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Blood of the Sorcerer

Page 19

by B. C. Morin

  Evyette’s eyes widened as she looked toward Valic, who seemed worn from his struggles against the tortures that Samil was inducing. Her gaze shifted to Samil again.

  “Do not do this! Let him go plea-“

  Her words were cut off by Samil.

  “Contúndere!” He yelled.

  “NO!” Eveytte looked quickly to Valic who had just enough time to catch her gaze and give a small smile before his body was pulverized by the spell.

  “I told you to let him go. I said I would go with you, why did you do that?” She yelled, tears falling down her face.

  Samil’s smirk was gone as he walked toward her, his spectral image fading even more.

  Evyette tilted her head back, straining to look at him.

  “So that you know what happens when you defy me. I do not have to hurt you. I will hurt those that help you, care for you, whatever the case may be.” He looked at her disgustingly as he raised his hand, its form becoming solid just before striking the side of her face with such force that it sent her to the ground with a thud, blood pouring from the new gash across her cheek.

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  Chapter 18

  The day had been more than slightly eventful for Alannah. After some very rigorous training with Jadoc, involving not only her powers, but her sword fighting and spells, Alannah rushed to see the commotion in the center of the Kingdom where the fae had gathered around the dragons that had just arrived. Though the larger surprise was watching Brennus emerge from the castle with Isibeal, Kaleb, Tristan and an elf. Alannah watched as the Elf’s stunning beauty acquired the attention of every fae she passed. She had long blonde hair with streaks of gold, flowing in waves down her back. Atop her head sat a thin gold crown that if not for the sun gleaming off of it, would be lost in her hair. She stood as tall as Brennus, her light grey skin contrasting against the royal blue dress that pressed tightly against her chest and stomach then flowed behind her like a stream.

  Alannah wanted to smile at the site of them all, but something held her back. Not knowing if it was the pain in her stomach from seeing Isibeal walking so confidently aside Brennus, or watching Tristan walk toward her with Kaleb, and Evyette not being among them. She turned once again, gazing at the beautiful dragons before her.

  “Her name is Dalinda, it means Noble Serpent.”

  Alannah shifted to have a better look at Tristan.

  “Is she yours?”

  “Something like that.” Tristan walked forward, a large grin spreading across his face. Dalinda lowered her large head until her eyes were parallel with Tristan’s head. He walked the length of her beautiful fire red snout, dragging his hands across her scales. She closed her eyes at the contact. He walked until he reached her neck and threw his arms around her.

  Dalinda released a plume of smoke and turned her head so that she was touching Tristan’s back with her snout.

  “What he means is that the dragons in Talom are free.” Kaleb stood beside Alannah, his arms folded across his chest. “They come and go as they please and if they choose to offer their assistance in anything then it is welcomed. But it is never required. Dalinda here and her brother, Lothaire, were left behind when their parents gave their lives fighting against Samil.” Kaleb unfolded his hands and pet the snout of the near black dragon as he dropped it low in anticipation of Kaleb’s touch.

  Alannah followed Kaleb as he walked the length of the dragon, never taking his hand off Lothaire.

  “They often wandered out of Dragon’s Peak and into our village. From the time that Tristan and I could walk, we spent all the time we could with them.” Kaleb grabbed hold of the leather straps along the sides of the dragons that doubled as a ladder leading to the leather seat on Lothaire’s back. Kaleb began to untie bags and satchels, which had been tied to the seat. No doubt, they were filled with clothes and weapons for him and Tristan.

  Alannah stepped carefully towards the dragon, stretching out both her hands, her smile reaching her eyes. The scales were surprisingly soft to the touch and she found she could not stop rubbing her hands against them.

  Lothaire twisted his head back, his large silver eyes gleaming at her as he released a large puff of smoke out of his nostrils.

  “He likes you.”

  “Oy!” Tristan called from atop Dalinda. “It seems that Dalinda has brought something for you, Alannah.”

  “For me?” Alannah stepped away from Lothaire, turning only when he grunted at her departure.

  Alannah stood small between the two large dragons.

  “What did she bring me?” Tristan held out his hand and in it was a small dragon, its tail wrapped around his wrist.

  Alannah took a deep breath, bringing her hand to her mouth. Her eyes watered but she stood firm, holding back the stinging tears.

  “Kontar.” She whispered. Instantly she was taken back to the forest the last time that she and Evyette went to speak to Tritious.

  Kontar stretched out his small wings, unfurling his tail from Tristan’s wrist and taking off into the air. Alannah watched in awe as the tiny dragon flew in various circles over the other two large dragons, before flying down to her. She held out both of her hands in front of her and Kontar rested himself in them.

  “You remember me.” Alannah brought Kontar to her chest and heard him inhale. For a moment she wondered if he recognized her through that. Kontar pulled his head back, looking side to side. Alannah’s smile faded.

  “Are you looking for Evyette?” The small dragon cocked his head to one side, holding her gaze. “We will get her back, Kontar, I promise.” She whispered to the dragon before allowing him to fly to her shoulder and settle into place.

