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After Burn (High School Bully Romance) (Diamond Lake High School Book 1)

Page 3

by K. L. Middleton

  Another girl, who’d been listening in, turned to look at me. “Robbins is a total basket case. Last year she started shit with me just because Sonny Delfoy asked me out and I turned him down. I mean, talk about a crazy bitch. Why does she care if I told him ‘no’?”

  “It’s because you said ‘no’ to an A-squader, Lucy. She’s kind of like their den-mother or something,” Sara murmured and looked at me again. “Anyway, just ignore her. She’ll get tired and move on to her next victim soon enough.”

  “I hope so. She gets in my face again and I don’t know what I’ll do…” My voice trailed off.

  “I couldn’t believe you stood up to her. No offense, but I was shocked when you pushed her and she fell in the hallway. I think everyone was,” Sara said.

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Shit, I missed that?”

  I shrugged. “She started it. Anyway, I’m not afraid of her,” I replied, although I’d been trembling afterward. Mattie was a lot bigger than me, and I didn’t know if I could beat her, but I’d put in one hell of an effort.

  Lucy smiled. “I wish I would have seen that. She deserves to get her ass beat.”

  I agreed, although I didn’t want any more conflict with her myself. I had a feeling that Mattie was just getting started with me though. Especially now that I’d humiliated her.

  When the lunch bell rang, I dreaded going into the cafeteria. I had a sinking feeling that Mattie was going to start shit again and I wasn’t in the mood. I decided to grab some food and then eat by my locker.

  I stepped into the noisy cafeteria and avoided eye-contact with everyone around me. By now I was sure that all the seniors knew of the drama between Mattie and myself. I could almost hear the rumors and whispers. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe it was just me being unnaturally paranoid either. Especially when I looked up to find a couple of girls staring at me as they whispered to each other. I was starting to feel like the Diamond Lake Circus Freak.

  Gritting my teeth, I ignored them and headed over to the Snack Bar, where I purchased a strawberry smoothie and a bag of Doritos. I then made a beeline toward the EXIT and that’s when someone called my name.

  Surprised, I looked over and saw Sara waving me over toward her table. Relaxing, I walked over.

  “You looked like you were ready to bolt and I know how it is when you don’t know where to sit for lunch,” Sara said softly. “You’re welcome to join us.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, feeling grateful that she’d been the one assigned to give me the school tour. So far, Sara was the only one I trusted there and seemed really nice.

  “No problem,” she said.

  I sat down across from her, next to another girl who was staring at me curiously. She had light blonde hair and wore a Diamond Lake Band T-shirt.

  “Yeah, we always have room here,” the other girl added. “By the way, I’m Kara.”


  Another gal sat on the other side of me. An Asian girl with long, jet-black hair and big dark eyes. She introduced herself as Maya.

  “Hi, I’m Mackenzie.”

  “So, I heard you had a rough start today,” Maya said, pushing her hair over her shoulder.

  “Yeah, no thanks to Matzilla,” I said dryly.

  The girls laughed.

  “Just ignore her,” Maya said. “She’s a cunt.”

  Not expecting that, I chuckled.

  Maya smiled. “Well, she is. We’re both on the volleyball team and I’ve seen her literally try to destroy people. Physically and mentally.”

  “What in the hell is her problem?” I asked, surprised that someone could be so cruel.

  “She’s a spoiled brat. That’s what her problem is,” Kara said. “I don’t even think she works and it seems like she never wears the same outfit twice.”

  “She doesn’t,” Sara replied. “Her mom works in the fashion industry and makes buku dollars. Mattie’s closet is the size of someone’s bedroom. I’m sure she has clothes in there she’s never even worn.”

  “I still can’t believe you two used to be such good friends,” Kara said.

  “I know,” Sara said. “She really changed.”

  “Or evolved,” Maya said. “I think she was always a bad seed and it took a while for her to bloom. Now she’s a freakin’ Praying Mantis.”

  “Speaking of bad seeds,” murmured Sara. “Here comes the guy who pollinates Matzilla’s.”

