “How about The Fate of the Furious? I haven’t seen that one yet.”

  “Is that one of those Fast and Furious movies?” Meadow asked, wrinkling her nose. “I honestly don’t get the appeal of that franchise. Well, except for Paul Walker. And he’s gone now, God rest his beautiful soul.” She paused. “Did you know that his daughter is named Meadow Rain? Isn’t that absolutely lovely? Especially the first name, for obvious reasons.” She grinned. “But I still don’t want to watch any Fast and Furious movies.”

  Logan pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Coño.”

  “What?” she said laughingly. “You vetoed my suggestion. Turnabout is fair play.”

  “It’s not that you vetoed the suggestion. It’s that you gave a rambling ass explanation.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him, and he laughed.

  After some more back and forth, they agreed on a suspense thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

  “If I fall asleep and start drooling,” Meadow jokingly warned, “just keep in mind that I’ve been on the road for eleven hours.”

  Logan chuckled. “Maybe I should go and let you rest.”

  “No. You can stay.” She was enjoying his company too much to let him go.

  He looked like he didn’t want to leave either. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m kinda wired,” she told him. “You know how it is when you’re tired but you just can’t sleep? That’s me right now. Anyway, after all the hard work you did for me, the least I can do is feed you. How does pizza sound?”

  “Sounds good,” he agreed.

  She picked up her phone to search local pizza places. “What do you want on it?”

  “You mean them. Plural.”

  “You want two pizzas?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m a big boy with a big appetite.”

  “I can imagine,” she murmured under her breath.

  His lips curved up at the corners, but he didn’t say anything.

  She was glad the center island stood between them. Watching him suck that lollipop was giving her all sorts of dirty ideas. She didn’t trust herself not to act on them.

  While she was searching Google, he pulled out his phone to order the pizza.

  “What’re you doing?” she sputtered protestingly. “I told you I’m treating.”

  “Not necessary. Also you’re new in town. You don’t know all the good spots.” He put his phone to his ear. “What toppings do you want?”

  She sighed. Arguing with him was futile. “Pepperoni is fine. I’m easy.”

  He winked. “We’ll get one with pepperoni and the other with a bunch of meat.”

  “Mmkay.” She didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed when he finished the lollipop and tossed the stick in the trash. She really needed to get her hormones under control.

  They stood chatting at the island while they waited for their food. Meadow had been dying to ask him about the Children’s Odyssey Ranch since learning that he was the anonymous founder. She knew he’d never fess up to it if she asked him. She’d have to trick him into telling her.

Toying with the end of her ponytail, she said very casually, “Another place where I’ve volunteered is the Children’s Odyssey Ranch.”

  A flicker of pleasure lit his eyes. “You’ve volunteered there?”

  “I have. Are you familiar with it?”

  He nodded, watching her face. “Did you have a good experience?”

  “For the most part. But…” She trailed off with a sigh.

  Logan tensed imperceptibly. “But what?”

  “Well…” She crossed her fingers behind her back, praying for forgiveness for the awful lies she was about to tell. “I realize that the place is humongous, but I thought the grounds and stables could have been better maintained. And I’m no equestrian, but the horses seemed a wee bit ornery. I don’t know if they were just having a bad day or what, but they weren’t as kid-friendly as I would have preferred. Same goes for the grumpy old stable manager. He was all, ‘Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!’”

  Logan’s expression didn’t change, but a tiny muscle tightened in his jaw and his eyes narrowed with displeasure.

  She watched him carefully. “The planetarium was very nice, but what good is having one if the projectors frequently malfunction?”

  Logan had heard enough. Grabbing his phone, he gave her a terse nod and muttered, “Excuse me.”

  Before he could stalk out of the kitchen, she blurted out, “Wait! I was just joking!”

  He stopped and looked back at her. “What did you say?”

  “April Fool’s!”

  His brows slammed together. “You were joking?”

  “Yes! Of course!” She hastened to explain herself. “I know you founded the children’s ranch, but I knew you’d never admit it to me. So I decided to bait you into outing yourself.”

  He didn’t look amused.

  A fresh wave of guilt swept through her. “I’m sorry. That was a terrible April Fool’s joke. Terrible and tasteless. Please forgive me.”

  His lips twitched as he came back to the island. “I forgot it was April Fool’s Day. And, yes, that was a terrible joke.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She bit her lip remorsefully. “If it’s any consolation, nothing I said about the ranch was remotely true. In fact, everything is the complete opposite of what I said. The grounds are impeccably landscaped, the staff members are super caring and attentive, the facilities are top-notch—especially that state-of-the-art planetarium. Oh my gosh, it’s amazeballs! And the horses were absolutely delightful, every last one. Seriously, Logan. The ranch is phenomenal. All the kids seemed very happy there.”

  Logan’s expression softened. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”

  “I meant every word,” she said earnestly.

  “I appreciate that. The joke, not so much.”

  She put her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle a giggle. “The look on your face…oh my God, Logan. You looked like you were about to call and curse somebody out!”

  “I was,” he admitted grimly.

  “Damn, jefe,” she teased. “Heads were about to roll!”

  “Hell yeah. I don’t play that.” He gave her a wryly amused look. “I don’t remember you being such a prankster.”

  She grinned. “People can change.”

  “Is that right?” His eyes took on a cunning gleam. “Well, just remember one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Payback’s a bitch.”

  She let out a peal of laughter.

  Logan stared at her, looking a little mesmerized.

  When she saw the expression on his face, she sobered almost at once and bit her lip self-consciously.

