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Sin Bin (Denver Rebels Book 3)

Page 55

by Maureen Smith

  Licking her lips, she stepped out of her high heels and then removed her lace bra, watching his eyes grow impossibly darker as they locked onto her breasts. The bold appreciation in his hungry stare had wetness trickling down between her thighs.

  He picked her up and took her whole breast into his mouth, sucking strongly. She cried out and arched back, closing her eyes to absorb the electric pulses racing to her clit.

  He tumbled her down onto the bed and stretched out beside her, not on top of her where she needed him. As he slowly kissed her mouth and brushed her hair back from her face, she stared up at him from beneath lowered lashes. Hunger for him flooded her body and seared her nerve endings, making her so wet it was embarrassing.


  “Shh.” He reached down and parted her legs, smiling with dark male satisfaction when he saw the purplish hickey on the inside of her thigh—a souvenir from this morning’s munchathon.

  “You did that,” she whispered to him.

  His eyes glittered. “Just marking my territory.”

  She gave a breathy laugh. “Your territory?”

  “Sí, mi amor. Tú eres mío.” His hand skimmed up her thigh, raising goose bumps before he slid two fingers between the slick folds of her sex.

  She sucked in a sharp breath, her hips bucking off the bed as he spread her creamy arousal over her slit in maddeningly slow passes.

  “So wet,” he crooned seductively. “I love how wet you get for me, Meadow.”

  She arched up and bit his chin. “You know what I love? You inside of me.”

  He let out a low, husky laugh. “So impatient.”

  “Your fault, Bachata Bae.”

  His grin was pure sin as he expertly strummed her clit. “You know I love to take my time and savor you. Every beautiful, delectable inch of you.”

  She whimpered incoherently as he slowly stretched out on top of her, his hips falling into the cradle of her thighs. She felt feverish, delirious with longing as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  “I’m going to take all night with you,” he rumbled darkly.

  “Yes,” she practically begged. “Starting now. Please.”

  He held her gaze as he entered her with one powerful stroke, scorching his name across her heart and soul. She cried out, locking her ankles behind his back as he began thrusting into her, his round ass flexing beneath her legs.

  “God, baby…you feel so good,” he groaned.

  She moaned with pleasure, squeezing his ass and licking his soft lips.

  He growled, the sound rising from the base of his throat. Then he lowered his head and sank his teeth into the hollow of her neck, sucking more bruises onto her sensitive skin. Her thighs quivered around him, her nails raking down his back.

  He shuddered against her and lifted his head, his dark eyes blazing into hers as he plunged in and out of her, stretching her deliciously. He made her body sizzle and burn with each hot, driving stroke. Her nipples were pebble-hard and stinging against his chest, her pussy clamping tightly around him. He was heavy on top of her, big and thick inside of her, and she absolutely couldn’t get enough.

  He began fucking her desperately, his face fierce and primal above hers, his thrusts raw and urgent. She throbbed with pleasure, moaning and chanting loud enough for the entire building to hear.

  “Yes, baby! Ohhh, that’s so good! Oh yes, yes, yesss!”

  “Fuck yeah.” Logan gripped the sheets on either side of her head, his hips and back rising and falling like ocean waves as he deepened his strokes, slamming between her thighs.

  They were both needy, desperate, lust mixing with love until the two emotions were completely inseparable.

  His mouth captured hers, stealing her breath with a hot, wet, soul-searing kiss. Seconds later she climaxed in an explosive wave that swept down her legs and straight to her toes, curling them in ecstasy as she screamed his name.

  He watched her come apart beneath him, shuddering as she scored his ass with her nails. Groaning with need, he slid out of her and flipped her over, pulling her onto all fours.

  Still shivering from the fury of her orgasm, she looked over her shoulder at him, watching as he lifted her leg and wrapped it around his hip so that he was filling her as deep as he could go. So deep she could feel his heartbeat through his cock.

  The pleasure was so intense that she lost her breath, her eyes going unfocused for a moment as her arms wobbled beneath her.

