Constructing Love

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Constructing Love Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You heard what he said, Mo. He wants you to quit fucking around with the construction site. He’s got something brewing. This will hopefully help our own construction company and get Dad off our asses as well as his partners.”

  “I don’t know why we have to bother with this shit, Randy. That project should have been ours,” Mo replied in anger still.

  His cousin definitely had issues, and Randy was tired of being a fucking babysitter for him. If this scheme Pierre had turned into a new job and contract for the construction company, then he was definitely going to ask his dad for a different position. One where he didn’t need to watch over Mo or clean up his fucking messes.

  Mo licked his lips as he stared at his cell phone. “I think we should go into town. Maybe hit a bar and pick up some women. I’m in the mood for something special.”

  “Mo, last time you were in the mood for something special, I had to drug the girl and dump her in a parking lot on a bench, and hope the shit did like Dino said, and wiped her memory of you clean. She was pretty fucked up.”

  “She liked it rough,” Mo said and tilted his head sideway at his brother as he smiled in some wickedly sick type of expression.

  Randy hated that look and knew his cousin was missing a few marbles. He was crazy but he was fucking smart, and especially at sabotaging construction sites, fucking with electrical connections and even starting fires. What made him insist on continuing to screw with the Lantern Construction company was his hatred for the family. Sons and fathers who were in the military, and one son was the local sheriff in Warriorville. Ultimately, one of the reasons Randy’s father and his partners didn’t get the job for the new condos and townhomes, was because Lantern construction hired retired military, men who were looking to make new starts and deal with their personal issues. Big fucking deal there that they helped military soldiers. Banks Construction got shit done quickly, and sure, maybe cutting a few corners, but they got it done.

  “Well?” Mo pushed.

  “If it keeps you from pulling some other shit on the construction site, then fine. I’ll go with you, but make sure whomever you pick up is not jail bait.”

  Mo chuckled low. “No promises, man. I see what I like, and I go for it.”

  “That’s my worry.”

  Tatum Lantern pulled up alongside the midnight blue BMW convertible. He’d found her. Not that it was too difficult. The woman made quite the impression everywhere she went, and curiosity about her was growing each day. It didn’t take him long to confirm his guess that she was the new businesswoman running the showroom for the upscale condominium complex his family’s construction company was building. By her good looks and attire, he’d assumed she might be a real estate agent, but as he headed inside, he spotted Carissa Barnes just finishing up with a young couple. “Sheriff Lantern, how are you?” she asked and shook his hand hello.

  “I’m doing well, Carissa. Came to check out the showroom. These are amazing models,” he said, taking in the sight of the very professional and detailed models of the complex in each phase and all the landscaping and benefits the property had to offer its residents. Just then the door chimed, a nice light musical sound almost making him feel like he needed to keep his voice down like he was in a library or some fancy museum. He glanced at the new people arriving and saw they weren’t locals and definitely seemed to have an air of arrogance about them as Carissa began to ask them if they would like a beverage. They started to make some coffee, espresso he thought, and then Carissa called to him.

  “Was there anything that you needed or were specifically interested in seeing, Sheriff Lantern? I need to meet with this nice couple right now,” she said.

  “I’m good, Carissa,” he said just as he heard the clicking and clacking of heels going across the marble flooring and looked up and caught sight of the gorgeous brunette from the coffee shop in town.

  Another woman was with her and the brunette was giving her instructions. The woman stared at the brunette and nodded her head several times before she walked away and towards another room. There were two other women he hadn’t seen who were working behind the large wall of marble with water flowing down over it. He assumed there were desks back there and a working office. With the brunette standing near the waterfall wall, it just made her look even classier and more appealing. His dick actually hardened, and he squinted, then placed a hand on the butt of his gun and the other on his utility belt. She affected him and he didn’t even know her name.

  She glanced right at him, squinted, and then shook her head and exhaled. Had he missed something, or did it seem like she was annoyed at seeing him again?

  “Dan, Michelle, so nice to see you. I hope the trip wasn’t too bad for you.”

  “Oh not at all, Madeline. You were right about the scenic route. We loved the area and that quaint little café you mentioned,” Dan said to her as they shook hands.

  “I had a feeling you would like it. Don’t forget to check out the town of Warriorville as you explore a bit.”

  “We won’t.”

  Madeline smiled as Carissa brought them into another room. Then Sarah, another woman from town, came out and took her place and started to work behind the marble counter, but not before giving him a smile, a wave, and blush. “Sheriff, so good to see you. Do you need anything?” she asked.

  Madeline was humored by the woman as she looked him over. He kept his eyes glued to Madeline.

