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Reckless Love

Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

Scarlett’s stunned gaze went from Chloe to me. We stared at each other for a few moments before Scarlett finally spoke.

  “I do know that, Chloe. And yes, I love your Uncle Trevor that much, too. Thank you for sharing your special time with him at your tea party.”

  My heart slammed against my chest as I stared at Scarlett. Wishing like hell we were alone.

  Paxton seemed pleased and quickly dismissed herself so that we could get on with the tea party.

  I watched as Chloe and Scarlett instantly hit it off. Chloe poured us all a glass of iced tea in our fancy glass tea cups.

  “Wow, you busted out the fancy tea set for Scarlett, huh?” I asked while holding up the miniature tea cup and saucer. “I guess I know where I rank, huh, kiddo? I only get the plastic.”

  “Mommy said this was a special tea party and that our plastic set wouldn’t do.”

  Scarlett tried to hide her smile but failed.

  “Yup, bottom of the pecking order,” I mumbled while taking a sip.

  “Thank you so much, Chloe. I appreciate it, and might I say, this is a beautiful tea set.”

  “Santa brought it for me last year! This year I’m hoping he brings me a boyfriend. Rip, if possible. If not a boyfriend, then another goat will do.”

  I choked on my tea. Scarlett had to reach over and hit me a few times on the back.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not okay.” Pointing to my niece, I said, “Chloe, if you ever want to leave the house again, do not put that on your list to Santa.”

  Chloe tilted her head and stared at me. “But why?”

  “Who is Rip, Chloe?” Scarlett asked, taking a sip of tea and winking at me over the small cup.

  I had to grab onto the table because it felt like the entire world had shaken from that one, sexy-as-fuck wink.

  “Well, I have two Rips in my life, Aunt Scarlett. My horse I got from Santa, and Rip, my future husband. He’s Wade’s younger brother. He’s in my class and I love him. He doesn’t really know it, though.”

  “Oh. I see.” Scarlett peeked at me, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, exactly.”

  Scarlett focused back on Chloe. “Do your mommy and daddy know about Rip…the future husband?”

  “Yep! Daddy told me I’m not allowed to look at Rip or talk to him, but I know he was just kidding.”

  “That’s what you think,” I whispered.

  Chloe laughed cutely. If only she knew the plans her father was making to threaten the poor boy when he was old enough to know what his penis was for.

  “Well, you have plenty of time for boyfriends,” Scarlett said. “I think you and Rip should be friends first.”

  “Are you and Uncle Tripp getting married now that you’re gonna have a baby?”

  Scarlett and I froze.

  “Well, your uncle and I are, um, we’re…” Scarlett looked at me for help, but I leaned back in the chair and smiled, not offering one bit. After what she’d just said to Chloe about loving me, I wanted to see how she got out of this without stumbling.

  “You’re what?” Chloe asked, almost with a bat of her eyes. “Boyfriend and girlfriend? I would think so if y’all love each other. Are you going to live here on the ranch when the baby is born?” Chloe jumped out of her seat. “I hope you do! Patches would love another friend to chase around.”

  She placed her hand on her hip, tilted her head, and looked up in thought.

  “Let’s see, what was the other question I was supposed to ask?”

  Scarlett’s mouth fell open as I let out a laugh.

  “What do you mean, ‘the other question you were supposed to ask’?” I pulled Chloe over to me.

  Chloe giggled and covered her mouth. “Aunt Waylynn and I practiced the questions before y’all got here, but I think I forgot a few. Momma’s gonna be upset with me because those were the important ones, too.”

  When Scarlett’s head whipped around and looked at me with a what the hell look, I shrugged. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” I yelled out, throwing the wrench onto the ground and scrubbing my hands over my face.

  “Trevor, why don’t we just call Hank’s friend who works on tractors and we can get this thing fixed.”

  “Because I need it fixed now, Wade. Not in a week. Right the fuck now.”

  He held up his hands and took a few steps back.

