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Sin Bin (Denver Rebels Book 3)

Page 30

by Maureen Smith

  Nadia shot her an exasperated look. “Don’t start with that.”

  “I’m just saying. You weren’t in the room when she took off her glasses. She’s gorgeous without them. Like, seriously. And I realize that she and Logan aren’t dating, but there’s gonna be a shit ton of hot girls competing for his attention when he gets here. It wouldn’t kill Meadow to wear something a little more eye-catching.”

  Meadow frowned. “I don’t see the point.”

  “Obviously.” Jess grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around and lifted her shirt up. “Damn, mami. Why are you hiding all this ass?”

  Meadow jerked her shirt back down, flushing self-consciously. “I don’t like having my butt out when I’m wearing leggings.”

  “Why not? Shit, if you got it, flaunt it. I mean, hell, look at Nadia. She’s prim and proper just like you, but she knows how much her man loves her ba-dunk-a-dunk, so now she dresses to accentuate it. And Reid can’t get enough. As soon as he sees her, he’s sliding his hand down her back and grabbing her ass. Viggo’s the same way with Scarlett. Just watch them—you’ll see what I mean.” Jess grinned at Meadow. “I bet your phat booty has Logan fantasizing about fucking you from the back. Oh, don’t look so scandalized,” she laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with a man falling in lust before love.”

  Nadia rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to her, Meadow. Women need to stop tying their self-worth to their body parts.”

  Jess snorted. “That’s hella easy to say when you’re naturally blessed with a phat ass. Women are out here spending thousands on butt injections to obtain what you were born with—”

  “And that makes me sad,” Nadia interrupted earnestly. “I mean, I think it’s wonderful for women to work out and wear makeup to enhance their natural beauty and physique. I just wish we didn’t live in such an image-obsessed culture that tells us we have to be surgically enhanced to achieve some impossible standard of beauty and desirability.” She cupped her breasts through her shirt. “As you guys can see, I’m practically the founder of the itty-bitty-titty club. But you’re not about to see me running to a plastic surgeon to get a boob job. Do I have plenty of incentive to want implants? Absolutely! Reid was a boob man before he met me, and I’m sure he thought he’d end up with some Barbie with milk-jug tits. But that’s not the woman he fell in love with. He thinks I’m absolutely beautiful and he accepts me just as I am.” She grinned with satisfaction. “At the risk of oversharing, he’s totally an ass man now, and he loves licking and sucking my itty-bitty boobs. Every time I bring up being mammary-challenged, he tells me ‘More than a mouthful is a waste, babe. You’re perfect.’” She pretended to swoon. “God, I love that man!”

  Meadow and Jess laughed warmly.

  The sound of a throat clearing drew everyone’s attention to where Scarlett leaned in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest.

  She cast an amused glance around the bathroom. “If you girls are finished hosting The View, can we please go downstairs so I can get my man? I miss him badly and I very much need to fuck his brains out.”

  The group erupted in peals of laughter.

  As they left their suite and headed to the elevator, Nadia linked arms with Meadow while Scarlett and Jess walked ahead of them. Both were drop-dead stunners with killer bodies, and the way they strutted confidently in stilettos was downright enviable. Despite Nadia’s empowering self-love speech, Meadow couldn’t help feeling intimidated as she walked behind the two bombshells.

  Jess definitely hadn’t exaggerated about the bunnies staked out in the lobby. Meadow had never seen so many skintight dresses, miniskirts and hooker heels outside of a nightclub. These girls meant serious business.

  “Told you!” Jess crowed.

  Scarlett chuckled. “You were right. Happy?”

  Jess grinned and winked. “Just follow my lead.”

  Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she went out of her way to stroll past a group of young women who looked like Instagram models. She put an extra swing to her hips as she walked, her round butt jiggling beneath her tight skirt. The women watched her, looking her up and down and sneering jealously.

  Scarlett and Nadia received the same catty appraisal.

  Wearing her glasses and a relatively unsexy outfit, Meadow didn’t look threatening enough to warrant more than an eye roll.

