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The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Kay, Amanda

  “Of course, Ms. Correti. I know how I would feel if it was my child,” he answered before hanging up.

  Satisfied with himself, he headed to the door. He had snuck an overnight bag in his car already. “Hey dad, going camping tonight, but Tai’s mom is sending a rescuer for her,” he called before leaving the house.


  When she arrived at her apartment it was dark. She looked around and spotted Kai’s car, but it didn’t look like anyone was inside. She pushed open her door and cautiously entered the apartment. “Lukas?” she called.

  “Right here, doll.” His voice was low and strained.

  She flipped on a small lamp. “What the hell are you doing sitting in the dark?” she admonished.

  “I think better in the dark.” She nodded at his reply.

  “This is one of those don’t ask questions moments isn’t it?” She laughed lightly.

  “Correct, doll.” His voice was now seductive as he stood and moved towards her.

  “I need a shower, my back and feet are killing me.” She breathed overtaken by his closeness.

  “Sounds like a plan, doll, come on,” he whispered kissing her gently on the lips before leading her to her bathroom.


  He probably should’ve flipped on a light, but he was processing and the darkness helped him decompress. He had called Tai’s mom and dropped the bomb that Raiden was a vampire. She freaked out of course, and immediately said she would send Tai’s ex for her. While Kai was proud of that moment, at first. After he had been alone in Gloria’s apartment in the darkness for an hour, he suddenly felt guilty. He tried to push those guilty thoughts from his head, but he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried.

  “Coming, Lukas?” Her voice pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up at her peeking her head out from the shower curtain.

  “Fuck yes!” He beamed quickly stripping off his clothes and joining her. “ beautiful, doll.” He muttered as he trailed his mouth from her shoulder to her neck.

  “Ahhh.” She breathed. His hands moved to her lower back and he began to knead with his knuckles. “That feels good, Lukas.” She moaned leaning back against him resting her head on his shoulder.

  “You have a lot of knots, doll. Do you really need to work there?” he questioned, surprised at much he cared about her well-being.

  “Are you saying you care, Kai Lukas?” She smiled still resting against him.

  “Of course I care, doll, just things are...well, they’re complicated.” She sighed at his words. He felt bad that he couldn’t tell her everything, but if he did, she’d run for the hills for sure.


  Kai Lukas was hot and cold over the last few days. She did know why, but she didn’t ask either. ‘Hey I’ll be over tonight.’ She stared at the text. For the last several months he had been bouncing between her place and having her sneak into his place. Every morning leaving the minute the sun came up or kicking her out just before.

  ‘See you then.’ She typed back, she didn’t know what was happening. He hadn’t asked her for anything since that first confrontation in the park. Bethany had confronted her on more than one occasion.

  ‘Bethany was working today and Gloria groaned. She was the manager though. So Gloria had to play nice. “I see Kai dropped you off today,” she stated as Gloria was tying her apron on in the locker room.

  “So he did. What’s it to you?” she spit back.

  Bethany crossed her arms, “Look, I know you don’t like me, but Kai Lukas isn’t who you think he is.” She sighed before shaking her head and leaving Gloria alone.

  She feared something had happened between them, or maybe it was just like Raiden. Did Bethany have a thing for both of them? Was she holding out that one day one of them would look her way.’

  Gloria remembered that conversation, she never confronted Kai on it, reminding herself that they had a deal, but every time their nights ended and they parted, she wondered. Maybe he was just holding out for Bethany. Maybe he wasn’t.

  He didn’t seem happy when Jordan arrived and moved in Bethany’s direction and she wondered if that had less to do with Tai staying and not giving her ex one glance or because he had feelings for Bethany and now another guy was moving in. She sighed and stared at her phone again.

  “Yeah, see you tonight, Lukas. I don’t mind being your little slut.” She dropped her phone to the couch and fell onto it. The tears stung her cheeks. She wanted to be worth something to someone.


