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Twisted Fates

Page 6

by A. R. Ford

  I pulled the armor on without a second thought. A VLR in a holster attached to my back, daggers strapped to each thigh, and a kopesh in one hand--I knew I was ready to see my mate.

  During my time away, Tilda, and Mia, accomplished a great deal. Mia’s hair gleamed from having been combed until not a tangle remained. She wore a cream knit dress, paired with a royal blue sweater. A pair of simple leather slippers completed her outfit. The kopesh clanked on the floor when I set it against the wall.

  “You are simply amazing, pet.” I caressed her face, my free hand going to her belly. Tilda slipped out the door when I kissed Mia. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thank you,” she murmured. “Why are you wearing armor?”

  “It is time I assert my authority. Do you think you can walk with me to the entrance of the Garrison? If not, I’ll more than gladly carry you.” A thumb caressed her cheekbone. The tendril in my chest hummed with relaxed energy. Mia rubbed her cheek against the palm of my hand.

  “I think I can walk. I’ve had so much to eat today.”

  Mia interlaced her fingers with mine. The journey to the entrance took minutes. The courtyard was crowded with people. It pleased me to see the man professing he was a minister standing with Berenger just outside the doorway.

  “What’s going on?” Mia murmured.

  “Marry me, pet. Let there be no doubt of my feelings for you, or your place at my side,” I replied. To the throng I shouted, “Welcome my bride. You will treat her with the same respect with which you treat me.”

  Chapter 7


  My legs trembled at Kade’s words. Marriage? It was an ancient rite signifying life-long love, and devotion. Marriages no longer existed. One World took that right from us, forbidding marriages that were not approved through the universal council. Only Kade would choose to re-institute marriage.

  The throng of people gathered in the courtyard, roared. I hoped it meant they approved. An older man with wisps of gray hair, and blue eyes, carried a thick, leather-bound ledger in one hand as he stepped forward.

  “Sign your names in the book. Your union will be the first recorded in Barkjour Island’s ledger.” The man beamed as we each wrote our name beside the date in the book. “Kade, do you take Mia to be your Omega, and mother of your children?”

  “I do,” Kade replied.

  “Mia, do you take Kade as your Alpha, and father of your children?”

  “I do.” Kade pulled me close, a hand cradling the back of my head as he kissed me.

  “Forever, Mia,” he rasped in a hoarse, rumbling voice that made shivers run along my spine.

  The moment was not to last. Kade was determined to forge onward with other matters. He turned to face the crowd. One hand casually held the sickle-shaped weapon. “Uniting under one leader is the only way we can raise our people to greatness. I declare myself leader of Barkjour Island, and all who live here.”

  Catcalls, and a roar of protest, came from some of the crowd. Others stepped forward to kneel before the man they accepted as their leader.

  “You cannot lead! We agreed to democracy for one, and all!” someone in the crowd shouted.

  “Take the Omega whore back to her people,” another yelled.

  Kade released my hand before stepping forward. He roared, a fist pounding the center of his chest. The crowd fell silent. “If you do not wish me to lead, step forward, and fight me. If you can defeat me, you will lead!” His voice echoed in the quiet that hung like a pall over the crowd. “Are none of you confident in your abilities to defeat me? Come. Defeat me, or kneel at my feet.”

  As one, the people who stood, knelt with the others. My knees nearly gave way at the thought of what this meant. Berenger, and Tilda, stood at my side to offer support. Kade’s agenda continued. Four Alphas carried Gabel to the top step. They forced the man to kneel in front of Kade.

  “Gabel thought to abuse my mate while I was away freeing some of you from a One World prison.” Kade stood without speaking for nearly a minute. Not a sound came from the crowd as Gabel wept, and begged. “How do you answer the charges, Gabel?”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt her!” Gabel’s voice was choked with tears. “I beg you, let me go! I will serve you, and your Omega, until the day I die.”

  “One important word is missing from your claim.” Kade hefted the wicked weapon in his right hand. He moved closer to Gabel.

