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Twisted Fates

Page 2

by A. R. Ford

  An overwhelming need to find my queen burst forth, and consumed me.

  The search for her would begin on our journey to Marleche.

  Chapter 2

  Mia: Now

  “Must we do the wash today?” My voice assumed the whiny tone of youth. I could not stand another day of scrubbing clothes against washboards. Already, a massive pot of water steamed as my father added more wood to the fire.

  “Yes, dear. You know we must see to basic needs, before there is any fun to be had.” My mother’s soft voice chided me as only she could.

  The depth of love I felt for my parents, filled my heart. I could not ask for better parents. Their pair bond grew stronger with time. Often, it appeared my parents communicated through the tendril. Even now, my father took a heavy basket of wet clothing from my mother’s hands, gently chiding her when she reluctantly relinquished her hold.

  “You should not lift things so heavy, Diana,” my father fussed. He pressed a kiss against her rosy lips. “That is one reason you have the finest Alpha the world has ever known.”

  A giggle burst forth before mother responded to his good-natured taunt. “You would strut, and brag, Josef. I expect nothing less of you.”

  “Anything for you, my love,” my father called over one shoulder.

  It warmed my heart to see them so in love. I could only hope to find an Alpha like my father.

  The village I called home was a place of peace, and acceptance. Here, Omegas, and Alphas, learned of their true nature before their first estrus, or rut. None were surprised by the changes taking place within their bodies. Even I sat through the classes taught by village elders. No one was spared the essential lessons. My cheeks pinkened at thoughts of the basic biology, and anatomy lessons all were required to participate in. Learning about ovulation, rutting, knots, Omega wombs, and the fertile essence only an Alpha could give them embarrassed me to this day.

  One day, I would have my own Alpha.

  “You can help your father. He can rinse the laundry. You can hang it on the line to dry, Mia.” Mother stood with a hand on one hip, the other wiping sweat from her brow. A few tendrils of gray hair mingled with the raven curtain of hair falling even with her waist. “I can scrub.”

  I clutched her close, head resting against her chest. At the age of eighteen, I adored my mother more than ever. “Thank you, mama. I love you!”

  “And I love you!” she called out as I ran to catch up with my father who neared the stream where rinsing the wash took place.

  Clean wash hung from lines near our hut by the end of the day. That evening, I sat near the fireplace while my father played a Ukulele, and sang favorite songs for us. Sleep claimed me not long afterwards. Weariness from the day’s work made rest a necessity.

  Sometime during the night, I woke as fever alternated with chills that chattered my teeth together. A deep cramp in my belly forced a wail as I fought against the pain. Mama appeared, kneeling beside my bed.

  “What hurts, Mia?” Mama’s cool hand pressed against my feverish brow.

  “A horrible cramp in my belly.” My voice was broken, and hoarse, as another cramp ripped through my belly. A gush of moisture between my legs brought Mama’s head up. Nostrils flaring, she called for my father.

  “What’s going on?” his question came the instant he stood at Mama’s side.

  “Her first estrus. We must act swiftly! Take her to the compound.”

  Papa’s strong arms slid beneath me, lifting my body as if I weighed no more than a newborn baby. “Take deep breaths, little one. You will soon be safe,” he assured me.

  The enclosed shelter resided within the cool depths of a cave. Two bamboo fences surrounded the area. Beta guards patrolled the area with variable laser rifles at their side. The compound housed unclaimed Omegas through their estrus. No one dared defile its sanctity. A centuries old edict mandated death for any Alpha who attempted to enter.

  A village elder opened the locked gate. He allowed my parents to accompany me inside.

  “Can I stay with her?” Papa asked.

  “It is not allowed. Her mother may stay the first day. After that, she must leave as well. It is our way,” the elder intoned in a deep, authoritative voice.

  “I understand,” Papa replied. He placed me on a cot, then kissed us both before turning to go.