  He was staring at Tai Coretti. She was still here. Hell, so was her ex, Jordan. She knew the truth and it didn’t scare her. Jordan was moving in on Bethany. She wasn’t his but Kai always felt an obligation to her, especially after what happened between them. He knew he was getting under Raiden’s skin. He thought back to one of the times at the diner.

  ‘He got out of the car and walked around to open her door. “What are you doing, Lukas?” She asked clearly amused.

  “Walking you in.” She raised an eyebrow and looked around the parking lot. “What are you looking for?”

  “Raiden’s car.” Kai laughed.

  “Am I that transparent?” She chuckled and shook her head letting him take her hand.

  The second they entered the diner he spotted Raiden in his usual booth. Bethany was at their table and was next to him, he was trapped. “Fuck!” Raiden roared shifting both Tai’s and Bethany’s focus to the door.

  Kai smirked in his direction before pulling Gloria to him and placing a kiss square on her lips. He heard Raiden mumble something, but for now he was focused on the blonde in his arms. Was he playing her? Yes. Was he falling for her? Yes. Kai tried not to think about that as he pulled his mouth from hers.

  “Damn it, sweetheart, let me up!” Raiden barked at Tai. She grabbed his hands and spoke to him, Kai couldn’t hear her extract words, but she was standing her ground.

  Raiden spoke back to her focusing only on her for the time being. Kai just waved and smirked before leaving. Raiden’s glare could be felt all the way to his car. This satisfied Kai. He loved getting under his skin.’

  He walked up behind her. His intention was to just spook her a little, place some doubt in her head. “Ah, he left his precious alone.”

  “Go away, Kai,” she said without turning around.

  “I think I’ll stay.” He moved closer to her. “What do you think Raiden would do if I put my hands on you?” He was amused by her discomfort as he ran his hand down her back. She stepped forward moving out of reach still not looking back at him.

  “Get the fuck away from her, Kai!” A voice he once thought he loved boomed from behind him. A voice he still cared about, and missed having in his life to talk to.

  “Oh, I should’ve known she wasn’t out here alone.” He hissed trying to cover up his emotions.

  “Yeah, Kai, you should’ve. Now I won’t say it again get the fuck out of here before Raiden finds out and he comes here himself to kick your sorry ass.” Kai wondered when she got so feisty. He decided to just leave it alone though. Bethany would’ve had no problem slapping him if he challenged her further. He missed her.

  He flicked his gaze back at Tai who had been watching the confrontation between Bethany and him.

  “We’ll meet again, sweet Tai,” he said with an amused smirk. Mission accomplished.


  He knew the door would be unlocked so she wasn’t surprised when she heard rustling in her living room while she was still getting ready. “Just make yourself at home, Lukas.” She laughed calling out to him.

  “You know I will, doll,” he threw back. She was taking her time when she suddenly smelled food cooking.

  “What are you doing?” She smiled crossing her arms as she stopped at the edge of her kitchen.

  “I thought we had a deal?” he questioned laughing.

  “Oh really, Lukas, that is the game?” She fired back playfully.

  “If it is, what are you going to do about it, doll?”
She enjoyed bantering with him. She liked his playful side and it was a side she rarely saw. A side most people rarely saw.

  “My couch could use some warmth tonight,” she fired at him walking away. She could feel his eyes on her, but he didn’t move. “Problem, Lukas?” she questioned sitting on the couch not looking his way.

  “I thought I’d try my romantic side tonight.” His voice was barely above a whisper. Score one for her. She sauntered back over to him wrapping her arms around his middle. She moved her hand down his chest, his breath caught. She undid the button on his jeans. “I might burn dinner,” he gasped out.

  “Then we’ll order something.” She whispered in his ear before running her tongue along his skin. Her hand had slipped into his jeans and boxers. He was breathing hard and trying to focus on the meal he was preparing. Gloria was relishing in the fact that he was letting her have the control.

