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Then The Deluge Comes (The Generations Book 2)

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by Caryl McAdoo

  The Generations

  a series…volume two

  Praying my story gives God glory!

  This book is a work of fiction taken from the stories in God’s Holy Word. Any scriptures quoted are from the King James Version.

  All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever- except short passages for reviews—without express permission. For information, address Post Office Box 622, Clarksville, Texas, 75426.

   2015 by Caryl McAdoo

  First Edition

  March 6, 2015

  Printed and bound in the United States of America

  ISBN-13 978-150-3197-45-9

  ISBN-10 150319745X

  Cover Art by Judy Downs Levine / Prescott, Arizona / Lovely prints of The Generations covers suitable for framing are available at

  Author’s Photograph back cover by The Farmer’s Wife Photography / Angela Greenwell / Frankston, Texas

  Inquiries for volume purchases of this book may be directed to: Post Office Box 622, Clarksville, Texas 75426 or

  5-star Reviews on

  Then the Deluge Comes

  I loved Then the Deluge Comes! Great job! Well worth the read! Terrific, terrific, terrific. Great story!

  --Leah Jones, reader, Morrow, Arkansas

  Then The Deluge Comes by Caryl McAdoo is beautifully written. This novel concentrates on the story of Noah, leading up to the flood. She takes nothing away from the biblical story, but enhances it. The characters are fully developed, becoming more three dimensional than in the Bible.

  As with book one, not only does the reader see the earthly version of the story, but there are glimpses of the heavenly one too. This helps to remind the reader that all of life is a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. One must always be ready and wearing the full armour of God.

  Then The Deluge Comes can actually help to understand the original Bible story. Parts of the Old Testament that can be confusing, are made much clearer. There is so much beauty in Caryl McAdoo's retelling of the traditional story that the reader just revels in the language.

  It will leave you feeling calm and peaceful, and you will be glad that you picked it up.

  --Julia Wilson, teacher and reader, United Kingdom

  Then The Deluge Comes brings Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah to life. When Enoch is taken up, he visits with an ancient angel. These insights bring depth to the Biblical story. I feel like I am there as they are getting the ark ready.

  Reading about Noah’s mother, sons, and where their wives came from opened up their lives. What tools did they use to build the ark? While gathering pitch, preparing the ark, and getting the food ready, Caryl McAdoo’s story brings God to life. I felt Noah’s ache knowing God had given up on any of his distant kin ever repenting.

  God supplies before we even know we have need.

  This is my favorite part of Caryl’s books: Search the Scriptures, tells how the Bible backs up her fictional story. She relates scripture after scripture, like a mini Bible lesson. I look forward to many more books by this author. For an encouraging, uplifting, and eye-opening read, I recommend Then The Deluge Comes.

  --Sally Schupe, blogger and reader, Virginia

  Deluge is the second book in The Generations series, and if the books still to follow are as good as this one and the first one in the series, then it is going to be an incredible series. The author has a way of breathing life and emotions into the characters that make me feel like I was on the sidelines watching their stories unfold. This is some of the best Biblical fiction that I have read and I look forward to the rest of the series.

  --Ann Ellison, a Texas reader


  Volume Two

  Caryl McAdoo

  All of Caryl’s Books

  Historical Christian Texas Romances

  Vow Unbroken

  Hearts Stolen

  Hope Reborn

  Contemporary Christian

  Red River Romance

  The Preacher’s Faith

  Apple Orchard Romance

  Lady Luck’s a Loser

  Biblical fiction,The Generations

  A Little Lower Than the Angels

  Then the Deluge Comes

  Mid-Grade, River Bottom Ranch Stories

  The Adventures of Sergeant Socks

  The Journey Home

  The Bravest heart

  Amazing Graci, Guardian of the River Bottom Goats

  Miscellaneous Novels

  The Thief of Dreams Warning: not for my Christian readers!

  The Price Paid

  Absolute Pi (audio)

  Apple Orchard B&B (re-released as Lady Luck’s a Loser)


  Great Firehouse Cooks of Texas

  Antiquing in North Texas


  Praying my story brings God glory, I dedicate every title, every word I write always to God and His Kingdom. He is my everything, and I trust Him because I know how much He loves me, that He’s always thinking of me.

  And to my best friend since I was sixteen and my husband since I was eighteen—well, a couple of months’ bad time in there, but I’m convinced God doesn’t even count those six months legal papers called us divorced. We were only apart two of them anyway, and remarried on our sixth wedding anniversary. Praise God for His faithfulness.

  I wouldn’t have any stories to share if it weren’t for my Ron; my heart, my home, and my inspiration. I love him more today than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. Praise be to God who has richly blessed us!

  And to my three handsome sons.

  My firstborn and gift from God, Matthew Ebeling McAdoo, a source of joy for his mama. I appreciate how he helps everyone, including us, and his respect. I admire his integrity and hard work before the Lord and men.

