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Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Beast moved closer to her, and she took a step back, hitting the brick wall behind her. “I need you right now, Bridge.”

  She was breathing hard, needing him just as badly. “I need you, too, Beast.”

  He made this low sound, and then he was pressed up against her, his lips on hers as he fucked her mouth. He pushed his tongue in and out of her, sliding it along her lips, on her tongue, until she was wet and aroused for him. The rain kept falling, plastering the shirt to her body, and sliding in rivulets down his hard chest.

  “I need to taste you, to lick your cunt, and eat you out until you come all over me, baby girl.”

  She was panting, and before she could even move, Beast was on his haunches and had one of her legs over his shoulder. The shirt rode up, and she felt his warm breath blow across her bare folds. When he framed her pussy with his big hands and pulled her lips apart, she felt even more exposed.

  “Fuck yeah, baby. I’m going to mouth-fuck you until you come all over me and have your sweet pussy cream sliding down my throat.”


  His mouth was suddenly on her cleft, his tongue parting her folds, and then he ate her out almost violently. Knowing that there were bikers and club whores just on the other side of the alley door was erotic and turned her on even more.

  He had one hand back on her ass, keeping her pressed against his mouth as he did exactly what he said he would ... mouth-fuck her. He squeezed the flesh at the same time he dipped his tongue into her body.

  The rough scrape of the brick on her back added a hint of pain to the ecstasy he brought her. The hand gripping the back of her knee snaked between her inner thighs, and as soon as his thumb touched her clit, she came, unable to stop herself from going over the edge.

  A low cry left her, and she couldn’t help herself from grinding her pussy into his face, against his mouth. His deep groan sent vibrations through her clit, and little shockwaves of pleasure slammed into her.

  He gave her pussy one last long lick, as if he was sucking on a lollipop, making sure he got all the flavor, and then he stood. He grabbed her ass again and pulled her forward, letting her feel the hard length of his erection press into her belly. He felt huge, monstrous even.

  He pressed his lips against hers again, ran his tongue along the seam before plunging into her mouth. “I need you, Bridge. I need you now, baby,” he murmured against her mouth. He reached down and palmed himself through his now rain soaked jeans, an obscene gesture, but one that had her hotter than hell. “You’re mine.”

  Yes, she was.

  When she heard the sound of his zipper, she opened her eyes, not even aware she’d closed them in the first place. She looked at his face, but of course, there was no expression. There was just deep rooted need.

  He rubbed himself through his jeans for several long seconds, and then he reached between his fly and pulled his cock out. She lowered her gaze to the monster he unleashed, the massive erection that was long and thick, and the biggest damn cock she’d ever seen. She might have already seen it, tasted it, felt it inside of her, but it was still incredible.

  The sight of him stroking himself, running his hand up and down the huge length, transfixed her. The tip was bulbous, slightly bigger than his length. The slit was wet with pre-cum, and it was all for her.

  “I want to fuck you, but I need your mouth on me fist, baby girl.” His words left no room for argument.

  Her inner muscles clenched for something substantial, for the thickness of his cock, for something that only Beast could give her. She knew he’d stretch her so good, so much that it would hurt, but only in the best kind of way.

  “Get on your knees,” he ordered.

  She dropped to her knees and saw his thick cock jutting right in her face, the slick tip begging to be sucked, to be cleaned off. She tilted her head back and looked up at him.

  “That’s it. Look like you’re starving for my cum.”

  The way he looked down at her, how he ran his fingers along the edge of her face, tracing her cheekbones, her chin, and moving lower to open her mouth with the finger and slip it inside, had her pussy clenching down harder.

  “You want to suck my cock until I fill your mouth with my cum, don’t you?”

  Damn, he had a filthy mouth.

  “Yes,” she whispered. The tip of his dick brushed against her lips, and he commanded her to open with that small touch. In this dirty alley behind his club, where anyone could see them, Bridget closed her eyes, breathed out through her nose, and got ready to suck his dick.

  I love you.

  Maybe thinking those three words right now wasn’t appropriate, but the fact remained she couldn’t help herself, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to ever say them aloud.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Well, where is the little cunt?” Francis asked, staring at his son. He was disappointed with the way Bridget had been handled. Disappointed, pissed off, and fucking horny. Violence always made him horny, and he knew Bridget was going to give him a reason to get violent. She’d been a hot, untapped little bitch that needed to know what it was like to have a good man between her legs. He couldn’t believe that Rafe had never gotten to her. He knew his son and Bridget had fucked, but his son hadn’t truly awakened the whore in Bridget. Every single woman was a slut underneath all that prim and proper shit. The two had been engaged, but there hadn’t been any real passion between them. He knew the two had fucked, but Rafe had never got into the woman’s head.

  Francis had watched his son take many women, and he knew that Bridget was aware of it, even though she never talked about it. She’d been an efficient woman who didn’t ask too many questions. After going through so many bitches who looked too far into his business, or tried to fuck him, he’d not expected to find someone as good or as innocent as Bridget. She really didn’t have a clue who he was or what he did. It had been pitiful really, a lamb amongst lions. He shouldn’t have let his son get anywhere near her, but he’d been unable to do anything about it.

