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Together in Darkness

Page 10

by Sloan McBride

"Where does all this leave us?"

  "Trying to guess his next move, I'd say."

  "Great! So we're right back to where we started."

  Jake leveled his stare. “We just need to keep our eyes open and senses sharp. Stress that to your men. And, make sure they stay close to Allison Brody. I don't care if she sees them or not."

  "I thought she was too old to be a target."

  "Based on past cases, his MO, the profile and the path he's been following, she is too old. But I'm unsure what he will do next and that worries me."

  Lancaster sipped his hot coffee. “I'm glad your team is here. No offense Austin, but a team of federal investigators are more experienced in this sort of thing. I hate to admit it, but there it is."

  "It's not the first time I've heard it.” Jake took a huge bite of the cherry pie in front of him.

  "A question."

  "Go ahead."

  "If you don't believe in the supernatural, why are you so worried about keeping an eye on Allison Brody? I thought you dismissed her claims of psychic ability."

  "She's a piece to the puzzle, that's all. We need to know what she's doing."

  "Uh, huh. But won't seeing the police around her spook him?"

  "Not likely. He's arrogant, confident, and loves rubbing my face in it when he one ups me. I'd rather have someone close to her just in case."

  "What about you?"

  "Me?” Jake took another bite of pie. “How do you mean?"

  "I thought—uh, thought you might want to stay closer to her.” Lancaster's eyes found Jake's steady glare.

  "I can tell you for a fact that if I stay near her, The Surgeon would definitely do something. I have to go."

  Before Lancaster could comment, Jake was gone, leaving money on the table to pay the bill.

  * * * *

  Allison booted up her computer. She had decided to toy with some new promotion ideas and see if any of her chat pals were around. It provided her with a way to step back from the situation and calm down. She heard, “You've got mail."

  Her fingers froze when she found the most recent message was from ‘The Surgeon'. Allison chose to read the message before calling the police.

  Double clicking to open the e-mail, the screen danced and changed, exploding with color. Red lettering in a bold elegant font appeared. “You're so delectable, my mouth waters for your taste."

  Allison's palms grew sweaty and her heart pounded, but she clicked on the attachment and waited. Pictures downloaded onto the monitor. One of her getting into her car at the house the day she found the last florist box. The zoom had captured her shocked expression. The next showed her in the display window at R&N's working. The final pictures unnerved her more than the first two. They had been taken last night in the cove out back of her house where she had held her arms up to the heavens and begged for help. He had been there, close enough to take the pictures and yet she'd not sensed him.

  Allison's concentration faltered after seeing the e-mail and the pictures, so much so that she let her shield slip. His darkness crept inside, filling her with cold hatred and the fury of a killer. His intimidation tactics frightened her. Unwilling to give in to the lure, the possibility that someone she had loved could be this evil, she focused her energy and pushed back the darkness with light. Again her barrier was in place. “Damn you. What are you up to?"

  Allison pulled up her designs and started working on them to distract her thoughts. On several occasions, she massaged her neck and rubbed circles around her temples. The designs weren't coming along as well as she'd hoped. She slammed her hands down on the computer desk. “Break time,” she said and wandered down to the kitchen for some lunch and hot tea.

  As she stood in the quiet room absently stirring honey into her mug, the doorbell rang. It was very unusual for her to have guests. She opened the door to see Jake Austin.

  The light green shirt made his eyes that much deeper in color and the stiff, pristine jeans he wore suited him. His chest was more remarkable when not hidden by a suit coat. He slid his hands into his back pockets making his jeans a little tighter. “Hello."

  "Hi. This is an unexpected surprise.” Allison thought she noted a brief hesitation before he spoke.

  "Can we talk?"

  Even though he seemed casual, intensity rumbled around him.

  "Come in.” She moved aside to allow him access to the house. “Would you like some tea or something to eat?"

  "No, thanks."