  “Logan,” she keened helplessly. “Oh, baby…”

  He was so raw in his passion, so wild and animalistic as he rode her deep and hard, grinding against her with his pubic bone and the granite length of his cock. She moaned feverishly and pushed back at every thrust, loving the sound of his pelvis slapping her ass.

  “Te necesito.” His voice was a raspy groan. “I need you, sweetheart. Need you so fucking much.”

  “I need you, too,” she panted, enjoying the savage arousal on his face as he circled his hips, pounding his dick in and out of her. The feeling was indescribable.

  Sweat trickled down his temple as he glided his hand up her quivering torso, cupped one breast and pinched her aching nipple. She cried out and arched her back, grinding her pussy against his swollen balls.

  He groaned loudly and clamped his huge hands on her ass, clutching both cheeks as he yanked her tighter against him. She fisted the sheets and screamed with pleasure as he fucked her faster, harder, holding nothing back.

  They came together with such raw passion that it filled her heart to bursting. She felt heady and delirious, her body quaking as Logan clasped her tightly against him, his pulsing heat spurting into her depths.

  When his cock stopped jerking and her pussy stopped spasming around him, she let out a moan-sigh combo and closed her eyes. “Wow.”

  He gave a low, rough chuckle. “You can say that again.”

  On noodle legs, she collapsed facedown on the bed, Logan dropping on top of her. They were both tired and sweaty and wonderfully sated.

  After a minute or so, he kissed her shoulder and lifted off her, supporting his weight on his arms.

  “Finally,” she puffed, blowing her hair out of her eyes. “I was starting to feel flatter than a steamrolled tortilla.”

  “Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Didn’t mean to crush you.”

  She smiled against the sheets. “I’m just teasing you. I mean, yeah, you’re heavier than a Mack truck. But I don’t mind having you on top of me.”

  “That much is obvious,” he said smugly.

  She reached back and swatted his hip, enjoying the deep, smoky laughter that rumbled out of him. He leaned down and peppered her back with featherlight kisses, sending delicious little tingles down her spine.

  With a contented groan, he slowly pulled out of her, making her shiver as his cock dragged through her swollen, sensitive flesh. He couldn’t resist rubbing himself against her ass before he rolled off her and onto his side.

  She watched as he propped his head in his hand and gave her one of those sexy, heavy-lidded smiles that always made her want to get naked. Good thing she already was.

  “What’re you thinking about?” he murmured, stroking a lazy hand down the curve of her back.

  She sighed, her limbs growing even more languid under his caress. “Do you think any of your neighbors heard me? I was pretty loud.”

  His smile turned wicked. “Nobody heard you. But even if someone did, I wouldn’t care. I love how uninhibited you are with me, Jupe. I love knowing that beneath your prim, buttoned-up exterior is a wildcat who screams my name and claws the skin off my back during sex.” He bit his lip. “Fuck. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.”

  “Down, boy,” Meadow teased, eyeing his long shaft lying across his thigh. Even semi-erect it was impressively large.

  She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, lifting her eyes to his face. “You’re dangerous, you know that? A man who can cook, dance and fuck as well as you should be illegal.”

��I know, right?” he agreed with a cocky grin. “I’m totally a triple threat.”

  She smirked. “Well, technically, a triple threat means you can sing, dance and act. So—”

  He slapped her bare butt.

  “Ow,” she laughed.

  “Smartass.” He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her close until she lay on her side facing him.

  She smiled dreamily as he brushed her damp hair off her forehead and leaned in to kiss her temple, ghosting his mouth down to her cheek. When she started humming the tune of “Asalto,” he smiled against her skin.

  Nibbling the curve of her jaw, he whispered, “Move in with me.”

  She froze, a quiver of shock running through her.

  In the silence that followed, his lips stilled on her jaw.

  She couldn’t say anything. He’d rendered her speechless.

  Slowly he raised his head and looked down at her. “Too soon?”