  “Okay, I surrender. But while you’re throwing a hissy fit, you want to tell me the real reason you’re in a piss mood today? Hell, you’ve been in one for the last week.”

  Walking away from the tractor, I took in a few deep breaths and tried to cool off. I was pissed and it had nothing to do with the damn tractor.

  “I haven’t seen Scarlett in a week. I stopped by her house last night without calling, and she was sitting on her porch talking to that fucker.”

  Wade folded his arms over his chest.

  “That’s the code word for Eric, right?”

  “Yes, there are many code words for Eric. Fucker, douchebag, dickhead, bastard. I could keep going.”

  “So, did you stop?”

  “I pulled into her driveway and stopped the truck. Scarlett came up and said she and Eric were catching up. Turns out he’s stopped by her house a few times, but she didn’t tell me.”

  “Was she supposed to tell you?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “No, I guess not.”

  “You know there is nothing going on there, right?”

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, I nodded. “I know, Wade. It doesn’t erase the fact that I’m no closer with Scarlett now than I was a month ago. She’s still keeping me at arm’s length and when I go for long stretches like this, it just…”

  “It just what?”

  “I don’t know what it does, dude. I’m trying to give her space and time, but I don’t want her to think I don’t care, so I call each day and the last two days I’ve gotten her voicemail. She texts back, but it feels distant. Then seeing her with him… I guess I’m jealous she has time to sit on the front porch and drink tea with him, but she can’t take a call from me. Christ, I sound like a pussy.”

  Wade slapped me on the back. “You’ve been working way too much.”

  “There’s a lot to do. I mean, we’ve got to get this place ready for winter, we’ve got the new project Mitchell is working on with the breeding, and hell, whatever else we got going on.”

  “Didn’t you say one of your friends from high school was having a party this afternoon? Maybe that’s what you need, a day at the river just hanging out with some friends.”

  “Yeah, maybe. You want to come?”

  He laughed. “Are you kidding me? I’ve got to meet with Steed to go over the books from last quarter. I’ve got some marketing ideas for the breeding program and I wanted to see what he thought about it. Hopefully it will fit into the budget for next spring.”

  “Do y’all need me there?”

  “No, Trevor, take a damn Friday off. You finally quit working at Cord’s Place and all you’ve done is work your ass even harder on the ranch, if that’s at all possible.”

  “Busy is good for our business. You know that.”

  He slapped the side of my arm. “Why don’t you call Scarlett? See if she wants to go and just relax. Have some fun. Lord knows once the baby comes y’all won’t have the opportunity to be going to river parties.”

  I smiled. “Hey, speaking of baby, how is Amelia? Y’all didn’t come to the family dinner last weekend.”

  “She’s doing great. She had a draft of her book she wanted to finish. The plan is for her to try and get a few books ahead, so when the baby comes she can just concentrate on being a mommy.”

  “That’s awesome. She feeling okay?”

  Wade laughed. “Oh yeah, she’s feeling more than okay. Is Scarlett feeling a little more…frisky? When they say pregnant women get more…you know…they aren’t lying.”

  I frowned. “What?”

  He shrugged, trying to
blow off what he had just brought up. “Nothing. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Wait, are you trying to say your wife is horny because she’s pregnant? First off, gross that’s my sister, and second, is that really something that happens?”

  “From what I’ve read. Haven’t you been reading any books?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not the one married to a writer, dude.”

  “For your information, asshole, I picked them up on my own. I wanted to know what all was happening with Amelia and the baby. It’s pretty interesting. Anyway, in one of the books they said a woman is more…you know…horny when they’re pregnant.”

  “Well, since Scarlett is keeping me at a distance, I wouldn’t know.”

  Wade frowned.

  My phone rang and I pulled it out of my back pocket in a hurry, only to see that it was James Larson, my old buddy from high school.

  “Hey, James, what’s up?”

  “Dude! You coming to the party? It’s going to be a blast from the past. A few of the guys have come into town.”

  “I’m not sure if I can make it.”