  “Well, we should probably allow them to go feed.” Tristan and Kaleb jumped off of the dragons. Kaleb walked around to Lothaire’s snout, grabbing it on each side. “When you return, you will stay at The Cascades.” He pointed toward the back of the Kingdom. “I will find you later, my friend.”

  Kaleb took a few steps back.

  “You all might want to move a bit.”

  The crowd that had gathered around them, gawking at and petting the dragons, separated.

  The two dragons spread their wings as far as they could trying not to destroy any storefronts, crouched onto their hind legs and thrust themselves upward. As soon as they were high enough, they opened their wings completely, casting a shadow over all who stood beneath them.

  “Alannah.” The familiar deep voice stirred something inside of her, causing her stomach to knot.

  Alannah turned to find Brennus standing with Isibeal to one side and the elf to the other.

  “Alannah, this is Faelwen.” Alannah bowed, knowing from the crown that she must be some sort of royalty. “She is the Princess of the elves.”

  “It is an honor, Faelwen.”

  “The honor is mine, Princess of Meira.” Faelwen’s voice was melodic, almost as if she were singing each word. “It is most unfortunate to hear of your sister.”

  Alannah bowed her head, in response.

  “I have come to advise King Brennus, as well as the other Kingdoms, that there are those of us that are willing to fight with you against Samil, should the need arise.”

  Alannah furrowed her brow.

  “I was under the impression that the elves did not involve themselves in the affairs of other races.”

  Faelwen smiled, bringing her hands in front of her and interlocking her fingers. “It is true, that we keep to ourselves and the preservation of our race. However, this would benefit us, as well. Should Samil obtain the power he seeks, and take control over the five Kingdoms, it would only be a matter of time before he brought his power to us and tried to control us, as well. We plan to see that it never gets that far.”

  Alannah folded her arms across her chest.

  “I see. And how are we to know that you will stay true to your words?”

  “Alannah!” Brennus shouted through gritted teeth.

  “Was it not three of your kind
that attacked my sister, Prince Kaleb, and his friend?”

  Faelwen, held out her hand to Brennus, indicating her request for him to stay out.

  “You speak of the Drow. The Drow do not follow me and I cannot speak for them. I only speak for the elves that are with me.” Faelwen folded her arms across her chest, her palms flat against her biceps. “Just as you cannot speak for all of your kind. Have you not Rogue Fae that would just as soon kill you than help you? Or even the two Fae that are the ones hell-bent on destroying you all or enslaving you.”

  The corner of Alannah’s mouth curled.

  “Well said, Faelwen.”

  Faelwen inclined her head to the Princess.

  “Then it is your word I shall take and it is you I will thank for offering yourselves to help in the war against them should it get that far.”

  “My dear Alannah. We are no longer hoping that it will not, we are preparing for what will be. Our spies have gathered much intelligence on Samil and his army. The war is coming, have no doubt about that.”

  Alannah let out a breath she had not realized she was holding. She never actually thought that it would come to it. She had thought that as long as they saved Evyette, everything would be done. But even if they could save her, there was every possibility that Samil or Maligo would go on with the war. The only way to stop it was to kill Samil and Maligo.

  “Brennus, Isibeal, Kaleb, Tristan, and Alannah.” Faelwen bowed to them before walking towards the guards clad in silver armor, who were standing but a few feet away from her. She turned once more, facing the group. “I will see you all again. Be safe.”

  “Be safe.” They chimed in unison.

  They all turned to walk towards the castle but Alannah stopped suddenly. She realized that the training grounds that were in front of the castle had been emptied of all training weapons and covered in gleaming smooth white stones in preparation for the wedding. Alannah’s stomach lurched. For a moment she wondered if that was there this morning when she walked with Brennus to training.

  Kaleb and Tristan stopped when they noticed that Alannah was not with them and walked back toward her.

  “I suppose this is the first time that you have seen this?”

  Alannah only nodded. Any words she wanted to say choked inside her throat.

  Kaleb put his arm around her and she let her head rest on his chest, not able to tear herself away from the sight.

  “There is still hope.”

  “Is there?” Alannah lifted her head off of his chest and walked forward, leaving Kaleb and Tristan behind her.

  “It is difficult, mate.” Tristan said, pushing his hands into his pockets.

  “What is?” Kaleb turned facing Tristan. “I do not feel for her that way any-“

  “I know. You knew where her heart was when she was leaving the Magi Kingdom, you were coming to terms with it, but you could not bring yourself to tell her. I know.” Tristan cut him off, then cleared his throat. “It is difficult, to see a friend hurt so deeply.” He finished as he played with a rock at his feet.

  “She is hurting quite badly.”

  “I was not talking about her.” Tristan locked his gaze on Kaleb. A deathly unspoken silence stood between them, as the wind picked up around them blowing leaves into the dense space that had formed between them.

  The corners of Tristan’s mouth turned up.

  “You are one amazing friend, Kaleb.”

  Kaleb folded his arms across his chest.

  “Why do you say that?”

  Tristan shrugged his shoulders and began walking towards the castle, listening to the crunch beneath his boots as he walked over the smooth white stones.

  “Tristan!” Kaleb called out, jogging to catch up to him. “Why did you say that just now?”

