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Whirlwind Page 4

by Reese Morrison

“Do not doubt, though, that I will make you understand that your body belongs to me. All of it. Every freckle. Every hair. Your mouth is mine. Your cock is mine. Your sweet ass is mine. And your belly is mine, too. Now, breathe. I want to hear you.”

  God, Julio was so hot. He wanted, so desperately, to belong to him. Reluctantly, he drew in a deep breath, releasing his muscles.

  “We will talk about this later. Right now, I need to feel you.”

  Julio’s work-roughened hands slid under the band of his not-so-attractive boxer briefs, but Taylor couldn’t spare a thought to worry about them. Because Julio was about to touch him.

  He thrust his hand down further, further, crushing Taylor’s cock in the already too-tight leg of his pants. His calluses caught deliciously on his delicate skin. Taylor trembled.

  Julio swept his finger across the sticky tip, and Taylor worried that he would come on the spot.

  Then, Julio pulled his dick upward, freeing it. He stroked the shaft several times, his fingers barely long enough to go around it. It felt mind-blowingly delicious, but now Taylor was nervous all over again.

  Taylor knew that he was a big guy. Like, big everywhere, but also his dick was… just really big.

  He knew that it was usually a point of pride for guys, but he usually felt a little embarrassed about it. He knew that other guys were jealous of him, but even as a kid in the locker room, he’d always felt like it was too much. Much thicker than normal, and kinda longer, too.

  When he’d starting dating guys, not that there were a lot of them, it had gotten worse. Guys expected that since he was so tall and strong, he’d be the top. But when they saw what was in his pants, they weren’t so ready to get his monster of a schlong near any of their orifices.

  He’d never been confident enough to ask for what he wanted, namely to be on the receiving end, and so he ended up getting rather disappointing hand jobs.

  He tensed up as he waited to hear Julio’s reaction.

  But Julio had already dropped to his knees. He pushed down Taylor’s boxers and jeans just enough, and then looked up with a satisfied smirk.

  “Next time, sexy, I want to see you in lace. In fact, maybe we should make that our new work policy.” He licked a stripe up Taylor’s dick. “Imagine, your sexy, shimmery panties hiding under those shapeless pants every day, and no one would know it but me.”

  This had to be a dream. There was no way. Just, no way.

  Taylor actually had worn his panties to work on more than one occasion. But the constant friction and excitement, plus being around Julio, meant that he was horny and distracted all day.

  He’d realized pretty quickly that it was stupid. He only did it now when he felt like he needed something to cheer him up and distract them.

  To do it with Julio knowing about it… he’d be so horny he wouldn’t be able to think. Especially if Julio needed to inspect them. And then he might bend him over a car…

  Before he could drift too far in the fantasy, Julio gave him another stroke. Every dream fell away in the light of the impossibly sexy scene before him.

  Julio pulled him into his mouth, groaning and suckling on the wide tip. He paused to slick his hands with spit, then began pulling in a slow, insistent rhythm.

  Taylor had never felt anything like this before.

  His mouth fell open and words started spilling out. “J, please! I’m going to… Oh! Julio!”

  When Julio stopped, it took him a minute to come back to himself. Julio’s hand was hot on his swollen shaft, but he held it loosely.

  Slowly, he kissed his way up Taylor’s shirt, avoiding putting any more pressure on his desperate cock. He gave Taylor a short, soft kiss.

  Then, he pulled up his boxers and jeans, fastened the button, and pulled up the zipper, careful to avoid catching it on the engorged flesh beneath.

  “What? Why are you… Did I...?” Did I do something wrong?

  Julio tangled both hands gently into Taylor’s hair, pulling him into a sweet, sensual kiss. It was achingly sweet, confusing, and still ridiculously hot.

  “Who does your cock belong to?” Julio murmured against his lips.


  “And who gets to decide when you come?”


  “That’s right. And I knew that you were going to be worried about telling our friends that we were dating.”