  “She’s taken up with the Grit Chapter of the Soldiers of Wrath. Her stepbrother’s there,” Rafe said, inhaling on his cigar, blowing out a puff of smoke. “I already sent a guy to the parent’s house, but they’re gone.”

  Francis looked toward his son. “Soldiers of Wrath? The fucking MC club?” He didn’t need this shit, not now. The Soldiers were linked to Zeke, and that fucker would take him down.

  He could hold his own against an MC but not against Zeke. That fucker had his hands in many different pies, and he was fucking significant in the scheme of things.

  “Yeah, just the Grit Chapter, it’s nothing to concern yourself with.”

  Grabbing the stapler off his desk, Francis threw it, knocking Rafe to the ground. The stapler hit his son in the head, but he didn’t give a shit. His son was supposed to take over when he was gone, and that wasn’t going to happen if they were both dead.

  “You don’t know shit about the MC, you piece of shit. They stick together, and they’re connected to Zeke.”

  “He’s fucking old, and he’s settled down.”

  His son’s generation had no fucking respect, not for their elders, not for the rules, not for fucking anything, and he was pissed off now.

  “He’s old? You think he’s too fucking old?” Walking to his private files, he pulled out the latest order of kills that Zeke had issued. “This is what he did to the men who touched his woman. He killed his daughter’s mother, and he’s got no problem making men and women live through his kind of torture to make his point.” The pictures were ones that Francis was sure Zeke leaked himself to send a message to all of his enemies. Zeke was bad news, and he was in deep with the Soldiers. “Get to the fucking ground, and find out what I want to know.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you want to know,” Rafe said.

  “Fucking useless. I should have fucking killed you before you were born, you fucking bastard.” Walking toward his desk, he picked up the phone, and dialed his number. Fran
cis had known killers at his fingertips; all willing to take whomever they could out without too many questions.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I’ve got a target I want you to take out. Meet my son on the corner in ten minutes, you’ll have all the details.” Francis hung up, grabbed Bridget’s file, and handed it to his son. Blood covered a small patch of Rafe’s head, and he couldn’t give a shit. “Once this is delivered, go to Grit, and find out exactly what the fuck is going on.”

  “It’s just a fucking cunt!”

  Slapping him around the back of the head, Francis was ready to commit murder. “She’s with an MC, and one that has connections with Zeke, the sadistic bastard. This isn’t just some girl anymore. Get the fuck out of my office now.”

  He waited for Rafe to leave before he picked up his laptop, throwing it across the room.

  “You okay, boss?” Buster, his personal bodyguard asked, coming into the room.

  “No, I’m not.”

  He told Buster about what happened. “I can put a few feelers out. They can tell me what’s happening.”

  “Do it,” Francis said. He wasn’t willing to take on Zeke and the MC, not for anything. But he’d contacted him again and had a hit put out on her. This needed to end, and she needed gone. This had gotten too out of hand as it was. If his fucking son had killed her in the beginning, they wouldn’t be in this mess.

  “She’s not like any of the bitches he’s taken before,” King said, talking to Payne.

  “She’s not, and we’ve got to start looking at this threat with Rafe seriously. I’ve always known there was someone for Beast. He was always keeping something at bay. I never knew it was his stepsister.”

  King laughed. “We should have known Beast would fall for his stepsister. He doesn’t like to live by social norms, does he?”

  “Nope. This shit is real though.”

  “Are you reaching out to Demon?” King asked.

  They were part of the Soldiers of Wrath but they were based in Grit, and had their own rules. They only spoke with the main chapter when they needed to. Payne and Demon, the Prez of the main chapter of the Soldiers, had many disagreements but they were still tight. They were united against common enemies, and no one would ever come between them.

  “I’m going to call him tomorrow. He’s had some bad news.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know Deanna was pregnant?” Payne asked.

  “Yeah.” He’d not met Deanna yet. They had yet to have a large club meeting.

  “The kid ended up in the NICU because Deanna went into labor early. Didn’t look good, but last time I checked in with Nerd, and the baby is still alive.”

  “Fuck,” King said. Demon was a strong man, but even King would struggle with something like that.

  “Yeah, fuck. If that kid doesn’t make it, Demon is going to fucking explode, and no one is going to be able to stop it.” Payne wiped a hand down his face. “Zeke gave me a call as well.” Zeke, the Dominion club owner and one sadistic son-of-a-bitch, had been working with the main chapter of the Soldiers. The Grit Chapter didn’t know much about that, and didn’t care since it didn’t concern them, but they were still in in loop about the type of man Zeke was.

  He didn’t put up with shit, took out anyone that threatened him, and even though he was dangerous, he was on the same side as the Soldiers. That would come in handy for the whole Rafe situation.

  “Francis is on the lookout for Bridget. I have my sources as to how I get information. Nothing new has happened but as an associate to the Soldiers, he figured he’d give me a warning.”

  They hadn’t gotten mixed up with Zeke’s shit, mainly because they didn’t live close enough. Everything was going to fucking hell, and it was getting close to an outright war.

