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Hidden Worlds

Page 76

by Kristie Cook

  “Left you and your mom.” Mason finished her sentence.

  Skylar froze in place, recalling that day when her dad never came home. Being only eight years old, she never understood the reasons why, and her mom seemed reluctant to discuss that specific topic. It took her a long time to get over the hurt. Eventually, the hurt grew into hatred, and then her heart became numb. It was the only way to deal with the loss of him, but now knowing that her dad could be special and that there was a possibility that he could be dead, it was too much to bear. But this all depended on whether Mason’s story was true. “I don’t understand.” Skylar focused on the floor, trying to grasp his words.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, but if it makes you feel any better, there is a chance I may be wrong about you. I’m not sure. You’re quite complicated.”

  Skylar shook her head in disapproval of his words. She didn’t want to be complicated. “What do you mean?”

  “You can’t defend yourself. You have no powers, so for sure you wouldn’t be one of us. But these water creatures came after you, and they don’t attack humans, so in that case that would make you one of us. You can see the vultures. Humans can’t see them when they morph into beasts, and they don’t go after humans unless they’ve been touched by a god or one of the descendants.”

  “Touched by a god?” she asked, confused, needing more explanation. Kayla had been touched by Nick. Was she in danger?

  “I meant sexually. I hate to ask you this question, but have you … lately?”

  “What? No.” Skylar was appalled. What kind of girl did he think she was? She had almost done it with her ex-boyfriend—thank God she hadn’t. But from the way he was so casual about it, and by using the word “lately,” she assumed he did.

  “Good. I mean, you can do whatever you want. I’m just asking. You know, just ruling things out, making sure you’re not pregnant.”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “Reproduction. Supposedly, when pregnant, or having given birth before, the mortal being produces a special scent only Hades’ creatures can smell. I don’t know too much about this. I’ve only been told. That is how our mothers were found.”

  “But they didn’t go after my mom. I mean, if what you say is true, and my dad is … or was … a descendant of a god, she would have been attacked by them a long time ago. Unless they couldn’t find her? Or, maybe she was one of the descendants.” Skylar suddenly got worried for her mom’s safety, but she was mostly baffled as to which parent was one of them.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. But I’m almost positive she is fine. Like I said, your situation is complicated. All I know is the fact that they trashed your room, and barely touched your cousin’s, means you have something they want or need.”

  “I promise I don’t have anything of value, or god-like.” Having powers would’ve been great, only then it would have meant she was definitely one of them, and she didn’t know if that was a good thing—most likely, not. “So then, let’s say I’m one of you guys. Will I have special powers like you?”

  “Most half-bloods have some type of supernatural abilities. For example, we are faster and stronger than an average human being, but only to a certain degree. Depending on our DNA structure, some of us have other abilities. Nick and I are similar. We can create heat and produce an electricity-like current at will by the simple touch of our hands. Unfortunately, Everett and Remus are normal, at least by godly standards. However, Remus can heal faster than any one of us, and they both are very strong.”

  “Create heat? Electricity? Really?” Skylar’s eyes grew wide, wanting to see what that would be like, but she didn’t ask. The word electricity made her revert back to the times she’d been shocked by him. Electricity equaled static, which would create a shock. Now she understood. She had been shocked by him several times before. “That was you. It was from you. I got shocked from your energy, or whatever you call it.”

  Mason raked his hair back, looking apologetic. “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to. I think I got a little … I don’t know why that happened.”

  “Oh.” That was all Skylar could mutter. Got a little what? Excited by her presence, she hoped.

  He gazed down, apparently deep in thought. “Wait a minute … .” He looked at her. “You made me do it. It never happened before until I touched you.”

  “So now the shock is my fault? You shocked me, I didn’t shock you,” she retorted. Since he didn’t respond, she changed the subject. “If I’m supposedly one of you, and if I have supernatural something, how will I know?”

  “The night my mom died, Nick’s mom was there. She explained everything, but I didn’t want any part of it. I didn’t trust her. Who would believe a crazy story like that, right? One night they came after me. Since I had been to Nick’s house several times with my mom, I ran to his house. That is when I discovered I could run faster than I had ever imagined. And when Nick’s mom was attacked by them, Nick and I did our best. We discovered something else we could do, but it was a little too late. What I’m trying to tell you is that I don’t know. It could just happen, but I really think your situation is unique.”

  Skylar’s eyes glowed with a sudden revelation. Perhaps the light she thought she saw at the beach wasn’t an angel’s light, but instead was from Mason’s heat. He was the light, but was that even possible? He said he created heat, not light. What did that mean?

  She didn’t know whether to feel grateful that he saved her at the beach, or be angry that he lied to her, making her think she was going out of her mind. “You were at the beach. You saved me. I wasn’t hallucinating.”

  Mason shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Sorry, but I didn’t know if I could trust you at that time.”

  “Trust me?” Anger boiled inside her. Of all the nerve. He had the audacity to say those words? She dismissed it when she thought about the reasons why the monsters would be after her. “I don’t have anything they would want. I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t either, but I need to find out why this is happening to you. I’m not sure who to trust, so it may take a while to get our questions answered. Until then, I need to look after you. I guess I’m stuck with you.”