  The feverish ramblings, and cramps, grew worse throughout the early morning. Mama remained until dusk the next day. The village elder escorted her from the enclosure. My gratitude for the system came when the overwhelming need to mate nearly drove me insane. For the first time, my fingers rubbed the secret place between my thighs. Only a few seconds of respite came with the feverish manipulations. I craved something more--something I did not fully understand. A keening wail burst from my lips. I curled in a ball, hoping it would end before madness consumed me.

  By the time my first estrus ended, I understood why the pair bond between Alpha, and Omega, held such importance. I did not know if I could survive another estrus without an Alpha to rut me through it. Omegas are resilient. I survived an estrus every four months for years.

  Mama assured me estrus was easier with an Alpha to ease our maddening need to mate. But would I ever find my Alpha?


  Four years later, I found myself pondering the same question.

  My Alpha did not live in the village. Every estrus drove me to the brink of insanity as the scent of powerful Alphas drifted through the walls of the compound set aside for Omegas in heat. Often, in the midst of estrus, I thought I could submit to any Alpha if given the opportunity.

  A staggering realization came when the madness ended. I would never submit to any Alpha other than the one intended by the gods for me. I wondered where he might be, and if I would ever find him.

  The idea remained in my thoughts, often consuming me when normal duties in the village did not occupy my time. The continued worry scrambled my thoughts. Scrambled thoughts led to an error in judgment.

  I wandered away from the village for the first time since my first estrus ended a few months ago.

  The rash decision could have life-altering consequences. I knew this, yet did it, anyway. I craved something different, something more exciting than the humdrum routine. Day in, and day out, the same thing occupied my time. Cooking food. Gathering food. Gathering firewood. Working in the garden.

  The cool water on the beach called my name. I obeyed. Wandering along the pristine white sands of the shore, I searched for oysters. A pearl would fetch a handsome sum of credits.

  Inattention was my second mistake.

  It was only when I waded into the surf, with skirts held in my hands, that the heavy thud of footsteps attracted my attention. I glanced in the direction of the sound, while shielding my eyes with one hand.

  Lit from behind by the rays of the sun as it settled toward the horizon, he looked more massive than perhaps he was. I knew before he came within a hundred feet of me that he was an Alpha. The rich, heady scent filled flared nostrils starved for such a delicacy. His skin glistened with perspiration. Dark, closely shorn hair covered his head. He wore leather pants, and boots, his upper body bare. Muscles rippled as he walked toward me.

  Gods! He was a behemoth. I wanted to go to him, to inhale his heady scent. Something held me back.

  I saw dozens of Alphas behind him. All had long hair worn left flowing free. Dressed in armor. Weapons held in their hands. Huge. Deadly. Moving steadily closer.

  The heady scent filled my senses, yet again. Could it be? Was this my Alpha?

  Frozen for only seconds, I surveyed the Alphas behind the one who approached with such casual purpose. I did not fear him. The other Alphas struck a chord of terror in some sheltered part of my mind. What would they do to me? Not wanting to find out, I turned, and fled. I was the fastest runner in the village. Chest heaving, feet digging into the sand. Almost. Almost there.

  An arm the size of a tree limb caught my waist, tugging me back against his massive, musc
ular body as he roared. My struggles, and screams, were answered with a gravelly growl that struck fear in my heart.

  “You are mine, now, Omega. There is no hope of escape.”

  The air filled with a deafening roar. Cheers. Hoots. Catcalls. They knew I belonged to him. None would dare challenge him. He stood at least two heads above the others. The group boarded a transport. As it soared into the air, the Alpha sat in a seat near the cockpit. He clutched me with one arm.

  “How long until we land?” the Beast growled.

  A Beta sitting at the controls in the cockpit glanced over one shoulder, hazel eyes flicking briefly over me. “Anxious to claim her, are we, Kade?”

  “I said how long?” The threat in the beast’s gravelly voice was apparent.

  “One hour,” the Beta replied.

  My mind shrank in on itself. Fear, metallic, and bitter, filled my mouth. The Alpha began to stroke my hair with one big paw. I shrank from each caress, only to freeze in terror at the Beast’s growl.

  “You are mine,” he whispered. “I will do with you as I please.”