  Allison closed the door, all too aware of his closeness. “I'm in the kitchen, right through here.” She led the way. When Allison reached the counter where her tea sat, she gripped the spoon and stirred. With her other hand, she clutched the edge of the countertop.

  Without so much as a by-your-leave, Jake toured her kitchen, looking in cupboards and lifting lids on containers. “If you're looking for drugs, I only do the prescription kind and they are sitting in the windowsill. I keep my Ouija Board and crystal ball hidden in the pantry,” she said dryly.

  Jake chuckled but stopped perusing. “Sorry. It's a habit with me. Didn't mean to intrude."

  "Then what are you doing here?"

  He coughed and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I wanted to know more about what you do."

  "What I do?"

  "Yes, you're, uh, magical powers or whatever."

  Allison studied him for a few minutes before speaking. “Why?"

  His left hand brushed through his dark hair, separating thick strands. He seemed to contemplate what to say next. It amused her to think he was at a loss for words. “I'm sure you already have some file on me."

  Jake ducked his head and gave her a sideways glance. “Not much in the file, really."

  Stunned and a little ticked that he'd actually checked her out, Allison gritted her teeth. He cocked an eyebrow, waiting. How could she explain powers she wasn't sure about and a life she'd chosen against?

  "I'm half gypsy. My father's side. Gypsies have a long history of psychic powers, palm reading, tarot cards, and fortune tellers."

  "Yeah, I've seen the movies.” His eyes twinkled.

  "Very funny.” Allison took her mug and went over to sit at the table, curling her right leg under her. She motioned for him to sit also.

  "The powers, abilities, gifts or whatever you choose to call them, are passed down to only the females of the line, but not to every female, and they differ from generation to generation."

  "So the males get nothing?"

  She scowled at him. “Not exactly. Some of them get heightened senses. They know when they're being watched or feel when something bad will happen. It never develops more than that in the males of our family. And, again, it doesn't happen to every male and it skips generations sometimes. Plus, we are very good with animals,” she added for good measure.

  "Anyway, on rare occasions, if a female is born on the equinox, she inherits all the powers in some form or other and they are enhanced tremendously. Or that's the theory."


  Allison shrugged. “In eight generations, it's only happened twice. My great-grandmother and me."

  Jake cocked his head, studying her. “I ask the question again. Theory?"

  Uncomfortable, Allison toyed with a napkin. “Look, Agent. This is speculation and mumbo jumbo by your standards. Why did you come here? It's certainly not because you're interested in my abilities."

  Allison ran her index finger around the rim of her mug, waiting.

  "I've been chasing this UNSUB for a long time and he always eludes me.” Jake stood to pace. “You claim to see things through his eyes. This intrigues me and I wonder why."

  A raw, sensual power emanated from him. “I don't have an answer for you, Agent Austin."

  He stopped in front of her chair. “Would you please stop calling me that,” he ground out through clenched teeth.


  "Agent. My name is Jake. Can you call me Jake?"

  "If it pleases you."

  That threw him, s
he could tell. He frowned.

  "I can't say that I understand it. I won't even say that I necessarily believe it, but.... “He sighed. “Will you help me?” Various emotions skittered across Jake's features.

  "That couldn't have been easy for you."

  "Nothing's been easy.” He thrust his right hand out, urging her to shake. “So what do you say?"

  Allison made it a point to avoid touching people. Part of her itched to twine her fingers with his tanned ones, part of her warned it would be unwise to collaborate. She'd be better off on her own. Unfortunately, the imprudent half won and Allison reached out and closed her hand over his. They shook. A brief surge of energy shot through her arm, straight to her stomach.

  "In the spirit of our newly formed—collaboration, I should tell you about an e-mail I received from The Surgeon today.” She eased her hand from his grip, which had tightened the minute she brought up the e-mail.

  "I need to see it.” The urgency was back in his voice and his body tensed.

  Just for an instant, Allison saw a red aura around him. “The computer's in the other room."

  She booted up and signed on. “I've only received the one."