  We watched as Chase headed toward the lunch line.

  “Looks like someone is hungover again. I’m surprised he hasn’t been kicked off of the football team,” Maya said.

  “He drinks a lot?” I asked, not surprised after smelling booze on him in class.

  “He’s a major partier. They all are,” Sara said.

  Kara pulled the cover off of her yogurt and licked it. “I heard Chase talking about you earlier.”

  “Who?” Maya asked.

  She looked at me. “Mackenzie.”

  “Figures,” I replied dryly. “So, he’s already talking shit about me too?”

  Kara’s eyes twinkled. “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”

  “Hold up. Spill the tea - what did he say about her?” Maya asked.

  She told us.

  My face turned red. I probably should have been mad but I was actually a little flattered. And a bit victorious that Mattie’s boyfriend thought I was hot and had a nice rack. It served her right.

  “It doesn’t surprise me. Most guys are pigs. Oh, speaking of farm animals… here comes Sonny,” Maya said, looking amused. “Apparently he wants to get a closer look, too.”

  I looked up and noticed a buff guy with shoulder-length blonde hair walking toward us. He sat down next to Sara and smiled at me from across the table. He was actually very good looking.

  “Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself and officially welcome you to the school. I’m Sonny.”

  I smiled. “I’m Mackenzie.”

  He reached over and grabbed a carrot from Sara’s tray. “So, let’s cut to the chase – do you have a boyfriend?”

  I stared at him in surprise.

  “Oh, hey, help yourself,” Sara muttered. “You want to use my ranch dressing too?”

  “Cool, thanks.” He dipped the carrot into it.

  She looked at us and shook her head.

  “Wow, talk about not wasting any time, Sonny,” Kara said dryly.

  “Relax. I’m asking for a friend. You still have a shot with me, Blondie,” he teased.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t hold your breath. Blondie.”

  Maya rested her chin on her palm and smirked. “So, who’s this friend who wants to know if she has a boyfriend?”

  “It’s a secret. Can’t say.” He looked at me. “You still haven’t answered the question.”

  “No. I don’t have a boyfriend,” I replied.

  He smiled wickedly. “Girlfriend?”


  He grabbed another carrot from Sara’s tray and dipped it into the ranch dressing. “Good to know.”

  “Good for whom?” Sara asked.

  Sonny finished chewing. “Someone who’s interested.” He looked at me again. “Sit at my table tomorrow and you might find out.

  As far as I was concerned, if a guy wanted to ask me out, he’d better approach me himself. We weren’t in middle school and I wasn’t going to all the work.

  “Which table is that?” I asked.

  He wagged his thumb behind him. “Ours is the one closest to the window.”

  “Perks of being an A-squader,” Maya said sarcastically. “Window seating.”

  He snorted. “A-squader? Whatever.” He looked at me. “I can’t stand that label. Apparently, my friends and I have been dubbed this by the haters of Diamond Lake.”

  “He means the peasants,” Kara said with a cool smile.

  “Damn, girl, you…are… cold,” he replied. “And you know me. My mom doesn’t have a ton of money. I’m definitely not a snobby asshole, so be nice.”

“Yeah, that was uncalled for,” she admitted. “You’re not snobby.”

  “Thank you,” he replied.

  I looked over at the A-squad table, which was crowded with pretty girls and athletic looking guys, all of them dressed in expensive trendy clothing. In the center of the group was Mattie, now seated next to Mr. Hotness himself. She was talking and laughing about something while the others listened.

  Probably me

  I laughed dryly. “Sorry but no. I’d rather sit here.”

  He didn’t look surprised. “Actually, the company here is much more interesting,” he said, flirtatiously. “I can’t exactly blame you. Maybe you should all move to our table.”

  “Sorry, but you couldn’t pay me to sit there,” Maya said.

  “Me neither,” Sara added.

  “Wow, tough crowd.” He looked at me again. “You’re not a little curious as to who is interested in you?”