  “No thank you, Sarah. I found what I came looking for,” he said, and Sarah gasped, or at least it sounded that way as Tatum approached Madeline.

  “Sheriff Tatum Lantern. I didn’t get to properly introduce myself yesterday morning,” he said to Madeline and reached his hand out for her to shake.

  “That’s just fine, Sheriff, you were quite busy,” she retorted as she shook his hand. “It’s Madeline Lamorte,” she added, and he didn’t immediately release her hand. He stared down into those stunning sage green eyes, the eyeglasses that enhanced the color, and he felt his breath catch in his throat. He was so attracted to her, it made him nearly growl in annoyance. He felt like a teenager with a crush.

  “Any relation to Lantern Construction who is working on the project for us?” she asked.

  She said us. Did that mean she was taken. God no, he never had an instant attraction like this to a woman. Why did he feel possessive, and like he wanted to claim her?

  “Yes, ma’am, that would be my family, fathers, uncles, brothers, too.”

  “Fathers, of course,” she said and looked away. God, he hoped she wasn’t turned off by any thoughts of sharing. Christ, where the fuck did that thought come from?

  “So, Madeline, you said us, does that mean you’re an owner in the company who owns the new complex?” he asked her as she turned to look at the model right next to them, and slid her palm along it. He stepped closer. He couldn’t resist. She was so gorgeous and smelled incredible, too.

  “My boss owns the complex and is the investor. I represent him here, and make sure that everything is going as he planned.” He stared at her and she held his gaze then crossed her arms in front of her chest and squinted at him. “Was there something specific you were looking for, Sheriff? Would you like a little visual tour of what the complex will offer or has your family informed you?”

  He slid closer to her but didn’t touch her despite really wanting to. Instead he brushed by her and looked at the model.

  “It’s pretty impressive. Have you been busy selling a lot of the units?” he asked.

  She uncrossed her arms and turned to face him fully. “Phase one, two, and three are sold out.”

  “Already?” he asked, shocked.

  She smiled and looked at the model. “Of course. It’s going to be an exceptional community. Lots of gorgeous walking trails, landscapes, and activity centers. I believe that the first phase should be moved in and ready in just a few short months. I am assuming, being the sheriff in town that you’ve gone by the construction site? It’s coming along nicely from
the pictures I was sent by a Pentura Lantern.”

  “That’s one of my dads,” he replied, still unable to look away from her. She stared up at him and licked her lower lip, which just seemed to enhance his attraction. He needed to do something. To be more suave, but he was out of practice. Around here women threw themselves at him because of his position. He didn’t bite though. No way would he shit where he ate. He wasn’t a saint though either, but Christ, Madeline was incredible. She seemed affected by him too, or so he hoped as she started pointing at the model and then showing him what amenities would be available at each phase and around the community.

  “It’s impressive and definitely will stand out amongst some of the older complexes we have between Warriorville, Benter, and other areas. So how about you? Where did you say you used to live?” he asked.

  She glanced at him. “I didn’t,” she said and then looked away.

  “Well, where did you live and where are you staying now?” he asked, although he already knew she was living in the upscale townhomes on the border of Warriorville and Casper. There were a lot of mansions, large family farms and estates that were definitely high class.

  “I lived in Dallas for several years. Worked in Fort Worth for a while. Now I’m staying in Golden Gates, the townhouses by the lake.”

  “I know them. Very nice complex. Never been inside of any of them before though. How do you like it?”

  “I like it a lot. Almost all moved in. Just a few more boxes to go.”

  “Well, if you need any help, or have any questions about Warriorville, or where to eat, grab a drink or want some company, I’d be happy to guide you, as the sheriff.”

  “Oh, as the sheriff, huh?” She placed her hands on her hips and the move made her top open just enough for him to see the very deep cleavage of her breasts. The woman was sexy.

  “I run a nice, safe town, and when someone new comes along, I try to make them feel comfortable and help them with any questions they might have. Concerns or whatever. A lot of the—"

  “Oh, I bet you do, Sheriff Lantern. I’ve seen you in action, remember? So, let’s just make it clear that I don’t need your kind of welcome. I got it covered. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do before I need to head out. Feel free to look around at the models, and if you have any questions pertaining to the construction, you can ask one of the ladies you already know, or one of your fathers. Have a nice day.” She turned and walked away, leaving him standing there stunned and turned on.