  Jake sat down, expertly opening the e-mail. She read the words again and looked at the pictures. Silence stretched out as seconds passed.

  Jake cleared his throat. “Do you have an empty disk?"

  "Right here."

  Allison leaned over his left shoulder behind the monitor to retrieve a disk. She stayed hunched by his shoulder as he copied the e-mail. He smelled of fresh soap and hotel shampoo. It wasn't overly strong, but pleasant. She caught herself before actually sniffing his hair. How stupidly teenage was that?

  "Okay.” Jake stood, sending Allison stumbling back. “I'll send someone over later for the computer.” He averted eye contact.

  "I can't afford to lose my hard drive."

  "No worries. Our guys are experts in this kind of stuff. Or I should say girl, Margo. She'll make sure all your information remains intact."


  "Well.... “He paused holding the disk in one hand and shoving the other into his front pocket. “I'll be going then.” As he brushed past her, he stopped. “Oh, here.” He handed her a cherry lollipop.

  "Uh, thanks,” she said puzzled by the gesture. “What's this for?"

  Jake shrugged. “A peace offering.” He gave her his devilish grin.

  Sparks shot straight to her heart. “Unusual and.... “Her left brow arched, tugging the corner of her mouth with it. “Unexpected.” Maybe under all that machoness there actually hid a sensitive soul? Allison pulled the wrapper off and stuck the lollipop in her mouth. “Ummm, I love cherry."

  She twirled the candy around a few times. Wickedly, Allison pushed the stick in and out between her lips, never breaking eye contact.

  Jake coughed in his hand and shifted positions, a little too nervous, she thought.

  "Good day, ma'am.” Jake saluted before he left.

  She whispered. “Until we meet again, Jake Austin."

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  Allison turned her attention from the maroon sedan driving away from her house. She closed the door and found Yanni lounging on the settee. Dangling from her ears were red, sparkly earrings which matched the color of her blouse.

  "What's interesting?"


  "Yeah, well, if you like the tall, dark, and mysterious type.” She plopped down in the over-stuffed chair and threw her legs over the arm.

  "Do you?"

  "Yanni. Why do you keep turning up like this?"

  "I am meant to be here. To help you."


  "Do not be annoying. You know it is my purpose."

  "Do I?"

  Yanni rolled over to her stomach, placing her elbows on the arm and holding her face between her palms. “Tell me what you have learned."

  Allison sighed. “Very well. I believe the killer is Alex."

  Yanni's gaze narrowed. “The boy? The one in your dreams?"

  "Yes. It's the only explanation I have as to why we connect. Even he intimated that we'd linked before. It took me a while to piece it together.” She drew her knees to her chest. “It's been a long time since I've thought of Alex, a very long time."

  Suddenly, Allison's eyes went blank. Her pupils enlarged and her arms dropped to her side. “He's here outside, looking at the house. He stays in the woods."

  Yanni crossed her legs, Indian style, put her palms together and raised her hands above her head. She separated them and brought them down slowly, taking deep breaths. With her eyes closed, she said, “I see him. He is cautious. He knows about your shadows."


  "Yes. The policemen who have been tailing you since the day you went to the police station."

  "He's been watching me."

  "And others."

  "He killed that poor woman. I couldn't stop it."

  "You could not know who he would choose."

  "But I should have tried. I shouldn't have let Austin push me out the door."

  "Try harder next time."

  Allison's eyes popped open. “I feel anger in him. Anger with me and Austin."

  "We must work on your control and shielding. He breaks through too easily."


  Yanni raised her delicate hand and the bracelets fell back clanging. “You need control. It may be the only protection you have when the time comes."

  "What are you talking about?"

  Yanni swung her legs to the floor and crawled over to where Allison sat. Grabbing her hands, she captured her attention. “The time will come when you and he meet face-to-face. Do not be fooled into thinking that he will do you no harm. Time changes people. If this is your Alex, you cannot know what the years have done to him. Life is sometimes cruel."