  “If someone is, I’d prefer that they put their big-boy-pants on and approach me themselves,” I answered.

  The girls chuckled.

  “Okay. I’ll relay the message.” He stood up. “Enjoy your meals, Ladies. If you want any dessert,” he winked, “come and find me.”

  “Oh, you’re buying?” Kara asked.

  “I’m providing,” he said with a devilish grin.

  “Gross and… in your dreams,” she said.

  “Look, I’m not going to wait around for you forever,” he teased. “A chance like this doesn’t come around often. I’m free. You’re free. Let’s get together and see what happens.”

  “I’ve seen what happens with the girls you date. No thanks, I’ll pass,” she replied.

  “Damn, girl, you are harsh,” he said with a smile.

  “I’m just keeping it real,” she replied.

  “For the record, I’m being serious,” Sonny said.

  “For the record, I am too,” Kara countered.

  He put his hand over his chest. “Burned. Ouch. Right in front of your friends too,” he said, laughing. “I’ll leave now so that I can lick my wounds.”

  “Oh, please,” Kara said.

  “Hey, you can’t knock me for trying.” Sonny looked at me and his face turned serious. “Just some friendly advice, watch out for Mattie. She’s got it out for you for some reason.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “It won’t last. Next week it will be someone else. That’s how she is. Just, stay out of her path for now,” he said.

  “So, I’ve heard.” I looked over to his table and saw Mattie staring in my directions. When our eyes met, she gave me a dirty look. I looked back at Sonny. “She’d better stay out of mine. Especially if she’s going to keep fucking with me. I’m not afraid of her. You can tell her that, too.”

  He looked impressed. “I like you, Mack. You’ve got balls and whole lot of spunk,” he replied. “And I’m not talking-”

  “God, you’re gross. Go away,” Kara said, throwing her napkin at him.

  He grinned. “You’ve got a dirty mind. I wasn’t going there.”

  “Right,” she said dryly.

  “I don’t get it. Going where?” Sara asked.

  “He was referring to jizz,” Maya said.

  Sara’s face turned bright red. “Gross.”

  “I never said anything about that.” He laughed. “I’m leaving. All you girls think about is sex. I feel violated. Good luck, Mack. It was nice meeting you.”

  “It’s Mackenzie,” I said.

  “I know.” He walked away.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Maya said. “I wonder who has a crush on you?”

  “Chase,” Kara said. “It has to be him. Like I said, they were talking about her earlier.”

  My heart skipped a beat. There was no way that a hot guy like Chase was interested in me. Not when he had a living Barbie Doll by his side. “He has a girlfriend.”

  “Officially, he doesn’t call her his girlfriend. In fact, I’ve seen him with other girls,” Kara said. “I know she’s aware of it, too. But here at school, she acts like he’s all hers even though, we all know he does what he wants.”

  I didn’t exactly surprise me. Chase was so over-the-top-good-looking that I imagined he was hit on all the time. He also looked older than a high school boy. I would have guessed him to be in college.

  “I’ve seen him out with other girls, too,” Maya said. “Either they have an open relationship or she’s just so obsessed with him that she doesn’t care what he does.”

  I stole another glance over at the A-squad table, where they were seated next to each other. Chase was talking now and she seemed to hold onto every word he said. Not to mention, she was practically on his lap.

  I looked at Maya. “I still doubt it’s Chase. But, if it is, I’m not interested. His crazy girlfriend would probably go Fatal Attraction on me.”

  The others agreed.



  “What was that all about?” Mattie asked when Sonny sat back down to finish his lunch.

  He smirked. “Just welcomin’ the new girl.”

  I yawned. “How’d that go?”

  “She wants me.”

  “You wish,” I replied, noticing the gleam in his eyes.

  Mattie tensed up. “Why would he wish?”

  Here we go. Mattie and her jealous streak.

  “Because he’s a horn dog,” I said.

  Sonny nodded in agreement. “True.”

  “So, what did she say?” Mattie asked.

  “About what?” Sonny replied.

  Mattie sighed. “I saw her looking over here. What did she say about me?”