  “Because you are, mate.”

  Kaleb raised an eyebrow.

  “Since when did you become so emotional?”

  Tristan laughed out-loud, before shoving Kaleb. “You are right. I should have said you are nothing more than a curse, because in the past two months, I have been attacked more times that I would like to count!”

  Kaleb laughed.


  “Though, you still have not learned how to lie to me well enough.” Tristan called over his shoulder as he walked inside, leaving Kaleb on the steps of the castle.


  Alannah walked the length of the hallways for hours, cursing herself for not studying the castle more carefully. I will never find my way back at this rate.

  “Well, well. Someone snooping around?” The voice came from behind her, sending her stomach into knots again.

  Why does he have this effect on me? She thought as she turned to face Brennus, taking in his disheveled hair, slightly open shirt, and black boots. His piercing grey eyes fixed on her.

  “No, I was exploring the castle and now I cannot find my way back to my room.”

  “Pity, I thought you were looking for me.” He said with a wicked smile.

  “You would think that.”

  His lip curled up and she let out a giggle.

  “You cannot really prefer him. Can you?” Brennus leaned forward, his breath heavy on her lips, smelling of wine.

  Alannah took a step back.

  “Brennus, are you intoxicated?”

  “I am King Brennus. I do not become intoxicated. I am intoxicating.”

  Alannah let out another giggle.

  “This is not like you. How much have you had?”

  Brennus leaned his shoulder against the wall.

  “Two, maybe three.”




  “What?” He pushed himself off the wall standing firm in front of her. “Have you any other solution as to how I can drown out the thoughts of you living happily with your new love?”


  “You know, Alannah,” He paced the width of the hallway. “I never really thought that you would move on so quickly. I may have assumed that it would be best, bringing Kator-“

  “Kaleb?” She questioned, trying to make sense of what he was saying.

  “Whatever. But I never thought that you would take to my plan so quickly.” His eyes narrowing on her.

  “What plan?”

  Brennus stopped pacing realizing that he had said more than intended. He set his jaw, “The plan does not matter. What matters is-“

  “The hell it does not matter!” Alannah stepped up to him craning her neck to look at his face. “What in the five Kingdoms are you talking about?”

  “You!” He threw his hands up in mock defeat. “I am always talking about you! How your training is going, when you will be done, will you be capable of wielding the magic without hurting yourself, if you will move on from me, how I will get you to move on, and now the lengths you will go to in order to move on!” His words slurred against each other and Alannah wasn’t sure if it was the wine, or his frustration.

  “Brennus, I have no idea what you are talking about. What lengths? To do what?”

  “Do you think me a fool?” He sneered at her and her stomach twisted.

  She stumbled back, disgusted with his demeanor.

  “I think you a fool now, if you think you will talk to me that way!”

  “My apologies, I suppose now that you have lain with Kaleb, he is the only one that can speak to you that way.”

  The crack of her palm against his cheek echoed through the empty hallway. “How dare you.” Her eyes filled with angry tears she refused to release.

  Brennus rubbed his cheek, flexing his jaw around, and chuckling lowly.

  “I saw him walk out of your room this morning. I knew you wanted to forget me, and I knew he might be the key, but I never imagin-“

  Alannah put her hand up stopping him.

  “You saw him walk out of my room?” She crossed her arms in front of her harshly, laughing out loud, praying the tears would not fall. “You saw my friend leave my ro
om the morning after my sister was taken by the most notorious evil faerie ever to have lived. You saw a friend who was willing to listen to me go on about how I cannot manage to let you go, despite the fact that I have to. You saw a friend that kept me company when you could not.” She stepped forward, her disgust and confusion replaced by pain and anger.

  “Alannah-“ Brennus held out a hand but she merely glared at it and shook her head. The weight of his words now crushing him with unbearable pain.

  “You saw him walk out of my room knowing everything that was going on and all you could think was that I gave myself to him? Do you even know me?” The hot tears rolled down her face despite her. “Do you know that if you married Isibeal tomorrow, and told me that you no longer wanted me in your life, I would still have loved you until my last breath, because my heart cannot fathom the thought of another.”

  “Still have loved.” He repeated lowly, rubbing his stubbly chin with one hand. The effects of the wine chased away by reality, “And now?”

  “Now?” She huffed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Now, I do not even know what to think. Either your jealousy took an unrelenting hold of your brain, ceasing all rational thought, or you are the one moving on and forgetting me. Because you, you of all fae, should know me better than that.” Alannah walked past him, her shoulder slamming against his arm.

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  Chapter 19

  The blackened leaves crunched beneath her feet as Evyette was led through the path of destruction, which Samil had carved when looking for her. She could hear the faint cries of the Dryads mourning the trees in which they lived. Aside from the cries, the forest and mountainside were eerily silent. Horrific images of Valic being tortured and eventually killed replaying themselves over and over in Evyette’s mind. She had a constant feeling of being watched that she could not shake, and each time she looked back, Maligo would avert his gaze, but she knew that he was staring at her. What she could not figure out was why.

  Samil looked down at his hands which were much more translucent thanks to the amount of magic he needed to control Murchad and then kill Valic.


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