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Sin Bin (Denver Rebels Book 3)

Page 74

by Maureen Smith

  He laughed wickedly.

  Suddenly she felt a prickling awareness on the back of her neck.

  She turned her head and saw a familiar man and woman standing under a tree across the lawn. They had their arms around each other and were watching her with radiant smiles, their faces glowing with love and pride.

  As she stared at them, they nodded to her and mouthed the words, Be happy, daughter!

  Tears swam into her eyes, and she smiled at them.

  Her parents returned her smile. Then they were gone.

  She stood staring at the empty spot for several moments.

  “Hey.” Logan cupped her chin, turning her face back to him. His dark eyes probed hers. “Where’d you go just now?”

  She smiled quietly. “Someplace good.”

  He glanced in the direction she’d been looking. Seeing nothing, he scanned the crowd before returning his gaze to hers. His expression softened.

  “I love you,” he said over the music.

  She looked up at him and saw their past, present and future shining in his eyes. “I love you too, Logan,” she said with a soft smile. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”

  He wrapped her tight into his chest and held her like he would never let go. She closed her eyes and clung to him, her heart so full she thought it would burst.

  They were two former orphans who’d experienced losses that no child should ever experience. Despite all the baggage and trauma they’d both suffered, they’d survived and found a miraculous gift in each other.

  They’d found love.

  And it was out of this world.



  Next Day

  Western Conference Final

  Game 6

  One minute left.

  One minute to decide if the Rebels ended the series tonight and advanced to the Stanley Cup Final.

  One minute to decide if Vegas tied the score and pushed the game into overtime. If they won, game seven would happen on their turf in Vegas.

  The Rebels didn’t want to go back to Sin City. They needed to take care of business right here. Right now.

  The score was 3-2. The Rebels were up by one goal.

  Vegas had an empty net. They’d pulled their goalie so they could crowd the ice with six attackers instead of five.

  Their star center was driving to the net. Suddenly Reid came out of nowhere and slammed the guy into the boards.

  The puck squirted loose. Logan pounced on it, hooked it with his stick and skated hard toward Vegas’s empty net.

  The crowd went crazy.

  Nineteen seconds.

  Logan’s heart was pounding out of his chest as defenders rushed toward him. He picked up speed, cut around a defenseman and slapped the puck cleanly into the net.

  As the horn sounded and the clock hit zero, the arena erupted in deafening celebration.

  Logan dropped to his knees as Hunter, Reid, Viggo, Sergei and Dmitri piled on top of him, laughing and screaming their heads off. They sprawled on the ice in a victorious heap as the rest of the team vaulted over the boards, cheering wildly and pumping their fists.

  Jupiter and the girls were on their feet screaming, hugging and crying ecstatically.

  For the second year in a row, the Denver Rebels were the Western Conference champions. They were one step closer to getting another shot at hoisting Lord Stanley’s Cup.

  “One more round to go, boys!” Hunter hollered at everyone. “Just one more round to go!”

  After the game, the team had a private party at an upscale club owned by Cabe Landrieu.

  The place was packed wall to wall with family, friends, team executives and employees. When the players and coaches arrived, the crowd exploded into cheers, applause and chants of “We want the Cup! We want the Cup!”

  The team moved through the crowd accepting congratulatory handshakes, backslaps and hugs. As much as Logan appreciated everyone’s enthusiasm and support, he couldn’t get to Jupiter fast enough.

  All the WAGs had changed into body-hugging gold dresses with strappy black heels. They looked gorgeous, but he only had eyes for his woman as he grabbed her and kissed her senseless, sending cheers and catcalls through the crowd.

  Once the celebration got under way, speeches and toasts were made, champagne flowed like water and everyone feasted like kings.

  After dinner, the music started and couples hit the dance floor.

  Logan encircled Jupiter’s waist and drew her against him as she looped her arms around his neck, her full breasts pressed deliciously against his chest. They stared into each other’s eyes as they swayed together, whispering and smiling between kisses, lost to the world around them.

