Constructing Love

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Constructing Love Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “It’s heavy and the hinges came off again. That’s man’s work and I’m not tall enough either to fix it.”

  “Well call Bobby Joe, he’ll come running to help you in an instant,” he said to her.

  “Bobby Joe?” she asked and pulled back, then placed her hands on her hips and instantly got steaming mad.

  “Are you kidding me, Sheriff?” She raised her voice and he rested his one hand on the butt of his gun and the other on his hip.

  “No. I’m not. The man adores you, Meredith. Why are you trying so hard to push him away? You’re breaking his heart. Now I need to get going. You call if you’re scared, and be sure to get that garbage bin fixed, pronto,” he said, then tipped his hat and turned to walk away. There was Madeline staring at him as Carl and Waverly continued trying to gain her attention, and telling her about Mulligans Bar.

  “They have the best beer, food, too. Maybe you want to join us tonight and we can plan on showing you around town, letting you in on the secrets of the best places to hang out?” Waverly asked her.

  She shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, gentleman, but I already have plans for this evening. It’s very nice of you to offer the tour, but considering the town is pretty small I don’t think I’ll need that personal escort. Again, so nice to meet you.”

  “Maybe we’ll see you out tonight and we can buy you a drink,” Waverly pushed, looking her over.

  “The woman is letting you down easy, guys. Move on,” Tatum said as he pulled off his sunglasses so they could see the seriousness in his eyes.

  They immediately understood his tone. “Nice meeting you, Madeline. Hope to see you around town more,” Carl said, and they tipped their hats and walked away.

  Tatum closed the space between him and Madeline. He looked at her and she squinted at him.

  “That wasn’t very nice of you. They meant no harm and I can take care of myself, Sheriff Lantern,” she said to him. He reached out and brushed his thumb along her chin and jaw. He couldn’t resist. She widened her eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “Got no fucking clue, but I sure as shit ain’t going to let other men hit on you. At least not in front of me when I can do something about it.”

  She pursed her lips. “Sheriff Lantern.”

  “Tatum,” he said, and now he was very close to her. Could smell how good she smelled, that appealing shampoo, her gorgeous sage green eyes. Jesus, he wanted to kiss her.

  “Where you heading today?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him and stepped back and off the sidewalk near her car. He pursued her and placed his hand on the roof of the car above the driver doorframe so she couldn’t quite escape from him yet.

  “Don’t pretend like you don’t know I’m heading to the construction site,” she said to him, tilting her head back, locking onto his gaze.

  “Pretend? How would I know?”

  “I met your brothers, your dads, and uncles yesterday.”

  “Really?” he asked and sort of smiled. Why was she on the defensive about that?

  “What did you think?”

  “About the construction site?”

  He eyed her body over, inhaled that amazing scent of hers. “About my brothers?”

  She widened her eyes, stood straight, and then turned and opened her door as she knocked into him. She got into her car.

  “What’s the hurry? I want to hear more about you meeting my brothers.”

  “I need to get to work.” She started the ignition and the BMW revved. The sight of her behind the wheel another complete turn on.

  “Maybe I’ll see you later tonight at Mulligan’s,” he said to her.

  “Like I told your friends Carl and Waverly, I’m not interested.” She eyed him over.

  He remained hovering over the driver’s side of the vehicle and looked at her, at the way her thighs looked in the tight blue jeans and how that top she wore accentuated what had to be one very large set of breasts. She looked like a fucking model. “You stay clear of Carl and Waverly.”

  “Excuse me,” she asked with attitude.

  He was feeling a whole lot of things he had never felt before and his mouth was running and not even following his brain or his normally smooth retorts.

  “You heed my warning, darlin’. I’m fixing to get to know you better, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to explore this attraction we both are feeling. Now, be good, or else.” He stood straight, pointed at her in warning, and gave his authoritative expression that made most people shudder. Not Madeline. She looked at him like he was crazy, which he pretty much was because right now he couldn’t believe what he just said to her, but he said it, so he was standing by it.

  Madeline pulled out of the parking spot in town feeling speechless. She was still processing what the sheriff had said to her. He was fixing on getting to know her, and warned her to stay clear of Carl and Waverly. She shook her head in disbelief. He couldn’t be serious. The man was a complete flirt, with all those women throwing themselves at him all the time. In his position, although a small town, he was probably considered quite the catch. God, she couldn’t believe the effect the man had on her. Just seeing him this morning again made her palms sweat and her heart race. Then noticing the woman speaking with him, taking every opportunity to touch his arm and flirt got her jealous and she had no right to be. Was she seriously attracted to such a commanding, flirt of a man?