  She was a spitfire and then some. He’d pissed her off and he didn’t even know why. What had he said to her that made her so angry? He thought about it a moment. Seen him in action, she said. Was she referring to the women in town flirting? Maybe the way Carissa greeted him, and even Sarah blushed and said hello. Madeline thought he was a player. A fucking woman’s man around town? He chuckled and glanced at Sarah, tipped his hat, and then headed out of there. He was angry now, and he would like nothing more than to go back in there and tell Madeline who he was, and that he didn’t ask to be flirted with and hit on. Then he thought about how good looking she was, and surely the woman knew what it was like to be hit on as well. He didn’t know shit about her, but God damn, he couldn’t believe how she affected him. He was a fucking Marine, a sheriff in charge of this town, a law enforcement officer and person of authority, and he had a reputation of being a hard ass. She turned him inside out and upside down and he didn’t even have sex with her, hell, kiss her. “What the fuck?” he exclaimed as he got into the patrol truck and headed out.

  Madeline growled as she walked into her office. She couldn’t believe how that man got to her, and then spoke like such a capable, in charge man who expected her to react like other women she saw react to him. Jesus, she’d been around men like this all her life and she sure wasn’t going to falter now just because the man was so damn appealing. Physically he was all muscle, looked capable, and definitely was military at some point. His green eyes were captivating, that slick little sexy smirk, and boy did he know it. He was good looking, authoritative, and he stood out in that uniform, but she knew he would stand out in plain clothes, too. That dark crew cut hair, the way he wore the Stetson down low over his brows like some drill sergeant, and how he rested his large, thick hands on his gun and his hip all confident and sexy. He smelled good, too— that was so stupid of her to notice. How he offered to show her around town, hinting about drinks, food, and guiding her. Yeah right. Not going to happen. I’m not going to be the new bait in town. I don’t shit where I eat either. Having drinks, making out, hell, screwing the local Sheriff is definitely a no-no.

  She sat down at her desk and looked at the paperwork. There really wasn’t much to do, and soon enough she would head out to the construction site. That would put her mind on the other aspect of this job. The actual end result and whether this construction family was as nice as the owner seemed over the phone and through e-mail.

  Fathers? The sheriff said the construction company was owned by his fathers, which meant his mother was in a ménage relationship. She had several friends in college and in the business world who engaged in that type of relationship and they were all pretty happy. She did, however, have a few friends who thought it hot to be screwed by multiple men at the same time. Didn’t turn out like they had planned. Broken hearts, used bodies, and past the point of no return. Madeline couldn’t help but think that she was unable to keep one man loyal to her, so there was no way she would ever engage in something with more than one. Never going to happen. She was a magnet for men who wanted a model as their woman, not a professional woman with brains as well.

  She growled once again. Why the hell was she thinking about all of this? Her mind went back to the sexy, hot sheriff. “No, Madeline. No, no, no,” she said and tapped a little too hard on the keyboard. She forced her mind to focus on work and prepare to visit the site shortly.

  “I’m so sorry, sir, but Scapio hasn’t confirmed the meeting for tomorrow. His secretary said he didn’t even come into work and no one knows where he is.”

  “That’s strange. Scapio was the one who contacted me just yesterday. He loved the ideas, and how we plan on approaching the construction. What the heck could have gone wrong?”

  “What should I do?” his personal assistant, Grace asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. I have a meeting in thirty minutes at Lamaro’s. Just let me know if you hear from him or his secretary.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  Broaden ended the call and then took another call that came in just as he disconnected. “Jimmy, what’s going on?”

  “A lot actually. Sorry I didn’t call this morning. I was a bit hungover.”

  Broaden chuckled. “When are you not hungover?”

  “Oh yeah, says the man who had a pretty sick party on the yacht last weekend.”

  Broaden chuckled. “It was a lot of fun.”

  “Would have been more fun if that sexy brunette you have working for you was there.”

  “Madeline? You wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  “Well you’re out of your mind to not sweep that woman off her feet and make her yours forever. The two of you would be good together.”

  Broaden laughed. “Madeline and I are very good friends and nothing more. There is no chemistry between us.”

  “Yet you protect her from the wolves.”

  “From men like you, Jimmy, who wouldn’t appreciate such a perfect woman.”

  “Which is why I’m calling you. I was out at an event over the weekend and who did I see talking to Scapio, but Bentley Smothers.”

  “How the hell does that dick know Scapio?”

  “I don’t think he does know him. Scapio looked annoyed and then kept shaking his head declining something, and that Bentley guy seemed aggressive. It ended with Bentley walking away and Scapio looking around like he was afraid someone might see them together. I don’t know. I don’t like that dick, and I know he hurt Madeline or something. I don’t know the deta
ils, but that one time he was at the fundraising event and tried to talk to her, I saw you intervene and pull her into your arms and whisper into her ear and act like you were lovers.”


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