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Just Friends: NA Romance (Bending the Rules Book 3)

Page 11

by A. M. Wray

“All day I’ve been sick. My stomach has been eating me alive with worry. I’d had enough and I went to see him, but he was passed out completely. He didn’t even register that I had knocked on the door and the front door is mere feet from his bedroom door, which was open. There’s no way he wouldn’t have heard me. I checked his pulse and it was far too low. I think he’s been ruphied. I didn’t call 911 because if, and it is a big if because I damn well know that I’m not, but if I’m wrong, and he’s just passed out, then I’d have called an ambulance and everything for nothing. I’d embarrass everyone involved all because I was jealous of an ex-girlfriend.”

  “But if you’re right, and he’s been drugged…”

  “Exactly. That’s why I’m calling you. I’m five minutes from the hospital. Come in there with me. You can watch us do the test. If that test turns, get him help. Send everyone. If I’m right and she did drug him, I’m terrified she will do worse if she realizes that I took the bottle.”

  “I’m here. I only live around the corner. I’ll call Joey, Alex’s partner. I’m going to have him drive over to the house and park to wait for my word. If you’re right, I don’t want to waste any time getting him help.”

  “Thank you, so much,” I said. “I know that you don’t know me past what you saw of me today, so I appreciate this.”

  He reassured me that everything would be fine, and we got off the phone. I received a text from a strange number. I was terrified that it was Sara, but it turned out to be Joey. Shawn had given him my number, and Joey texted me to let me know that he was headed over to Alex’s. Just as Shawn had said, Joey told me that he would park at a safe distance from the house and only approach when given the go ahead.

  My entire body was shaking. If there was ever a time for my gut to fail me, it certainly wasn’t then. I silently prayed that everything turned out, even if it meant that I was the one without my wits about me. I just wanted to know that he was safe.

  Chapter Twelve

  Shawn and I stood in the lab, tapping our feet as we waited. As soon as I’d arrived, Shawn fingerprinted the entire bottle. He wanted to get them compared to those that they took at my house earlier in the day. Neither one of us knew if it would do any good, but it was worth a shot. Once he’d finished with that, we handed it over to the new girl in the lab. It seemed like days, but it had only been a few minutes. It didn’t take long before the lab tech turned, her eyes wide. The moment that I saw her expression, I knew.

  “I’ve never seen the litmus turn colors so fast,” she said. “There’s no way for me to tell how much is in here because so much of the bottle was consumed, but I can safely say there is a lot in here. Whoever the receiver of this drink was is in danger of having his or her breathing stop. I’d send an ambulance immediately.”

  Tears immediately began pouring down my face. I’d left him there! I knew, and I’d left him. I was trying to play it safe, but I’d put him in more danger. Shawn grabbed ahold of me.

  “Don’t worry! Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to take care of this. Stay here where it’s safe. I’m going to get all the help he needs.”

  All I could do was nod. That was it. I couldn’t stop crying. Ugly crying. It was hideous. I sounded like a kid whose first puppy died. I fell to my knees on the floor and shakily pulled the phone from my pocket. I had no other option. I had to call Nancy. If I didn’t, she’d flat murder me the next time that she saw me. I needed to call Jax, too. They were so far away. It wasn’t going to be easy for them to get there from Fort Wayne. It was a six-hour drive.

  God, please let him be okay.

  ~ ~ ~

  By the time the ambulance got there, I had already changed into my scrubs and had the whole team ready. Lucky for Alex, the ER was slow and had plenty of bored nurses standing around with nothing better to do.

  When they wheeled him in, Shawn was by his side as one paramedic pushed him and the other did CPR. They’d already started an IV and Doctor Zane, the night shift ER doc, was already screaming out orders. Alex was blue. He’d been coding. I wasn’t sure if his heart had stopped, or if his breathing had slowed down enough that oxygen wasn’t getting through good enough, but his beautiful pink lips were blue. Icy, deathly blue.

