Constructing Love

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Constructing Love Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I sure the fuck did. That guy is a dick and he’s into criminal activities.”

  Broaden was quiet a minute. Scapio was missing and not even his PA knew where he was.

  “What’s up? You just got totally quiet,” Jimmy asked.

  “I was supposed to have another meeting with Scapio about that job in Warriorville and Benter. I was thinking since Lantern Construction was doing such an awesome job on the other condos and townhomes, that maybe I would subcontract them out. I don’t know if Scapio was looking into any other contracting companies though.”

  “Wait, why not just call him and ask him?”

  “He hasn’t been around, and didn’t check in with his PA either. We were supposed to meet tomorrow but no confirmation.”

  “Sounds suspicious to me. Maybe call your friend Felix. Just as precaution.”

  “If I do, then I’ll have to tell him about you and what you saw and that’s why we’re concerned.”

  “Do it. I don’t give a fuck about that dick Bentley. What can he do to me or to you?”

  “I get the feeling if he has something to do with Scapio taking off or not responding to my calls, he may be going after Scapio to try and get him to not work with me and use my contracting company. Maybe push to use someone else.”

  “Like a heavy to put pressure on Scapio or things start going wrong on construction sites.”

  “Holy shit, what did you just say?”

  “I said things going wrong on construction sites.”

  “Shit, I don’t need that, and all these companies I use have great employees. Most are military and you know I have a soft spot there.”

  “Of course, you do with a lot of family involved, and Felix. Call him.”

  “Will do.”

  Jedda pulled the truck up to the doublewide trailer and immediately saw not only his fathers’ trucks, but his uncles as well. What really caught his attention was the midnight blue BMW. So this woman, whomever she was, had to have a car like that. He hoped for his fathers’ sakes that she wasn’t stuck up and a pain in the ass. God knew they wouldn’t be able to tolerate it for too long. None of them were the types to pussyfoot around a woman, or anyone who had a bad attitude. What shocked him was the sound of laughter that came from the inside. As he opened the door, there were all the men, and the back of a woman wearing a business dress that clung to her ass, along with high heels and brown hair pulled up in some fancy style. His dad Pentura was holding his side, and uncle Romero was shaking his head.

  “Ahh, there is one of our sons. Jedda, come meet the very sweet and lovely Madeline Lamorte,” Pentura said.

  When the woman turned around to face Jedda, he felt like he got hit in the chest. Like bona fide straight to the heart instant reaction. She was absolutely gorgeous, and the way she eyed him over made his dick stand at attention. He squinted, then glanced at his fathers and uncles who were smiling from ear to ear.

  “Nice to meet you, Jedda,” she said and reached her hand out for him to shake.

  When they touched hands, he felt the attraction grow deeper and he gave a soft smile. “You’re not what I expected.”

  “Hmm, seems all ya all were expecting some kind of tight ass monster ready to pounce on your project and step on your toes. That isn’t me, honey,” she said and pulled her hand back as she reached for the bottle of water. She took a sip.

  “We didn’t mean to assume anything, Madeline. It was just the way the emails came across from Broaden’s personal secretary,” Lovera said to her.

  “It’s fine. Grace can be a bit fierce, but that’s what Broaden likes. So I was thinking, since I’m not really dressed to go exploring the land until tomorrow, maybe we could just drive up to the first completed building so I can see the shell of it, how wiring and so forth is going, and also the grounds around it. Then tomorrow I’ll dress more appropriately for the full exploration of the land and acreage. Broaden wants some pictures, so I’ll bring along a camera. How does that sound, gentleman?”

  “Sounds perfect. Jedda, where is Hunter, and is Haden still working up at the first building?” Dom asked him.

  Just then the door opened, and Hunter walked in. He watched his brother’s reaction to Madeline, and sure as shit, Hunter stopped short, squinted, and then looked right at Jedda who winked.

  “Hunter, meet Madeline Lamort, you and Jedda are going to give her a tour of the first building, inside only today, along with me. Then tomorrow she’s going to come back dressed for the construction site and ready to explore the acreage. We’ll work out who will be bringing you tomorrow. Probably Hagan since he’s been keeping abreast of the landscaping and excavating.”

  “Sounds great. Nice to meet you, Hunter,” she said, and when she reached her hand out and Hunter touched it, Jedda saw his brother’s reaction and instant smile as he eyed over the goddess before them.

  “Nice to meet you, Madeline. Uhm, so you do this type of work all the time for Broaden?” Hunter asked.

