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Hidden Worlds

Page 91

by Kristie Cook

  Though she was unsure which was Mason’s room, she thought she saw a shadowed figure peering through the curtains in a second story window. What did it matter? As she desperately blinked her tears away, she turned toward the front and focused on Noah and Tim. Grief consumed her whole body and she felt drained, emotionally and physically. All she could do was leave with a broken heart. She had known this was a possibility, but she never imagined the pain would be this excruciating. It only proved one thing. She cared for him more than she’d realized or wanted to.


  After Noah dropped her off, Skylar was absolutely exhausted, and decided to skip her classes. Later that evening, she drove home to see her mom, knowing it was safe to see her again. Staying very aware of her surroundings, she kept one eye looking over her shoulder, just as Mason had taught her. Though she couldn’t tell her mom the details of what she had been through, she just needed to be together with her for comfort.

  “Welcome home, honey,” Skylar’s mom greeted, giving her a tight hug and a kiss.

  “Hi Mom,” Skylar said, placing her overnight bag on the floor. Her plan was to spend one night and then go back to her dorm. She wanted to escape her roommate, who would most likely ask her tons of questions about Mason. She also didn’t want to put her mom in danger, so one night would have to be enough.

  “From the look on your face, I’m guessing you studied late last night?”

  Skylar looked confused, unsure of the question she’d asked. Thinking it was the perfect explanation, Skylar agreed. “Yup. We have exams this week.” Guilt consumed Skylar, just as it always did when she lied to her mom, but she had no choice.

  “Wash your hands and come to dinner. We have things to talk about.”

  “Okay.” Skylar wondered what her mom had in mind as she entered the bathroom. She pumped soap into her palm and then ran her hands under the water. Thoughts of Mason washing her hands at the cabin rushed through her mind: the way his soft gaze compelled her, his sweet, caring tone, the way his touch drove her crazy. Missing him, her heart pained, and that was a reminder she needed to forget him. He hadn’t even called or texted her to see if she had gotten home okay.

  Looking in the mirror, she could see how swollen her face looked from all the tears she had shed. She had poured all her fears, frustration, anger, and hurt, through those tears. No wonder her mom looked at her strangely and asked her that question out of the blue. “Oh God.” She hadn’t realized how terrible she looked until that moment. She splashed some water on her face, hoping that would help somewhat, and walked out.

  “Smells great, Mom.” Skylar helped her mom set the plates on the dining table and sat across from her. “My favorite,” she smiled. Skylar’s mom had dinner ready for her upon her arrival—pot roast, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Anytime, honey. Whenever you feel like a home cooked meal, just come home. So, how was your exam?” Gina asked, and took a bite of the beef she had stabbed with her fork.

  “Fine. Being an undeclared major has its benefits, I guess. I get to take various classes, but we have lots of quizzes,” Skylar replied, emphasizing the word “quiz” as she intently gazed at the mashed potatoes and patted them with her spoon.

  “I see. So … boy problems?”

  “Yeah.” Skylar quickly looked up at her mother. “What? No, I mean … no. What makes you think I have boy problems? I’m not even dating anyone.” Skylar’s face flushed with warmth.

  Gina flashed a huge smile. “Been there, done that. I just recognized some signs. We don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready, but keep in mind, love isn’t forced. Love is beautiful when it’s mutual. Love is compromising, giving and taking. Sometimes it can be a lot of work, but you shouldn’t have to try so hard. It takes two to make it right. There is no secret potion or remedy. It just takes two willing people, committing to communicate, taking the good with the bad. I’m sure you’ve heard some version of the saying; set him free, and if it was meant to be—”

  “He’ll run back to me,” Skylar finished. She’d always shared her problems with her mom, but this one was difficult to talk about. Where would she start, and how would she explain? She just wanted to forget about Mason and move on. She decided the adage should be more like “don’t set him free, he won’t come running back to me,” because that was exactly how she was feeling.

  “Yes,” Mom agreed, smiling.