  There were several reporters camped out in the lobby. Hotel security personnel prowled around with earpieces, making their presence felt. A tangible excitement hung in the air as the crowd waited for the team’s arrival.

  Across the lobby, Jenna Vasiliev was chatting with two attractive brunettes and a blonde. She waved the girls over and introduced Meadow to the other women, who were either married to or dating a Denver Rebel. They offered plastic smiles and made no attempt to engage Meadow or the girls in conversation. Fortunately Jenna kept up a cheerful stream of chatter, telling everyone about the facials and massages she’d booked for them tomorrow.

  “Here they come!” a giddy female voice announced.

  The hum of the crowd became an excited buzz that erupted into applause as the players came striding into the lobby.

  They looked big and manly and ruggedly sexy in their designer suits, top buttons undone, ties hanging loose around their necks. Their beard-darkened faces lit up with broad grins when they spotted their significant others in the crowd.

  Women squealed several players’ names—namely Viggo, Reid, Logan, Hunter and Dmitri.

  Cameras flashed like crazy as Nadia and Scarlett leaped into their fiancé’s arms and wrapped their legs around their waists. Reid and Viggo laughed, hugging and kissing the girls like they’d been separated for months instead of days.

  Jenna greeted Sergei with a long smooch worthy of a Hollywood movie ending.

  Jess and Dubinski tongued each other down, drawing whistles and catcalls.

  Meadow smiled as she watched the reunions while keeping one eye peeled for Logan. Suddenly someone stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the arriving players. She stood on tiptoe, cursing her diminutive height and regretting her decision not to wear heels like the others. She could hear bunnies cooing Logan’s name, so he had to be close.

  When the person in front of her shifted to the left, she spotted him near the back of the line. Her skin broke into goose bumps. His sexy beard was short and neatly sculpted, hugging his strong jawline. He was too gorgeous for words.

  He looked through the crowd, his eyes landing right on her. A huge smile spread over his face, taking her breath away.

  As he moved toward her, women started squealing his name. They probably would have pounced on him if hotel security hadn’t held them back.

  “She’s with me.” Logan reached out his hand to Meadow and pulled her to him, leading her away from the crowd. Before she’d caught her breath, he turned and wrapped her up in a tight bear hug that left her heart racing and her skin tingling even after he’d released her.

  As his eyes did a slow sweep of her body, she found herself wishing she’d heeded Jess’s advice and worn something a little sexier. But when Logan’s eyes returned to hers, she saw nothing but warm pleasure in them.

  Her stomach did several flippity-flops. It was crazy how this man affected her.

  “Hi,” she said shyly.

  “Hi,” he answered back. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.” She smiled and blushed, trying not to think about the erotic dream. “I know I already texted you, but congratulations again on winning the division tonight. We watched the game at a bar packed with other Rebels fans, and it was pure pandemonium.”

  “Awesome. We’re all pretty stoked.” Logan smiled, letting his eyes roam over her face. “It’s really good to see you.”

  She giggled. “You said that already.”

  “Did I?” He grinned and stroked a finger down her cheek.

  Everything south of her navel tightened in hyperawareness.

  When someone called his name, he look
ed over his shoulder and nodded to the assistant coach who’d spoken. Then he turned back to Meadow. “I gotta check in. Don’t go anywhere. Wait right here for me.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Wheeling his expensive leather suitcase, he joined the stream of other players heading to the front desk. The other couples—Reid and Nadia, Viggo and Scarlett, Dubinski and Jess—had already gotten their keycards and were leaving the lobby. Their eager grins made it pretty obvious what they would be doing as soon as they reached their rooms. Reid and Viggo had one hand on their suitcase handles and the other hand resting possessively on their fiancée’s asses. Just as Jess had predicted.

  The girls grinned and waved at Meadow as they headed off with their men.

  She felt self-conscious as she stood there, acutely aware of the speculative whispers and glares aimed in her direction.

  A hand on her lower back made her jump and turn around.

  Logan smiled. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “No worries.” She returned his smile. “All set?”

