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Blood of the Sorcerer

Page 22

by B. C. Morin

  “I have not asked that!” Maligo’s voice rose above hers. He brought his fingers to his temples rubbing them in a circular motion. “I did not mean to-“ He breathed in and let out a long sigh.

  Evyette stared at him. A powerful sorcerer, hell bent on destroying the fae people, heartless enough to kidnap a Princess, brought down by the discovery of a daughter? It could not be.

  Maligo walked toward her and dropped onto the bed, his hands clasped in front of him.

  “I do not expect anything from you, least of all, understanding for my actions and reasons. I am unsure of what I expect from myself.” He withdrew his gaze from the floor and turned his head to look at her. “Despite what has happened, what has been discovered. Despite what either of us is expecting. Events have been set into motion that even I could not stop if I wanted.”

  “Are you saying you want to?”

  “No.” He stood, facing her. “But I am also not saying that I would continue forward at the moment. However, it is not up to me. After what I saw today, it has not been up to me for a very long time. However, in order to stay alive, we have to do what Samil says.”

  “I would rather die than help him destroy my family and friends.”

  “You still don’t understand him do you? He would go after them just for you denying to help him. Your obedience is not a request. It is a command. If you refuse him, he will go after your family, or your friends.”

  “So you are helping me, now?” Evyette dropped her arms to her sides, leaving one on her hip.

  “Just keeping you alive, Evyette.” Maligo turned and walked toward the door.


  He stopped but did not turn around.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “The entire night. Long enough for Samil to regain his energy and begin his rituals to find the dark spirits that will lead him to the third scroll.”

  “What does this mean? Why did he need my Mark, if he is so close to that dark world?”

  Maligo chuckled to himself.

  “Honestly?” He turned his head slightly, glancing over his shoulder. “You are loved. Your loved ones are trying so hard to get to the spirits and the scroll before Samil, that they were blocking him, in a sense. But now that he has it, now that he has that connection, it is only a matter of time before he finds the scroll, and begins his enslavement of the fae people.

  “Dear God.” Evyette gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth.

  “Good idea. Cling to Him, because here,” He scans the room with his eyes and motions with his arms to their surrounding space, “there is only evil.”

  Evyette took in a sharp breath, not taking her eyes off him as he turned again to leave.

  “Including you,” She gulped down the knot in her throat, “Father?”

  Maligo’s shoulders shook as they rose and fell with his deep breath.

  “I …” Maligo glanced over his shoulder once again.

  Evyette looked at his eyes, intense with pain, confusion, and doubt, the very same emotions that fought within her. She wondered if he saw it in her as well. She watched as the corners of his mouth, hidden below white whiskers, twitched, but did not end in a smile, before he turned again and walked away.

  Evyette walked to the door, replaying everything she and Maligo had spoken about in her head. She paused for a moment before reaching out to the rusted door handle, turning it, and stepping out into the hallway.

  As soon as she emerged, a figure jumped out in front of her. She recognized his kind immediately from his appearance and armor, but realized it could not be the one she met, while Kaleb, Tristan and herself had killed those Drow. This one, on the other hand, had a hood over his head with few strands of his white hair peeking out from beneath it, and a leather mask covering his mouth and nose. His eyes were not the same as the others she had met. The Drow she fought previously had danger and purpose in his eyes. The one that stood before her glared at her through empty eyes shaded with amber. When he spoke, his voice sounded distant and rehearsed.

  “We are to ensure that you do not leave the confines of the caverns.”

  Evyette looked to the left to find the other half of the “we” he spoke of.

  “Then you shall have to follow me. I will not try to leave the caverns, however, I will not stay trapped in that room.”

  The Drow tilted his head to the side as if registering her request.

  “Which way to Samil’s quarters?”

  She followed the Drow down the narrow passages, glancing around as they passed empty rooms, and rooms with closed doors she assumed to be the quarters of different Dorchae. Occasionally glancing at the back of the Drow’s head, Evyette wondered what Samil could have promised to obtain such servitude from them.

  “No!” The loud yell was followed by thud and the sound of glass shattering into a million pieces.

  The Drow stopped in front of the door from which the noise came, pounding twice with his fist.


  She recognized the voice immediately, eerily calm, laced with danger. Samil.

  “Your prisoner has asked to see you.”

  Samil opened the door, and leaned against the door frame. Had he been in his flesh form, his feet would be bleeding from the glass beneath them. He looked at Evyette, completely disinterested in her presence. Though he was not completely fae again, he was still ridiculously confident and self-absorbed.

  Evyette rolled her eyes as he smoothed his long white hair, then let it fall down his back, before settling his eyes on her again.

  “Do you like your new guards? I realized that you are more cunning than I expected, and I needed more persuasion for you not to try to leave again.”

  “And what did you promise them? The Drow are not known for their willingness to work for no pay.”

  Samil chuckled, throwing his head back.

  “Silly girl. I do not have to promise anything to them. Do you not recognize a mind control spell?”

  Evyette glanced back at them, remembering now that the mind control spell causes the controlled to have a vacant expression.

  “Regardless.” She said, turning her attention back to Samil. “That is not why I am here.”