  Was that such a bad thing? He didn’t have to make it sound like she was a nuisance. “Oh.”

  “But right now, I need to take care of an emergency at work. The phone call earlier was from one of the employees. Stay here. Change and relax. I’ll be back within an hour or so. Do you think you can do that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I should go home.”

  Mason lifted Skylar’s chin with his fingertip, forcing her to look into his eyes. They were infused with longing.

  “Ouch.” Skylar jolted from the shock. Though it wasn’t as strong as the last few times, she was quite surprised that it happened again.

  “Sorry. I don’t know why that happens only with you.” His eyes moved to his fingers. “Anyway, you can trust me.”

  “Okay,” Skylar said reluctantly, nodding her head. She wanted to trust him. He hadn’t given her any indication that he was a threat to her. After all, he was the one that saved her from almost drowning, not once, but twice. Before he could take a step toward the door, Skylar gripped his wrist. The moment her hand touched his skin, she felt a kind of pleasant energy, but not a shock, thankfully. Their eyes met. Swallowed up by him, she had forgotten why she stopped him in the first place.

  The way Mason held her eyes with such care made her almost crumble, making her weak. If only she could break through. She knew there was a kinder side to his arrogant, rude personality, and he definitely had shown it tonight.

  “You’ll be fine,” Mason finally said.

  Skylar nodded to agree, then asked a question. “My cousin, Kayla, is she—?”

  As if Mason knew what she was going to ask before she could finish, he answered her. “No. I’m almost positive that she’s not.”

  “Does Nick care for her in a special way?” Skylar wasn’t s
ure about asking this personal question about his half-brother.

  “I don’t know. I don’t get into his personal business. Let’s just say, he likes to play around, and he’s never been serious with any girl in his lifetime. I’m quite surprised Kayla is still around. In fact, we don’t take any relationship seriously. So if you’re wondering about Kayla’s heart, it will likely be broken sooner rather than later.”

  Skylar’s heart sunk in her chest. Though she had hoped that Mason might take interest in her as more than a friend, hearing his sharp, cold words felt like a stab to her heart. What was even worse, he’d admitted Nick would end up hurting Kayla.

  She knew these boys were up to no good the moment she met them, so why did she even bother to give them her time? Besides the obvious, of course, like Mason saving her from death a couple of times, she knew the answer. Kayla was head over heels in love with Nick ever since she’d first laid eyes on him. As for Skylar, she was drawn to Mason in ways she couldn’t explain.

  Mason placed his hand on the doorknob, twisting it while keeping his eyes on Skylar. “I’ll be back in an hour. Stay here.” He closed the door behind him.

  Knowing she was alone in this giant, empty house at night gave her goose bumps all over. Feeling a cool draft, she grabbed the extra clothes and changed. The sweats were too long and too big at the waist, and the long T-shirt could almost be a dress on her. Folding them at the waist and the hem helped. Though the flip-flops were big, she’d rather slip on a pair of big slippers than feel the wetness from her soggy tennis shoes.


  After a while, Skylar got bored. One hour wasn’t that long, but with nothing to do, it seemed like an eternity, especially when she was alone. Debating whether to leave the room, even though she was instructed to stay, Skylar decided that maybe he meant to stay in the house. Curiosity got the best of her, and she turned the knob.

  It was deadly silent in the house. The only sound she heard was her own steps, sinking into the plush, thick carpet. Carefully and slowly she moved, step by step. Though it was dark in the hallway, the light from downstairs was enough to light her way. She thought about opening the other doors, wondering which rooms belonged to Nick and his half-brothers. As she was about to open one, she stopped when she heard the front door open.

  Skylar quickened her steps. With her back against the wall, she peered downward. Remus had entered with two women, his arms draped around their shoulders. They were talking, laughing, and walking as if they were drunk. Remus was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, but the ladies were dressed like they wanted to be noticed.

  Suddenly, he stopped, sniffing the air, walking closer to the stairs with the ladies still in his arms.

  “I smell something sweet and delicious,” he said cunningly.

  “Are lou … ungry?” the blonde lady slurred.

  “No,” Remus snapped, pushing them out of his arms. The ladies toppled over, falling to the hard floor.

  “Ouuuch!” the blonde lady huffed, pushing her friend’s legs off her.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” the brunette yelled angrily, becoming more aware of the situation. She got up, stumbled toward him, and flirtatiously ran her hands down his chest. “Come on big guy. You promised me the time of my life.”

  Skylar wanted to gag. The blonde was on the other side of him doing the same thing, but she could hardly hold herself up.

  Looking annoyed, Remus effortlessly gripped the backs of their dresses, one in each hand, lifting them up so their feet dangled, and carried them to the door. “Get out,” he yelled callously.

  Under normal circumstances, Skylar would have freaked out, but now, knowing who Remus was, his ability to hold up two grown women like that didn’t surprise her at all.

  “Put me down!” the brunette screamed.

  “Vat do lou meeen?” the blonde girl mumbled, seemingly unaware she was lifted off the ground.

  “Out!” Remus didn’t give them time to register his words. He dropped them, opened the front door, pushed them out, and slammed the door behind them. Then he dropped his car keys on the table by the vase.

