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Then The Deluge Comes (The Generations Book 2)

Page 16

by Caryl McAdoo

  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

  And in Numbers 16:31-33 it is again confirmed: And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.

  Another hint of the location of Paradise, speaking of where Christ went after His crucifixion. Ephesians 4:9-10 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens, that he might fill all things.)

  What about Centurion, who called himself Friend? Do you believe that angels come to earth and appear as men to help those God sends them to?

  This, too, was mentioned in Volume One, A Little Lower Than the Angels when Eve gives birth and God sends help. I know it doesn’t relate, but I have a mid-grade dystopian trilogy The King’s Highway, book one Starfish Prime, not published yet, but in it an angel ‘unaware’ plays a big part, and God’s given me a song titled “Angels Unaware” that I can’t help but think of. And here’s the scriptural reference: Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

  The lyrics to that new song: Angels unaware—You may never know that they are there, but they come to help you on the path that you should go. And I know—God sends His angels unaware.

  2nd verse) When you feel afraid, remember that God’s love will never fade. He will never leave you or forsake you, this is true. And I do—believe in angels unaware.

  Chorus) He can count the stars. He hung Jupiter and Mars. He made every bird and butterfly as different as you and I.

  3rd verse) You are His desire, He longs for you, to set your heart on fire, so that you may live your life in His peace and joy and love, from above, God sends His angels unaware.

  What about how Lamech’s wound was healed (stabbed in the side as a foreshadow of Christ)? Laurel made him a poultice.

  I find it somewhat amusing when people say things like how would they know this or that, or they wouldn’t have that tool! They were just like us. How do we know the things we know?

  Some have inclinations for tools, others for herbs and medicinal treatments, some are cooks, others recorders. God showed and taught them, same as He does us today. Isaiah 38:21 For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.

  And in Genesis 4:22, we learn they had and worked metals. And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.

  And just in case, I haven’t provided enough scriptural evidences to prove my case…

  Then I stand on this wonderful scripture. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

  And this one I love: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

  Have any questions? I’d love to hear them and offer an answer. You can find me on GoodReads—they have a special place to talk with the author or on my Facebook page or even at my website for a more private venue. Blessings!

  Five Star Reviews of Volume One of

  The Generations

  A Little Lower Than the Angels

  The best way to enjoy a book or your Bible, is to put yourself in it…see, feel, smell, and touch, be sure you experience…the emotions they feel; anger, love, hate, betrayal, sadness and happiness-just what Christians today deal with. How wonderful that God is loving and forgiving as we often are tempted and go astray and Caryl brings this to light with her characters.

  --Michelle Rhoden, reader, Paducah, Kentucky

  Adam and Eve tempted. Seduced by evil, Cain kills Abel. Caryl McAdoo gives her spin on this captivating story in Genesis. I did enjoy reading the story of Eve's betrayal, Angels and the Wonders of Heaven, the pain of Adam and Eve losing their children. Caryl gives biblical scripture and insight to this story at the end of the book. You can look up and read the scriptures she refers to throughout this book. I recommend this book.

  --Deanna Stevens, reader, Beatrice, Nebraska

  Caryl McAdoo used her research and knowledge of biblical scripture combined with an incredible imagination as a foundation to fill in the gaps of the story of Adam and Eve and their children. I was caught up in the story from page one to the ending. I particularly appreciated the "Search the Scriptures" section at the end which explains some of the Biblical clues that guided this work of fiction. I loved "A Little Lower Than the Angels" and highly recommend it.

  --Judy Levine, reader, Prescott, Arizona

  Other Titles by Caryl McAdoo

  Running three parallel storylines, A Little Lower Than the Angels opens with the sacrifices offered to God by Adam and his two sons Cain and Abel. Everyone knows the story, but this novel brings it to life from a new perspective.

  One story follows Cain after the murder. He flees Adam’s Valley with his sister Sheriah traveling to Nod, east of Eden. Marked and cursed as a vagabond, he becomes easy prey for Satan and his minions, ever moving further and further from the teachings of his father and obedience to God. (Scripture says he went to Nod with his wife, and that Eve is the mother of all the living, so she must be the mother of the woman Cain takes as his wife, making her his sister as well.)

  Another tells of Abel’s adventures in Paradise. He enters in at the death of his earthly flesh. Father God sends the first of the cherubim, a wonderful character named Namrel, to greet him and teach him, help him adjust to his new home. Abel meets his parents’ Garden of Eden pets, Lion and Lamb, and Centurion, a large angel of the host. He learns how earthly prayers loose the angels to war on earth’s inhabitants’ behalf—and how they fight.

  Lastly, we remain in Adam’s Valley and mourn with the bereaved parents, facing the loss of their three children. He and Eve relive different times in their lives as God helps them to endure and brings them to repentance.

  Five Star Reviews of Book One

  Vow Unbroken

  With an intriguing plot line and well-developed characters, McAdoo, who's written nonfiction and children's fiction, delivers an engaging read for her first adult historical romance.