  Gabel’s tear-streaked face raised, brows drawn together, spittle-covered lips, trembling. Confusion filled his countenance. “What word?”

  “Faithfully,” Kade muttered.

  Time froze. It moved forward sluggishly, one second at a time.

  The Alphas holding Gabel’s arms, stepped aside. Kade raised the curved sword, then brought it down with brutal force.

  A scream burst from my lips as the severed head fell to the stone pavers with a thud. Warm blood splattered everyone standing at the entrance while a fountain of crimson spouted from the headless corpse.

  Kade’s foot came to rest in the center of the body’s chest. He shoved the body with one fluid movement. The body rolled backwards down the steps until it came to rest in front of the crowd of onlookers.

  “You know the punishment for failure to respect my bride. If you cannot accept her, you have until nightfall to leave the Garrison. You have been warned,” Kade’s voice echoed in the silence. He handed the sword to one of the Alphas standing close by, with instructions to clean, and sharpen, the weapon.

  My strength faded the instant he took my hand. Even Tilda, and Berenger could not support my dead weight. The world blurred before me as my eyes rolled back in my head.


  “Having her view an execution was an unwise decision!” Berenger’s voice came as a soft hiss of rage.

  Cool fingers pressed against my wrist while a damp cloth came to rest on my forehead. My stomach roiled at the thought of the horror that unfolded on the steps of the Garrison. I could not open my eyes, not yet. Blood stained my hands. I knew the gods would punish me.

  “I should have listened to you,” Kade muttered. “I realize that. How is she?”

  “You know the risk of miscarriage is increased due to the abuse she suffered during the past month. And now this? Gods, Kade. Mia is not some Beta whore to be treated as you please.”

  “I will take your medical advice where Mia is concerned. Do not think to lecture me on the proper way to treat my mate.” Kade’s voice was tinged with authoritative steel.

  After today’s display, no one dared challenge him. Including me or our child.

  My eyes fluttered open. I levered my upper body off the bed, only to be met by four eyes boring into my very soul. At least, it felt that way. Berenger’s eyes were filled with the compassionate gentleness he always demonstrated when caring for me. Kade’s eyes were hard, and flat. I could not decipher what lay in those stormy depths.

  “If you will excuse us, Berenger, I will have a word with my wife in private.” Berenger’s brows drew together at Kade’s words. Kade’s head rotated toward the man in an oddly mechanical way. The bones of his neck cracked an instant before he spoke. “I said go.”

  Berenger practically ran from the chamber, the staccato tapping of his shoes on the stone evidence of his haste. I sank into the pillows, hands clutching the blanket at my neck. Kade sat on the bed beside me. An automatic flinch came when he touched my face. Blood did not stain his hands. Gratitude bloomed at the small blessing.

  “Why do you pull away?”

  My lips, and hands, trembled. Mouth suddenly dry, I found it necessary to swallow several times before speaking. “You killed him. It’s my fault. Blood. I have blood on my hands.”

  Kade took my hands, turning first one, then the other over. His eyes traced along every inch of skin. “I see no blood. Gabel deserved to die for what he did to you. The others know to respect, and protect you. I would have nothing less.”

  “Was there not another punishment appropriate for his
crimes?” My eyes searched his as I waited for the response. I knew what he would say before he spoke.

  “No. Do not think to undermine my authority, Omega. The consequences will be…”

  “Death? Would you kill me if I dared disobey you?” Tears filled my eyes at the thought. One spilled free, trickling down my face as the irony of it all rushed full force at me.

  His hands caught my shoulders, forcing me toward him as his face came within inches of mine. Steely eyes bored into mine, pupils dilated. “You would not disobey me.” Fingers dug in deeper, forcing me to cry out. “Would you, dearest heart?”

  My mind whirled, overwhelmed, disillusioned. Why was I here? What purpose did I truly serve for my Alpha, the Beast?

  A gush of moisture between my thighs preceded the pain that knifed through my womb. I whimpered, hands cupping the faintly rounded contours of my belly.