  “Shit is about to get real,” King said. For his Brother, he would do whatever it took to keep Bridget safe. She belonged to Beast, and that made her Grit Chapter property and under their protection.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “The club is on lockdown,” Beast said from the doorway.

  Fear and dread filled Bridget, and she knew that it was about to get even worse.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” Of course, she knew it had to do with Rafe, but she needed to know the details. She’d come here because she was in trouble, had put everyone in danger, and she needed to know what they were up against in unflinching details.

  Beast stood there for a second before walking into the room and shutting the door. Her hands shook and perspiration started to dot her forehead. Although she’d entrusted her life to Beast, loved him more than she’d ever loved anyone else, she was worried about how far Rafe’s reach could extend. Rafe and Francis knew people, had connections, and she couldn’t stand to see Beast or the club hurt because of her.

  “Baby,” Beast said and sat beside her. He turned so his body faced hers, and she did the same so that they were now looking at each other.

  “I’m scared, Beast,” she whispered, not about to lie to him. There would be no point in not being truthful, especially since she knew he could tell she was about to lose it.

  “You trust me, baby?”

  She licked her lips and looked down at her hands. They were clasped together in her lap, but she nodded. “I do trust you.” She felt his finger under her chin, and then he was lifting her head, forcing her to look at him.

  “Do you trust me, Bridget?” he asked in a hard voice.

  “Yes,” Bridget said without hesitation. “But me trusting you with my life doesn’t mean that asshole and his father can’t hurt you and the club.” She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “And I brought this to your doorstep—”

  He slanted his mouth on hers, stopping her from saying anything else. He kissed her like it was their last, and it might very well be. Because trusting Beast didn’t mean things would work out in the end.

  “I’m not leaving you, especially after I finally have you, Bridge.” He pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes. “I’m done hiding how I feel, done trying to pretend that you are only here with me because of the sex.” He shook his head. “I love you, and nothing is going to take you away from me.” His expression was hard, his voice like steel. “Some punk ass motherfucker like Rafe isn’t going to come between us. I can guarantee that, baby.”

  She nodded, and when he kissed her again, she wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get as close as she could to him. If she could have fought Rafe on her own, she would have put the prick down. As it was, she trusted Beast and the club, wished she could be in the forefront with them, but she knew her man wouldn’t have that. She was frightened, and not ashamed to admit Rafe had made her feel small, disgusting, and like she was just on this Earth to shit on.

  “I love you, Beast,” she said against his mouth and loved that he groaned.

  “And I fucking love you, Bridge. I’ve only ever loved you.”

  “Suit up, motherfuckers. It’s time to get this party started,” King said, his grin wide, the handgun he held loaded and ready. The truth was he loved a good fight, loved to get his hands bloody, and take down a bastard that thought to hurt his club or those under its protection. He looked over at Beast, the Brother concentrated on strapping guns and knives on his body. They were going to go head on and confront Rafe, to search the fucker down and finally end this before death came knocking on their door.

  “What did the informant say?” Beast asked.

  “He’s at his casino tonight, him and his piece of shit son,” Payne said, his voice hard, his expression like stone.

  “Grim and Reaper, you keep an eye on my old lady like she’s yours,” Beast said, a warning in his voice.

  King looked at the twins, both of them nodding, their faces hardened. They were identical in everyway, killing together, and even fucking females together.

  “We’ll be on her like white on rice,” Grim said, and King could have laughed at the saying if not for the seriousness of this situation.r />
  “We’ll figure out more of a solid entrance plan once there,” Payne said. “We need to see the set-up. If it’s too shady, or it’s not going to go as smoothly as it should, we’re pulling out and doing this another time, when we can get them without the heavy entourage they’re sure to have.”

  “I’m not leaving there until that fucker is taken out and I make Francis watch,” Beast said, facing off with Payne.

  “Brother, we’re here for you, and we’ll make them pay,” Payne said.

  Beast nodded, grabbed a handgun off the table, and cocked it. “Than let’s go fuck these bastards up.”

  “They’re leaving,” he said in the receiver to Francis. He’d been called do this little mission to find Bridget and take her out. She was a liability, and although he’d been contracted for the hit, and didn’t give two shits about the whys of it all, he felt this twisted desire to see her beg for his life.

  He fucking loved it when they begged.

  “How many are watching her?” Francis asked.

  “Looks like two.” He was stationed on the roof of the building across from the clubhouse. He was a good distance away, but he had a scope on his rifle. “I can take them out if needed.

  “Take her out, but don’t kill the MC members. I don’t need that shit coming down on me, especially if Zeke is involved.”

  He wasn’t about to mention that killing her would bring a hell of a lot down on the organization, especially if she was being protected by the MC. He was here to do a job, and that job was to take the bitch out.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Bridget bit her lip and paced at the same time. Beast was out there hunting monsters because of her. She was such a fucking gullible idiot. If she’d not been so blind she wouldn’t be here, and Beast wouldn’t be out there risking his life, and the lives of his Brothers.

  “You know, pacing’s not going to bring him back any faster,” Grim said.


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