  She pulled her hand back. “You’d be surprised what Broaden has me oversee sometimes. I was just telling your dads and uncles about Puerto Rico and getting caught in a hurricane. Things can get a little crazy with Broaden’s projects, but he’s an awesome guy. Well, why don’t we head out now so I don’t take up too much more of your time today, then tomorrow I can come back by 9:00 a.m. Is that good for you, Pentura?”

  “Perfect. I’ll be sure to talk to my sons and get everything set so you can get those pictures and get a good look at the site and our progress,” Pentura told her.

  “Wonderful,” she replied.

  As Jedda held the door open for her, his brother Hunter walked around to the front of the large golf cart. Pentura gave her the front seat to sit in, and he sat behind her with Jedda behind Hunter. Madeline could not believe how good looking these men were, and of course, when Romero mentioned that his nephew was the sheriff, she put it together that these were two of his brothers and there was another one, Hagan.

  “So as you can see, we’re right on schedule, and we’re hoping to have most of the insides finished on the remaining townhomes within a few weeks,” Pentura told her.

  “This looks great, and from the file you gave me and the schedule you’ve been keeping, it seems you will be right on track, Pentura.”

  “Oh we will be. Our crew of workers and subcontractors are the best.”

  “So right up here on the right is the first completed building. We’ll need to decide which one will be a model building for the real estate agents to showcase,” Jedda said to her.

  “No need to worry about that. I’ll make the decision and let you know with enough time to get it set up for showing. This temporary roadway won’t be a problem either. I believe Carissa mentioned to you about having one of these carts on standby for them to show the models?” she asked.

  “Yes, she did, and we’ll have it set up for you,” Pentura told her.

  When they got to the spot Madeline was immediately impressed. There was a crew of men working on the stone-faced front of the townhomes. They parked the vehicle and she got out. Jedda placed at hand at her waist as she walked over the uneven temporary walkway in heels. “Thank you, I’m fine,” she said.

  Pentura greeted the workers who smiled and checked her out before she walked inside of the first townhome, a corner unit. The smell of spackle, wood, and typical scents of a construction site, including coffee, invaded her senses. She smiled and looked around the three bedroom home with high ceilings and a loft. They stood back giving her space, but she could feel their eyes on her. It made her feel a bit flustered. She didn’t expect to feel some kind of instant attraction to some guys she never met before. Plus, she made a promise to stay out of trouble and not shit where she ate. That definitely meant the construction site besides this town.

  “This is a great view, and definitely I think we should use several of the different sized townhomes in this first phase and with this backdrop. The others will be looking at new construction for some time
and people might not be able to see past that. This view, however, the woods, the work in progress of the landscaping, will definitely provide a bit of certainty that the views will be amazing throughout,” she said and turned to look at Pentura. “I can’t wait to see the entire site tomorrow. Broaden is going to be pleased, I’m sure.”

  Pentura smiled. “We’re working hard to ensure it’s exactly as he expected and matches the specs and things.”

  “Any other issues we need to discuss? No problems, or anything we need to handle at all?” she asked.

  “No, not at all. Things have been running smoothly.”

  She smiled. “Excellent. Well, why don’t we head back and tomorrow I’ll come out here and get a good feel for the place.”

  They headed out and back to the cart. When they returned to the trailer, she shook their hands goodbye just as another pickup truck with several men pulled up. “You can meet Hagan now,” Pentura said to her.

  When she turned to look toward the truck, Pentura called out Hagan’s name and this big guy with dirty blond crew cut hair, a full trimmed beard, and dark sunglasses looked their way. He wore blue jeans, construction boots, and a long sleeve shirt that accentuated his big muscular arms and chest. He looked like a madman lumberjack.

  “Hagan, come on over and meet the woman from Young Contracting that’s overseeing the construction,” Pentura said.

  As Hagan approached, she tilted her head farther and farther back. “Hagan, nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out to shake his. These men sure were big men. What she hadn’t expected was to feel that same attraction to Hagan that she did to his brothers when she made physical contact just shaking hands.

  She pulled back quickly. “Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow.” Thanks gain, Pentura,” she said, and then headed toward her BMW.

  She noticed a couple of the guys that got out of Hagan’s truck were checking her out and two of them winked and said hello. She gave a nod but got into her car. The engine revved because it was a sports car, and she eased from the spot and took off down the road. Warriorville was definitely a town filled with hot guys.

  “Now that is the kind of woman one of you need to snag. She’s gorgeous, sweet as could be, smart as anything, and funny. She has got a great personality,” Pentura said to them.

