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Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  Next, Reaper had his turn, only this time, the Patch used pliers on the man’s cock, which had Beast wincing.

  He didn’t give a shit about the pain the killer was in, not when he’d attempted to take Bridget’s life. No one would take his woman from him.

  “Beast, sorry to interrupt your fun, Bridget wants to see you,” King said, coming downstairs and smirking at the scene. “You two fuckers are nasty.”

  “You got it for now?” Beast asked.

  “You want him still breathing when you get back?”

  “Yes. I want to see him look at me when he dies.”

  Bridget heard the man’s screams, and knew it was the man who tried to kill her. If Beast hadn’t wanted her to hear, he should have taken the man away from the clubhouse. None of the men would tell her what was going on, and without Beast, she felt lost.

  She was in his room at the clubhouse, and her shoulder burned even with the pain medicine.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Beast asked, coming into the room.

  He wasn’t wearing his leather cut or a shirt as he walked toward her. She saw the fresh blood and a few cuts on his knuckles.

  “I wanted to see you. What’s that noise?”

  “You know what that noise is.”

  “You’re going to kill him?” she asked.

  “Baby, you know the answer to that. Don’t even think of trying to stop me, of rationalizing keeping that bastard alive. He almost killed you, and if he’d gotten the shot right, we wouldn’t be sitting talking right now.”

  She swallowed and nodded, knowing he was right, knowing this was the reality of their world. “What happened with Francis and Rafe?”

  “They’re gone.” He sat on the edge of the bed, taking hold of her hand. “No one is ever going to hurt you again. I won’t let them.”

  Bridget didn’t care.

  That realization surprised her, and she told him.

  “I don’t care that you killed them. They were fucking disgusting human beings, and the more I think about the work I did, the worse it is. I hate it. I helped them, and I’m never going to be able to take back my help.” Tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m not giving you up, baby. You’re mine, and even though I’m about to kill the man who hurt you, you’re not going anywhere, do you understand?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to go anywhere. I love you, Beast.”

  She moved to wrap her arm around him. Her other arm was bound tightly against her body. Beast surprised her as he took care of her, holding her close, being gentle.

  The masculine scream echoed around the house.

  “This killer doesn’t exactly have a strong pain threshold,” Beast said. “Grim and Reaper are showing him a very warm welcome from the Grit Chapter.”

  “I don’t want to know what you mean about that,” she said.

  “No, but I’ve got to go and finish this, for us. We can make plans tomorrow. Rest, relax, and sleep. I’ll protect you.”

  He kissed her temple and left the bedroom

  For the first time in her life, she was truly happy, even with the tortured cries coming from the basement.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Beast stood there a moment, staring at the man bound, bleeding, and halfway to death already. Blood covered Beast’s face, hands, and even his chest. Grim and Reaper had gone to work on the would-be killer, taking chunks out of his flesh and soul, making him cry, piss himself, and wish he’d never taken the job to kill Beast’s old lady.

  “If you’re going to kill me, do it, motherfuckers.”

  Grim and Reaper stated chuckling.

  “I have to give the prick credit,” Reaper said. “The whole time we were laying into him he was cursing us out like a damn sailor.”

  Grim laughed harder. “Made the experience more fun.”

  The twins grinned sadistically.

  “Fuck you, all of you.” The man spit a mouthful of blood out right at Beast’s feet.

  Beast clenched his jaw and curled his hands into fists by his sides.

  “No, you’re the one getting fucked, asshole.” Beast turned and looked at the twins. “Give me the gun,” he said.

  Grim was the one to grab his gun. He attached the silencer before handing it over.

  “Just going to end this for him?” Reaper asked.


  “He should suffer more,” Grim said.

  “No, I want this piece of shit gone and buried in a shallow grave so the fucking animals can find his body and shit him out.

  The guy grinned, one of his front teeth missing thanks to Reaper pulling it out with a pair of rusty pliers, blood coating his remaining teeth.

  “Fuck you, bastards.”

  Beast lifted the gun and aimed it at the center of the fucker’s head.

  “I hope you rot in hell—”

  He pulled the trigger, putting a bullet in the bastard’s head. The man slumped forward, his death instant, the chains the only thing holding him up.

  For a second, the three of them didn’t move or say anything, but then Beast shook his head and handed the gun off to Reaper. “I need to be with my woman.”