  “Oh my God, doll...what you do to me.” He dropped the cooking utensil and braced himself against her counter allowing her to continue to get him off.

  When he exploded in her hand, the smoke detector started going off. She laughed lifting her hand from his pants. “Shall we order pizza, Lukas.” He just nodded. She laughed harder reaching around him to kill the smoke detector. “That was fucking awesome,” she whispered before leaving him alone in the kitchen to wash her hands.


  “Son, I need you a moment.” Kai swallowed, this wasn’t good. He had failed, even though Raiden and Tai weren’t engaged yet. Kai knew it was just a matter of time. He was running out of time but the truth was, he wasn’t sure if he wanted that life anymore. He thought about cooking for Gloria and bantering with her, and then, well...she rocked his world.

  “What can I do for you, dad?” Kai asked stepping into his office.

  “Ummm...what the fuck is going on?” He was keeping his voice level but knew he was disappointed.

  “I’m working on something,” Kai retorted quickly escaping.

  Kai knew it was time to double down which meant asking for Gloria’s help again. What he needed her to do, he hated. He for sure didn’t want her lips on anyone else’s least of all Raiden’s.

  ‘Doll meet me outside I’m on my way to get you.’ He texted quickly pulling out of his drive and ripping off in her direction.


  She obeyed his text and was standing outside when he pulled up. There was an ominous feeling that washed over her as she thought about his text before climbing into his car.

  “I need a favor, doll.” He said not even looking in her direction.

  “Ummm...sure.” She swallowed, the ominous feeling grew.

  “Doll...?” The nervousness in his voice caused her to give him a pointed stare. “I’m taking you to Raiden’s.”

  “What do you need?” she asked.

  “Knock on the door, do anything to get him to answer then plant a kiss on him.”

  “Lukas...” she began, but he raised his hand.

  “Doll, I’m possessive. I hate this, but you have to make sure Tai sees the kiss and then...” he paused, she was having trouble breathing. “I want you to convince Tai that you were having an affair with him.”

  “Lukas, have you lost your fucking mind?!” she shouted.

  “Doll, I need your help. Please,” he begged.

  She closed her eyes and just nodded her agreement as Kai began driving in the direction of Raiden’s house.


  It was silent the whole five minutes to Raiden’s house. When he stopped the car he grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. “Doll, I’m running out of options, my family is counting on me.” His voice was shaking. He wanted to turn the fucking car around, but he couldn’t. He had failed. He had to play a last ditch effort to get marriage off the table for Raiden and Tai.

  She nodded, “Just wish I got it,” she sighed.

  “I wish I could explain it, doll.” He kissed her cheek before releasing her to the task at hand. She exited the car and he watched her stroll up to Raiden’s door. He had to look away because if he didn’t, he would jump Raiden the moment her lips touched his. “Fuck!” he roared, slamming his hand against the steering wheel. He hated this shit. He hated he was putting the girl he loved through this game, through this pointless game, and he truly believed it was pointless now. Raiden was clearly in love, so was Tai. He truly didn’t know why Raiden was waiting, but he knew it was because there was a plan swirling in his head.


  She neared the door, the panic seizing her. She didn’t want to disappoint Kai, but she desperately wanted to understand. She banged on the door and tried to use all the emotions she was feeling. “Please, Raiden, answer the door, it’s about Kai.” She assumed this would work since they were at odds.

  Gloria wasn’t sure what her face looked like at the moment but Raiden immediately looked concerned. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  She shook her head and felt a tear hit her face, shit she hadn’t realized she was crying she wiped the tear from her face. He pulled her into the house and shut the door.

  “Gloria, what’s wrong?” he pressed her. Gloria shook her head again trying to stall, she needed more courage before she could pull off the task Kai asked her to.

  “Gloria...” he started again, but this time she silenced him with a kiss lacing herself in such a way that would make it hard for him to pull away without possibly hurting her. She had a hard time keeping her lips locked with his. She had to wait till Tai saw them lip locked.