  --Publishers Weekly

  After reading Caryl McAdoo's story of Henry and Susannah in "VOW UNBROKEN," I felt like I'd had another adventure with Tom Sawyer and Becky, this time as young adults. --Alan Daugherty: columnist The News-Banner

  Caryl McAdoo is a new unique voice in historical Christian fiction. I fell in love with the characters from the very first page. They pulled me into their lives and kept me there through the whole interesting storyline. I found the setting authentic, and Caryl kept me turning pages. I know you’ll love this book as well as I did.

  --Lena Nelson Dooley, award winning, best-selling author of Maggie’s Journey, Mary’s Blessing, Catherine’s Pursuit & many more novels

  Loved this story! Fresh strong voice from Caryl McAdoo…most memorable character [heroine Sue Baylor] I’ve encountered in some time. Well plotted and nicely paced. There’s a Louis L’Amour and All-American feel to Caryl’s writing. Beautiful romance, one of the nicest I’ve seen in a while.
  --Carrie Fancett Pagels, author of Return to Shirley Plantation, a Civil War romance

  Texas Romances

  Vow Unbroken

  A historical Christian (western adventure) romance from Howard Books, a Simon & Schuster division; Book 1, a Texas Romance /

  ISBN 978-1-4767-3551-1 / AISN B00DPM7UYY

  In 1832, Susannah Baylor reluctantly hires Henry Buckmeyer to help her along the Jefferson Trace, the hard stretch of land between her Texas farm and the cotton market, where she's determined to get a fair price for her crop. It's been a long, rough ten years. The young widow stands to lose the land her husband and his brother left to her and the children. She needs help to get both her wagons safely to Jefferson.

  Henry's reputation as a lay-about is well known, and she’s prepared for his insolence, but never expects his good looks or irresistible, gentle manner. Soon they are entwined in a romantic relationship that only gets more complicated because Henry doesn't know God the way she does.

  Dangers arise on the trace--but none as difficult as the trial her heart is going through. Will Susannah and Henry's love overcome their differences?

  And will she get her crop to market and sell it for enough to save her farm? In this heartening and adventurous tale, a young woman's fortitude, faith, and heart are put to the ultimate test.

  Five Star Reviews of Book Two

  Hearts Stolen

  Christian Romantic Historical Western Adventure Fiction--a BIG genre for a whole lot of novel. For me, McAdoo vaulted immediately into the ranks of a great writer I'll follow closely. -- Howard “Doc” Wolfe, top Amazon reviewer

  Caryl McAdoo is an entertaining storyteller! Hearts Stolen kept me up late, turning page after page, with an eagerness to know how the love story would end. I enjoyed this emotional journey of love and loss and look forward to continuing the trilogy in Hope Reborn!

  --Britney Adams, reader, Texas

  I loved this one every bit as much as the first. Caryl makes you feel like you are actually in the midst of the story with an outstanding cast of characters, especially an enchanting 4 year old Charley. It tells a wonderful story of early Texas…rescue of Indian captives, Texas Rangers, outlaws and settlers…plenty of adventure and romance. I wasn't ready for the story to end.

  --Ann Ellison, reader, Abilene, Texas

  Get ready for a wild, uplifting, heart-tugging, page-turning ride. Hearts Stolen grabbed me at the start. Sassy’s feisty, fighting spirit…I couldn’t set it down. Burnt dinner, but forget eating, I ate this book up. Caryl’s a master storyteller weaving Texas history into a well-crafted plot with unforgettable and totally loved characters.

  --Holly Michael, author, Crooked Lines

  Hearts Stolen

  A historical Christian (western adventure) romance; Book 2, a Texas Romance / ISBN 978-1-5003-3651-6 / AISN B00NAXGAZI

  Unbeknownst to loved ones, a headstrong young wife is snatched off the prairie by two Comanche braves, carried north of the Red River, and traded to their war chief for ponies. After five years, a small detail of Texas Rangers rides into camp, and she determines that day will bring freedom or death. She’ll remain captive no more.

  Sassy Nightengale almost gives up hope before the big brother of her best childhood friend shows up at Bold Eagle’s peace camp. She learns they’ve come for the negotiated exchange of stolen white women, except her name isn’t on their list. Purposing in her heart to escape captivity with her blue eyed, four-year-old that day, the chief’s third wife does everything she can think of to be noticed.

  Famed Texas Ranger Levi Baylor spots the red-headed beauty and agrees to the war chief’s price adding his personal horse and weapon to the Republic’s agents’ offerings. The trade propels the couple on a trail of joy and sorrow. Sweet love blossoms but must be denied. His integrity and her faith in God keep them at arm’s length, not even allowing a kiss. Sassy’s still married to her son’s father, and Levi’s honor- bound to deliver her home—to her husband.

  Can their forbidden love be made holy? God hates divorce. Will Nightengale relinquish his wife and son? Will Sassy and Levi find the redemption they search for their troubled souls?