  “Yeah.” His expression was wry. “My roommate kicked me out.”

  “Who? Hunter?”

  “Yeah. He put me up in a penthouse suite. He insists it’s not a birthday gift, says he needs peace and quiet to study for an exam.”

  Meadow’s lips twitched. “And you don’t believe him?”

  “Not really.” Logan glanced around at the women hovering nearby with hopeful smiles. His hand resettled against Meadow’s back, heavy and distinctly possessive. “Let’s go.”

  As they left the emptying lobby, she tried to ignore the burning warmth that flowed from his palm. She wasn’t very successful.

  When they reached the elevators, Logan pressed the call button. She was torn between warring desires. Part of her wanted to rush back to the safety of her suite. The other part wanted—needed—to soak up as much time with him as she could.

  “You must be pretty exhausted after your game,” she remarked casually. “What’re you gonna do when you get to your room? Hit the sack?” Or have one of your famous orgies?

  He looked at her in surprise. “You’re not hanging out with me?”

  She hesitated, an erotic image from the dream flashing into her mind. “I don’t think I should. It’s late—”

  “I won’t try anything. I won’t even kiss you, I swear. I just want your company.” His voice roughened with emotion. “This town…the first night back is always the hardest. No one understands that better than you.”

  She heard his words, saw the vulnerability in his eyes and felt her heart melt into a puddle. He was right. She did understand.

  “Okay,” she softly acquiesced. “I’ll hang out for a little while.”

  Some of the tension left his face and he gave her a crooked half smile.

  The elevator arrived and they boarded.

  “Logan! Wait up!” A group of giggling girls was rushing toward the elevator, boobs bouncing in obscenely low-cut tops.

  Logan pressed the Close Door button. “Sorry, ladies. This one is full.”

  The elevator doors closed on the girls’ stunned and disappointed faces.

  Ignoring a fierce surge of satisfaction, Meadow arched an amused eyebrow at Logan. “Full?” She pointedly looked around the elevator. “We’re the only occupants.”

  “Precisely.” He punched his floor number and then kissed her forehead, hugging her close as he leaned back against the wall.

  The move was so natural that she nestled her cheek against his chest and placed her hand on his flat, hard stomach. He rested his chin on top of her head, tucking her more securely into his side. He smelled like soap and expensive aftershave, and she could feel the heat of his body through his shirt and suit jacket.

  He kissed the crown of her hair. “I missed you.”

  Her stomach quivered. “I thought you weren’t going to kiss me.”

  “I meant on the lips.” There was a thread of amusement in his voice. “I never said I wouldn’t kiss you anywhere else.”

  She couldn’t keep a foolish smile off her face as she watched the ascending floor numbers light up.

  When the elevator doors dinged apart on his floor, he followed her out, wheeling his suitcase behind him. When they reached his suite, he unlocked the door with his keycard and muttered, “Let me, uh, go in first.”

  She followed him through the door, watching as he cautiously looked around. She remembered what Jess had said about bunnies sneaking into the players’ rooms when they were on the road.

  Seeing the relieved expression on Logan’s face, she raised a sardonic eyebrow. “Expecting company?”

  He glanced over his shoulder at her. “What?”

  “Were you expecting to find a naked woman spread-eagled on the couch?”

  He rubbed his jaw sheepishly. “There’ve been a few…surprises.”

  She snorted. “More than a few, I bet.”

  He gave a little chuckle.

  She watched as he stripped off his suit jacket and removed his tie, tossing both across the back of a chair. The thick circumference of his biceps stretched the fabric of his dress shirt.

  “Make yourself comfortable.” He disappeared into the room with his suitcase.

  She wandered over to the windows and stared outside. Neon lights blazed on the tops and fronts of hotels and businesses along the Strip. A water show had just started down below, a spectacle of dancing fountains choreographed to music and lights.

  She turned as Logan emerged from his room. “Anyone hiding in there?”

  He chuckled. “Nah.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t see a set of buxom twins waiting to be ravished?”