  “What the fuck!” She heard her screech. Gloria then broke the kiss. Pass or play time she could follow through or break down and tell them everything.

  “Missed you last night, Raiden.” she purred. Tai stared, the tears filling her eyes and then she took off up the steps. Raiden followed so Gloria let herself out.


  He turned towards the door in time to see Gloria walking slowly back to the car. There were tears clearly in her eyes. “Oh God, what have I done?” he whispered.

  He got out of the car and rushed to her. She shrugged him off, “Please, Lukas. Don’t touch me.” She pleaded as she continued towards the car and got in.

  Kai sighed before returning to the driver side, “So...?” He hated pressing her but he needed a report.

  “She was devastated,” she answered quietly.

  “Good job, doll,” he said driving her back to her apartment.

  “I’d like to be alone tonight,” she said right before they stopped at her building.

  “Okay, doll,” he agreed. “Gloria...” he began, unsure of what to say. She just shook her head and climbed out.

  Kai had nothing to say now. He had to let her go. Besides, he had to go on watch and see if Tai was leaving. He drove back to Raiden’s house and camped out front. ‘Waiting outside Raiden’s should have update soon.’ He typed to his dad and Roy. As he sat outside in his car waiting to see what would happen next, his thoughts went to Gloria. The blonde that had stolen his heart, invaded his mind daily. The one person he didn’t want to lose, yet he had no choice.

  “Redemption, Lukas, this is for redemption,” he reminded himself. He focused back on the house and just waited, and waited. The hours past and still nothing, eventually sleep claimed him.


  She stared at her phone for hours trying to decide if she was going to call Kai. She shook her head and finally set her phone on the nightstand. Just as she was drifting off to sleep it rang. “Hello?” She questioned unsure of who was calling since she didn’t look.

  “He doesn’t love you. You’re just a game.” The male voice spoke.

  “Raiden?” She asked it was the only answer she had.

  “That isn’t important.” The man replied and then the phone just died.

  She was shaking, sure that the voice wasn’t Raiden’s. She didn’t have a choice she had to reach out to Kai. The phone rang and rang finally going to voice mail. The tears stung her eyes. “Lukas, I’m scared.” Was al
l she managed to get out before hanging up. She cried herself to sleep praying Kai would call, but he never did.

  The sun was shining in through his car windshield and his phone was screeching at him. “Lukas.” He answered.

  “What the fuck have you been doing?” Kai groaned at Roy’s voice.

  “Playing the game. I know how to get to Raiden.”

  “Yes, well it’s not working, so it’s time to up the stakes.” Kai sighed.

  “What are you thinking, sir?” Kai swallowed.

  “Bring Tai to me.” Kai’s eyes widened and he was glad that Roy wasn’t in front of him.

  “Ummm...sir...” Kai began.

  “No it’s time, Kai, play the game and then bring her to me,” Roy interjected firmly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Kai, I need a little scare.” Kai nodded.

  “Of course, sir,” Kai replied hanging up.

  He looked down at his phone in his hand and saw a missed call and voicemail from Gloria. He knew if he listened to it, going through with Roy’s latest request of him would be impossible. “Sorry, doll,” he whispered to himself before exiting the car.

  The door opened and Tai stood before him. “Lovely to see you again, Tai.” He grabbed hold of her, and she turned her head towards the stairs and Kai knew she wanted to scream. He silenced her with his finger. “I wouldn’t do that, sweetness.” The words coming out of his mouth were typically him, but he was changing and everything he was saying was making him sick.

  ‘And Kai, I need a little scare.’ He thought about those words and knew exactly what Roy wanted.

  She looked at him and silently complied. “Good girl, when we get to our location you can show me what all the fuss is about.” Kai knew Raiden was going to kill him for what it seemed like he was implying. “Raiden sure loves human women, especially you, and I’m dying to find out what kind of fuck I’m missing.” He hissed softly to her. She struggled against his hold, but remained silent.


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