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The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Kay, Amanda

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Lukas?”

  Kai planted a smug smile on his face. “I have a document for you that you might enjoy.” He held his hand out and Raiden took the document reading over it quickly.

  “What the hell is this, Kai?” Raiden asked looking up.

  “My ticket to redemption.” With that Kai watched his one-time friend morph into something he couldn’t describe. Raiden flat out snapped.

  “You don’t fucking get redemption, Kai.” You made your choice at twenty-one just like I did.” Kai listened as Raiden continued to spit words at him. “Guess what, asshole? You. Are. Stuck.” Kai laughed, that was good one. Roy and his father promised things would be alright he just had to wait it out.

  “Good one, Wyrick, you can tell me that one again when your fiancée leaves your sorry ass because you can’t keep your pathetic promise to her.”

  With that last phrase any control Raiden had vanished before Kai could process what was going on. Raiden slammed his fist into his face. “FUCK YOU!” Kai stumbled out the door. “Don’t you fucking come back.” Raiden yelled as he slammed the door in his face. Kai pressed his hand against his cheek as his wandered back to his car. What now? The mission was complete, but at what cost?


  She called in sick to work and had been throwing up for the last hour. She couldn’t hold anything down. She had a theory, but she was scared to death about the outcome. She reached into her bathroom drawer she had bought a pregnancy test a few months ago. She was on the pill, but she also knew it could fail. Kai had been the man she allowed to go without a condom because she thought she meant something to him.

  “Stupid stupid bitch!” She admonished herself in the mirror. “Time to pay the piper.” She took the test and waited with baited breath. Finally, ‘pregnant.’ She threw the test at the mirror and rushed to her bed collapsing on it in a fit of tears.


  He pulled into Grace’s clinic, a place he hadn’t been to in years, for a few reasons. His face was stinging and when he looked in the rearview mirror there was a huge welt forming on his cheek. Raiden had clocked him good and it was well deserved. He pulled out his phone wanting to address something that had been said to him while at Raiden’s. “Hello, son, did you deliver it?”

  “Yes, sir,” Kai replied.

  “Good and...?” he pressed.

  “And nothing. I was hit, cursed at, and kicked out. Raiden was visibly upset.”

  “This is good,” his father replied.

  “I have to ask you something.” Kai swallowed. “If this works, can Roy really get us all redemption?” His father remained silent. “Dad?” Kai asked again.

  “Why would you ask such a thing?” his dad snapped.

  “I...was just wondering,” Kai answered.

  “Don’t fucking question me or Roy, boy. So far you don’t deserve redemption!” His father hissed promptly hanging up.

  Kai sighed as he climbed out of the car. Maybe Raiden was right. For now, Kai couldn’t focus on that he needed to focus on his own redemption, and that now entailed finding a way to make things right with Gloria.

  “Kai, I haven’t seen you in here for a while,” Grace said instantly.

  Jordan was staring at him and Kai was surprised to see him at the clinic. “What are you doing here?” Kai questioned.

  “Jordan is working for me. Shall we go to the back?” Grace answered. Kai continued to stare at Jordan and likewise Jordan continued to stare at him. “Jordan, you’re free to go,” Grace addressed which broke the stare down.

  “Are you sure?” Jordan asked looking her way. Grace looked towards Kai and back at Jordan and nodded and with that he left.

  “That’s a nasty bruise you got there under your eye and cheek,” She threw at him as she made her way to the back.

  “Raiden might have hit me,” he chuckled as he entered the exam room.

  “It’s about time.” She smiled at him.

  He shrugged, “I suppose. I...think it helped clear some things.”

  “Really, like what?” Grace asked as she took an ice pack and pressed it to his face.

  “Someone admitted to loving me last night.” He smiled remembering her soft voice.

  “That someone wouldn’t be Gloria Keller would it?” she asked with a cock of her eyebrow.

  “I see you and Bethany still talk.” She nodded. “She’s gorgeous, Grace. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, but...” he paused.

  “But what?” she asked stepping back away from him.

  “She’s human.” Grace turned away and left the room leaving Kai in wonder.

  “Do you love her, Kai Lukas?” she asked stepping back into the room with a folder in her hand.

  Kai nodded, “I do.” She handed over the folder.

  “Don’t read this now, but when you’re ready. Oh, one more thing, Lukas, you and Bethany need to talk in the future.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I cared about her, but I didn’t love her. I know that now.” Grace gave him a small smile and he left with folder in hand. He ended up at her apartment but he couldn’t bring himself to go inside. His father called a few times, as did Roy, but he didn’t answer. He kept looking at the folder on the passenger seat until the darkness started to fall.


  She knew she was in trouble, when she couldn’t get Kai Lukas out of her head. He was a fucking asshole, she thought the way Raiden kicked her out after they had sex was bad. Well, it surely didn’t compare to the way Kai had dismissed her.

  “Damn it, Gloria! You are not trash!” she hissed, but the truth was trash was exactly what she was. She knew Kai didn’t want her any more than Raiden and yet she easily fell in bed with both of them. Power and control was all those two cared about. Her phone rang as she stared into the darkness of her bedroom. “What?” She answered, damn she really was a bitch, she would have to work on that, but when your self-esteem is so low no matter how you present yourself on the outside it’s tough to not be a bitch.