  Whether the song was fast or slow, Logan held her close and tight, unwilling to let her go even for a moment. As he gazed into her radiantly beautiful face, he knew there was no limit to what he could achieve or what they could accomplish together, no limit to the depths of happiness they could bring each other. Winning the Cup would be a dream come true. But he’d already won the biggest prize of all, and she was right here in his arms.

  When “Asalto” started playing, he and Jupiter grinned delightedly and flowed right into the steps, drawing appreciative applause and whistles from the crowd. The other couples gave them room as they spun and gyrated to the bachata song, becoming the focal point of the dance floor.

  Logan felt drunk with exhilaration, on top of the world. Grinning like a lovesick fool, he twirled Jupiter around and pulled her close again, chest to chest, hip to hip. Her skin was glowing under the lights, her eyes were mesmerizing and her smile took his breath away. With every sway of her delectable hips, his body grew hotter and harder. He couldn’t wait to get her home so he could peel off her clingy dress and lose himself in her curves.

  “Bro, you must be trying to get yourself killed before your wedding day.”

  Pulled out of their private bubble, Logan and Jupiter looked around to see Reid and Nadia dancing nearby with wide grins.

  Logan blinked at Reid. “What’d you say?”

  “Pops Ryan doesn’t look too happy about you dirty dancing with his daughter.”

  They followed Reid’s amused gaze to a large table occupied by Jupiter’s father, Trish, Santino, Roxanne, Rosalie, Barrett, and Nadia and Scarlett’s parents.

  Sure enough, Harris was glowering at Logan. When he motioned for him and Jupiter to move about ten yards apart, the others laughed and shook their heads. Trish cupped Harris’s cheek and turned his face toward her, distracting him with a kiss.

  As Reid and Nadia laughed and danced off, Logan leaned down to confide in Jupiter’s ear, “Your dad made a point of showing me his gun collection when I went to see him. I sure as hell hope he didn’t bring any with him.”

  She threw back her head and laughed.

  He grinned, his eyes moving through the crowd to land on Cynara and her dance partner. Although she didn’t identify as Afro-Latino, bachata was an aspect of Dominican culture she wholeheartedly embraced. She loved dancing the bachata, and it showed as she tossed her head in laughter and swiveled her hips, losing herself in the beat of the music.

  Her partner looked spellbound.

  He wasn’t the only one.

  Tucked into a booth in a dark corner of the club, Hunter sat flanked by two bimbos in low-cut dresses. They were pressed against him, simpering and giggling and twirling their hair. But he wasn’t paying attention to them. Completely riveted by the sight of Cynara dancing, he watched her with the single-minded intensity of a hunter who’d set his sights on capturing a rare and elusive trophy.

  Logan and Jupiter looked at each other and grinned knowingly.

  After dancing two more songs, Jupiter breathed in his ear, “Let’s take a break and get something cold to drink, preferably nonalcoholic. I don’t want to be tipsy when we have our private afterparty later.”

  Logan grinned wickedly. “Private afterparty? I like the sound of that.”

  She ni
pped his earlobe. “I bet you do.”

  He took her hand and led her off the dance floor, grinning as people showered them with applause and whistles.

  He steered her to the bar and ordered two club sodas, his mind flashing back to the night he’d taken her out for drinks at the skybar. It was her first night in town, the beginning of their new journey together.

  Her smile told him she was reliving the same memory.

  They got their drinks and were walking past Hunter’s booth when Jupiter threw him a teasing grin. “Do you want me to teach you how to dance the bachata?”

  Hunter chuckled. “Thank you, but no.” He looked toward Cynara and seemed to reconsider. “Maybe.”

  “Over my dead fucking body,” Logan growled.

  Hunter and Jupiter laughed.

  Scowling, Logan possessively wrapped his arm around his fiancée’s waist and tugged her away.

