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Whirlwind Page 5

by Reese Morrison

  Maybe something else more feminine? His sister, Carmen, had left a makeup case in his bathroom years ago that he kept forgetting to tell her about. He saw it occasionally at the back of the bottom drawer when he was searching for band aids or something.

  But he sure didn’t know how to put it on someone, and if Taylor didn’t either that could just make him more nervous. Did that shit expire?

  He’d love to see his baby with a bit of eyeshadow and blush someday, but this might not be the time.

  He continued to catalogue the contents of his house until he remembered something. Carmen was always storing crap in his garage since she had a tiny apartment downtown, and he was almost sure that she’d left a pile of lacy tablecloths there last summer after some fundraising event.

  He still had no idea what he’d do with them, but he’d always been of the opinion that almost anything could be put to a kinky use. He had a lot of expensive toys, but he’d also played with some DIY materials like bicycle inner tubes bundled into floggers. Kitchen utensils were amazing.

  He figured that even pulling out a rectangle of lace to drape over Taylor’s body could be exciting and affirming. He’d never have to know its original purpose.

  He stroked his fingers along the inner seam of Taylor’s jeans. “Any more questions, babe?” They were almost to his house.

  “No. I mean… you want to do this, right? You’re not just trying to help me out or, like, I don’t know.”

  He pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. “Oh, darling, you have no idea. I’ve been waiting for this. This...” He trailed his fingers up along Taylor’s zipper and was rewarded by a sharp gasp. “... is mine.” He continued around his thigh and then released the seat belt.

  “Now,” he paused to make sure that he had Taylor’s full attention. Setting the scene was important, and right now that involved giving very careful instructions.

  “I want you to unlock the front door and go inside. If you’d like a glass of water or you need to go to the bathroom, this is a good time. Then, you will wait for me in the living room.”

  Taylor’s breath was shallow and fast. “Yes… Sir?”

  Julio was going to combust. “Good boy.” He ran a hand down his cheek.

  They both got out of the car, and he watched Taylor for a moment as he headed toward the front door. Taylor looked back over his shoulder when Julio didn’t follow, but he gave a stern look. Taylor unlocked the front door. Now he had a moment to dig around in the garage.

  It only took him a few moments to let himself in and find the right box. Thank goodness for Carmen’s meticulous organizing.

  He grabbed what he hoped was a full table cloth, and a few scraps. They weren’t cut neatly, but he could make it work. He took a quick sniff and determined that they didn’t have that musty garage smell.

  The material was a bit stretchy and slightly scratchy, with alluring holes throughout. Taylor’s tanned skin would look tantalizing peeking out behind the brilliant white.

  He entered the house through the side door and went straight up to his bedroom. He had a few more things to get ready, and he didn’t want Taylor waiting and worrying for any longer than necessary.

  Getting things ready helped settle his nerves, too, because fuck was he nervous. This needed to be perfect.

  Finally, he had everything where he wanted it. He looked around one last time.

  Show time.

  Chapter 5


  Taylor paced nervously in the living room. He’d gone right to the bathroom, because how embarrassing would that be to interrupt something sexy if he needed to pee?

  Then he’d brushed his teeth. With his actual toothbrush that he kept over at Julio’s house in case they were watching a movie or something and it got too late. Fuck, no wonder everyone else had seen this coming. He only hoped they were right about Julio wanting him for more than a one-night stand.

  His throat was dry, but he didn’t drink any water because of the peeing thing again.

  Which meant that he was pretty much out of things to do. He could hear Julio moving around in the bedroom upstairs, which was only making him more nervous. What was he doing up there? His mind whirled with possibilities.

  He looked around the room, trying to distract himself. If this was some stranger, he’d read the titles of the books and DVDs, but he already knew everything on these shelves. Hell, he’d given Julio a lot of it.

  His eyes lit on a picture frame that rested on one of the shelves. Julio wasn’t really into pictures, and he expected from the ornate frame that Carmen had gotten it for him. But it was the picture inside that he was interested in.