  To my second son Gregory William McAdoo whose heart of gold always shines through. His name means faithful guardian, watchman. The Almighty definitely has plans ahead for this special man of my heart.

  And Russell Cloyd McAdoo, my six-foot-two baby boy I couldn’t be more proud of or love more. What a good and true friend he is to all! A hard working entrepreneur and so smart. With so many wonderful and exciting days ahead, I look forward to sharing them with him!

  Everyone loves my boys, but me the most.

  What I’m Thankful For

  Rather than leave a blank page, I thought I could tell you something I’m grateful for. And what came to mind that I’m very thankful for at this time in my life is the Blossom Church of God where we go to worship the Lord on Sundays and Wednesdays.

  While so many churches sit virtuallyempty, God is blessing this body of believers, and if you don’t get there early, you may not get to sit together. It thrills my heart to see the number of young people attending, and they’re on fire for the Lord.

  Ron and I have reared four grandsons for the last twelve years. Two left in 2014: Matthew Ross, the oldest graduated (tenth in his class) and moved off to Midlothian, Texas go to college, and the next oldest brother went to live in the same city with his maternal grandparents after that granddad fell and broke his hip. Gregory Braham wanted to go help them, taking out trash and mowing the yard.

  So. O’Pa and I have fifteen-year-old Christian Cain and twelve-year-old Benjamen Cash still at home with us. The Youth Group at Blossom welcomed our boys, and they are growing in the Lord and His love. I’m thankful that God has given them so many Christian friends. They love going to church.

  What I love the most are those sweet times when my Father graces us with His presence. There
is nowhere else I’d rather be. I live to bring Him glory and absolutely get lost in His love during worship.

  We enter His gates with thanksgiving, then into His courts with praise. He inhabits our praises, then in that precious presence, we go into the Holy of Holies and bow before the Throne, joining the angels crying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!

  Author Acknowledgements

  The Holy Spirit gives such wonderful revelation and gifts! Besides the stories, He’s provided the most awesome covers, too, by way of His faithful daughter Judy Downs Levine—whom I can’t thank enough, but still…Thank you, thank you, thank you, Judy! Blessings and favor! I’m so grateful He put the two of us together!

  And Judy has beautiful prints available of all the covers in The Generations series at; they’re lovely framed!

  Always I must recognize my Ron’s contributions. God has blessed him with such a gift of wisdom and awesome calling. He plays a seriously huge part on this series! Thank you, my sweetheart, I love you true. Indeed I do!

  Critique partners, my Dogma (Daughters of God Made Authors) ladies, each one God-sent: Holly Michael, Telena Contreras, and Linda Rondeau; plus the Red River Writers’ Workshop who hear a chapter every odd Wednesday: Pattie Ball, Noelle Hood, Emily Biasini, Andy Skrzynski, and Richard Hollingsworth! Their critique makes every book a little bit better!

  The many pairs of fresh eyes; God blessed me with my beta readers: Louise Koiner, Leah Jones, and Amber and David Merchant. And now I have a review crew to beat the band! The Christian eVALUaters are absolutely a treasure!

  I stand in amazement at God’s provision of these ladies and the best proofreader west of the Mississippi! Lenda Selph’s meticulous attention bless-bless-blesses me over and again! I so appreciate your efforts, dear Lenda! You are a treasure. Thank you so much!

  I pray God’s favor will be with you all and that He rewards your goodnesses to me one hundred fold! How could I do this without y’all? He knew I needed you!

  One of Caryl’s New Songs

  Another blank page!

  Since the mid-eighties, God has given me new songs. I used to always stumble saying they were ‘His’ songs.

  Then one day, He told me, “Caryl, call them your own. I gave them to you because I love you. They belong to you.” So I refer to them as my songs now.

  I Will Trust In You

  Caryl McAdoo April 2011

  I will trust in You;

  I will trust in You.

  When troubles come my way,

  When trials fill my day,

  I will trust in You.

  Because I know You are on the throne;

  Because I know You are in control;

  Because I know how much You love me,

  That You're always thinking of me,

  I will trust in You.

  About Biblical Fiction

  Same note in each volume….

  By its genre’s very name, The Generations series is presented as untrue, not real—the definition of fiction is a story concocted purely from a writer’s imagination. On the other hand, Biblical—from the Bible—indicates the whole truth! Every Word in the Bible is true, so no changes there; absolutely set in stone as far as I’m concerned.

  Jesus is the Truth. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6

  Jesus is the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1; and again, And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Revelation 19:13

  So Biblical Fiction is an untrue, imagined story based on absolute truth. We could assume a writer of Christian Fiction is a Christ follower, so why don’t they all adhere perfectly to the facts? I mean facts are the facts, after all.

  Personally, I get very frustrated with writers of Biblical Fiction who stray from the truth of the Word. Fiction gives them the right to flesh out the story, bring characters we know so well to life, but why do they think they can change or improve the story, that they can make God’s story better? Change truth, and you only have a lie.