  He was bossy, forward, and presumptuous to boot. How dare he think he could just point at her and warn her to stay clear of men. Like he was going to claim her or something? And what was with the whole brothers thing and wanting to know what she thought of them? As she realized what he must have meant, she felt faint, her throat closed up, and Christ, Thank God she got to the construction site and wasn’t in jeopardy and hitting some other car as she lost her ability to drive straight. She gripped the wheel and a bit of anger pooled in her belly. Was he thinking she would be interested in all of his brothers, too? Like a ménage? Wait. No. No don’t assume this because that’s a common type of relationship nowadays and especially around these towns. No, no, no, not going to happen.

  She parked her car in the same spot as yesterday and noticed two golf carts, one a lot nicer than the other with a cooler in the back. It had room for four people, but her plan was to get the full tour by one of the men and then come back, drop them off, and head out to explore and take pictures on her own. As she turned off the ignition and got out of the car with her coffee, she then closed the door, put her coffee on the roof of the car, and then started to grab the camera bag and her I-Pad for her notes.


  She turned to see Jedda and Hunter there.

  “Morning,” she said and started to pull the shoulder bags with the cameras onto her shoulder.

  “Need some help?” Jedda asked and started to take the bag from her.

  “That’s okay. I got it,” she snapped at him and he squinted and stepped back. She struggled only slightly and then grabbed her coffee. “We all set to go?” she asked.

  He looked her over and smiled softly. “Sure thing.” He walked to the golf cart and Hunter followed.

  She started to place things into the back.

  “We put some waters in the cooler in case we need any drinks later.”

  She gave a small smile and then looked at Hunter.

  “So let’s drive the perimeter of the property first so I know where I’m going later, then along each section where the new phases are. I have a lot of pictures to take and I don’t want to waste your time. You can come back after and then I’ll head out on my own,” she said as she took a sip of her coffee.

  “We were planning on escorting you for however long you need,” Jedda said to her and glanced at her, looking like he was offended.

  She felt badly, but then reminded herself about what the sheriff said to her. “Listen, I appreciate the kind gesture, but it’s better I go alone and you both don’t come along
trying to push something that isn’t going to happen.”

  “What are you talking about?” Hunter asked.

  She exhaled then shook her head. “Just forget it. Let’s see the perimeter and get this over with.” Now she felt really confused. Was she reading into their behavior? Was she assuming the sheriff talked to his brothers about her, and now they were in cahoots to make her their latest screw? She had to assume that was their intention because the sheriff was a flirt in and a half and definitely didn’t suffer in the lonely department. He had women around him a lot. In fact, every time she saw him, some woman was touching him, flirting with him, and he was accepting to it. He looked at Madeline as another woman he could sleep with in town. Then he even hinted about his brothers, too.

  She gulped as she eyed over Jedda. He was good looking, a little rugged, and had thick, muscular thighs, she could tell. He had a lot of muscles, was in great physical condition and he definitely was a bit older than her. Hunter seemed even older looking and definitely had a chip on his shoulder.

  Jedda began to point out where they were, and where farmland began.

  “That’s great. I believe there’s going to be a beautiful line of trees with fencing put along the border,” she said.

  “That’s what our fathers and uncles were saying. So how are you liking Warriorville so far? Got any favorite places besides the café?” Hunter asked her.

  “I haven’t really ventured out that much,” she said as they came along the paths leading to the individual sites. She could see the foundations were put in, and the sounds of hammering and saws going, all indicated the building was in progress.

  A few of the workers waved at them and then they continued on.

  “Have you gotten a chance to see the rest of the town or any restaurants?” Jedda asked her.

  “Nope. Been really busy. I also enjoy cooking, so I really don’t eat out much.”

  “You like to cook? Really?” Jedda asked and gave her the once over.

  “What?” she asked as he went over some rough terrain and she bumped into him. “Sorry.”

  He winked. “Any time,” he said, flirting and then looked away. She held onto the roll bar as they continued up a hill and then over the top to where another area was and hadn’t been touched yet.

  “This is nice,” she said.

  “This is where those very high-end townhomes will go. The ones that are more custom,” Hunter said to her.

  “They’re almost all sold out.”

