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Shadow of the Apocalypse

Page 14

by D. L. Harrison

  There was something so comforting about having the others around her, and she truly felt like a part of the team. Even Caroline added to that, though she doubted they’d ever be friends, there was respect there and they’d have each other’s backs.

  Jacob said, “The story has gone national and it’s all the twenty-four-hour news stations are talking about, at least for their major story. Most of them think it’s a hoax, and a lot of the reporting is tongue and cheek about the supernatural, but our faces are very well known right now. The fact we disappeared without a trace, and no one can find us or even evidence that we exist is adding fuel to the fire. Of course, that last can’t be helped.”

  She nodded, the five of them that could shift all looked like themselves, but a little different. As for her, her cheekbones were a little more defined, and her lips a little less plump but still on the pouty side. It didn’t make her soft beauty severe, but it definitely added an edge. It was hard to judge if it was good enough for her to go unnoticed and unrecognized, but she was who she was in her head so was biased that way. All of them looked a little different in small ways. They couldn’t make extreme changes to their normal bodies, but they’d made small ones just in case they had to go out on a hunt.

  Of course, Allison was screwed that way, but she could always disguise herself in a more mundane way.

  Caroline said, “In hindsight, we should have spelled the cameramen. Next time.”

  Everyone laughed, and Jacob asked, “Next time?”

  Caroline smirked.

  Jacob shook his head, “Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and it wouldn’t have mattered. If they didn’t have the footage from the HD cameras for the sports channel, the news channels would be using all the HD cell phone videos, which are going viral on YouTube. We couldn’t have stopped it. Jenna forced it on us, and we did what we had to do. I don’t think we’ll be facing any censure at all. We did save several million human lives, and we prevented an army of demons rising from hell after all.”

  Meri waved expansively, “All in a day’s work.”

  She snickered.

  Jacob shrugged, “Don’t want to beat it to death, and no one is to blame but Jenna and her sick plans, just wanted to make you aware. I don’t imagine it will keep top billing more than a few days before something else sensational grabs their attention.”

  Meri nodded, “I suppose your and Lily’s date will have to wait then?”

  Jacob peered at her.

  Meri smirked, “What? I was going to throw a party with the parents away.”

  Jacob sent Lily an apologetic look, but in truth she thought Meri’s antics were amusing.

  “Actually, I’m going to take her to dinner and dancing tonight. I think we both look different enough, and the club and restaurant I’m think of is dimly lit.”

  Her mouth went a bit dry at his confident voice, but she was able to nod. Had he asked, or told her? A little of both she decided.

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded, “The risk is minimal. We’re across the country, and we both look different. Maybe not that much to each other, but trust me, strangers won’t give us a second look. We’re also different enough to throw off facial recognition algorithms.”

  Meri said, “He’s probably right.”

  No one else objected, and she felt butterflies in her stomach as she returned his calm confident gaze. She was a little lost in his dark brown eyes, and finally tore her eyes away. Given his feelings, and her own, that whole platonic date thing was a lost cause. She wondered where he was taking her, but she didn’t ask. She didn’t mind surprises, and clearly that’s what he had in mind.

  They chatted for about another half an hour on random day to day stuff, then broke up to pursue their own hobbies and versions of fun. She didn’t have to guess hard about what Cinna and Jace had gone off to do, and she was pretty sure Carl had taken Allison for a walk on the grounds. Whatever Meri and Caroline were up to, they were on their own.

  She wasn’t nosy exactly, she could just feel all of them through the life-web.

  As for her, she was still in the lounge with Jacob, and they were chatting about anything that came to mind. For her, it’d felt like the date already started, and she learned more about the alpha shifter she was both fascinated by and very attracted to.

  When they split up, he merely told her to wear something nice.

  She wasn’t sure where that night would go, but after a shower she started out by sliding on a red silk and lace bra and panty set that was rather racy. Just in case. She didn’t usually go overboard in getting ready but that night she spent some time putting her light reddish brown and wavy hair up. She wore diamond studs in her ears, and then pulled on a conservative yet sexy dark blue dress that would work for both dinner in a nice restaurant, or for dancing in a club. On the edge of risqué for the former, and quite conservative for the latter, but within the bounds. She put on minimal makeup, she didn’t really need it, shifters had perfect complexions. She was ready to go after slipping on black shoes with two-inch heels.

  She bit her lip nervously as she looked in the mirror. She knew she looked good, and she was ready for her and Jacob to become a couple, in every way. Still, she was nervous, in her mind if not her body, she was still a virgin of sorts. She imagined it would be like fighting though, it was natural, instinctual, and even if her mind had forgotten her body would remember.

  That idea helped a little, but not a whole lot, she still had butterflies. She also wondered if she was reading into things too much, Jacob might still want to hold off on that, despite his admission that he’d been falling for her despite his best efforts to hold her emotionally at arm’s length the last few weeks.

  There was also a part of her, a very small part, that was afraid she’d regret it for some unknown reason once she got her memories back. But she was far more under Jacob’s spell, and extremely attracted to him. She pushed down those doubts, for now. Doubts were normal, for first times. As absurd as it was, the date itself was a kind of first for her as well, not just the virgin thing.