  “What the hell, Dad?” Jedda said to him.

  Hunter snorted.

  “She’s the representative from Young Contracting?” Hagan asked, turning away from the BMW that was making its way out of the area.

  “Yup, and she’ll be back tomorrow. I need to figure out who is going to spend all that time with her, alone, taking pictures and letting her explore,” Pentura said.

  Jedda cleared his throat. “I’ll take her.”

  “Why you?” Hunter asked.

  “I have the best personality and can draw up conversation better,” Jedda said.

  “Draw up conversation my ass, you hardly said a word, just stared at her face,” Hunter said.

  “Her eyes actually. They are stunning, don’t ya think?” Jedda replied.

  “She definitely caught all your eyes and other workers, too, so I want her protected, not getting hit on. If you all can’t handle being around such a professional beauty, then I’ll have to go along with her,” Pentura said as he headed toward the doublewide trailer and office.

  “You? You would last ten minutes tops as her escort, Dad. Hunter and I will accompany her and make sure the crew leaves her alone.”

  Pentura chuckled and Hagan remained quiet as he leaned against the golf cart looking none the happier.

  Chapter 3

  Tatum was talking to a few of his friends, the Merdoff brothers Carl and Waverly, when he spotted the BMW. Carl gave Waverly a tap to his belly. “That’s her. Now you’ll get a chance to check her out,” Carl said.

  Tatum scrunched his eyes behind the dark sunglasses. Immediately a jealous, protective feeling came over him and it was instant. He didn’t know where the fuck it came from or why this woman he didn’t even know did this to him, but even last night he tossed and turned thinking about her.

  “My God, I thought you said she works in an office. She looks dressed for the outdoors.”

  “She sure the hell can fill out a pair of blue jeans as well as a skirt. Jesus, she is built,” Waverly said, just staring at Madeline as she walked towards the sidewalk.

  She definitely was dressed differently. Tight blue jeans that hugged a nice round ass, long legs, construction boots, a long sleeve sage green shirt that fit her snuggly and landed at her waist. Two other men tipped their hats at her and wished her good morning as she passed, and then they turned to check out her ass.

  “Fuck, I already got coffee,” Carl said.

  “I didn’t,” Waverly said and tossed the cup he had into the garbage and started heading after Madeline.

  Tatum remained where he was. He battled in his head about what to do. How to react. She wasn’t his woman. He didn’t have any rights to her, so why the hell was he immediately ready to tear Waverly and Carl new ones and warn them to stay clear of her? This was insane to have these feelings for a woman he didn’t know.

  “Sheriff Lantern.” He heard his name and caught sight of Meredith Farley, and she looked upset.

  “Meredith, good morning, how are you?” he asked and looked down at the woman.

  She was in her twenties and she was a bit obsessed with him and his brothers. She licked her lower lip. “I was going to call you at the station yesterday, well last night, but I didn’t want to be a burden. You see, I heard a noise and I got scared. Something or someone was outside. Right by my window.”

  “What? Why didn’t you call the station?” he asked, immediately concerned.

  “I was a bit scared to. I didn’t want it to be a false alarm. You know, drag you out of bed in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping and all.” She stared at him like a woman who wanted to take a bite out of him. He had to handle this accordingly.

  “There are officers working around the clock. You don’t hesitate, even if you think it’s a false alarm. Someone will go outside and check.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind then. Thank you, Sheriff. So, are you going to be working the spring festival or volunteering at the grills again?” She stepped a little closer.

  “I’m working as usual.” He glanced toward the coffee shop just as Madeline came out, along with Carl and Waverly. They were smiling and talking to her a mile a minute.

  “Excuse me, Meredith,” Tatum said and started walking away when she grabbed his arm.

  “Sheriff, maybe you can save a dance for me?” she asked as Madeline looked up, locked gazes with him, and he smiled.

  “Good morning, Madeline.”

  “Good morning, Sheriff,” Madeline replied and glanced at Meredith, giving Meredith a smile.

  “Hmm, so Sheriff, if I hear that noise tonight, you’ll come by and be sure I’m okay?” She rubbed his arm. He was shocked and realized that Meredith was jealous of Madeline and trying to make it look like there was something between them.

  “I’m not working tonight, Meredith, but any of my deputies would be happy to come check out the noises and make sure it’s nothing bad. Maybe just some animals or raccoons. Have you been covering that bin of yours?” he thought to ask as he looked at her.


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