  I very quickly found myself being pushed out of the way as everyone else worked on him. Shawn wrapped his arms around me to hold me back. I hadn’t realized it, but I was fighting to get up there to Alex. I was screaming at Shawn, but I couldn’t remember anything that I said. Only that I screamed for him to get off me.

  A tiny voice cut through the air, and I looked over to see Nancy standing in the doorway, her eyes wide, tears falling down her cheeks as she stared at her coding son. I’d done that. I’d let my fear of hurting Alex get in the way of doing what I knew needed to be done and now there he was. Half-dead on a gurney.

  Nancy grabbed hold of my arm, and I stilled. Shawn loosened his grip on me a bit and helped me walk outside of the room, Nancy never breaking contact.

  “You have to let them work,” Nancy said, her voice barely steady.

  How could she do it? How could she stay so strong? That was her son!

  “I have to help them! What if something goes wrong?” I cried out.

  I was so loud. I was the patient family member that everyone has to worry about. I was the one that they’d have to threaten. I was the one they’d have to beg to calm down, or I’d have to leave. I couldn’t control myself or my volume.

  “No,” Nancy said. “You’ve done enough. You got him help.”

  I shook my head, more tears streaming down my face. “I killed him. I let that bitch get away with it! I knew she was dangerous. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. If I’d only stood up to him instead of being terrified of pushing him away or hurting his feelings, he wouldn’t be here.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for that,” Shawn said. “Alex made his own choices. You did the right thing.”

  “What happened?” I asked. I’d been so worried about him that I’d forgotten to ask what happened. “Did you get her?”

  Shawn sighed. “No. She was long gone by the time we got there.”

  “She must have seen that the bottle was missing,” I said. “Damn it!”

  Shawn nodded. “That’s what we think, too. But don’t worry. We will get her. She went after one of us. She will pay for this.”

  “He’s back!” I heard Doctor Zane call out.

  My eyes darted in their direction. Alex was very still on the table, but I could hear the steady beeping of his heart on the monitor. He’d also been intubated. I sighed in relief before falling to my knees. I felt so weak. The weight lifted off me. He was okay. He was okay for the moment.

  Shawn lifted me off the floor and carried me bridal style to lay me on one of the beds.

  “You need to relax here until you regain yourself. You’re weak, and I don’t want you to pass out and hurt yourself,” he said.

  “I’m the nurse,” I said, my voice weak. “I’m the one that’s supposed to take care of everyone else.”

  “He’s right,” Nancy said. “You’re not going anywhere. I’m going to make sure of that. When they move him to ICU, we will go up there.”

  I nodded, more grateful than ever that I had her by my side. We spent the next few hours talking about Alex and what had happened between us. I was completely honest and answered all of her questions. About me. About our weird relationship. How we’d fallen for one another, or rather, how I’d realized how much I’d cared for him. Then Sara. I told her everything.

  At one point, we both fell asleep in Alex’s room listening to the sounds of his heart on the monitor. Doctor Zane said that he would be fine, but it would be a few hours yet before he came around for more than a few minutes at a time. He’d tested positive for a lot of the drug Rohypnol, though we had no idea where she’d have gotten it.

  Joey was out with a few others searching for Sara. They weren’t very happy. Hazing or not, Alex was one of them, and they weren’t to be
messed with.

  “Andi.” A feminine voice whispered my name, prompting me to open my eyes.

  “Hmm?” I said, attempting to come around.

  “Hey,” Elizabeth said. “How are you doing?”

  “Oh!” Nancy said, waking up out of a deep sleep to jump up and wrap her arms around Elizabeth and Jax. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Nancy kissed them both.

  “Where’s Hunter?” I asked.

  “Desiree and Aiden have him,” Elizabeth said. “This was too important. We needed to make sure Alex was going to be okay and to check on you.”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “Just shaken. They still haven’t found Sara, yet.”

  “They will,” Jax said. “Give them time.”