  The two of them were dressed in graduation regalia, clearly posed for a picture in front of the high school. Julio was tucked under Taylor’s arm, and they were both laughing at something.

  By that point in their shared history, Taylor had been in love with his best friend for years. Did Julio feel the same thing then? Did he feel it now?

  He was so lost in thought that he didn’t realize Julio was in the room until he slipped his strong arms around him from behind. “That’s one of my favorite pictures. Look how cute you were.”

  Unlikely. His hair was sticking out around the sides of the mortarboard like a scarecrow’s and his face was just as dumpy as always. The only thing that looked better in the picture was that he didn’t have any wrinkles yet.

  But he felt like if he said anything he’d be fishing for compliments. Julio had been making a point of complimenting him recently, and he didn’t quite trust it. “I didn’t know that you liked pictures.”

  Julio gave him a gentle kiss on the back of his neck. God, it felt good just to be held like this. “I do like pictures, but I mostly have them on my computer. I have quite a few of you.”

  Really? Taylor figured that, of course, Julio must have dozens of pictures of him because they did everything together. They must have a lot of pictures that were like, look, we went to this place and now there’s a picture to prove it or look at something stupid and funny that we did together.

  But Julio made it sound like he actually looked at them. That was… surprising.

  Julio rocked them slowly back and forth, and Taylor let himself relax into the motion. He’d been expecting something a little bit more… sexual. This was just beautifully sweet.

  Julio’s lips brushed against the back of his neck, which was probably as high up as Julio could reach. It was funny how Julio was so much shorter, but he could still make Taylor feel small. He felt something melting inside. Maybe Julio felt something, too.

  Julio’s lips found his ear. “Let’s go upstairs, sweetheart.”

  Walking through the house was a bit like being in a dream. Taylor had spent so much time at Julio’s house that he thought he knew every nook and cranny.

  But hanging out in Julio’s bedroom was completely different from being led into Julio’s bedroom with Julio’s hand at the small of his back.

  Inside, he didn’t see anything out of place. Julio’s bed was made, for a change, but it was the same navy comforter and blue-and-white striped sheets. The heavy, walnut furniture was still the same, as well as the mirror above the dresser with the picture stuck in the frame.

  It showed the two of them again, proudly holding up two minnows on their fishing lines as though they’d caught some twenty-pound prize winners.

  How had he never noticed how many pictures Julio had of him? Now that he thought about it, there was one on the refrigerator, too. And one on the cork board in the dining room. There was only one picture of Julio’s family, which he knew had also come from Carmen.

  Julio slipped around in front of him, stealing all his attention. “Thinking about something, sweetheart?”

  Taylor shook his head. He liked being Julio’s sweetheart. Really liked it. “Nothing important.”

  “Do you still want to do this?” Julio’s voice was as soft as velvet. He hadn’t been expecting this gentleness, but it was just as ho
t as the rough, dirty commands had been earlier.

  And it felt a little safer. Not that he was worried about Julio hurting him physically or forcing him. Just that… when Julio was looking at him like that, he began to hope that his heart might be safe, too. “I want this,” he whispered.

  “So good for me, pretty one,” Julio murmured. “I’m going to take off your clothes now.”

  Taylor nodded once, though he realized that it hadn’t been a question. That was hot, too. Even though Julio was being gentle, it was his decision. His desire to strip Taylor bare.

  Julio ran his hands slowly up and down Taylor’s chest several times, and then pulled the thin t-shirt up and over his head. Taylor knew that his pudgy belly was on display, but Julio didn’t stop the quiet glide of his hands.

  He was worried that he was supposed to be doing something. Like taking off Julio’s clothes or touching him back or something. God, he’d been waiting a decade to touch his best friend like this.

  He raised a tentative hand. Julio’s muscular waist was so fucking hot, even under his shirt. But Julio didn’t even stop stroking Taylor’s chest as he took Taylor’s wrist in a loose grasp and returned it to his side. That was even hotter.