  He threw her a lopsided grin. “Careful, Jupiter. You’re starting to sound jealous.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You wish.”

  “I do, actually. Jealousy is better than indifference.”

  “As if I could ever be indifferent to you.”

  He stopped midstride and stared at her.

  She stared back, hoping and praying she hadn’t spoken out loud.

  His eyes gleamed, the corners of his mouth twitching as he held back a smile.

  Yup. She’d spoken out loud. Crap.

  Tugging his shirttails out of his pants, Logan sauntered across the suite to the bar. “Want a drink?”

  She hesitated, then nodded. “Sure.”

  “Can you handle whiskey?”

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  Chuckling, he poured them each a drink and brought the glass to her. Their fingers brushed and like always, electricity sizzled up her arm.

  “To Vegas.” He clinked his glass against hers. “Home sweet home.”

  “Home sweet home.” She sipped from her glass, feeling the whiskey burn her throat and curl through her blood. As more images from the dream floated through her mind, she could almost feel the pressure of Logan’s body moving inside her, thrusting deep and hard. She closed her eyes to block out the tormenting imagery.

  When she opened them again, he was slowly drinking his whiskey, watching her all the while.

  “You okay?” he murmured. “It’s not too strong, is it?”

  She shook her head, taking another burning sip as she turned to the window.

  Together they watched as the fountains shot jets of water high into the night sky, dancing and weaving to Faith Hill’s “This Kiss.”

  “Good ol’ Vegas,” Logan murmured.

  Meadow sighed. “Yup.”

  They shared an ironic smile, and for a moment the years fell away and they were just two orphaned kids again. Battered, world-weary, bearing scars from a war that no one but them could see.

  Meadow swallowed more whiskey and lowered her glass, her thumb tracing the rim. “Do you play poker?”

  Logan’s lips twitched wryly. “Not anymore.”

  Her skin tingled. From the whiskey, she told herself. Not from anything related to her dream. “You used to play?”

  He nodde
d, propping his shoulder against the window. “I used to sneak out of group homes and catch a bus down here to play poker at different casinos. I was tall for my age, and I knew people who let me bypass the age restrictions as long as I gave them a cut of my winnings.”

  Meadow tsk-tsked. “Shame on them.”

  He laughed low in his throat.

  She slanted him a smile. “Were you any good?”

  “I was very good.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” she said with a disgusted eye roll. “Hockey, boxing, pool, poker. Is there any sport you aren’t good at?”

  “I kinda suck at golf. But I don’t really consider that a sport.” He grinned and took a swig of whiskey before continuing. “I won lots of cash playing poker. I even started making a name for myself.” He gave her a sour look. “Santino eventually put a stop to that.”

  Meadow grinned. “For your own good. You were a minor, Logan. And gambling is addictive.”

  He grunted. “Sure. I guess.”

  She laughed, shaking her head at him. “How’d you learn to play so well?”

  He sobered, his eyes growing shadowed. “My mother used to take me to work with her when she couldn’t afford daycare. Children weren’t allowed on the casino floor, of course, but they looked the other way because I was Marisol’s kid—”

  “Marisol? That was your mother’s name?”

  He nodded, staring out the window. “There was a booth in the back where I’d sit playing with my toys and watching TV while she worked. When I got sleepy, I’d lay down on the seat and take a nap.” He raised his glass to his lips, pausing to explain, “My mom was very beautiful and the customers really liked her, so her boss made a lot of allowances for her. She checked on me and brought me food during her breaks, but sometimes she got so busy she would forget about me. Whenever that happened, I’d sneak over to the poker room to watch the players. Even as a kid, I knew that’s where the real action was.”

  He paused to take a meditative sip of his whiskey. “One of the best poker players was this Italian guy named Gino Roselli. He was a mobster, which I didn’t really understand at the time. I just knew he was a sharp dresser and everyone seemed afraid of him. Sometimes when he was playing poker and the pot started getting really high, he’d calmly take out his gun and put it on the table just to warn the other players that they’d better not even think about cheating.”


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