  “Is that what happened with Dad?” Though the topic of Dad was off limits, she needed to know. After what she’d been through and what she’d discovered with the Grand brothers, she had to get every bit of information possible, even if it meant Mom would shoot down the subject again.

  “Why would you say that? You and I are trying to move forward, not backward. And no, that is not what happened,” she said calmly, but Skylar could see the anger and sadness in her eyes.

  Not wanting to upset her mom, she stopped pursuing her questions and changed the subject instead. “So, what did you want to tell me?”

  “I’m thinking of selling our house.”

  “Why?” Skylar’s tone was loud. She suddenly felt like a little girl, upset with her mom for not allowing her to have her way.

  “Honey, I need you to understand. When Steven and I get married, I’ll be moving into his home. You kind of figured that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know, I guess.” Though she had no right to be upset, she was. She felt like everything was being taken from her. Her dad, Mason, her mom, and now the stupid house. She had to stop thinking about herself. Her mom had sacrificed a lot for her. She’d vowed never to remarry until Skylar was old enough to be on her own.

  Gina placed her fork down on the table, crossed her arms, and leaned forward. “Now that you’re off to college and you’re hardly home, I think it’s time to sell the house. It’s a seller’s market right now, and the return would be profitable. I would like to save a chunk of that for your grad school, or for someday when you get married.”

  What was there to say? Though she wished she could rebut her decision, she gave her mom the biggest approving smile she could muster. Skylar was old enough to live on her own, which she was doing already, but her home, her room, was her sanctuary. The room that held her memories, where she kept her secrets and wished upon the stars while looking out the window, the room where her dad had kissed her goodnight and tucked her into bed. It was the only home she’d known and loved.

  “Oh, and something else I’ve wanted to mention. I would like you to be my maid of honor. Steven and I agreed we would have a small wedding. We’re inviting our immediate family only. If you feel uncomfortable, I’ll understand.”

  “I would love to, Mom,” Skylar mumbled with a mouth full of broccoli. Seeing her mom’s eyes sparkle when she spoke of Steven confirmed she had moved on. At that moment, she knew that in order to heal like her mom, she had to let her dad go; and perhaps Mason too, but maybe, not just yet.

  Gina smiled, looking relieved. “Thank you for understanding. I told Steven it was going to be mother and daughter night, so he won’t be stopping by. You know, he really cares for you like his own daughter. He just isn’t good at showing it since he doesn’t have children of his own. So, what would you like to do? The same as usual? Watch a movie and eat popcorn, or go have a wild night out?”

  “Mom.” Skylar cringed at her talking about ‘having a wild night.’ It was the same feeling as when they’d had the ‘sex talk’. “Oh, before I forget, thank you for making me take self-defense classes.”

  “Did something happen to you?” Gina’s eyes grew wide and a worried expression settled on her face.

  “No, no, no,” Skylar rapidly shook her head, trying to calm her down. “Nothing happened.”

  Gina exhaled softly. “Okay, good. You know that you can come to me for anything, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I just wanted to thank you, that’s all. How about we do movie and popcorn?”

  “Movie and popcorn
it is. Now eat your dinner before it gets too cold.”

  After dinner, Skylar helped with the dishes, and then excused herself to go to her bedroom to call Kayla.

  “Hey, Kayla, what have you been up to?”

  “Same old thing … work and school. Have you seen Mason lately?”

  The sound of his name was like a stab to her heart. “No. I’m pretty sure we’re done. He hasn’t called.” Then she realized it had only been a day. Why did it feel like it had been a week? “How are things with Nick?”

  “Good. We’re now dating officially.”

  “That’s good. I’m happy for you. He better be good to you, or else you know he’ll hear it from me.” Skylar tried to sound cheerful. “I’ve got to make this short. I’m at my house with Mom. We’re supposed to watch a movie, so I’d better go. I just wanted to hear your voice and see how you were doing.”

  “I’m glad you called. You know you can call me anytime, right? Even if you want to talk in the middle of the night. Remember what you used to tell me? There are other fish in the sea. The sea is massive, with lots of good fish.”