  She cooed sweet nothings in his ear as he led her up two flights of stairs to the club’s rooftop bar and patio. Several other people were already up there drinking and enjoying the view over the city. Viggo and Scarlett sat in a corner making out like horny teenagers, oblivious to everyone else.

  Logan and Jupiter staked out a private spot at the rail and stood close together, quietly sipping their drinks under the moonlight. When they finished, they set their empty glasses aside and smiled at each other.

  “Want another one?” Logan offered.

  “No, I’m good.”

  Logan moved closer, bending his head and dropping a kiss on her bare shoulder. When she shivered, he smiled before easing back to look at her. “Guess what?”


  “Landrieu offered Santino a front office job with the team.”

  Jupiter’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yup. He’s been trying to woo him away from the Capitals for a while. He just offered him a pretty sweet deal that Santino is seriously considering. But he says it’s not just about the money. Now that we’re getting married, he wants to be around for us.” Logan grinned wryly. “He also wants to keep a close eye on me.”

  “Thank God,” Jupiter joked. “I could use all the help I can get!”

  Logan laughed and playfully squeezed her ass, reveling in her throaty laughter.

  After a few moments, she sighed blissfully. “I’d love to have Santino here. I hope he takes the job.”

  Logan smiled. “Me, too.”

  Jupiter grinned at him. “You know what’s funny? On the way to the game tonight, my dad told me he’s thinking about applying for park ranger jobs in Denver.”

  Logan grinned. “For real?”

  “Yes! He loves the mountains and parks here.”

  “No surprise. Colorado is an outdoorsman’s paradise.”

  “That’s what he said.” Jupiter beamed. “Of course, the main draw for him is being closer to his family. Aunt Rosalie and Cam and I are the only family he has left. He wants to be near us, and the feeling is definitely mutual.”

  “That’s awesome, baby,” Logan said warmly. “It’d be great to have your dad here. What about Trish?”

  “She’s totally on board with relocating,” Jupiter said excitedly. “She’s always wanted to open her own real estate brokerage firm. She says moving here would give her the impetus to branch out on her own.”

  Logan grinned. “Wow. Good for her.”

  “I know, right?”

  The happy glow on Jupiter’s face made his heart swell. He took her chin in his hand, drinking her eyes in with his. “We both know what it’s like to be deprived of family. God willing, our children will never know what that feels like. As far as I’m concerned, the more family and friends we’re surrounded by, the better.”

  “I so agree,” Jupiter said earnestly.

  Logan smiled and leaned down until their foreheads touched. They stood that way for a long time just breathing each other in, tuning out the sounds of traffic and the music drifting up from the club.

  The loud blare of a horn finally intruded, drawing their attention to the street below. Chauffeured limos and cars were pulling up to the club to drop off late arrivals. The party would probably last into the wee hours of the morning.

  For a moment, just for a flash, Logan thought he saw his mother’s face in the crowd, smiling up at him. But when he blinked and looked again, she was gone.


  He looked back at Jupiter.

  She searched his face. “Are you okay?”

  He smiled. “Couldn’t be better.”

  She touched his cheek. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her slowly and thoroughly, letting her feel just how much he loved and needed her.

  By the time he lifted his head, his wife-to-be was breathless and trembling, her fingers curled into his shirt.

  “Would it be okay if we cut out early?” she whispered.

  Logan broke into a grin. “Absolutely.”

  “Good.” She gave him an exquisitely tender smile. “Let’s go home.”

  The words resounded in his heart and soul. Let’s go home.

  No words had ever sounded sweeter.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Sin Bin as much as I enjoyed sharing the story with you! Although I sincerely tried to make this book shorter than The Swede, alas, I couldn’t get these characters to cooperate! Logan and Meadow were two heartbroken souls who had to overcome traumatic pasts to achieve their happily-ever-after. Although their journey isn’t over, they can finally see a rainbow through the clouds. I look forward to hearing more from them in the future.