  Moaning could be heard coming from the other side of the room. Alex was beginning to stir. I rushed to his side, grabbing hold of his hand.

  “Alex,” I said. “You’re in the hospital. You were drugged.”

  He sighed heavily, his entire body going limp in exasperation. “It was Sara. I thought the beer tasted strange, but I let it go. Andi…”

  “Don’t,” I said, kissing his hand. “Don’t worry about that now.”

  “I’m just so sorry,” Alex said. “I should have listened. I don’t remember much. I just remember her talking about how she and I were meant to be together. I’d saved her, and it was a sign that we were supposed to be together. I remember hearing your voice, but I thought it was a dream.”

  “No. I was there. I’d come to check on you. I was so scared that something bad had happened. So, I stole your beer bottle, called Shawn to have him meet me here at the hospital, and when it tested positive, Shawn sent the cavalry after you.”

  “Dear God,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “What a mess I’ve made. I am so sorry. I’m also sorry because I don’t think I can keep my eyes open any longer, and I more than likely won’t remember anything that you just said.”

  I kissed his forehead, and by the time I pulled back, he was sleeping again. Shawn walked in then, a grim look on his face.

  “How’s he doing?” he asked.

  “He’s awake and talking,” Jax said, allowing me a moment to clear my tears. “Well, he’s back out now, it seems. But he’ll be fine.”

  Shawn sighed and nodded. “Good. I’m glad to hear that. Uh… I don’t exactly know how to say this. It’s strange when you’re closer to the people you’re talking to than complete strangers.”

  “What is it?” I asked, worry filling me again. “What’s happened now?”

  “We found Sara,” he started. “There was a call about a house fire.”

  My eyes widened, my jaw dropping. “No.”

  “The address sounded familiar, so I took the call. I’m very sorry, Andi.”

  I’d cried so much that I wasn’t sure I had any more tears left. When the shock wore off, I imagined that I would drown in them.

  “How much damage was there?” I asked.

  Shawn’s lips pressed together in the thin line as his eyes looked to the floor.

  “It’s gone. There’s nothing left. Including her.”

  “Wait. What?” Elizabeth asked. “Sara’s gone? As in she died?”

  “We haven’t identified the body, yet,” Shawn said. “There was a body inside. Coroner said it was female. It seemed like she’d broken in and was setting the place on fire from inside, but it took off too quickly. She was trapped inside.”

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t respond. How… Just… How?

  “Thank you,” I said. I didn’t even recognize my own voice. Too much had happened in such a short time. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Andi.” Jax stepped forward, wrapping me in his arms.

  Ah… There they were. The tears. As soon as I felt the warmth of his body envelop me, I began soaking his shirt with them.

  “I’m so sorry,” Elizabeth said.

  Oh, God. Elizabeth! The dresses!

  “The dresses! Elizabeth, the dresses were in the house,” I said.

  She shushed me as she ran her hand back and forth across my back. “Don’t worry about the dresses. There are far more things to worry about right now. Please just focus on yourself, okay? We are family. We’re going to take care of each other, just like we always have.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Shawn wasn’t wrong. My house was completely gone. There was nothing left. Because of my diligent cataloguing of everything in my house that was worth anything, my insurance check totaled well over $300,000.00. Yes. That’s correct. My grandmother had left me several pieces of antique jewelry that was very expensive. I was sad that it was lost, because of the sentimental value, but I was grateful that it cushioned the financial blow, by a lot. That check paid what was left on my house, it bought all new furnishings, and put a very healthy down payment on a new home. It was actually nicer than my last.

  Sara’s body had been positively identified, so Alex and I didn’t have to worry about her any longer. Though I didn’t like that she had to die to get it accomplished, especially in my home – while burning it to the ground, I was happy that we didn’t have to fear her. The worry had been there that even after they captured her that she would get out and come after one or both of us again. I couldn’t handle that thought. It was terrifying. Until they identified the body, Alex and I were both scared it could happen.