  She knew about dating rules, but in this case she didn’t think it should count. She’d been living with the man for three weeks under the same roof, it might be their first official date, but she’d gotten to know him far better, and spent far more time with him, than a normal dating situation. Plus, she had empathy and the vibes off the life-web to count on, she had no doubts about his intentions.

  Jacob wanted her far more than just for her body, and the incredibly electric chemical attraction they shared. That was one thing she didn’t have to worry about at all, just everything else. Besides, she didn’t want to wait anymore, the man set her on fire with a look.

  She was thinking too much.

  She turned away from the mirror, opened the door, and headed downstairs. She suppressed her smirk when she saw his eyes rove up and down her body with a hungry hunter’s focus. She supposed the effort she’d put in had been worth it as she felt his surge of lust, admiration, protectiveness, and caring.

  Jacob looked… delicious. He had on a black slacks and shoes, with a buttoned collared shirt his body filled out very well. He also had on a suit jacket and his effect on her was just as profound as hers on him, but she hid it better. Or at least, she thought she did. He wouldn’t be able to directly feel the feelings he engendered in her, but he could probably scent them in her pheromones.

  Jacob smiled, “You look ravishing.”

  She returned his smile, “Thank you. You look good.”

  Good was such an understatement, but she held back on telling him he looked sexy, yummy, and made her body tingle with excitement. Although, she imagined a good part of that was her emotions and desires feeding off of his as well.

  Meri said, “I don’t think she even knows we’re here.”

  Cinna snickered.

  She rolled her eyes, “Of course I did, I could feel your amusement. I was having a moment.”

  Cinna giggled louder.

  Meri winked, “Have a good time.”

  Cinna added, “Don’t worry mom, I won’t let her have a party and burn the house down.”

  She gave Cinna a look, and the soul eater blushed. The teasing was just a cover of sorts, Cinna had a big heart, and she was beyond thrilled for them both. Of course, Cinna couldn’t really hide that at all, at least not when standing in range so Lily could feel her emotions. Meri too, to a lesser extent, but she was really enjoying the teasing part as well.

  She blushed when Jacob took her hand, and they left the two jokers behind...

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Are you sure about this?”

  He nodded as they moved down the road. He was holding her hand and driving with just his left hand.

  “I think so, but I doubt my own judgment when it comes to you. It should be perfectly fine. No one will recognize us. I’m also sure about how I feel about you, if that’s what you meant?”

  She shook her head, “I meant that first one.”

  He chuckled, that low manly chuckle that sent delicious tingles down her spine and sent the butterflies in her stomach explosively into flight.

  “That sure of me?”

  She shrugged, “Yes? I cheat you know, empath, and don’t think I don’t know you can scent how sure I am.”

  He grinned, “Good point, that does take away a lot of the doubts others have to deal with. So, why do you feel nervous?”

  She bit her lip, “First date. That I can remember.”

  It was absurd, she was the oldest woman in existence, dead or alive, and she was the mother of four supernatural races, and only god knew how many mates she’d had over the last hundred millennia. At least three that she knew of, but probably more. Yet… first date and a virgin. Absurd or not, it was how she felt.

  He snickered, and she squeezed his hand a bit too hard.

  “Ouch, violent woman!” he accused.

  She giggled, “Damned right. So, where are you taking me?”

  He smirked, “Dinner and dancing.”

  She sniffed, “Fine, don’t tell me.”

  He turned his head and winked at her, and then returned his eyes to the road.

  “We should have done this two weeks ago, a date I mean.”

  She tilted her head, “Past girlfriends?”

  He shrugged, “When I was younger, before I got on my team, but nothing serious. At least, not until you walked in my door. I was always totally focused on the team and our life mission.”

  She detected the hyperbole in his voice, but at the same time he was deadly serious. She felt warm knowing no other woman had taken him in that way before. No other man had grabbed her attention as firmly either, at least not in her current life or the past six months. Seven months in just one week. Her past might be a different story, but she couldn’t say. All she was sure of was she’d never been a promiscuous woman at all, unlike the human legends surrounding her love life. She was sure of that because of the dream. Old her hadn’t felt any different than new her, outside of an earthy confidence and sex appeal that she knew was just for her past mate, no one else. Yes, a very sensual creature, but for an audience of one.

  What had Meri called it back then? A serial monogamist. She imagined some mating couples did go the distance of a full life, but they would be the exceptions. For her, that would be impossible, she was immortal, even if she spent every last one of Jacob’s days dedicated to him, she’d have to go on. Still, that didn’t seem like such a bad thing, although it was probably too early to tell, at the same time it didn’t feel too early. They hadn’t even kissed yet, but she felt like she belonged to him, and god knew her body already did. Damn, they didn’t even finish their first date yet, but it was how she felt.

  He asked, “What are you thinking about so hard?”

  She said, “My revenge for you not telling me where we’re going.”

  He snorted, “Liar.”

  She shrugged, “Deep thoughts. Future, past, us.”

  He asked, “What about us?”

  She mock threatened, “If you try to leave, I’ll hunt you down.”

  He chuckled, “Good to know.”