  “Yeah … but most of them are fishy,” Skylar sighed.

  Kayla busted out laughing. “You’ve never said that before.”

  “That’s because I know better now. They are slimy and they stink.”

  “Hmmm, sounds like you’re describing someone I know. I mean, I don’t think he’s that, but sometimes those fishes just need a little bit more time in the water before they get caught. The particular fish I’m talking about seems like the type that when he swims, he swims deep. I think he is just being careful. He doesn’t want to be eaten by a shark, not that you are one. Just remember that, okay?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’ve been through a lot worse. Anyway, Mom says we’ll be at your house for Thanksgiving this year.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla squealed. “Jack bakes the most delicious, perfect turkey. Speaking of which, Jack and Mona send their love.”

  “Tell them I miss them, too. They’re so funny together.” Skylar chuckled just at the thought of them. “Well, I’ll text you when I get a chance. Miss you.”

  “Miss you too.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” Skylar said with hesitation, missing her cousin. Closing her eyes tightly, she exhaled a deep breath, as if to release the tension.

  “You okay, Skylar? You want to talk more?”

  “No, I’m fine. I need to go. I don’t want to keep my mom waiting. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Okay. I’m here if you need me.”

  “Okay. I’m hanging up.”




  Skylar spent the rest of the week attending classes and trying to drown herself in her studies. With midterm exams coming up, it wasn’t hard to do, but every once in a while, thoughts of Mason would pop into her mind. She missed him, but she had to be strong. She almost wished the vultures were after her, just so she could be with him. At least his protection was better than not seeing him at all, she guessed, but that was a crazy, desperate thought. Oh, forget it. Forget him. But she didn’t want to.

  With the turn of her key, she entered her dorm apartment. Emily was sitting at the dining table with her boyfriend eating lunch. “Hey, Skylar,” Emily greeted.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Dex grinned.

  “Hi,” Skylar replied, placing her key back into her backpack.

  “Would you like a sandwich? I have extra,” Emily asked, pointing to the kitchen.

  Skylar smiled. “Thanks, but I’m not hungry. I’m going to take a nap.” She headed upstairs.

  “Oh, by the way, that guy came by to see you yesterday. You know that guy … what’s his name?”

  Skylar froze in place. Her heart stopped for a second, and then thumped faster than she could catch her breath. Heat shot up from her heart to her face. It was like reopening a wound she’d been trying to heal. “Did he leave a name?” Wrong question. “I mean, what color hair?”

  “Oh, the dirty blond, I think. Dex was here.” She turned to him. “It was the dirty blond, right?”

  Dex grunted, stuffing his mouth, only half-listening to their conversation.

  Emily continued. “Dex said the guy wanted to speak to you. He asked how you were doing, and looked very concerned. Were you sick or something?”

  Disappointed, Skylar’s heart dropped, unable to answer. It was as if her words had been caught in her throat, immobilizing her ability to speak.

  “Anyway,” Emily continued. “A guy doesn’t just drop by to see how you’re doing. I think he has a thing for you.” Her tone went up a pitch. “Right, Dex?”

  Dex let out a grunt again, taking another bite while nodding.

  “Thanks for the message,” Skylar said, and headed to her room.

  For a brief second, she was almost happy. For a brief second, she’d had hope. That vanished quickly when Emily told her the color of the visitor’s hair. Shutting the door behind her, she dropped her backpack on the floor, took off her shoes, and plopped onto her bed, wondering what Noah wanted. Taking out her cell, she checked her messages. After scrolling through her emails and texting her mom back, she couldn’t suppress the somber feeling. What did she expect? She just had to accept the fact he didn’t care for her as she’d hoped.

  Exhausted from lack of sleep, she closed her eyes, trying to forget the world and think of absolutely nothing. Inhaling and exhaling deep breaths, her body began to relax, drifting peacefully to the sleep she yearned for.