  We actually agreed on two dates which is a little different, Taylor thought. Though if Julio wanted them to be actually, really dating, he would accept the label so, so happily.

  Though he had been worried about what their friends would think. He still kind of was.

  “So,” Julio continued, “I’m giving you something else to think about: trying not to come.”

  Oh, fuck. This was going to be so bad. And so very, very good.

  Chapter 4


  Julio strutted into Whirlwind. Taylor was pulled against his side, slightly tipsy and blushing. Perfect. He wasn’t going to hide any of this. In fact, he was going to shout it from the rooftops.

  Their three friends were hanging out at their usual table, drinking the beer that Taylor had bought earlier, though they had a second pitcher and a basket of wings on the table now.

  Eric saw them first. “Well, fuck! It looks like Julio made his move.” Eric was so loud that half the bar turned to see the cause of the commotion before turning back to their chatter.

  Julio guided Taylor over to his seat, then sat down beside him. God, it turned him on when Taylor deferred to him like this.

  He knew that Taylor was a little shy and probably wouldn’t have wanted to tell anyone yet, but he also knew that this would be one of the fastest ways to make him understand that he was serious.

  Cupping Taylor’s cheek with his hand, he kissed him softly on the lips. Taylor was that perfect mix of strong and manly, but so sweet and ready to melt at his touch.

  He loved his strong, muscular arms, his thick middle, and his full ass. He slipped one hand into the back of Taylor’s pants and grabbed a handful of voluptuous flesh, kissing harder when he felt a shudder run through his boy. He would never get enough of this.

  Their friends burst out into cheers, and he felt a slap on his back. He pulled away, grinning, and slung his arm around his new boyfriend.

  “So, who asked who out?”

  Not that he’d been worried about the guys’ reactions, but it was nice to know that they all seemed supportive.

  Taylor got a gleam in his eye. “Oh, Julio did, if you could call it that… I’d give it an C+ for approach, A for pure, desperate effort.”

  God, he loved it that Taylor was still just as feisty and funny as always, weaving in and out of his submissive role at exactly the right times. “I think I deserve at least a B-. It was sweet what I wrote, right?”

  “Context, Julio, context.” He shook his head theatrically. Then he looked up. “Hey! What’s going on?”

  What was going on was Ben and Eric each handing Parker $40.

  Parker conspicuously tucked the money into his wallet, before explaining that they’d had a bet on whether one of them would finally get up the balls to ask the other one out.

  Parker had bet on Julio asking, Ben had bet on Taylor, and Eric had maintained that they’d have their heads too far up their asses to get together by the end of the year.

  Julio was truly surprised. “You guys all knew this would happen?”

  Three identical nods.

  “You should see Taylor moping around every time you pick up your flavor of the week,” Eric chuckled.

  “And you,” Ben pointed to Taylor, “should see Julio go charging over every time some guy so much as looks in your direction. He’s been cock blocking you for fucking ever.”

  Julio looked at Taylor, then shrugged apologetically. Not that he felt apologetic at all.

  The rest of the guys were cracking up, and he and Taylor finally joined in.

  It was especially funny because he and Taylor had the sam
e bet going on about Ben and Parker. He tilted his head towards them, and Taylor nodded in agreement.

  Taylor thought they’d be perfect together. Julio had the insider information that they were both Doms, and he figured they’d already tried it and it wouldn’t work. They each had twenty bucks riding on the outcome.

  The conversation flowed easily after that. It sounded stupid, but Julio was just so fucking happy. He hadn’t admitted to himself that he was worried about this backfiring until he was actually standing on the patio.

  Now that Taylor was more relaxed, he could relax, too. Getting the support of their friends and publicly claiming their relationship had been the right move.

  Charlie, the owner of the bar, even brought over their next order of drinks in person and offered her congratulations.

  She was a tough old queer, but her blessing took on a special weight as the founder of their beautiful community. He knew that she looked out for all of them, and if there were some collective aunt, or maybe uncle, of the group, she was definitely it.