  “We’ll handle clean up and disposal,” Grim said.

  Beast nodded once, and without saying anything else, he turned and left, needing to hold Bridget.

  Bridget was lying in bed when Beast walked into the room. The lights were off, and even if the discomfort in her arm wasn’t keeping her up, the fact she knew what the guys were doing to that man would have made sleep impossible.

  The pain pills had numbed most of the pain, but she had only take half the dose, not wanting to be out of it, especially not with all of this going on.

  Maybe that’s what I need though?

  He didn’t touch her or say anything right away, and with the lights off, she could only make out his massive form. He shut the door, stood by the bed for just a second, and then turned and walked into the bathroom. The door shut, the light turned on, and she stared at that swatch of yellow under the door for what seemed like forever. It wasn’t until she heard the shower turning off that she realized she must have been staring at it the entire time.

  Closing her eyes and rubbing her face, she breathed out, not sure what would happen next. She loved Beast, but she didn’t know how this whole situation would affect him in the long run.

  The bathroom door opened, and she saw the way the light outlined his big body. He wore a towel draped around his waist, his muscles on stark display.

  “Bridget, baby,” he said softly.

  “I’m awake,” she said just as quietly.

  He turned off the light and moved toward her, pulled the covers back, and climbed in beside her. The scent of fresh soap and the feel of his big, hard warm body enveloped her. His flesh was still slightly damp, but she curled around him anyway, loving that he was here with her.

  “What happens now?” she asked, not waiting, because she needed to know.

  He was silent for several seconds, but he finally cupped the back of her head, mindful of her injured arm as he pulled her closer, and exhaled roughly. “We take it one day at a time, baby.” He pulled back, and even though she couldn’t really see his face, she knew he was looking at her. “But I’m not letting you walk away from me or what we have.” He cupped her cheek. “You’re mine, and I’d kill for you, all fucking day, Bridget, just to make sure you’re safe and protected.”

  She sighed and realized she was relieved. He was the person she loved, the man that made everything and everyone else dim in comparison.

  “It’s you and me against the world, baby girl.”

  She rested her head on his chest and smiled. That was exactly what she needed to hear at a time like this.

  “I love you, Bridge.”

  “I love you too.”

  Several days later

  King watched Beast hold Bridget. It had been a few days since everything had gone down and she’d been shot, but Beast wasn’t letting her out of his
sight. It was kind of crazy to see Beast being so gentle and protective with his woman, since King had always seen and known the hardened biker as someone that didn’t give two fucks about pussy. But it was clear Bridget was something special to him.

  He grabbed his beer and chugged it. Most of the Patches were getting drunk and heading to the back rooms to fuck. Hell, some of them were even screwing right in front of everyone. But that was the norm for the club, and it wasn’t like King gave a fuck. In fact, most of the time he liked watching the club whores getting pounded. But ever since the incident with Francis and Rafe, and seeing how much Beast cared for Bridget had this hole, this darkness, moving in and claiming him.


  He couldn’t even understand why he felt this way, didn’t know why he gave a fuck. Nevertheless, the hole in his soul was growing and he was pissed at that.

  Go find a bitch, fuck her into submission, and put all this hearts and flowers bullshit behind you.

  Yeah, that was easier said than done, but that didn’t mean he didn’t finish off his beer, stand, and grab the first club pussy that walked by. She squealed in delight, but he told her to shut the hell up. This wasn’t about someone warming his bed. This was about King finding that pleasure to fill the darkness that was slowly creeping up on him.


  Three months later

  Bridget rested her head against Beast’s chest as their family and friends surrounded them. Once the threat to their lives was eliminated, their parents had also returned to their home. She would never forget that conversation she’d had to endure while talking to her mom and his dad. She didn’t even know what she had expected, but acceptance of them being together wasn’t it. Not only did they accept that they were together, they were damned happy about it.

  Of course, Beast’s idea of taking it one step at a time didn’t exactly work out. After they spoke to their parents, he drove her to Vegas where they got married. She twirled her wedding band around her finger as Beast stroked his name; he’d demanded she get it inked on her hip. He liked making demands of her, inside the bedroom as much as outside of it. Her pussy grew slick, knowing tonight they would be all over each other once again.

  Glancing around the garden of the clubhouse, she took in the Brothers laughing and enjoying the party.