  The road to the Stanley Cup will end with Hunter’s story. The brilliant, enigmatic team captain enjoys calling the shots on and off the ice. But he’s about to meet his match in fiery, headstrong Cynara Tavárez. The Duchess refuses to surrender control to any man…even one as dangerously compelling as Hunter. Get ready for their epic battle of wills in Yes, Captain!

  The Denver Rebels Series will conclude with four novellas featuring each couple’s fairy-tale wedding and aftermath. These follow-up stories will be filled with heartwarming romance, gripping family drama and plenty of steamy sex. Rest assured that every dangling plot thread will be satisfactorily resolved within the pages of these juicy novellas.

  For example, will Reid convince Nadia to start their family sooner than planned? How will Viggo’s mother react to the devastating revelation that he was abused by his grandfather? How will this affect her relationship with the father figure she has always revered? What will happen when Logan finally meets the rest of his family? And is his mother really dead? Or is there a dramatic reunion in his future? Will Meadow ever make peace with her aunt Everly and reunite with her?

  These questions and more will be answered in Wicked Ever After (Reid and Nadia), From Sweden With Love (Viggo and Scarlett), Sin and Bliss (Logan and Meadow) and I Do, Captain (Hunter and Cynara).

  This series has introduced me to so many interesting characters I would love to explore further. Topping the list are Ryder and Aria Holden (Reid’s siblings) as well as Leif, Rikard and Svea Sandström (Viggo’s siblings). I’ve also been toying with the idea of launching an Off The Grid spinoff series featuring Scarlett’s bandmates. Even if that didn’t happen, Traeger and Cara would still likely get their own story.

  But I’m not making any promises because I honestly don’t know how many more books I have left in me. The writing business can be emotionally draining and not always rewarding, so retirement is never far from my thoughts. Real talk!

  Please turn the page to check out the playlist for Sin Bin. And Russ’s music video for “Wife You Up” is a must watch!

  For fans of my Brand Clan Series, be on the lookout for the dramatic conclusion to Whatever You Need. For Denver Rebels fans, please stay tuned for Hunter and Cynara’s story in the future.

  As always, I truly appreciate your support!



  Sin Bin Playlist

  For your listening pleasure…

  WIFE YOU UP by Russ

  BOO’D UP by Ella Mai


  WHENEVER YOU CALL by Brian McKnight (feat. Mariah Carey)

  A THOUSAND YEARS by Christina Perri

  ASALTO by Prince Royce


  FOR YOU I WILL by Monica

  SO IT GOES by Taylor Swift

  STILL HERE by Jennifer Hudson

  FLY ME TO THE MOON by Frank Sinatra

  LEAVING LAS VEGAS by Sheryl Crow

  Spanish Glossary

  Baila conmigo — Dance with me

  Carajito — Little kid

  Cariño — Sweetheart

  Cómo estás? — How are you?

  Coño — Fuck, Shit or Damn

  Dios mío — My God

  Eres el amor de mi vida — You are the love of my life

  Gracias — Thank you

  Hola — Hi or Hello

  Mamacita — Hot/Beautiful woman

  Mi corazón — My heart

  Mijo — My son

  Mi primer día de trabajo fue bien — My first day of work went well

  Mi vida — My life

  Muy bien — Very good

  Muy caliente — Very hot

  No más — No more

  Papacito — Hot/Handsome man

  Papi chulo — Pimp Daddy (also: Hot/Handsome guy)

  Pendejo — Asshole

  Puedo besarte? — Can I kiss you?

  Qué rico — Delicious

  Querida — Darling, Dear

  Qué tal tu día? — How was your day?

  Sí, mi amor — Yes, my love

  Sí, por favor — Yes, please

  Te amo — I love you

  Te lo prometo — I promise you

  Te necesito — I need you

  Tú eres mío — You are mine

  Tu español está mejorando — Your Spanish is getting better

  Vete al carajo — Go to hell


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