  “Trev, come on. I’m getting married in two months and this is the last party I’m throwing. Just come and have some fun. Some of these girls from high school are still looking pretty hot.”

  “Yeah, I’m not interested in that, James.”

  A roar of laughter came through the phone. “That’s right! Rumor has it you’re settled down. I have to admit, I was sort of stunned that you stopped working at your brother’s bar, I thought you loved it there. What a place to blow off steam.”

  “My priorities changed.”

  Wade smiled and shook his head.

  “Well, what the fuck ever. Just come for a little bit.”

  “Fine, I’ll come, but I’m not staying long.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. Feel free to bring anyone. I’ll see ya soon.”

  The phone went dead, and I pulled up Scarlett’s number. Walking away from Wade, I hit dial. I sighed when I got her voicemail.

  “Hey, Scarlett, it’s me. Listen, I’m taking the rest of the day off and heading to James Larson’s river party down at his place. I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me? I know you said you had today off from all the over time you had been working. I’ll be leaving here in a bit so if you want to go, just give me a holler and I’ll pick you up.”

  I hit End and pushed my phone into my back pocket. I glanced out over the vast Texas hill country. For as far as the eye could see, it was our ranch. I loved this place, but something felt missing. Something was off, and I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling brewing deep in my soul.

  “Come on, Scarlett! You never do anything fun anymore.”

  I sat on my living room sofa, my feet tucked under my body, a pint of ice cream in my hand. My hormones had been off the chart the last few weeks and my emotions even worse. I’d been putting off seeing Trevor because I wasn’t sure if I would break down and cry…or what I would do.

  “Lynn, I’m pregnant. Going to a river party when it’s hot as hell out is not my idea of fun.”

  “Okay, so I’ll admit the eighty-eight degrees in November thing sort of sucks, but you have to come. This will be your last fun time out before you get a giant basketball in your belly and you start to waddle like a duck.”

  I shot her a dirty look.

  “I talked to James just a little bit ago. He said Trevor was coming so I figured that meant you were, as well. I mean, are you not pregnant with his baby?”

  That got my attention. “Trevor’s going?”

  Her smile faded. “Are y’all not together? I mean, you’re not dating? Because Trevor has made it very clear to everyone he is off the market. When Margret and Darcy saw Trevor at the feed store, Darcy said Trevor didn’t flirt with them once! He said hello when they said hi and he kept right on going. Sort of pissed Darcy off, but Margret told her about you and the baby.”

  “Wait, Darcy was trying to put the moves on Trevor? When?”

  “The day before yesterday, I think it was.”

  I snarled. “That bitch! She works in Dr. Buten’s office! She knows I’m pregnant with Trevor’s baby.”

  Lynn half-shrugged. “Well, you didn’t go to high school here, girl. Darcy was the poster girl for class slut. She didn’t care if a guy had a girlfriend or not. She’s been trying for years to hook up with Trevor Parker and hasn’t been able to.”

  I lifted a brow. “Really?”

  With a nod, she replied, “Yep. Now go change and let’s go.”

  Sighing, I threw the blanket off and headed to my room, finishing off the chocolate ice cream as I climbed the steps.

  Once I got to my room, I found my phone on the nightstand. I’d forgotten I left it there to charge. Picking it up, I saw a new voicemail from Trevor.

  Hitting speaker, I listened to it while I changed into a pair of shorts and a light blue sweater tank top. Once I heard that Trevor had invited me to the party, a new feeling swept over me. I was actually excited to go. I was bummed I’d missed his call and would have much rather gone with him, but I knew I would be seeing him there. After the whole thing with Eric being at my house and Trevor showing up, I had been wanting to talk to him. I’d seen it on his face and heard it in his voice. He was worried I was growing more distant. I hadn’t meant to be pushing Trevor back; it was just hard to maintain control when he was around. Plus, I had been working a lot of overtime to save money so I could pay bills when I went on maternity leave. Grabbing a sweater, I made my way down the steps.

  “Trevor called and said he was going to the party.”