  Skylar swallowed a frightened lump in her throat. Quietly, she tiptoed back to Mason’s room. Her pulse raced for unknown reasons. Remus didn’t know she was in the house, and Mason wouldn’t have told her to stay unless he thought she was absolutely safe. Besides, even from the way he’d treated those girls, and those times he had stared her down, she didn’t know why she felt threatened by him. He’d never indicated he wanted to harm her.

  As these thoughts flooded her mind, she tried to calm herself, but hearing the loud, hard thumps of Remus’s footsteps as he climbed the stairs gave her icy cold chills. Suddenly, the sound of his footsteps dissipated. Most likely, he’d gone straight to his room.

  Her heartbeat became steady again, and she exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she relaxed and thought watching television might be a good idea.

  Just then, the door flew open and Remus stood there, looking like he was ready for a kill.

  Skylar stood up and took several steps toward him so he could clearly see her, ready to defend herself with words. “It’s me, Skylar. I’m Mason’s friend. He told me to stay here and wait for him to come back,” Skylar said loudly and quickly.

  Remus advanced toward her, while Skylar took small steps back, thinking all the while that she was scared for no apparent reason. After all, this was Mason’s half-brother, which made him a demigod. Her self-assuring thoughts ended when he suddenly stood right in front of her with a look of hatred in his eyes.

  “I know what you are. You are the keeper of death, aren’t you? You’re here to kill us.”

  “No, no, no.” Skylar shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s what they all say. They act so sweet and innocent, and when you’re not looking, they attack. How do you do it? Do you have a special weapon?”

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I’m not what you think I am,” Skylar said aloud, thinking by raising her voice it would get through his thick skull, but it didn’t.

  “Liar.” Remus backhanded Skylar across her face. From his strength, her body swept across the floor like a mop, sliding to the other side of the room and crashing against the wall with a loud thump.

  Indescribable pain erupted through her body, like sharp razor cuts. It took Skylar a few seconds to realize what had just happened. The ache from the impact of his hand to her face and her body being thrown across the room made it difficult for her to stand. Wincing, she started to pull her achy, wobbly body up, and she felt a small pool of blood streaming down the side of her lower right lip. There was no way she could fight him, especially when he held such powerful, god-like strength.

  By the time she was standing upright, Remus was already by her side. His fingers wrung her shirt, dragged her across the carpet, and tossed her on the bed. “I’m going to beat it out of you if I have to. Talk. Who are you?”

  Trembling, she could hardly speak, but she managed to bounce off the bed and run. Remus immediately stood in front of the door, blocking her way out. “You can’t outrun me,” he snickered. “You talk now, or die holding your tongue.”

  Again, Skylar was glad her mom had made her take self-defense classes. It had helped her at the nightclub, surely it would help her again. Without heels this time, the impact would be less effective, but she thought to try it any way. She slammed her foot on top of his, but the mocking expression he showed was as if she had just brushed it. Seeing that it had no effect at all, she ran the other way.

  Remus yanked the back of her hair and dragged her like before. When they reached the bed, she twisted her body and jabbed her elbow into his stomach with all her strength, then aimed lower and hit his private area with her fist like a hammer. With a loud growl, he released his grip. She guessed god’s descendants or not, when it came to the male parts, they were all just as sensiti

  He wasn’t in pain for long. Skylar’s strength was no match for his. Managing to crawl to the top of the bed, she curled her body in. Tucking her knees close to her chest, she hugged a pillow as if somehow it would create a barrier between them. The only way she could leave here alive was to talk some sense into him.

  “Remus, I’m just Skylar,” she whimpered as her lips quivered. “I’m nobody. Look at me. Do I look like I can fight you back?” Tears trickled down her cheeks.

  Remus looked confused at first, raising his hand to let her know he was coming toward her in peace. “You’re not a keeper?” His tone was soft.

  Skylar shook her head. What she really wanted to do was give him a hard sock in the face and call him a dumbass, but she didn’t have the energy to move.

  Remus sat on the edge of the bed, looking almost apologetic. He raised one hand and slowly ran it down the side of her hair, making Skylar cringe from his touch. “I see why Mason has taken an interest in you. All this time I thought he was trying to get close to you, thinking you were a keeper.” With the back of his hand, he glided over her soft, red cheek where he had smacked minutes before.

  Skylar turned her face away from him and pleaded. “Please, get out. I want to be alone. Mason will be here soon.”

  “Where did he go?” Ignoring her request, his hand traveled down her arm. “You feel so soft. How is it that you can resist me? I see you’re wearing his clothes. What belongs to Mason belongs to me.”

  Does Mason know? Skylar wanted to vomit. Was he for real? She wanted him out, and since he wasn’t leaving, she was going to leave. “I’m going to the restroom.” Skylar turned her aching body, crawled out of bed, and headed for the door. But before she could get there, Remus had beaten her to it, blocking her way again. “Do you mind? You’re going to watch me take a piss now?”

  “Not until I get what I want.” His tone was low and demanding.

  “Excuse me?” She tried to sound polite, but she was scared out of her mind. “Please—”


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