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” I whimpered. Tears welled, clouding my vision until bright sparkles of light from the cockpit instrument panel were the only things I saw. My thoughts returned to my mundane life in the village.

  If only I had stayed where I was safe. I knew it was too late for wisdom.

  “Pain is not what I have in mind to inflict upon you, little Omega,” the Beast purred against my hair. A hand pushed strands of hair away from my ear. His teeth tugged the lobe, tongue teasing before he released the tormented flesh.

  A bolt of electricity ran from my ear, straight to my crotch. My body tingled in the most lascivious way possible. What could it mean? My thoughts were broken by chatter from the cockpit.

  “We are landing, now,” the Beta piloting the carrier advised.

  A clank of metal on the ground, and the sensation of no longer moving, signaled the craft’s landing. Hoisted over the Beast’s shoulder as if I were nothing more than a sack of grain, I watched the carrier disappear. The group entered the forest. Thick, green foliage closed in around us. The staccato thud of feet marching along the path, and calling birds, filled my ears. The men remained silent.

  Humidity clung cloyingly in the air. Perspiration covered every inch of my body. My hair clung to my head, and neck, in the same way a vine clung to a trellis.

  The journey ended not long after the last particle of light faded around us. The hubbub of voices alerted me when we entered a more populated area. The Alpha removed me from his shoulder, setting my feet on the ground. His paw clasped my hand, fingers tightening just short of pain.

  It was warning enough.

  The Beast led me toward a garrison constructed of stone. Over half the building lay within the mountain that loomed over us. Great walls, at least twenty feet in height, encircled the building. Combat boots drummed on the stone floor as he led me deeper within the structure. I could not say for certain where my journey would end. I knew only that my fate now lay in his hands.

  A massive door swung open to reveal a sizable chamber. A four-poster bed, large enough to hold the Alpha, had been pushed against one wall. Colorful bedding brought some life to the otherwise drab room. Black granite floor, ceiling, and walls. A narrow window that would provide no hope of escape. Two other doors I assumed led to a closet, and a bathroom. It may as well have been a prison. The door slammed shut behind us. A bolt slid into place. He manipulated several other locks into place before leading me to a corner.

  Beast retrieved a chain, and shackle, from a dresser. What sort of man keeps shackles in his room? I dared not guess the answer. The cold metal clamped around my ankle. Beast grinned, a mere peeling back of his lips from white teeth that resembled fangs—at least in my horrified mind.

  “This should prevent you from getting into trouble,” he rumbled.

  A knock came upon the door. The Alpha released the locks with practiced ease. He opened the door to reveal a Beta standing outside. Without a word, he stepped into the hallway. The door slammed shut behind him. I remained frozen, legs trembling like a reed in a typhoon. I did not have to wait long. He returned with a tray containing food, and water.

  Beast moved to a table, and chairs, sitting not far from where I stood. “You should eat,” he advised. “Come, sit.”

  In the light I could see more details of who this man was. His skin was darkly tanned. Scars marked his flesh. His face was sculpted from stone. Each plane perfectly aligned with other elements of his features. Perfectly balanced. More handsome than any man I knew. Thick brows curved over stormy, gray eyes, so dark as to nearly be black. Full, sensual lips drew my attention. Further inspection revealed a thickly muscled neck, broad chest, and defined abdominal muscles. Pants covered his body from the waist down. Thighs the size of tree trunks supported his weight. Every bit of him was constructed for one purpose: war, and victory.

  Beast moved toward me, a hand curling around my bicep, pulling me toward the chair where I sat, without question. He sat in the chair opposite mine. He pushed a bowl of some thick, fragrant stew across the table. A glass of water followed.

  “Eat.” Stormy eyes observed me closely. I stirred the stew, took one bite, and knew I would be sick. My stomach roiled, nausea filling my gut. “Eat, Omega.”

  “I can’t,” I whispered, eyes screwed shut, hands clutching my stomach.

  “Are you ill?”