  “Gloria, It’s Kai” he stated, his tone different than anything she had ever heard him use. He had lost whatever battle he was fighting with Raiden, because Raiden got engaged. For three months after that, Gloria ended her night in Kai’s bed only to be hastily thrown out the next morning. This last time though he was downright cruel and Gloria wasn’t sure why he was calling now.

  “And you want?” She hadn’t turned off the bitch and she wouldn’t, not for Kai Lukas. The truth was she thought even though they were trying to breakup Raiden and Tai that they had something special, Kai crushed that though this morning.

  “I’m sorry.” Was all he said before hanging up. He’s sorry. Really? Kai Lukas is sorry? Maybe he does care.


  He needed to apologize and he hoped she heard him. Tonight wasn’t the night to go to her. He needed to let the dust settle. His phone rang again ‘Roy calling.’ Kai just shook his head and sent it to voicemail.

  He switched on the light and car and pulled the folder onto his lap. ‘Gloria Keller.’ He stared at her name. “What is this, Grace?” he whispered as he opened the folder she had given him.

  The first page was just simple medical lab work, but at the bottom something caught Kai’s eye. ‘Blood not full human.’ “What?” He continued to read, ‘after further tests proof is there that Miss Keller is half-breed.’ Oh my God! Kai couldn’t focus. Did she know this?

  Kai flipped the page, unsure of what it would bring next. ‘It is likely Miss Keller doesn’t know this fact.’ Kai breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Because of suspicions that Miss Keller likely doesn’t know this fact about herself, I conducted a DNA test and tested against the database setup at Lee Wyrick’s request. Results are curious and report that Miss Keller’s father is Roy Greenly.’

  “What the fuck?” Kai shouted dropping the papers to the passenger seat. He looked at her door and stared. “My poor doll. I’m sorry. I’ll fix this, I love you.” he whispered as his phone began again.

  “Hello, Roy.” Kai answered trying to remain calm. What he wanted to do is kick Roy’s hypocritical ass.

  “I know, Kai. Don’t push me.” he said before he just ended the call.

  “Yeah, okay asshole!” Kai yelled at the phone even though Roy was gone. He had no clue what he was going to do, but she needed to know the truth and that meant the truth about it all.


  She woke up and rushed to the bathroom. Oh God. How was she going to explain this to anyone? Maybe she should just go to Grace. As she finished throwing up there was a knock on her door. She quickly brushed her teeth and went to the door. When she opened it she found Kai Lukas standing there looking just as gorgeous as ever, despite bruises on the side of his face.

  “Good morning,” he spoke quietly.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking him up and down spotting a folder in his hand. What was this?

  “Was hoping we could talk, doll.” His voice was so different not the strong firm Kai Lukas she had grown to know. This was a gentler Kai Lukas.

  “I guess so. Come in,” she responded, stepping aside allowing him to enter. She watched him briefly as he walked to her breakfast bar and set the folder down. He stood there not facing her for a moment so she turned away from him finally shutting the apartment door.

  “I have so much to tell you,” he whispered.

  She walked slowly towards him stopping just short of him crossing her arms in front of her. “So start talking, Lukas.” He sighed at her words and she was reeling with a thousand emotions.

  He turned towards her, his eyes glowing with passion? He didn’t speak, instead he closed the gap between them and took her face in his hands pressing his lips firmly against hers. She tried to pull away only for a second before she melted into him allowing his tongue to slip inside her mouth and entwine itself with hers.

  After what seemed likes hours, he broke the kiss. “I love you,” he panted. Gloria’s heart dropped to her stomach. Oh my god! He loved her?


  He had done it. Told the woman he loved just that, that he loved her. She wasn’t speaking she wasn’t moving, Kai wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. “Doll?” he said still catching his breath running his thumbs across her cheeks.

  “You love me?” She finally asked.

  “Very much, Gloria Keller.” He smiled.

  “But yesterday....” she began. He placed a finger over her mouth.

  “I have a lot of explaining to do. And I have a lot of making up to do. However, I’m truly sorry about yesterday morning. My head wasn’t in a good place.” He stopped before he started rambling.

  “You really hurt me.” He nodded in agreement. He knew that he severely hurt her and if he had to, he would spend the rest of his life making up for that.

  “I know, doll. Please just give some time to explain things.” She nodded and her eyes glossed over his face. Her fingers went to the bruised side and gently rubbed over his bruises.

  “What happened?” she asked quietly

  “Raiden,” he answered, her eyes widened. “Don’t worry, I deserved it for a lot of reasons. Can we go sit down?” She nodded and he led her over to the couch.

  He studied her a minute after they sat down. “Are you feeling okay.” She replied with a shake of her head. “What can I do?” She shrugged.

  Kai was disappointed she wasn’t confiding in him but he didn’t blame her. “How about some toast?” She gave him a smile and he kissed her briefly before heading towards her kitchen. It was a good thing he had so much to tell her and he needed to get his thoughts in order.