  I’m presenting this series as Biblical Fiction, praying that my imagination enhances the Word’s stories as I’ve searched the Scriptures for clues to flesh-out the facts. I will be surprised though if I don’t meet Namrel in Heaven.

  You’re invited, should you perceive by the Word that any part of this story is contrary to God’s Holy Book, let me know where and how. I stand ready to alter my opinion any time it is shown not to line up to the Word. Blessings!

  Chapter One

  The shofar’s blast stopped Lamech mid-swing. He dropped the sickle and ran.

  “Wait, Son. Padam will not die until we get there.” His father tied the last sheath then set it in place.

  Lamech turned and waited. The old man—except at only two hundred forty-three years, Methuselah, son of Enoch, seventh from Adam—could work a full day and more. His father soon caught up, and Lamech walked in silence for a few strides.

  “You really think his time has come? Last month when he brought us the gopher saplings, he looked like his same old self.”

  Methuselah grinned, then became solemn. “Seth reported Padam told him that he could feel the end in his bones.”

  “He is nine hundred and thirty years. A long life, but still….” Lamech left that thought for another he hated, but why not ask? It wouldn’t be prudent to bring the matter up around his father’s fathers. “What about his and Meve’s rooms?”

  “What?” His father chuckled. “You want them? Your mother and I have no interest in moving. We love our suite.”

  “I like that bath of theirs, twice the size of mine.”

  “Say nothing, but should it fall to me, you may have the suite.”

  He also wanted to inquire about the painting of Lion and Lamb, but knew for a fact neither that masterpiece nor any of the other pictures the first man had painted would come to him. Too many firstborns ahead, with him being the youngest of the generations, but still, Lamech loved none more than the beautiful depiction of Lion and Lamb.

  Such colors, so vibrant and beautiful.

  Bless God. Someday, it would all be his.

  Three steps and repentance welled, crowding his heart. He wanted Padam and all the other elders, not their things. His blessings were plenty enough; he possessed so much more than he’d ever need.

  Once inside the grand stone and brick home, Lamech followed father to Padam and Meve’s suite. He loved the first man’s home and could hardly think of the ancient one building the first rooms and main halls all alone. Living under the same roof as his elders brought such comfort.

  It filled him with a sense of his place in time as the years had marched on.

  But now everything would change.

  He took his place beside the bed. Padam looked to Seth first then went around to each eldest son until his gaze rested on Lamech. “Eight generations.” He lifted Meve’s hand. “The Lord blessed us indeed, Mother.”

  Smiling, she nodded, but said nothing. The centuries had robbed her hair of color, left it as white as the clouds, billowing around her face. So pale and old, yet beautiful. Her eye still held its sparkle.

  “Today, my sons, we will die, as one day will all of you men.” His gaze fell on Enoch. “You, my son…. God has wonderful plans. You will.…”

  “What Padam?”

  “Continue seeking the Lord, walk in His ways…. He has something very special in store. You will not be disappointed.”

  Grandfather Enoch nodded as though he, too, knew he walked a different path. Padam breathed in a full breath, as deep as seemed possible, yet his chest barely lifted.

  “Evil has overtaken the sons of Cain. The Lord says His Spirit will not always strive with man. You must continue with preparations.”

  Padam looked to Lamech’s father. “Methuselah, the gopher trees flourish?”

  “Yes, sir. They thrive.”

/>   “You will need a forest of them.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do not forsake the sin offerings, my sons.”

  Around the bed, the grandfathers all voiced agreement, as did Lamech.

  “Come, lean down, hear what the Lord would have me say to you, individually.”

  One by one, the first man, fashioned by God’s own hand, spoke to his son and his son’s sons, placing his hand on their heads and speaking softly to each. Lamech’s turn came and he bent low his ear close to Padam’s mouth.

  “Be strong, my son, gird your loins with righteousness and choose wisely.” The first man pulled him close, kissed his cheek as he had so many times when only a boy, then patted his head. Lamech leaned back.

  “Blessings to you all.” He wrapped his arm around Meve, drew up his legs and closed his eyes.

  Then, as they had lived all of her life, Adam and Eve, the world’s first couple, drew their last breath and entered death together.

  Downward, Adam floated. Eve’s arms wrapped tight around him, but seemed so much stronger now. He held her firmly. Winged men surrounded him, slowing his descent, and his wife snuggled in closer, covering her scar in his side like she had so many times in the past. Blue sky, greenery, and flowers, just as he’d seen in the vision.

  Then it all vanished, and he found himself back in Eden. The Great I Am Himself, bent down on one knee and scooped a handful of clay.

  The Father’s heart swelled with love as he fashioned his man. Tears welled as Adam witnessed his own creation and knew Abba’s overwhelming, everlasting love. What a wonderful gift, being allowed to see such a marvel. Then the first time he successfully climbed onto Lion’s back and raced through the garden with his hands flung high into the air. He laughed aloud.


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