  Alex had only been monitored for twenty-four hours before being released. He had some residual fatigue and his memory was spotty, but he was happy to be out. We stayed together for the first week in a hotel because of our fear until we’d known Sara’s fate for sure. It wasn’t ideal, but given what we’d have to go back to by staying in his house, all her things lingering and creeping us out, we didn’t care at all.

  In the end, I wasn’t the only one that moved. Alex couldn’t stand the thought of being back in his house at all. Not just that first week, but ever again. Minus his major furniture, he bought everything brand new. I helped. I couldn’t help it. By the time my insurance check came in, Alex had found a place to rent and we began the process of moving him in.

  Jax and Elizabeth stayed in town as well, though Jax went back for Hunter after everything calmed down and we knew everyone would be safe. They stayed with Nancy and Hunter got to try out his new nursery. The bachelor and bachelorette parties were postponed indefinitely. It just didn’t seem right to throw a party with the doom lingering in the air. Instead, we decided to have one hell of a reception after the wedding.

  News circulated around the hospital quickly. Everyone there loved Elizabeth. She’d worked there with me for a very long time. Donations were taken up without our knowledge and they purchased brand new dresses for all the bridesmaids. They’d even gotten a florist to donate some flowers for the event. It was beautiful. Sometimes small communities were better than bigger ones. Family was everything to them.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Elizabeth.

  She was stunning. Her dress was a brilliant white with deep purple accents. It was strapless and her hair was worn up with a lot of curls pinned everywhere. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. Just looking at her brought tears to my eyes. Everything she’d been through led her there. To absolute happiness with a wonderful man.

  “I am,” she replied, a large smile on her face. “I’ve never been so ready.”

  The door opened as Alex walked in.

  “Is everyone in here rea… Holy sh…”

  “Ah!” I snapped, putting a finger in the air. “Don’t you dare curse on her wedding day.”

  “I’m sorry!” Alex said, his eyes wide as he looked Elizabeth over. “You look beautiful.”

  He closed the door behind him and crossed the room, leaning down to give me a kiss.

  “I’m gonna get you in one of those one of these days. You know that, right?” he said, a large smile playing on his lips.

  I shook my head. “You’ve already talked me into everything else. I suppose that wouldn’t be too

  It took a while for me to get over the fact that he’d so easily lacked confidence in me with all that happened, but he busted his ass to make it up to me. I didn’t ask him to. In fact, I’d begged him to stop, but he didn’t. He’d make me dinner, or take me out. He’d watch movies with me. He wasn’t exactly sure what had happened with Sara while he was drugged, and he didn’t want to know, but he’d taken precautions for me. He said that he couldn’t touch me until he knew he was clean and healthy. It meant so much that he cared, even though it was a weird situation.

  Even after everything came back okay, he refused to touch me. He said that he would spend every day making things up to me until he deserved me. Every day he told me that he loved me at least a dozen times and every day I told him that I loved him. Finally, after nearly three weeks, he accepted my proposal. My proposal to be a real couple, that is. He was worth trying for.

  “I’m glad you see it my way,” Alex said. “Liz, sis, it’s time. We have to line up in the hall.”

  As we made our way out into the chaos of the hall to see everyone lining up and getting into place, I looked at Alex, my sweet, loving, gullible and chivalrous boyfriend, and felt happy. I had everything I needed right there. Everyone in my life under one roof. It was temporary, and we would go our separate ways, but that was the day everything fell into place. I began to tear up as I walked down the aisle with Alex on my arm. He looked amazing in his sharp black tux. At that moment, I imagined myself walking down the aisle again in the future, but with Alex. I’d realized long ago that I didn’t need a man to be happy. Still… It wasn’t too bad to have someone in my life to be happy with.

  Covers and Synopses for future books down below!

  Wrath by Candy Crum (2/7/17)

  Time of Death Series book 2


  Will is dead... Jay is alive... and I am something in between.

  A succubus.

  Some sort of supernatural creature that survives by draining the life energy out of humans through sex.


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