  They pulled into a club parking lot, Nacional 27. She’d never been there before, but she’d heard of it. Upscale dress, good Cuban food, and of course Salsa music and dancing. They got out of the car, and headed in. There was a DJ, and the music was loud. The ambience was more trendy than romantic, but that worked for her. The dancing would be fun, if she wanted romantic he’d have taken her to a dim candlelit restaurant.

  She wondered when he’d made reservations, as he gave his name and they were seated. She felt excited about good food, fun dancing, and she couldn’t think of better company. The buzz of the crowd’s emotions just further solidified those feelings for her. Although, she got the idea she’d have been thrilled going anywhere, as long as she was in his company.

  She had a great time, and with her empathy knew he did as well. She also felt confident, his eyes didn’t wander at all, and his focus, intensity, and self-assurance were very effective on her. They enjoyed a leisurely meal, and then danced. The dance itself was fun, though she was hardly an expert at Salsa dancing, they were shifters and highly coordinated, so it didn’t take long to at least pick up the basics of it.

  She was flush, happy, and excited as they left the club. She wasn’t sure about him, but the night and dancing had really gotten her going. Her body felt incredibly sensitive, aroused just didn’t really cover it as a description. She thought she might kill him, if he didn’t make a move.

  To her delight, he went for a kiss before letting her back in the car, and she eagerly went to her toes as she tilted her head up to receive it. His hands set her skin on fire where he gripped her waist, and she was in heaven while she ran her hands on his chest. She’d been wanting to do that for a while. She sighed softly into his mouth, as their lips danced, and the rest of the world seemed to fade away.

  The look in his eyes when they broke the kiss made her weak in the knees, good thing he was already holding on tight. She felt safe, and overwhelmingly vulnerable under that gaze.

  “Hi,” she said breathily in a rather sultry tone.

  He smiled smugly at his effect on her, but she forgave him for it because she could feel his own deeply stirred feelings of desire, deep caring, and awed adoration as he looked into her eyes. He was hers, as much as her body, heart, and mind was his.

  He said softly, “Lily, you’re going to kill me.”

  She smiled naughtily, and felt suddenly brave and brazen, “Actually, I had different hopes for the end of the night.”

  He groaned.

  She felt vibes on the life-web, as it shifted slightly.


  His eyes narrowed in confusion, “Shit?”

  She laughed, “How do you feel about an impromptu hunt before we decide on the ending of our date. Could be fun actually. There’s two of them, soul eaters that need to put down.”

  She was only halfway kidding, the way she felt the excitement of a hunt would only add to her heated ardor by the time they were done with it. Not the kill itself of course, that would be sick, but the risk and adrenaline from life or death situations were plugged directly into the libido, a part of human survival instincts. Sure, it wouldn’t force them to do anything, it could be resisted, but she had no plans to do that tonight, resist that is. She was all his tonight, and it kind of thrilled her that he knew it, could scent it on her.

  Plus, she’d feel guilty as hell if those two bastards snacked on and killed some humans while she was in bed with Jacob for the first time. That wasn’t even an option for her, despite the fact a part of her, the naughty part of her, was tempted to do just that. She’d never wanted a man as much as she wanted Jacob in that moment. Holding her, taking her, and loving her.

  Well, they say delayed gratification was good for the soul, and would make things even better. Or so she told herself.

  His eyes crinkled in confusion
for a moment, until he caught on she was serious.

  He nodded, “Alright, tell me where to go. Just two?”

  She nodded, “Yes, and obviously rogue. They’re coming in from O’Hare on the El, I think. We have some time before they make it all the way to the loop.”

  He took out his phone, but his other arm remained firmly around her waist.

  She couldn’t help but melt against him, as her hand roamed his hard-muscular chest through the collared shirt.

  “What’s up?”

  He shrugged, “Just letting the others know about the hunt. Simple or not, we shouldn’t run off half-cocked without telling anyone.”

  On impulse, she went up on her toes and kissed and nipped his neck. His skin was as delicious as she’d suspected it would be, and his masculine scent was overwhelming.

  He groaned, and then they were kissing again, far hungrier than before, and she felt his firm yet gentle hands run over the small of her back, and then lower.

  She squeaked into his mouth in surprise, when he squeezed and pulled her tighter against him, and then she melted against him and sighed as her arms went around his neck. She felt a thrill as she felt his hard bulge against her.

  They were both a little breathless when the kiss broke, and he took a step back.

  “If we’re hunting, I can’t have my hands on you.”

  She giggled, “Fair enough. It is rather distracting.”

  He asked, “What’s it like? I mean feeling those guys.”

  She frowned in thought, “I can’t feel their emotions of course, but I can feel their dark intentions, and the impression of evil. It feels completely different from the other soul eaters, who feed out of love, sharing, or even just lust and excitement.”

  He grinned, “Maybe you could show me that too.”

  Damn, the man was trying to kill her. That was a hell of an idea, for later, in bed… she hoped. She even thought she might turn up the transmitter a bit, just for him, so he could feel what emotions she felt. It wouldn’t be hard at all to transmit all she was feeling, it was actually harder to project a single emotion of her choice.


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