  Repetitive tapping sounds woke her up. When she opened her eyes, she saw it was dark. Had she been asleep that long? Not wanting to get up, she continued to lie in bed, irritated and confused as to where the sound was coming from. Feeling groggy, her body wasn’t in tune with her surroundings. Suddenly, fear struck, sharply sending the frantic energy right through her gut, bringing her fully awake, and she froze.

  The first thought that came to her mind was the vultures, but if they were there, most likely they would’ve found a way to enter already. Hearing the sound again, she realized it came from her window, but it was impossible for anyone to be knocking on it since she was on the second floor.

  Tap … tap … tap! Annoyed, she opened the blind, peered down, and saw a rock hit the window. “Mason?” Anchoring the blind so it wouldn’t fall on her, she slid the window open. “Mason. What are you doing?”

  “Didn’t you get my message?”

  “What message?”

  “I came by the other day.”

  “You did?” Skylar was confused. She was sure Emily had told her it was the dirty blond, but then again, she said Dex had told her. Did he even know what he was talking about? Only two guys had ever visited her—Mason and Noah. Possibly Dex had forgotten the color of the visitor’s hair. He must have agreed to the first thing Emily said, she guessed.

  “Are you going to let me in, or do I have to talk to you out here in the rain?”

  Stunned and elated by his appearance, Skylar didn’t know what to do. “I’ll be right down.” Just like that, her anger and pain vanished, and she was once again, hopelessly in love. What was she going to do when he left? She was only setting herself up for more pain. She should tell him to go home instead, but it was too late. She’d already invited him in.

  Walking into darkness, Skylar turned on the downstairs lights. Emily and Dex were gone, most likely out for dinner. She tried to steady her nerves, but it was impossible. Her heart thumped erratically as she opened the door. “Hi,” she welcomed him shyly. “Come in.”

  Mason entered, looking delicious and suave as always, but he had bags under his eyes. He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept for days. With stubble along his jaw line—which was actually kind of sexy—it was hard to resist the urge to run her fingers through it. Even with bags and stubble, he looked just as hot as she remembered him—totally not fair.

  His hair was wet, but not drenched, from the light rain. Pacing to the sofa, he set
tled himself comfortably. After crossing his legs, he placed his arms lazily behind his head for support. Skylar wanted to sit right next to him in his arms, but knowing better, she sat on the other sofa.

  “I came to warn you, and also to see how you’re doing,” Mason said. “Alena is no longer our problem, but whoever is in charge may still come after you.”

  Skylar wasn’t worried about who was going to come after her at this moment. All she cared about was that Mason had come to tell her some bad news, and then he would leave. It wasn’t an “I miss you” type of visit. It was all serious business.

  “You could’ve texted. It would’ve saved you a trip.” Just like that, she built a defensive wall around her heart. Mason didn’t say a word, most likely thinking he should’ve done exactly that. “Thanks for the warning. I can take care of myself.” Her tone was soft and flat. It was all she could say without falling apart in front of him.

  “You think?” he chuckled.

  Did he find this amusing? Anger rushed through her, but she didn’t know why. She had no right to be mad at him. So why was she so angry? Because she fell in love and it wasn’t returned? This was her fault, not his. He was always there for her, risking his life. Thinking she should be thankful instead, her anger eased.

  “Noah and Tim said I could call them if I needed their help,” Skylar said, unable to look at him in the eyes. Focusing on her thumb instead, she twirled it over her other thumb. “So … you don’t need to worry so much. I’ve already taken up too much of your time. I’m sure there are other things you’d rather be doing.” Skylar stood up, heading toward the kitchen. “Let me get you something to drink.” She wasn’t sure if Mason was thirsty, but she needed to walk away. Water started to pool in her eyes. She didn’t want him to see her this way. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel the need to cry?

  “Sky,” Mason called out.

  Startled from the demand of his tone, she turned. When she did, Mason was right in front of her, toe-to-toe. He embraced her tightly, snuggling his head to the side of her neck. Then his hands cupped her face. “Sky,” he whispered, tenderly.


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