  He hid a grin when he saw her glancing in Carla’s direction. Yeah, he’d lay money on that, too.

  While they talked, Taylor’s broad handed rested on his knee, and he traced patterns along his shoulder. He could see himself at trivia night with Taylor pressed against him once a week for the rest of his life.

  When it was almost time for the trivia questions to start, Julio leaned into Taylor’s ear. “Let’s play a little game. Every time the team chooses to submit the answer you give, you get a little reward.”

  He ran his hand down the line of Taylor’s bulging zipper. “And every time that we submit one of your answers and it turns out to be wrong, we tally those up for spankings at home.”

  Taylor was literally squirming in his seat. And blushing so prettily, though he was clearly enjoying it. Was he a bit of an exhibitionist, too?

  Around any other friends, Julio wouldn’t have been so bold, but since he’d met the rest of the guys through BDSM and seen them in far more scandalous positions, he figured they’d approve.

  Ben was watching them, so he gave him a wink. Yes, we are about to do naughty things under this table. Ben nodded his approval and conspicuously started a conversation with Parker.

  He was pretty sure that Taylor spent the rest of the evening in a daze. After getting his first “reward,” he was too distracted to even hear most of the questions.

  Julio delighted in whispering the clues in his ear like they were something dirty. When their team actually won—$20 off their tab—he had to be reminded to take part in the congratulations.

  “Seven,” Julio murmured into his neck. That was the number of spankings that his baby had coming to him.

  As the evening drew to a close, he could feel Taylor start to pull away. He’d been pressed to Julio’s side throughout the evening, but as the guys said their goodbyes, often accompanied by lewd suggestions, he’d stepped farther and farther away.

  He was standing by the open door now, with his arms crossed defensively across his chest.

  What was going through his adorable head? Was he worried about their friendship? His kinks? Julio’s interest? Those were all easily fixed. Julio would just keep showering him with affection, and perhaps some well-placed spankings, until he knew exactly where he stood.

  But what if Taylor wasn’t as interested in Julio as Julio was in him? The thought cut through him. That was the only outcome that he didn’t know how to handle. Was this just an experiment? A safe way to try out a few things he’d been thinking about?

  Julio wanted a moment to freak out before he pulled himself together, but Taylor was standing there looking so lost and uncomfortable that he couldn’t bear to wait. Whatever was going on, they could figure it out better together.

  If Taylor was as submissive as he thought, taking a bit of control would likely help.

  He strode toward Taylor with desire in his eyes, letting his baby know just how much he was wanted. He had to tilt his head upward to reach Taylor’s ear, but that just added to the rush of power.

  Taylor was a huge guy, with at least six inches and 80 pounds on him. His muscles were drool-worthy. And tonight, he’d be kneeling at Julio’s feet.

  “I believe we have a little game to finish, boy.” He made his voice seductive, but just this side of threatening. They weren’t quite touching, but he could still feel Taylor’s shiver.

  He tucked one hand into the small of Taylor’s back and propelled him toward the door. He’d always expected that Taylor would be a bit of a bratty sub, with all his wisecracks and witty comebacks. But the energy between them now was completely different.

  Taylor was desperately eager to please, and it made Julio want to test just how responsive he would be. There was something about giving these non-verbal commands that made him feel so connected.

  He reminded himself sternly that at some point he needed to get clear, verbal consent, but the dreamy, pleading look in Taylor’s eyes said that he was completely on board for now.

  He maneuvered Taylor over to his car, delighting in how he turned at the slightest pressure of his hand. It was like dancing with a partner who you’d danced with thousands of times before. They just fit together.

  He opened the car door, handed Taylor in, and then strapped the seat belt around his bulk. It was a bit difficult to maneuver in the tight confines of the car, but Taylor’s wide-eyed look was worth it. Yes, baby boy, he promised with his eyes, I’m going to take care of everything you need.