  “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  At my muffled admission, Beast sprang into action. He carried me to the bathroom. The clink and clatter of the chain, followed. At least it was long enough to allow me to visit the bathroom. I bent over the toilet, gut clenching, perspiration icing my brow. Without warning, the contents of my stomach spewed into the bowl. I flushed the commode, pushed past Beast to the sink where I rinsed my mouth. The metallic stench of Omega fear no doubt filled the air. If he detected it, he said nothing. I stood with my head down, hands clenched. Defeated. Terrified.

  To my surprise, Beast carried me to the bed, even as my head swirled drunkenly. He pulled the blanket over me, fingers stroking my hair. “You should sleep,” he growled.

  “Why am I here?” the faintly spoken words spilled past lips gone suddenly dry.

  “You will be my mate. The Omegas are nearly extinct. Did you think I would let one of my men take you?” he chuckled, obviously quite pleased at his discovery. “Your scent drew me from over a mile away. How could I deny an attraction so strong?”

  “No. I will choose my mate.”

  Beast grinned at my response. “No one told you that decision is made by the Alpha? Deceit I am grateful for. You are my mate.”

  “You mean to rape me.”

  Beast threw back his head, Adam’s apple bobbing as his laughter roared into the air. “No, little Omega. You will agree to this when you enter estrus.”

  “Force does little to foster adoration.”

  “Ah!” he sighed. A chuckle vibrated within his chest. “You do not understand my intentions, little one. An estrus induction will be injected. You will enter estrus. I will rut you through it. I will claim you when the time is right. It is your duty to give me a child. Hopefully, many children. How is it no one has claimed you before now?”

  His words came with practical precision. The thought dawned on me that this Alpha spent some time planning all of this. He misunderstood the selection process.

  “My people believed the Omega should select her mate. I found none worthy among the Alphas there.” Ice tinged my words. It failed to cool his curiosity.

  “And no battles for the right to rut you through estrus occurred?” His eyes narrowed, voice deepening with the question.

  “The village elders constructed a place for Omegas to reside during estrus. A cave with only one entrance turned into a makeshift home. Several fences surrounded it. Beta guards were placed there, at all times. The sentence for breaking into the enclosure was death. None of the Alphas in
my village were foolish enough to attempt it.”

  Beast laughed at my explanation. “How fortunate for me none were worthy of your attention. How old are you?”

  “I celebrated my twenty second name day this spring.” Dread tinged the whispered words.

  A hand nearly as large as my head reached out, fingers trailing across my lips. “You are untouched.” A gaze tinged with fire held mine for a moment. “I shall enjoy claiming you, little Omega.”

  “I don’t even know your name.”

  “I am Kade, the uncrowned king of Barkjour Isle,” he chuckled, narrowed eyes holding my gaze. “Your place by my side is mandated. Every king must have a queen.”

  My mind shut down at his words. I knew with certainty this madman meant to keep me. It was all too much to process. I fell asleep with hopes I would wake up to find this day was a horrible nightmare.


  There would be no such luck. I woke at dawn to find Kade in bed with me. His powerful arms held my body so tight; I could scarcely breathe. Finally managing to wiggle free, I stood up, and grimaced when the chain clanked on the stone floor.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” His voice had the same quality as boulders crashing down a mountain. Deep. Dangerous. Powerful.

  “I have to use the bathroom.” Inwardly chastising myself for the tremor that crept into my voice, I stood with shoulders hunched, awaiting his response.


  The bathroom was functional. It contained a shower, sink, medicine cabinet, and commode. After emptying my aching bladder, I washed my hands, and rinsed my mouth with water. I turned with dread toward the door. The door that lay between me, and my captor. I knew taking too long could raise his ire. It occurred to me that doing so was unwise.

  He sat up in bed, the blanket pulled across both legs to his waist. Stormy eyes watched as I walked to the bed. The chain clinked with each step. My ankle ached from the shackle. I paused at the side of the bed. He caught me, pulling me into bed with him, forcing me to sit on his lap. His fingers traced the outline of each facial feature before moving to stroke along bare arms, and legs. Panic roared out of control when his hand moved above a knee. Slapping at his hands did nothing to dissuade him. If anything, it increased his determination.


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