  She stared up at him, swallowed hard and nodded.

  He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. “I knew you’d feel that way. But I figured it was worth a shot.”

  She swallowed again. “Moving in together…that’s a big step, Logan.”

  “I know.” One corner of his mouth lifted. “Believe me, it’s not something I take lightly.”

  “Oh, I believe that, Mr. Confirmed Bachelor with the tricked-out man cave.” She smiled slightly, searching his eyes. “Are you disappointed?”

  “Yes,” he admitted with a sigh. “But I know you’re not ready, and I promised not to rush you. So I won’t, even though it’s hard as hell not to.” He paused, frustration flickering in his eyes before he skimmed his knuckles down her cheek. “Just think about it, okay?”

  She nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  His face softened. Then he leaned down and kissed her, long and deep, sliding his tongue against hers while his fingers moved between her legs, tenderly parting her folds and rubbing her clit. Her thighs went hot and quivery, every fiber of her being sizzling to life.

  Without releasing her mouth, he pressed her back onto the mattress and sank slowly inside her. Their eyes locked, communicating everything they felt for each other. Once Logan started to move, it didn’t take them long to fall into a deep, passionate rhythm.

  After they climaxed together, he stayed buried inside her, unwilling to break their connection as they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Logan would have given anything to spend the morning in bed with Jupiter. Hell, the whole day. Even after spending half the night between her glorious legs, he still couldn’t get enough of her.

  But duty called. So after they enjoyed breakfast in bed, he showered and dressed for morning skate while she watched him from under the covers. Before leaving he kissed the hell out of her and commanded her to wait right there for him. She put up a token protest, which he silenced with another kiss. When she let out one of those breathy moans and sucked his tongue, it was all he could do not to strip naked and pounce on her.

  He had to forcibly drag himself out the door, and his dick was throbbing so hard he thought the top would blow off. He arrived at the practice arena with just enough time to suit up before joining his teammates on the ice.

  Afterward when he and Hunter were walking out of the showers with towels slung around their waists, Hunter asked, “So how’d dinner turn out? Did Meadow enjoy the Milanesa?”

  Logan grinned. “She sure did.”

  “Clearly,” Dubinski joked from behind them. “Look at all the scratches on his back. I’m guessing he didn’t get those from wrestling a wild tiger.”

  Logan’s grin widened.

  Hunter chuckled. “I’m glad dinner went well. Since you obviously didn’t get much sleep last night, you should probably go home and take a long nap so you’ll be rested for tonight’s game.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely hitting the sack when I get home,” Logan promised.

  “Without Meadow,” Hunter emphasized.

  Logan just laughed.

  Like many players, Hunter thought having sex on game days was a bad idea. Logan had never subscribed to that belief and he sure as hell wasn’t about to start now.

  On the way home, all he could think about was Jupiter waiting for him. He imagined her sleeping soundly in his bed, beautiful and serene. He imagined sneaking under the covers, parting her thighs and sliding his mouth over her warm pussy. He imagined her coming slowly awake, arching with pleasure and moaning his name as his tongue went to work.

  He got so turned on that he floored the gas pedal to get home faster. He was still sporting a boner when he stepped through his front door and looked around, listening for any sound of Jupiter.

  All was quiet. She must have obeyed his orders and stayed in bed.

  Good girl, he thought with a satisfied grin.

  Careful not to make a sound, he put his gear bag down. Then he took his boots and socks off, picked them up and started tiptoeing down the hall.

  Halfway to the bedroom, his phone rang in the front pocket of his hoodie.

  Startled, he dropped his boots with a loud thud. Cringing and cursing under his breath, he retrieved the phone and looked at the screen. His irritation evaporated when he saw Lakendra Howell’s number.

  He thumbed the answer button. “Hey, Lakendra.”

  When he heard her sobbing quietly on the other end, alarm shot through him. He gripped the phone tighter, his heart pounding as he demanded, “What’s wrong? Did something happen to Davion?”