  She wanted to tell him, but she also needed to hear what he had to say first. The way he tossed her yesterday morning was different than all the other mornings. He was never particularly nice, but yesterday he was down right out of line.

  “Some juice, doll?” he called from the kitchen.

  “Juice sounds great, Lukas.” She couldn’t help but smile. This was what she wanted. She wanted the passionate and rough sex Kai, but she wanted to be taken care of as well. Not that she deserved such a thing, but she was hoping Kai Lukas could be her light.

  He walked back in with a plate of toast and a glass of juice. “Here you go, doll.”

  “Thank you,” she responded softly.

  “So...” he began, ringing his hands together. “I’m not who you think I am.” She paused mid bite.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, suddenly worried about the direction of this conversation.

  “I’m a vampire.” She busted out laughing. Kai wasn’t laughing though, instead he just stared at her with a serious expression across his face. She stopped laughing and her eyes widened.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well luckily, that was the hard part. I’m a vampire as is Raiden and Bethany and we aren’t the only ones. Years ago, before I was even born, when Lee Wyrick first became king of this land...” She held up her hand effectively stopping him.

  “King?” He chuckled at the question

  “Yes, King, Raiden is a Prince. And if we were to get technical I’m a duke and Bethany is a duchess.”

  “Ummm....” She started but stopped immediately. She couldn’t process this.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in. Just give me time and I’ll make things clear.” She nodded. Kai didn’t speak right away instead he grabbed one of her hands and rested it on his leg caressing her wrist with his fingers.


  “I didn’t think that would go quite like that,” he said quietly. Her free hand came to his face causing him to look her direction.

  “What do you mean?” she asked him.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to laugh. I was expecting bruises on the other side of my face and being kicked to the curb.” He chuckled.

  “I’m still lost, Kai.”

  “I know that, doll.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek she smiled at him. “That doesn’t get old.”

  “What doesn’t get old?” She eyed him cautiously.

  “Seeing you smile.” He answered with a smile of his own.

  “Oh,” she responded. He chuckled at her shyness.

  “So...where were we?”

  “You were saying how you were a vampire, but act very human.” Kai laughed because he wasn’t quite there yet, but yes it was time to get to that. He scratched his chin trying to figure out how to begin this next part. How to describe how he turned on his two best friends?

  “Before I was born, Lee and Melanie knew they needed to do something. There were humans moving into the country and Lee wanted them to see that the country had a strong leadership. Tom, he is a top vampire, has a power that no one else has, he was able to grant those that wanted to live amongst the humans even breed with them that chance.” Kai had to take a breath.


  She watched him inhale and exhale. “Were you friends with Raiden?” she asked hoping he would answer.

  “Yes, doll, and Bethany too. We were best friends.”

  “What happened?” He held up his hand silencing her.

  “I’m getting there, it’s just complicated.” She nodded and allowed him to continue. “So anyhow, when I was young I remembered going to the Wyrick house every Sunday for a get-together. My family, Raiden’s family and Bethany’s family.” He smiled and she guessed it was a the memory of what was simpler times.

  He got up and walked towards the glass door that led out to her porch. His hands shoved into his pockets. “What is it, Lukas?”

  He sighed, “Right after I turned five, my mom was the first vampire to succumb to the curse of living like humans.”

  “What does that mean?” He blew out a breath.

  “There was a consequence for living this way, you want to live human you lose your immortality. Lee made it clear he didn’t want Dark Night vampires mating with humans or even vampires living our life. He didn’t want this type of complication to effect things and it wou
ld.” He faced her again, but stayed where he was at.

  “My mom was in a car accident, nothing anyone could do, but it changed everything.” She saw a shimmer in his eyes, and had to be near him. As she neared him he took one hand from his pockets and pulled her into his arms kissing the top of her head.

  “We can stop, Lukas, for now anyways,” she whispered.

  He shook his head, “No, doll, I would rather finish, because it’s about to affect you.” She eyed him curiously but didn’t speak, instead, she led him back to the couch and he let her.


  After they returned to the couch he just held her close. Going into the rest of the story was going to be difficult because he was going to have to show her who she was, and he didn’t know how it would be taken.

  “So...anyhow, before Lee and Melanie made the final choice, he set an elder panel of vampires in place. They were all Dark Night, and it was Lee’s way to get the bridge open. He didn’t want the vampire community to think he was turning his back on them.”

  “That makes sense,” she replied.

  He adjusted her so that they were facing each other again. He scooted back on the couch creating a distance, he didn’t want space, but needed it in order to keep his thoughts clear. “Yeah, and everyone agreed. Tom is head of the panel, then two other vampires, Devon and Roy. If my dad met with the elders it was with Lee, never alone.” He stressed. “After the accident, I was in bed one night and I heard voices, my father’s and one other. I got out of bed and found Roy in our living room. I didn’t know what they were talking about, but when they spotted me I was turned back to bed.” He scratched his head.

  “Is there more?” Her voice was firm, but low.

  “Plenty.” He chuckled. “As I got older more and more vampires started meeting at night at our house. Both Dark Nights and ones like us.” He paused again. “When I was sixteen they allowed me to sit in.”


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