  Already Taylor felt smaller. Precious. Subservient. He kept his hands loosely at his sides and just feasted his eyes.

  Everything in Julio’s posture screamed command. He dragged his hands up and down his plaything with controlled precision. Taylor realized that each of his breaths and subtle movements was being observed and analyzed. Having so much of Julio’s attention on him was a heady feeling.

  Julio’s hands roved lower, stroking Taylor’s thighs. When he was ready, he opened Taylor’s belt. It wasn’t so much a slow tease as a statement: I’ll undress you when I want to.

  He dipped two fingers behind the waistline and Taylor sucked in his belly. Julio popped opened the button, and then slid down the zipper. “Breathe, sweetie.”

  He placed a gentle kiss on Taylor’s belly, which made him want to squirm. His belly was disgusting. Not worthy of this… reverence.

  He stayed still, though. He couldn’t do anything about his weight right now, so he could at least stay where Julio put him. He hoped Julio appreciated his compliance, because it seemed like the only thing he could offer.

  God, did he want to offer it, though.

  Julio slid the jeans down to the floor, indicating with the pressure of his fingers when Taylor should lift each leg. He complied with a suppressed whimper.

  Taylor was fully naked now, feeling on display. His cock jutted out, and he worried for a moment that it would be too big. Or that it was too early in the evening and he wasn’t supposed to be this hard yet.

  Julio drew one finger down his full length, eyes hungry with desire. Taylor could feel his eyes rolling back as he absorbed the sensation, but he wanted to see everything.

  Julio was still fully dressed, making Taylor feel sinful and sexual. Ready to serve. Julio dragged his fingers up his body as he stood. “So beautiful,” he whispered. “Now close your eyes.”

  Taylor didn’t want to close his eyes, but he let his lids drop. In the darkness, the touch of a finger, or a breath against his nipple took on a symphony of feeling. He heard and felt Julio stepping away, but that only added to the anticipation.

  When he came back, he dragged something over Taylor’s skin. It was a piece of cloth that was a bit scratchy instead of smooth like he would have expected. He trailed it lightly over his shoulders and belly, letting just the edge of it brush Taylor’s cock.

  The fabric shifted, and now he could feel a strip of it rising along his chest, held taut between Julio’s hands. Julio didn’t release the pressure as it rose to his neck. He could still breathe, but just the idea of Julio holding him this way, owning him like this, made him whimper.

  “Good boy.”

  Taylor glowed inside. The rough fabric kept moving, until it pressed across his lips, from the bottom of his nose to his chin. Was he supposed to open his mouth? Was it a gag? He wasn’t sure if he was ready for that, but Julio also hadn’t given him an instruction.

  He waited, feeling the fabric pressed to his mouth. It wasn’t so much rough as… irregular. Like there were holes in it, but not regularly spaced.

  “Do you know what this is?” Julio asked.

  He suddenly figured it out. “Lace.” Julio was tracing his body with lace. His cock surged.

  Julio hummed approvingly. “Hands behind your back.”

  He hurried to comply. Rough lace met his wrists, wrapping once around each one and pinning them together. Oh, fuck. For a minute he couldn’t remember how to breathe.

  “So good for me, sweetheart. Remember that you can stop this at any time. Do you want to continue?”

  There was nothing he wanted more. He’d been waiting his whole life for this moment. “Yes… Sir.” He’d been waiting to say that, too.

  “Arms up.”

  He lifted his bound wrists a few inches away from his body, pushing backward even when his shoulders strained.

  Taylor wasn’t sure why he got off so much on these commands, but they were doing it for him.

  He’d thought that everything would be rough and angry, but Julio was still completely in charge, even while he made Taylor feel so small and cared for.

  A much longer piece of fabric fell around his back, then flowed under his arms. “Hands down.” The fabric crossed his chest, and then it seemed that Julio was tying it around the back of his neck. We he wearing… a dress?