  “Nothing. I told her she could join us tomorrow if she wanted to.”

  “No fucking way is she sitting at our table,” Mattie spat. “You’d better be kidding.”

  Sonny chuckled. “I invited her but she wasn’t interested.”


  Sonny and I looked at each other.

  “Why do you hate her so much?” I asked, curious.

  “She’s a bitch. That’s why,” Mattie replied.

  In other words, they were too much alike and there was only room for one at our table.

  “Why do you care, anyway?” Mattie added. “Do you want her to sit with us?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Honestly, I don’t fucking care one way or another.”

  “Sounds like it,” she said under her breath.

  “Whatever.” This shit was getting so old. It wasn’t just the jealousy either. Every week someone pissed her off and she went on some kind of tangent. And deep down, I knew she thrived on the drama. She had to because most of the time, she was the one who instigated it.

  Audra Hamilton, her best friend, sat down. “Hey, Mattie. What happened between you and the new girl?”

  She started digging through her purse and pulled out a small makeup case. She opened it up and began blotting her face with powder. “The bitch was being rude and I had to put her in her place.”

  I opened up my water bottle. “I’m still curious as to what she said.” I hadn’t heard any actual details. Just her grumbling about stuff.

  Mattie looked at me. “Does it really matter?”

  “Apparently it does to you,” I replied.

  She sighed and snapped the compact shut. “She got in my face.”

  “Why? Because you tripped her in First Hour?” I asked.

  “Now that was an accident.”

  She was lying. There was no doubt in my mind. Mattie had a cruel streak and enjoyed fucking with people. When we were younger, I’d found it entertaining and even a little sexy. These days, I found it petty and immature.

  “She obviously didn’t believe me. Anyway, she’s just a little bitch with a giant attitude,” Mattie said.

  Audra, who wasn’t much better than Mattie, smiled. “Maybe someone should adjust it? I mean, you don’t just show up at our school and start shit with people.”

  “Exactly,” Mattie replied and looke
d at me. “You know what would be hilarious? If you walked over and pretended to flirt with her.”

  “Why would that be funny?” I asked, frowning.

  She lowered her voice. “Because I heard her talking shit about you. You could flirt with her, ask her out, and then when she agrees… tell her to fuck off. Like you did to Angela Hayword back in ninth grade.”

  I still felt shitty about that incident. We’d been playing Truth or Dare, and I’d been dared to ask Angela out. Mattie had told me that she would never agree to go out with me because she liked girls anyway. But, Angela surprised me by accepting. Shocked, I’d admitted to only doing it because of a dare and wasn’t really interested in taking her out. I could still remember her eyes filling up with tears and how guilty I’d felt. To this day, we avoided eye-contact and never talked.

  I pushed the memories of Angela away. “What did Mackenzie say about me?”

  “Something about how she could have you if she wanted. That you were an easy fuck,” she replied.

  Sonny chuckled. “Guess she really does have you figured out, Bro.”

  Mattie turned and gave him a scathing look.

  I had to admit, I was a little irritated that someone would talk shit about me. Even I had standards. “She really said that?”

  “Yeah, why do you think I shoved her by the lockers? Nobody talks trash about my guy,” she said, squeezing my thigh.

  I wanted to remind her that I wasn’t her guy. We’d agreed to take it casual this year. Even date other people. But, the way she was acting, I knew she’d either forgotten or had changed her mind. Not me. I was finished with our relationship. She was way too possessive and controlling. I couldn’t even go shopping without her grilling me about it.

  Mattie lowered her voice again. “Anyway, I think you should fuck with the new girl. Be sweet, get her all hot and bothered, and then tell her to fuck off.”

  “Nah,” I replied, a little shocked that she was asking me to do something so immature. Ninth grade was one thing. But, we were seniors now.

  “Why not?” Mattie asked.

  I grunted. “Because it’s stupid. I don’t play games like that. Not anymore. That’s your thing.”

  “Oh, snap,” Sonny replied, amused.


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