  “What?” Hunter asked.

  She turned in the seat and Jedda stopped the vehicle. She smiled. “I know it’s crazy. To just drop five hundred to eight hundred grand on a townhouse, but they are going to be exceptional, and the bottom floors have swimming pools in some, or this one guy has several exotic, rare sports cars worth millions, and he’s going to be setting up a temperature controlled garage on the first floor. His home won’t actually begin until the second level. Phillip has some extreme design plans.” She reached into one of the bags and pulled out her camera. As she started to take pictures, the sun was blaring down on her. She continued to look around and then pulled out her cell phone.

  “Why wouldn’t a guy like this Phillip guy just buy a house, a mansion, and do all that?” Hunter asked as he leaned against the golf cart. Jedda leaned against the hood of the golf cart watching her. “Well, it’s not his only home. He has a couple of mansions and some real estate overseas. A cottage and winery in Italy I believe, and villa in Germany. I’m not sure. I did have the opportunity to see one of his estates in Fort Worth. It was impressive. Huge party, lots of bigshots.”

  She took several shots with her cell phone and then sent them to Phillip. She smiled. “He is going to love this. Totally unexpected but he will be thrilled,” she said and then put her phone in her pocket and continued with the camera.

  “You know this Phillip that well?” Hunter asked.

  She lowered the camera and was standing between them but with space between them. “I’ve known him for a couple of years. I’ve worked on several jobs for Broaden, and Phillip has some investments with Broaden, so he’s like family and priority for things. He won’t even be here that much from what he said, but he allows business associates to come have use of the place and even his cars. Which is crazy. I wouldn’t do that. But then again, all that money, the cars, mansions and whatever, isn’t my thing.” She turned to take a picture.

  “I would think you might fit right in with the rich and famous,” Hunter said to her.

  She chuckled and pointed to her chest. “Me?” She smiled and shook her head, then placed the camera back into the bag right next to where Hunter was leaning.

  He looked at her. “You’re stunning, classy, and have this air of wealth about you. Even dressed like this,” he said as he stood straighter and tugged on her shirt by her waist, then held her gaze.

  She tilted her head back to lock gazes with him. “Those are quite some assumptions,” she replied and didn’t look away.

  “Just like you assuming we were both just out to hit on you today,” Hunter replied.

  “Well after what your brother, the sheriff said to me in town and his reaction to me meeting you, Jedda, and Hagan, my defenses were up.”

  He now stood in front of her, squinting. “My brother, Tatum, met you already? What did he say exactly?” Hunter asked, placing his hands on either side of her and against the cart, blocking her in. She leaned back. Gave him a look letting him know she wasn’t buying his words.

  Jedda was next to her too now. “What did Tatum say?” Jedda now asked.

  “Listen, I’m not going to play these games with you. Obviously, you guys talked about me, the new woman in town you’re interested in hitting on. Tatum made it pretty clear with his talk about fixing on getting to know me and his thrilled expression about meeting all of you as well. I’m not interested. Your brother is a flirt and a half, and every time I’ve seen him some woman has been touching him or flirting. So, let’s just move on and keep this professional,” she said, and when she went to move, Hunter was breathing through his nostrils as he slid his arm around her waist and hoisted her close and against his chest.

  “Hunter?” She said his name and he held her gaze and slid his palm up against her cheek and neck.

  “Tatum said those words to you and we didn’t even discuss meeting you with him. Sure, Jedda and Hagan and I did, but not with Tatum and definitely not with Maximus,” Hunter said.

  “Maximus? Who is that?”

  “Our other brother.”

  Her heart really started to pound inside of her chest.

  “There are five of you? Christ. Let me go, Hunter.”

  “Not yet. Not before we make something clear since we all seem to be assuming a lot of things. The truth is, we didn’t discuss you with Tatum, nor did he mention you to us,” Hunter said to her.

  Jedda reached out and tugged on her hair and she looked at him. At his serious expression, and now how she felt having these two men so close touching her at the same time.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Oh no, baby, it matters. We’re all drawn to you, and that just isn’t a common occurrence.”

  “Wait, don’t bullshit me and throw these lines my way. I saw your brother in action and each time some woman was flirting with him, including the women who I just met that work in the showroom. So step back and give me my space,” she said to them. Hunter very slowly released her, and damn it, she felt the loss of their touch and being held, but she wasn’t going to be the new fuck in town.


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