  The lace brushed his nipples with every movement Julio made, and he knew that his cock must be sticking out obscenely. He didn’t want to think about what he really looked like, because in his head he felt beautiful and dirty, the image in his head not at all what he must look like to Julio.

  Julio placed a hand on his bound wrists, now covered by a layer of lace. “Open your eyes.”

  Taylor found himself looking right into the mirror on the bureau.

  Julio had indeed wrapped the white lace around him into a sort of dress, though it was completely indecent. The two ends of the fabric crossed just beneath his neck making a V, but below that they fell open. The gap showed just a glimpse of his sternum, but continued outward in a triangle that framed his red, dripping cock. The edges of the fabric rested just at the outside edges of his feet.

  He couldn’t help staring at himself. He actually… liked what he saw. It wasn’t just the lace; he had a few outfits at home that turned him on, but it was nothing like this.

  He felt like Julio had transformed him. Made him into something sexy. Something to put on display. His cock was still enormous, but the way that it was framed by the delicate lace made him feel like it was exposed there just for Julio’s gaze.

  He looked up in the mirror to meet those deep, black eyes, and all he could see was care and lust.

  Julio was standing just behind him and to the side, one hand still gently closed around his bound wrists. Without breaking eye contact in the mirror, he lifted two fingers of the other hand and pressed them to Taylor’s lips. The slight pressure sent a zing through him.

  Julio gave a slight nod. Another silent, sexy command. Suck.

  Taylor drew the fingers into his mouth and felt Julio’s other hand stiffen around his bound wrists. God, how hot was that, feeling Julio respond to him. He felt oddly… powerful. He could do this to Julio.

  He curled his tongue around the fingers, kissing and sucking them until Julio groaned.

  Julio removed his wet fingers, and they both watched in the mirror as he placed them on Taylor’s nipple. He rubbed lightly, but the scratch of the lace and the contrast of the wet glide and dry friction turned it into a storm of sensations. He whimpered, mouth open and gasping.

  Julio’s fingers closed into a sharp pinch, made rougher by the lace. He cried out. And then Julio was licking the nipple gently, through the fabric. Every nerve was attuned to that wet tongue and the flick of sharp teeth.

  His knees f
elt weak, and he swayed forward, pressing into Julio’s teasing mouth. He felt almost dizzy. Lost. Needy.

  Julio looked up, without stopping the onslaught. He took in Taylor’s face, and then straightened.

  “Come here, pretty baby. I’ve got you.”

  Taylor didn’t know what he needed, but he trusted Julio to provide it. Julio led him around to the other side of the bed, with one hand on his bound wrists.

  He drew the lacy wrap out of the way of Taylor’s knees and guided him to kneel on the edge. The position felt precarious, without his arms available to break his fall, even though he knew he’d just fall onto the bed.

  Trust. Julio would take care of him.

  Julio slipped around beside him, then sat with his back against the headboard. With both hands, he guided Taylor forward until he was lying over his lap.

  Taylor moved hesitantly, reluctant to commit to leaning forward, but Julio was there to catch him. It was awkward and he felt vulnerable and unattractive. But at the same time, he was dizzy with desire and gratified that he could let go without having to worry about falling.

  He felt the lace draped over him, and his shoulder muscles were just starting to ache from the unusual position his hands had been forced into. He pulled slightly against the lace binding his wrists, attempting to get comfortable, and realized he wouldn’t be able to.

  But pulling against the restraint was its own reward. His exposed cock lay between Julio’s thighs, the tip nudging the comforter, and it felt obscene.

  Julio ran his hands over the lacy wrap, from shoulder to knee. He paused on each journey to rub and massage Taylor’s ass. “How many spankings do you get?”

  Oh, shit. The spankings were going to be now? He probably should have figured that out based on the position, but he’d been too overwhelmed and aroused to think about what was coming next.

  Would they hurt? Would he like them? What would happen if he asked to stop? What if he only liked gentle ones and Julio was too rough?

  Julio pinched his ear, cutting through his worry. “How many spankings?”


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