  “Pray-tell.” Samil begged with mock intrigue

  “I wish to leave.”

  Samil raised his eyebrow, smirking at her as he stood upright. “And what makes you believe that I will release you?”

  Evyette’s brow furrowed.

  “Because you have what you want. You have taken my Mark. You do not need me any longer.”

  “To the contrary, the Mark was just the first step in my plan with you. In a matter of days or even less, I should know the location of the scroll. Nevertheless, there is one last thing I will need you for.”

  Evyette set her jaw.

  “I will not help you with the third scroll.”

  Samil laughed loudly, his laughter echoing through the hall.

  “I do not need your help, I only need you, granddaughter.” He spoke the last word as if spitting poison from his mouth, before backing into the room once more and slamming the door shut.

  Evyette left to ponder the horrid possibilities of what he meant.

  * * * * *

  The sun crept in between the drapes and spilled onto the bed. Brennus pulled Alannah close, kissing the top of her head.

  “I have to leave, love.” He brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Mmmmm, I do not want to let go.” Alannah breathed, burying her face into his chest.

  “I know.” He remarked confidently.

  Alannah pulled her head back, looking at him and arching her eyebrow.

  “Is it ever too early for your smart remarks?”

  “Never.” He said, planting a quick kiss on her lips and sliding out from her grasp.

  Alannah giggled and rolled over, propping herself onto her arm.

  “What will I do with you Brennus?”

  Suddenly, as if given a wave of terrible new
s, Brennus’s face went slack.

  “I do not know.”

  Alannah sat up realizing by his tone and glare the severity with which he took her question.

  “Brennus, I-“

  “I know, love.” He interrupted, as he pulled his shirt on. Brennus leaned onto the bed pressing his lips hard against hers, stopping only a moment. “I love you, Alannah.”

  Alannah sighed and kissed him again.

  “I know.” She pulled back, searching his troubled eyes.

  Brennus pushed himself off of the bed and walked to the door, looking back at her once before leaving. His soft grey eyes settled on her, giving her the smile she longed to see each morning.

  She got out of bed, and wandered to the balcony, peering out, squinting her eyes as they adjusted to the new light of day. Judging by the sun, it was still early in the morning. He probably did not want anyone to see him coming out of my room, she thought to herself.

  Alannah sighed and resigned herself to getting dressed for the day. It wasn’t too long after when there was a knock on the door.

  “Kaleb? What are you doing here so early?” She looked him over, noting that he was in training gear.

  “I am picking you up for your lesson. Master Jadoc has requested that Tristan and I be at your training today. Driscal says he thinks he has almost located the third scroll, so Jadoc wants to be sure you are ready and he said something about needing our help. “

  “Oh, um, alright.” She walked over to the mirror, checking all her straps and weapons to be sure that she had everything in place before following Kaleb down the hall and meeting first with Tristan for some breakfast.

  “Good Morning.” Master Jadoc stood in his training area with his hands clasped behind his back.

  “Good Morning, Master.” Alannah, Kaleb, and Tristan said in unison.

  Alannah had explained to them how Master Jadoc likes to be addressed, and the respect and silence he demands.

  “I suppose you are all curious as to why I have asked you all here? Well, as tempting as it would be to simply give you the answer, I feel that it would be better to show you.” Jadoc began walking towards the gate that exited the training area and motioned for them to follow.

  The three of them followed without question, but exchanged looks, as they walked past the castle training grounds, which had been transformed for the wedding, and towards the front gates of Anrad.

  “Oy, Alannah,” Tristan playfully pushed Kaleb out of the way so that he could be closer to the princess. “Is this normal?”

  Alannah laughed to herself.

  “Trist, there is nothing normal about Master Jadoc. With him, you must always expect the unexpected.”

  “No kidding.” He laughed, “Seems that some vines are wound a bit too tight in that forest, eh?”

  Alannah burst out in a hearty laugh, prompting Jadoc to look over his shoulder at them, scowling.

  As soon as they walked out the gates, Master Jadoc manifested his wings and had them follow suit until they arrived at the shore of the Argon Sea where he last had her test her powers.

  The day was as beautiful as it had been the last time they were there, and though she realized that Jadoc may test her powers again, she still could not figure out why Jadoc had asked Tristan and Kaleb to come along.

  Alannah watched as Master Jadoc walked so close to the shore, she was sure his boots were going to be wet by the crashing waves. In the distance, she could see the back of one of the sea creatures breaking the water’s surface, before disappearing once again.

  Jadoc turned, facing the three fae, who all stood shoulder to shoulder.

  “Tristan and Kaleb.” He began.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Princess Alannah is a dear friend to you both, is she not?”

  Tristan and Kaleb looked at each other, brows furrowed, before turning back to Jadoc.

  “Yes, Master Jadoc, she is.” Kaleb spoke first, with Tristan following in agreement.

  “You have both risked your lives in a quest to help her and then in a quest to help her sister, have you not?” Jadoc folded his arms across his chest, the wind blowing his white hair around him and to the side.

  “We have, Sir.” Tristan answered first this time.