  She hadn't gotten past the fact that this killer was the boy she'd fallen in love with a long time ago, but Allison knew she couldn't remove herself from the situation. “Okay. Where do we start?"

  For the rest of the day, Yanni instructed and coached Allison, tiring and relentless in her instruction.

  Allison fell backward to the floor, her arms thrown out as if to make a snow angel. “I can't do anymore. It's been six hours. My brain is about to explode."

  Yanni clapped her hands. “Pay attention, your life may depend on it."

  Allison opened one eye and stared at her petite task master. “Is there something you're not telling me?"

  "Of course not,” Yanni blustered. “But the future is uncertain. You cannot know when you will need to focus all your powers."

  Allison sighed. “I understand, but I also know if I don't get some sleep, I won't be any good to anyone."

  "Once more then we will be done for the day."

  "Very well,” Allison agreed then lifted herself back up to the lotus position.

  "Hands around, up, together. Yes, that's it. Now exhale as you slowly lower them. Concentrate on centering your energy."

  With eyes closed, Allison focused on the soft tone of Yanni's voice. She felt the heat vibrate in her chest like a wild fire that fought to be contained.

  "Harness the power so you can focus and direct it,” Yanni said.

  Allison thought about a ball of fire and stretched her right hand out. The heat moved from her chest to her shoulder then down her arm. When she cracked her eyes, she thought she'd see a small flame sitting in the palm of her hand, but there was nothing. Disappointed, she dropped one hand and with the fingers of the other, she rubbed her temple where a headache began to form. “This is impossible."

  Yanni stood. “To achieve, you must first believe.” She held out her right hand, palm facing upward. A ball of orange fire hovered in her palm. She focused her gaze on the dancing heat and it grew larger, turning blue, bright red, and orange again.

  Astounded, Allison said, “Amazing. I didn't imagine it was possible."

  "That is why you failed.” Yanni closed her hand extinguishing the flames. “We will try again tomorrow.” She smiled then disappeared into green smoke.

  "That is so cool,” Allison whispered.

  The sun hung lazy in the sky as the day waned and Allison took her normal walk, clearing her mind of unpleasant thoughts. Not knowing why, she walked to the guest house which sat on the cusp of the cove.

  The porch had a small swing and, affixed to the chain, was a red envelope attached with satin ribbon. Allison sat on the swing and carefully opened the envelope. A card tumbled into her lap.

  Like the moon you glow, a beacon in the darkest night. Like the sea your blood flows steady, your spirit takes flight. Like a pendulum my anticipation swings to and fro, waiting for that moment when you let yourself go. Your name is whispered in the evening breeze, wraps around the branches and trunks of trees, a moment will come not too far away when we'll be together forever and a day. When you're ready to hear what I'm longing to say, that will be your judgment day. Anxious, I'm waiting for you to see that your future and destiny lie with me.

  She stared at the neatly written words on the page, caught up in the flow of the prose and the musical rhythm. Even though the verse was unsigned, she knew the identity of the author. The meaning of the message sank in and her hands began to tremble.

  The paper crackled. She'd obviously succeeded in diverting the killer's attention. Or had she?

  * * * *

  Lancaster guided Allison down the hall to an empty room. As she passed the command post, she noticed a board with several women's pictures pinned to it. She'd only gotten a brief glimpse before Lancaster prodded her to move on. The last picture on the right caught her attention. She had seen that woman somewhere.

  Allison sat quietly in one room, nursing some of the station's horrid coffee, while Jake sat at a rectangular bleached out table in another room, reading the words over and over. Computer databases were accessed looking for similar crimes over the past ten years. Jake didn't know what Margo did half the time, but he knew she would tell them if she turned up anything.

  He could hear harsh whispers coming from the corner of the room where Peter and Ginny stood. Not sure he wanted to know what they were arguing about, Jake directed his attention back to the note and Bill Lancaster.


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