  “This is our family,” Beast said, whispering against his ear. “As a group, we’ll fuck up, make mistakes, but we always have each other’s back.”

  “They helped you. I’m indebted to them.”

  Beast burst out laughing. “Don’t tell them that, they’ll start behaving like they’re kings.”

  She cupped his cheek, loving him more and more each day. “I don’t mind; I’ve got you.”

  “I love you, baby.” He grabbed her ass, pulling her in tight against him. “And I’m never letting you go.”

  Bridget moaned and smiled. “I never want to be let go.”

  “Beast’s going all sappy,” Grim said, walking past them. He gave a quick slap to Bridget’s ass, causing her to squeal, and then laugh as Beast made to move toward him.

  “Leave him alone. He just likes fighting with you.”

  “He and Reaper, they’re fucking kids.”

  “Who care about us,” she said.

  This was his club, but it was also hers. They were together, and the club had taken her into their fold because she made Beast happy.

  “I would like to propose a toast,” Payne said, standing up. He held a bottle of beer in his hands and nodded toward them. “Beast, you’re a Soldier to the core, and I never thought I’d see the day that your cock and balls were bound to a woman, but miracles do happen. More pussy for us.” There was a round of laughter. “Bridget, you take care of our boy, give him what he wants, and we will always bring him back to you. You’re both Soldiers within the Grit Chapter, and no one messes with us.”

  She was touched because these bikers held their own and protected what was theirs. Being part of them made her feel like she belonged somewhere.

  “You’re one of us, baby.”

  “To the Soldiers,” Payne yelled, to which everyone else responded with a hell yeah.

  This was where she was supposed to be, forever at Beast’s side, and she was more than happy with that.

  The End

  Coming Soon

  King (The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter, 2)

  Sneak Peek

  Enjoy a sneak peek from The Way I Like It.

  He ran his finger up the back of her thigh, and she closed her eyes, savoring the feel, letting his dominance in that simple touch claim her. But when she felt his mouth on her lower spine, his tongue moving back and forth, she opened her eyes. Striker started dragging his teeth along the sensitive parts of her, over her ass cheeks, adding that sensitivity, that arousal. She gasped as he smoothed his tongue over the sting his teeth caused. The feel of his hands creeping up her inner legs, closer and closer to the spot on her body that ached for his touch, that was soaking wet, had everything around her becoming hazy.

  She could feel his warm, humid breath on her skin, on the most intimate parts of her. The sharp sting of his palm landing on her bare ass cheek had her gasping and biting her lip, wanting more, needing it. The spot where he’d struck was warm as the blood rushed to the surface. Adrenaline and endorphins moved through her bloodstream, leaving her excited for more, ready to take this all the way.

  He spanked her again, and another wave of endorphins filled her.

  “Oh,” the one word came out on a sigh. Her fingernails scraped against the wall, and the sound of her heart beating filled her ears. And then Striker’s hot, wet mouth was latched onto her pussy. He spread her ass cheeks apart, devoured her between her highs, and she knew she’d come from this alone.

  His tongue, slightly rough, tormented her in great sweeping waves, moving up and down as if he were licking a lollipop. And his hands, God, his hands were smooth, but demanding as he gripped the cheeks of her bottom.

  Curling his fingers around her hipbones, he pulled her back, forcing her more firmly onto his assaulting mouth, and fucked her in a way she wished he were doing with his dick.

  “So sweet, Elena,” he groaned against her flesh. “You’re mine. Mine.” The rough growl of his words sent a spear of pleasure straight to her clit and had the little bud engorging further.

  He pulled away and ran his finger along her slick folds, thrusting one of his long, thick fingers into her pussy, slowly but powerfully. Her pussy clamped down on him, the muscles drawing him in, sucking at him as if it were telling him without words it wanted his cock.

  Fucking her pussy in slow and steady thrusts with his finger, he used his other hand to smooth over the mound of her ass and give one cheek a squeeze. It was painful, but then he’d smooth that hurt away and cause pleasure to rise in her all over again.


  He delivered the blow at the same time he thrust his finger deep inside of her.


  Another spank and she was on the precipice of coming.

  “All mine, Elena. This pussy, your tits, fuck, everything about you is mine. No one else will have you.”

  Now available!

  Crescent Snow Publishing

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