  Kade’s hands touched me gently, almost reverently, as confusion filled his countenance.


  I could not answer him. A glance at the blanket revealed my worst fears. Bright crimson stained the fabric. I pulled the blanket aside, hands delving between my thighs to confirm what I already knew. Another pain stabbed deep, followed by yet another gush of blood. Hands stained red, I lifted them to Kade.

  “The gods punishment for blood on my hands. Does it fit the crime, husband?” I fell against the pillows when Kade backed away. Hysterical laughter ripped from my throat.

  The intercom system brought Berenger at a run. Kade remained, standing straight, and emotionless. Berenger’s examination confirmed what I knew in my gut.

  My baby was dead.

  Berenger remained with me for hours until it was over. He comforted me as each harsh contraction forced a morbid preterm delivery. He thought to leave with the baby’s body hidden in a basin.

  “I would see my child.” Berenger turned to face me. His ashen face said more than words could. He glanced at Kade, then back to me. “You will bury him. His name is Jasper. Please mark the grave. It’s the least I can do for him, since I have failed as his mother.”

  The tiny body was the same size of a plum. The ripe purple plums that grew in abundance on Marleche. Jasper was perfectly formed. Tiny toes, and fingers. Translucent skin that revealed ribs, and darker viscera. My finger caressed my baby, communicating every emotion held within my shattered heart.

  “You may take him.”

  Berenger bowed his head, eyes glistening. He left the room without a word. There was no need. His eyes communicated more than words ever would.

  Alone with Beast, I turned my head, unable to bear seeing him. Not once had he expressed any emotion. He climbed into bed with me after removing his boots, and armor. The need for words passed. My mind raced, determined to find a way to escape, even as Kade purred, and stroked my hair. I’m trapped with a cold, unfeeling brute for a mate.

  I remained in Kade’s room for the most part in the days that followed. Tilda kept me company when Kade left the room. Berenger appeared at least once a day to assess my physical condition. I spoke only when spoken to, preferring to remain deeply buried in the safe recesses of my mind.

  Weeks after that fateful day, Tilda, and I, ventured into the courtyard for a walk. Everyone who crossed our path bowed, mumbled a greeting, and hurried past us. Fear reflected in their eyes. Who could blame them?

  “We should walk outside the wall, Miss.” Tilda’s encouragement to explore was accompanied by a bright grin. She bounced expectantly before her voice lowered. “I have something important to show you.”

  My trust in Tilda gave me the strength to walk with her outside the wall. She led me along a path west of the wall. The path disappeared into the morass of vines, and herbage, forming an archway overhead. Beams of light fell onto the pathway. Calling birds speckled the air with their squawks, and trills. Tilda veered onto a well-worn branch of the path. She halted less than ten minutes later. An immense launchpad stood before us. Several transports rested on its surface.

  “What is this place, Tilda?”

  Bright blue eyes danced when she turned toward me, and spoke. “Your path to freedom.”

  “I can’t operate one of those things!” I whispered, eyes searching the area for signs of guards. “We need to go before guards find us here.”

  “Your Alpha is confident that this place will never be discovered by enemies. There are no guards. I have the operations manual hidden in my room. We can learn, Miss. You are no longer content here.” Tilda clutched my hand. “I will obey any command you give me. I will follow you to death’s door, and beyond. You only need to give the order.”

  My decision was made in an instant. I would do anything to escape the cold, callous Beast who assumed alternate personalities as easily as the wind shifts course. “We can do it.”

  “You can do anything, Miss. You’re more intelligent than they give you credit for. We should get back before your Alpha comes looking for us.”

  Hope. It took root, and began to sprout, that day. Every day thereafter, we spent time alone in Tilda’s room, the only place the Beast did not visit routinely. Information on operating the transport became one with my brain. My confidence reached an adequate level two weeks after Tilda revealed her plan. I pretended to sleep the morning of our planned departure. A few items of clothing for each of us were packed in a small backpack that could be explained away as food for a picnic.