  Lynn pinched her brows together. “Hello, I already told you that.”

  I grabbed my keys and some cash. “You telling me and Trevor inviting me are two totally different things.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t understand your relationship with him. I truly don’t.”

  “Can I just drive over with you? I’m sure I can get Trevor to give me a ride back.”

  “Sure! You ready?”

  “Yep. Let’s go have one more fling before we all have to grow up.”

  Lynn laughed as I locked my door and followed her to her Honda Accord.

  “Amen to that!”

  Thirty minutes later we were driving down the gravel road that led to the river. I had texted Trevor, but he hadn’t returned my text. The closer we got the river, the more nervous I got. What if I showed up and Trevor was talking to someone? Or worse yet, flirting with them?

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have come. I’m starting to feel a bit sick.”

  Lynn huffed. “It’s probably the pint of ice cream you sucked down and that Snickers bar you made me stop and get. Jesus, where are you putting all this food, girl?”

  “I don’t normally eat like that, but I was craving the Snickers, and the ice cream was just…well, it was good and I wanted it.”

  “You’re not actually eating for two, you know. You don’t need to double up what you’re eating.”

  “Yes, doctor.”

  Lynn hit me on the leg. “I’m just saying, eat healthy.”

  “I do. But every now and then I deserve a damn Snickers!”

  She laughed. “You do. I can’t even imagine being pregnant. Ugh.”

  Before I had a chance to ask why she felt like that, I saw all the cars and trucks. Trevor’s was hard to miss; it was the last one in the row and Lynn pulled up and parked next to it.

  “Okay, let’s go have some fun. I’ll drink whatever beers you can’t.”

  Getting out of the car, I pointed to her. “Hey, isn’t that the same as the eating double thing?”

  “Nope. That rule does not apply to beer. When your friend is pregnant, you’re allowed to drink her allotted quantity of beers.” Lynn grabbed our bags out of her trunk.

  “That’s not true.”

  Hooking her arm with mine, we made our way down the path. I could hear shouting and music the closer we got. My heart started pounding a
nd I stopped.

  Lynn turned to face and me, and her smile vanished.

  “What? What’s wrong, Scarlett?”

  I shook my head and took a few steps back. “I can’t. What if he’s…what if I see him with someone?”

  “Trevor? Scarlett, are you out of your damn mind? Listen, I get that he acted like a complete dick after y’all hooked up, but I’m pretty damn sure he is not here sucking face with some girl when you are carrying his baby.”

  My hand came up to my mouth as a wave of nausea hit me. “I’m going to be sick.”

  I rushed over to the bushes and threw up. It didn’t take long for everything I had consumed to come rushing back.

  “Christ, Scarlett! You’re making yourself sick thinking about this.”

  Standing up, I placed my hand over my forehead. “I feel dizzy.”

  “Let’s get you some water and get you to a chair or something.”

  Fear gripped me as Lynn took my arm and led me closer to the party.

  Why couldn’t I just trust Trevor? Why did I let these stupid doubts creep into my brain and wedge themselves in?

  When we came around a bend, I got a clear shot of the whole party. I quickly started to scan the crowd. It didn’t take long to spot him.

  “I told you! You had nothing to worry about.”

  A rush of air came out—I hadn’t even realized I had been holding my breath. Trevor was standing off to the side talking to about four or five guys. Girls were everywhere, walking around in swimsuits and shorts that left little to the imagination.

  Trevor was focused only on the guys he was talking to. His back was toward the river. He held a beer in his hand, and when I looked him over, I started to laugh.

  “What in the hell is he wearing?” I asked.

  “Christ, looks like he just walked out of Mrs. Johnson’s calculus class!”

  We both started to laugh, and it was like he knew I was there. His head turned and our eyes locked. He smiled, and then his smile faded when he saw Lynn with her arm around me. Trevor rushed over.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, placing both hands on my arms and giving me a once-over.

  “She threw up as we were walking down here,” Lynn said, giving me a wink.


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