  “No, no. Davion’s fine. I’m calling about the house! Oh my goodness, Logan! I don’t even—” She burst into fresh tears.

  Relief whooshed through him. He’d been so caught up in Jupiter that he’d almost forgotten what day it was.

  “You should have seen my face when your real estate agent showed up at my door with keys to a new house,” Lakendra exclaimed. “At first I thought it was a scam! Then I thought somebody was playing a cruel prank on me! I knew darned well I didn’t enter no contest to win a house, and I don’t know anyone who would have entered my name without telling me!”

  “Congratulations on the new house,” Logan said, feigning a bewildered tone. “I’m really happy for you. But there must be some misunderstanding. I didn’t—”

  “You don’t have to do that, Logan,” Lakendra interrupted with a teary laugh. “You don’t have to pretend. I made your real estate agent tell me who she really was. I wouldn’t accept the keys from her until she told me the whole truth. Oh, Logan,” Lakendra said in a choked-up voice. “This house is beyond my wildest dreams. I don’t even know what to say. There are no words to describe how grateful I am.”

  “You mean you’re not mad?” Logan asked cautiously.

  “No!” She let out another watery laugh. “I mean, I was at first. Maybe more shocked than mad. But I realized it’s not about me or my pride. It’s about doing what’s best for my boys. It’s about giving them a better life and a chance to succeed. It’s about—” She broke off, her voice hitching with emotion. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little overwhelmed right now. But in a good way.”

  Logan smiled softly. His throat was so tight he could barely squeeze out any words.

  “The boys and I had just gotten back from church. The pastor’s sermon was about persevering through hard times and trusting God to deliver blessings when we least expect it. I definitely wasn’t expecting anything like this.” She laughed and sniffled. “I can’t think of a better homecoming gift for Davion. He’s gonna lose his mind when he walks into this house. And when he sees his new room? Oh, boy!”

  Logan chuckled warmly. “If there’s anything about the décor you want to change—”

  “No. Absolutely not. Everything’s perfect. Seriously, Logan. The house looks just like a model home!” Her delighted smile came through the phone. “Davion’s little brothers are so excited. When we got here, they squealed so loud I thought my eardrums would burst! They ran from roo
m to room checking everything out and hollering in amazement. Now they’re upstairs in the game room playing video games. I could never afford to buy them Nintendo or PlayStation, and now they have both. And that backyard! The boys can’t believe they have their own swimming pool!” She laughed. “I told them not to say a word to Davion. We’re throwing him a surprise homecoming party when he gets out. You have to come, Logan. Having you there will mean everything to Davion.”

  Logan smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Good,” Lakendra said warmly. “Your real estate agent is such a nice lady. She walked me through the house, showed me where everything is and gave me all the necessary paperwork. She says the HOA dues are paid up for several years, and you even arranged for a driver to take the boys to school so they can finish out the year before starting their new school this fall.” She sounded awed and grateful. “You really thought of everything.”

  Logan leaned back against the wall. “I didn’t want you to have to worry about anything. I just want you and the boys to enjoy settling into your new home and community.”

  “Oh, we definitely will,” Lakendra assured him.

  “That’s good.” Logan looked down, scuffing his toes against the bare wood floor. “Uh, there’s one more thing. Our team owner’s company, The Landrieu Group, has a job opening for assistant director of hospitality. I was told that the position coordinates events and works with food and beverage vendors. The salary starts at ninety thousand—” He heard a small gasp “—plus they offer a great benefits package with tuition reimbursement. The current assistant director is relocating at the end of the month, so they need to fill the vacancy as soon as possible. They’ve been interviewing candidates, but they haven’t found a good match yet. I told them about you and your extensive hospitality experience, and they were impressed. I kinda threw my weight around, told them they should hire you. Fortunately they like me over there and they think it’s important to keep me happy. So…” He hesitated uncertainly, hoping he hadn’t overstepped his bounds. “If you want the job, it’s yours.”

  There was more sniffling on the other end.


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