  “God, I love to hear you laugh,” he said in a husky voice. “I wish life had given you more reasons to share that amazing sound with the world.”

  Her heart got all melty at his words.

  “You should know that it was your passion for astronomy that inspired the Odyssey Ranch,” he confessed.

  She stared at him in surprise. “Really?”

  He nodded. “The memory of you stargazing has always stayed with me. When I decided to build the ranch, I knew it had to have a planetarium. The first time I walked through the doors, I imagined other young Jupiters gazing up at those planets and stars with the same awestruck wonder I used to see on your face. And it made me smile.”

  “Oh my goodness,” Meadow whispered as tears sprang to her eyes. “Logan…”

  He shook his head slowly at her. “Don’t ever doubt the impact you made on my life. Even at ten years old.”

  The tears tumbled out of her eyes, unleashed by his poignantly beautiful words. As her chest swelled with emotion, she choked out a watery laugh. “Look at me. You’ve turned me into a weepy mess. I guess you already got your payback, didn’t you?”

  He gave her a quiet smile.

  She took off her glasses and wiped her streaming eyes with the back of her hand. Then she lowered her gaze to the granite counter and began drawing circles with her finger.

  When she spoke again, her voice was scratchy with tears. “I’m not going to tell you how I learned that you founded the Odyssey Ranch. It doesn’t matter. What matters is what you’ve done for all those precious children. You’ve given them a safe place to lay their head at night. You’ve given them a loving and nurturing environment that they can call home, a place where they can hope and dream.” She looked up at him. “I know you don’t want recognition, Logan. But on behalf of every foster child whose life you’ve changed with your incredible generosity, I just have to say…thank you.”

  Logan stared at her. His eyes glowed with a fierce tenderness that squeezed her heart.

  She could fall in love with him so easily. So deeply and completely. It scared the living daylights out of her.

  She stood motionless as he slowly rounded the island to stand before her. She gazed up at him, her eyes locking with his. She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t swallow. Couldn’t breathe.

  He bracketed her face between his hands, tenderly brushing her tears away with his thumbs. Her heart thumped double time and warm shivers trekked down her spine, spreading to her limbs.

  Slowly he lowered his head toward hers.

  Her lips parted, her pulse quickening with anticipation as—

  The doorbell rang.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Meadow gasped, startled by the intrusive sound.

  Logan lifted his head, dark eyes glittering with frustration and regret.

  “That was fast,” she whispered.

  “Too fast,” he muttered.

  She suppressed a smile and put her glasses back on as he went to answer the door. The delivery guy recognized him and burst into a stream of excited babble. Meadow caught a few exclamations of “holy shit” and “dude, you are so badass” before Logan sent him on his way and returned to the kitchen.

  Meadow grinned at him. “Adoring fan?”

  “Something like that.” He chuckled, setting down their pizzas and sodas.

  Meadow grabbed paper plates and napkins from the pantry. Then they sat at the center island, laughing and talking as they ate. Logan wasn’t lying about his big appetite. The man could definitely put away some food.

  After they finished both pizzas—mostly due to Logan—they made popcorn and headed down to the basement to watch their movie.

  The family room was comfortably furnished with an overstuffed couch, two recliners and a huge flatscreen television mounted above the stone fireplace. This was where Cameron played, as evidenced by the gaming consoles and air hockey table and action figures strewn about the floor.

  Meadow absently began picking up toys and putting them into the Denver Rebels toy box in the corner.

  Logan sprawled on the couch with one booted leg stretched out, looking totally relaxed and content as he watched her. His lazy gaze made her feel warm and flushed beneath her clothes. She was tempted to adjust the thermostat, but it didn’t really matter what the temperature was. Logan kept her body in a constant state of burning awa
reness, and that wouldn’t change even if the room were as cold as an igloo.

  As she put away the last toy, his deep voice broke into her thoughts. “He adores you.”

  She looked back at him. “Who?”

  “Cameron.” Logan wore a soft smile. “He thinks you walk on water.”

  She grinned wryly. “You must be confusing me with yourself. You’re his hero.”

  “So are you. Almost everything out of his mouth was ‘Meadow says this’ and ‘Meadow does that.’ You obviously mean the world to him.”

  “He means the world to me,” Meadow said with a tender smile. “I was nineteen when he was born, and we bonded almost right away. We FaceTime once a week to stay in touch. He tells me everything that’s going on with him and shows me his new books and toys.” She sighed affectionately. “That’s my Bear.”

  Logan smiled softly, watching her face as she talked. “Why do you call him Bear?”

  She laughed. “Because he hugs like a koala bear hugs a tree.”

  Logan laughed and nodded. “Sounds legit.”

  She grinned and started looking around for the remote control. Cam never put it back where it belonged.

  “Do you want kids?”

  Her eyes snapped back to Logan’s face. “Kids?”

  “Yeah.” His tone was casual. “You want any?”

  “I do.” She grinned. “Lots, actually.”

  “Really?” He looked surprised and pleased. “How many?”

  “At least six.” She waited for him to recoil in shock and call her crazy, but he just nodded vigorously.

  “That’s how many kids I’d like to have.”

  “Really? Six?” A tingling excitement raced through her. “I want three of my own—”

  “—and three adopted ones,” Logan finished.

  “Yes! Exactly!”

  They laughed and stared at each other. The moment felt weighted with importance, and from the look on Logan’s face, he felt the same way.

  Meadow was the first to break eye contact, forcing herself to look away so she could remember to breathe. Licking her dry lips, she put her hands on her hips and refocused her attention on scanning the room.

  “What’re you looking for?” Logan asked.


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