  My heart rose in my throat as we made our way to the transport. As luck would have it, no guards stood on duty. Tilda, and I, ran to the transport, and entered it. Time was of the essence. I managed to bring the engines online and engage the thrusters. I cried out as the craft rose in the air. Below us, I saw the launchpad. Kade, and at least half a dozen of his Alpha guards, burst through the undergrowth.

  The tendril pulsed with his attempts to soothe, and lure me into returning. Not today. I would determine the path my future took, not the Beast who did not know how to love, and comfort me, since the loss of the baby.

  At least, that’s what I thought. The transport shuddered. The whine of engines straining to create enough thrust for climbing to a higher altitude, powered down. The transport’s emergency lights blinked.

  Transport retrieval protocol initiated. The synthetic voice foretold my plan’s demise.

  When the transport came to rest on the launch pad, the loading ramp descended with a hiss. I turned to face the first person to enter. The heavy thud of boots on the ramp signaled someone’s arrival.

  Kade stood before me, alone, eyes narrowed into slits. “You thought to escape me, Mia?” His voice was tinged with fire, steel, and fury.

  My knees trembled. Tilda attempted to run past me to no, doubt stand, between me, and my mate. I caught her arm. “I’ll face him on my own, Tilda. I did,” I admitted readily, chin tilted upward in a show of defiance.

  “Foolish girl,” he growled. One step brought him within a foot of where I stood. He threw me over one shoulder. “I’ll have to see what I can do to correct your behavior.”

  Over his shoulder, Kade issued another command. “Throw the Beta in the dungeon. I will deal with her later.”

  Terror made my gut tense. What have I done, now?

  Chapter 8


  My Omega’s behavior in the days following the loss of our child bordered on depression. Not once did I think she would try to escape. The realization came that I failed as her mate. Instead of comforting her when she needed it most, I chose to focus on building my empire. Nevertheless, her insubordination could not continue.

  Once inside our room, I tossed her on the bed. There was only one way to punish her disobedience.


  Mia gaped at my command. “You’re crazy if you think…”

  Each piece of my armor was removed before being laid aside. I folded each piece of clothing. The combat boots landed with a thud on the floor. My mate lay fully clothed on the bed. She had the audacity to glare at me.

A fist stroked my aching cock. The movements brought a growl of feral lust. She thought to deny me? A tug of one hand at the neck of her dress ripped the offending garment free. The wisp of silk shielding her sex suffered the same fate.

  “Do not think you’ll escape, again,” came the growled warning a second before my body pinned hers against the mattress.

  Our mating was no tender affair. No growl rumbled in my chest to call forth slick to ease the passage of my dick. I meant to subdue her. The feral nature within me professed it was the only way to maintain control. Her wrists were pinned over her head beneath one hand. The other forced her legs apart.

  The crimson haze infiltrated my vision within seconds of the first thrust. I resisted as best I could. My feral aspect controlled much of our mating. Mia cried. She whimpered. She begged. My attempts to ignore her, were futile. A growl called forth the sweet-scented slick. My mouth claimed hers. I could no more deny her pleasure than I could my own. Her body bowed beneath mine, crotch grinding against mine as she sought her pleasure. A thumb, and forefinger, aided her quest by latching onto the swollen nub. Massaging. Stroking. Milking a climax as violent as any battle.

  With the knot locked in place, her body over mine as I lay in bed, my fingers found her chin. “You will not disobey me, again.”

  Blown pupils consumed honeyed irises. Mia writhed against me. The contractions of her silken sheath forced ropes of thick cream from balls swollen with seed. I had not taken her in the nearly two months since the miscarriage. Berenger cautioned that failing to allow her to heal could damage her ability to conceive. It had been the only warning I needed.

  I kept her there for an entire day. I mated with her when she woke or if she resisted. Any reason was good enough to dominate her, show her who owned her heart--mind, body, and soul. At the end, she was exhausted, unable to do more than sleep. The shackle clicked closed on her ankle. There would be no attempts to escape while I was gone. A guard posted at the door provided extra assurance.

  It was time I visited one source of my mate’s discontent.


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