  Alannah’s eyes darted back and forth from Tristan to Kaleb and a knot formed in her stomach as her anxiety began to grow. She did not like where Master Jadoc was going with this. Not one bit.

  “Today, I will not ask you to risk your lives.” He dropped his hands to his sides. “However, I will ask you to endure a great deal to ensure that she is prepared as much as she should be.”

  Alannah stepped forward.

  “Master Jadoc, I cannot let you ask anything of them just to confirm your confidence in my abilities.”

  “Let me?” He furrowed his brow at her, but she was not swayed.

  “These are my friends, and they have endured above and beyond what any friend could ask-“

  “Alannah,” Kaleb stepped forward, holding on to her shoulder. “We do not mind. If it is to benefit you, then we will do it.”

  Tristan stepped up next to Alannah, nudging her with his shoulder.


  Alannah sighed in defeat, still uncomfortable with the entire situation.

  Master Jadoc released a grin so sinister, Alannah’s breath caught in her throat.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 22

  Alannah watched as Master Jadoc assessed the area.

  “If you would all step to about the center of the beach.” He waited for them all to move to where he had indicated. “Good, now, Kaleb, I need you to move to the right, Tristan, I need you to move to the left. Not too far, just a few feet are enough.” His gaze returned to Alannah. “I need you to step just a few feet back.”

  Alannah moved back, glancing to her left and to her right, dreading what was about to occur.

  “Kaleb and Tristan, I trust you are both familiar with the restraining spell.”

  They nodded in unison.

  “Is it also safe to assume that you are both aware of the torture spell?” He asked matter-of-factly.

  Both nodded again in unison.

  “Good. I will first place you both under a restraining spell so that we do not have any reactionary retaliation.” Jadoc raised both his hands. “Coerceer!”

  “Retaliations to wha-“ Tristan’s arms quickly pulled in close to him as if held by an invisible set of ropes.

  When Alannah looked at Kaleb, she saw that he had been put into the same position. Both of them falling to their knees.

  “This is madness, I will not do this!”

  “You will!” Jadoc started at her, setting his jaw. “Call upon your powers Alannah!”

  “I cannot, you are hurting them!”

  “Alannah, we are fine!” Kaleb yelled. “We are just bound, do as he asks.”

  Alannah’s chest was heaving, she found herself trying to steady as the earth around her began to spin. She wasn’t sure if it was her anxiety, concern, or the vast amount of power welling up inside.

  Her eyes began to glow a soft white and for the first time, she was able to see the glow around her line of sight. Almost as if everything she looked at was encased by it.

  Dark clouds began to roll in, until there was no evidence of the beautiful day that they had seen.

  “Remember what I have asked of you. Your powers, all of them. Until I tell you to stop. No matter what happens. No matter what goes on around you, you must focus solely on your powers. You are not allowed to help your friends.”

  Alannah fixed her glowing eyes on Jadoc.

  “My friends-“

  “Are a distraction in a war!” He cut in. “If you stop to help them, I promise you I will be the one retaliating against you. Do you understand?”

  “You are mad!” She yelled at him.

  Alannah, slowly and unconsciously, began raising her hands forward, filling the sky wit
h claps of thunder and streaks of lightning.

  “Supplico!” Jadoc yelled into the wind. Within an instant Kaleb and Tristan were on the ground writhing in physical and mental pain, which would be unseen to the untrained eye.

  “No!” Alannah yelled at Jadoc, her voice echoing along the beach, the lighting and thunder deteriorating.

  “Focus.” Jadoc spoke through gritted teeth.

  Alannah tried focusing on the clouds in the distance, but could not ignore the shouts of agony falling from the lips of her friends.

  “Release them.” She ordered lowly as she closed her eyes, unable to take the sight of them.

  “No.” Jadoc kept his arms outstretched, holding the torture over Kaleb and Tristan. “All of your power, Alannah! I will accept nothing less.”

  Alannah opened her eyes, hot tears falling down her face and onto the sand beneath her. She brought her hands up once more, and thunder began to fill the air. She glanced at Kaleb and Tristan laying on the floor begging for the pain to stop, and the tears flowed harder. She focused her sights on the distance and streaks of lighting lit the sky so fiercely that she was afraid she would not be able to control it. Then out of a corner of her vision, she could see a tornado forming over the water. The more she focused on it, the more she was driven by the screams of her friends, the bigger it grew, slowly making its way across the water.

  The screams of Tristan and Kaleb had become almost distant. Both of them calling out to Jadoc and Alannah, and becoming so delirious in their torture that they called out for their dragons to come and help them. Alannah was sure that she even heard Kaleb call for Evy, though she couldn’t understand why.

  Alannah watched as lightning cascaded down around them, hitting sections of the sand, and sending it flying all around them.

  Jadoc released Kaleb and Tristan from his grasp, and threw his hands forward., “Incendium!” He yelled. A large fireball emerged, its path directed at Alannah.

  Without looking at Jadoc or the fireball, Alannah pulled her hand to be in front of the fireball, staggering back as it hit her hand, but not harming her. She turned her hand, so that the fire sat in the palm of her hand. She twisted her hand once more and lunged the fireball at Jadoc, who then retaliated by blocking it.


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