  Five Star Reviews of Book Three

  Hope Reborn

  I loved the characters in this book, and I thought it was so much fun that Ms. McAdoo put her novels in as though they were written by May. This was a great story and I can't wait until the next one comes out.

  --Susan Johnson, reader, Odessa, Texas

  I waited eagerly for this book and definitely wasn't disappointed! Caryl once again authored a beautifully written story with well developed characters. Wonderful addition to the series!

  --Amber Merchant, reader, Irving, Texas

  Ms. McAdoo once again gripped me from page one. ( read almost one sitting.) These Texas Romances, Christian Historical Western Adventures, are certainly full of all of the aspects of each genre individually meshed into a wonderful, very unique, unforgettable story.

  --Rachelle Williams, reader, Mississippi

  With memorable characters, Caryl’s signature humor, and plenty of adventure, drama, and romance, “Hope Reborn” is anything but fluff. A strong message of salvation runs through, but well within the storyline. Enjoyed a unique twist with May writing the stories of the previous characters – clever and fun! --Pam Morrison, reader, Mason, Tennessee

  I loved it. A real Christian story. I love Caryl’s books because they are exciting, funny and with a lot of love and respect. Many great characters and great dialogues. Never boring. I can't wait to read the next book. Great job Caryl McAdoo. --Catherine Peterson, reader, Denmark

  Hope Reborn

  A historical Christian (western adventure) romance; Book 3, a Texas Romance / ISBN 978-1-5028-1704-4 / ASIN B00RASZWEY

  Loss tests faith and almost eradicates expectation of a happily-ever-after. The decision to temporarily change one’s existence, no matter how successful or how hopeless, can lead to rebirth—in both cases.

  New York novelist May Meriwether decides a heroic Texas Ranger will make a great love interest for her new novel’s heroine. Bored to tears and loving adventure—keeps her mind off her solitude—she sets out to the Lone Star State with her constant companion and confidant, Chester, in tow.

  Dreams for a husband and children are relegated to the recesses of her heart; the self-confessed old maid deems it too late. An unscrupulous boat captain starts her wondering if she should settle.

  But the near-perfect widower resurrects a smidgeon of hope. Only his impenetrable, superstitious religious beliefs stand in the path to her falling head over heels, those and his love for his dead wife. And he also has so many children, would he ever consider having another?

  Might there ever be room for her in his heart? And would he give up his fanaticism over God?

  An unexpected romance surprises both. Hope is reborn in God’s unfailing love and grace. Can a life built on lies find the Way to confession, forgiveness, and true joy? In a day when the church offers the only stability on the 1850 Texas prairie, these unlikely players find one another and fall in love.

  But will it be enough?

  Five Star Reviews of

  The Preacher’s Faith…

  Great story! Hope there’s a sequel, and I’d love to see the artful dodger as a part of it. Maybe a reunion? And he could find his mother. Just love curling up in an afghan with a cup of cappuccino and reading Caryl’s books! Keep on writing!

  --Lenda Selph, reader, New Boston, Texas

  As with all Caryl McAdoo's novels, the book is full of good scriptural advice. The title is a play on words...does 'faith' refer to a personal faith or the person Faith or both? The Preacher's Faith is a quick and easy read, and just right for a cold winter's day - your heart will be warmed by this delightful little story.

  --Julia Wilson, reader, England, United Kingdom

  This was my first book to read by Caryl McAdoo and I absolutely loved it. I will be reading more. I love the way she pr
ays that her story gives God Glory and dedicates The Preacher’s Faith to Him and His Kingdom…a good clean book to read. I was drawn into this story right from the start. I loved this book and can’t wait for book two.

  --Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Dent, reader, Decatur, Alabama

  Caryl McAdoo is a great storyteller and I was immediately drawn into this story. The characters were great and I loved the storyline. It had me turning the pages wondering is things were going to work out between Asa and Faith. I would definitely recommend this book.

  --Susan Johnson, reader, Odessa, Texas

  I loved The Preacher’s Faith! This has to be one of my favorites, and I hope to read more like it! Way to go, Caryl! Your stories always captivate me.

  --Leah Jones, reader, Morrow, Arkansas

  The Preacher’s Faith

  A contemporary Christian Texas Romance / ISBN 978-0-6159-9574-8 / ASIN B00SJH7EU0

  Can the orphaned preacher and the heartbroken rodeo queen navigate the path to true love with a lie and an ex-beau blocking their way?

  Learning of Faith Johnson’s rash promise to her father, New Hope Baptist’s interim preacher Asa Davidson shows up to apply for the position—of husband. The cowgirl was only trying to give her dying father hope promising to marry the first thirty-something-year-old Christian virgin to ask. Who’d ever dream one existed in all of Texas, much less Red River County? But sure enough, one comes a’courting the very next day thanks to the Lord and Daddy’s baby sister, loud mouth Aunt Iris. Faith’s appalled, but a promise is a promise. She only needs to figure a way out.


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