  He walked around to the driver’s seat, already trying to plan several steps in advance. He’d played out so many scenes in his mind. And with the new information he’d gotten this morning, those fantasies were getting much more specific. But he needed tonight to be perfect.

  “Look at me.”

  Taylor’s eyes were a mix of worry, hope, and desire. Hopefully for all the right reasons.

  “Do you want to do this?”

  Taylor’s mouth opened and closed. “Do… what? I…”

  Alright, it was a good thing he’d paused to talk. Julio kept his voice even and calm. “Right now, I believe we’ve discussed two things: I’d like to tie you up, and I believe that you have seven spankings coming to you. I’d also like us to have sex, which could encompass a lot of different activities. And,” he paused, “I’d like to control you while we do that.

  “But we don’t do any of that unless you want it. You can even say yes to one or two things but not the others. This is your chance to tell me what you want.”

  Taylor licked his lips. “I want… that.”

  Julio loved this timid side. He couldn’t wait to see him bloom under his guidance. “I need more than that. What do you want?”

  “Um… everything that you said. I want the, um… control?” He squeaked.

  Interesting that he’d picked up on that out of the whole list of things. “You know that means that I get to decide what we do and how we do it. You can always, always stop me if you ever don’t like something, but if you’re begging me for something I might or might not decide to do it. Only I would get to choose.”

  Taylor nodded slowly, already blissed out on the idea. Sweet Jesus. “Safe words? I mean, do I need a safe word?”

  Julio smirked. “Do you already have one picked out?”

  Taylor shook his head shyly. “No, I just read about them.”

  “Well, darling, you won’t need one for anything we’re doing tonight. Just say no or stop if you don’t like it. If you want to talk through something, you can say wait or just ask a question.

  “If you want to try out safe words, though, red, yellow, and green work well. Just like a traffic light. If you have any questions, now’s a good time to ask.”

  Julio backed the car out of the parking spot and drove onto the nearly deserted streets. He’d wanted to see Taylor’s reactions before, but he hoped that his boy would feel more comfortable asking questions without any eyes on him.

  They drove in silence for
several minutes. He could almost hear Taylor thinking.

  His words burst out suddenly. “What if I don’t like it?”

  Julio rested one hand on his meaty thigh. “If you don’t like it, we stop and do something else. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t like, and I won’t be disappointed. You’re asking good questions.”

  The silence continued. Soft lights travelled across the dashboard as they drove. “I’m, I’m not very… I’m kind of a big guy.”

  Julio’s heart hurt. He stopped at a traffic sign, and just put the car into park. It was near midnight and there was no one behind them, so he could focus all his attention on Taylor.

  “Baby, you’re perfect. Do you know how hot that is, having a strong, beefy guy kneeling for me? Knowing that you could probably bench press my weight, but you’re submitting because you want to please me? That’s fucking sexy.”

  “I don’t look like those guys at the club. The ones that you...”

  Ah, fuck. Julio was now cursing every hookup and relationship in his past.

  Since he hadn’t been able to get Taylor, he’d usually gone for the body types that were least likely to remind him of what he couldn’t have. Not to mention that, more often than not, subs were more inclined toward the twink end of the spectrum. It certainly wasn’t a hard rule, but he’d slept with a lot of smaller, leaner guys. Fucking stupid.

  He’d had some idea that Taylor was worried about his looks, especially with his preferences for lingerie, but he didn’t realize that it ran so deep.

  “Sweetheart, there isn’t just one body type that’s better. You’re gorgeous. Just like you are. And you’re going to be even prettier when you dress up for me.”

  He pressed a soft kiss to Taylor’s lips. Taylor gave him a doubtful look. At this point, though, there was only so much that words could do. He eased the car back into drive and kept going, giving Taylor a moment to think.

  He wished that he had something sexy for Taylor to wear tonight. He knew what he’d be shopping for this weekend, but that wouldn’t help right now. Was there anything in his toy box? Or somewhere else in the house?

  He had a few strips of some satiny material that could be used as a blindfold, but that wasn’t enough.


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